The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1497: Zhao Jun's military revolution

"Shoot. Shoot." Captain Qi Jun shouted loudly.

"Bang. Bang." Qi Jun, who had the advantage of rifle shooting distance, quickly suppressed the grenade-throwing behavior of the Chu Army squadron with the rifle.

Under the effective suppression of Qi Jun's rifle, Chu Jun's throwing behavior really curtailed a lot.

"Rush over. Short-term contact. Kill them." Captain Qi Jun ordered at this time.

"Wow." The lieutenant and another sergeant rushed over with pistols. In the short-soldier contact battle. The continuous firing effect of a pistol is far more effective than a rifle.

"Bang. Bang." The lieutenant kept close to the opponent holding the pistol.

"Wow." The lieutenant concealed at this time and changed the magazine.

"Bang. Bang." The sergeant followed at this time. Continue shooting.

"If there is a grenade at this time, we can throw it over and blow up all the people in that team." The lieutenant said at this time.

"The problem is, we don't. There are a lot of Koreans, but not many sent." The sergeant changed the magazine at this time. The lieutenant started shooting.

"Bang Bang." The lieutenant pulled the trigger repeatedly to suppress the opponent's shooting.

"Grenade." The sergeant after changing the magazine. Shouted immediately. Then press the lieutenant to the ground.

"Boom." There was an explosion, and shrapnel flying everywhere.

"Swish." A piece of shrapnel hit the sergeant's arm.

"Damn Chu." The lieutenant saw the wounded sergeant. Then immediately picked up the pistol and rushed in the direction of the flank.

"Bang, bang." The lieutenant quickly rushed to the opponent's trench.

"Bang bang bang bang." After continuous shooting. The lieutenant solved the Chu army's bombing squad. The other party's harassment was temporarily relieved in this way.

"This is Chu Army's grenade." Lieutenant Qi Jun handed the captured Chu Army grenade to the captain.

"Their grenades are very similar to cannonballs. They are probably modified from cannonballs with fuzes inserted on them. The workmanship is very simple, and a simple craftsman can make them." The lieutenant said with a rough grenade.

The hand grenade of the Chu Army was actually directly modified from the artillery shell. This shell is a stone sphere with a hollow center. It is made by filling gunpowder, inserting the fuse, and sealing. The craft is very simple, as long as a small hand workshop, a skilled craftsman can produce a large number of shells in a day. Because of the poor effect of artillery shells, it turned out that this artillery shell was used in infantry attack warfare with remarkable results. Qi Jun was severely harassed by grenade.

"We also want to imitate a lot of grenades like this." The captain said at this time.

"We need craftsmen. More materials, but the current situation in Qi is simply unable to meet our requirements. We lack enough manpower. This is very unfavorable for us." The lieutenant continued.

"En. We do it ourselves." The captain said.

"Yeah. Okay," the lieutenant continued.

The border between Zhao State and Qin State.

"The Qin Army's exercises are finally over." Li Mu took a telescope and watched the Qin Army's troops continue to gather, and then left the border between Zhao State and Qin State. They all retreated back to their starting position.

With the convening of the summit, Zhao Guo strongly expressed such dissatisfaction. In order to make the summit go smoothly, Qin decided to temporarily withdraw the exercise. In fact, the exercise is only a temporary action. The Qin Jun had no intention of launching a large-scale offensive against Zhao Guo. It can be seen from the scale of logistical supplies and the number of troops mobilized. Qin's military exercise was just a fake move.

"En. The Qin Army's offensive capabilities have greatly increased a lot." Li Mu said, watching the shell crater left by the Qin Army's attack on the mountain.

"This time the Qin army mobilized railway artillery. This artillery has a large caliber and great power." A general said at this time.

"If we attack our hilltops, our fortifications will not be able to withstand a bombardment from the other side. All of the soldiers in a squad will be killed at once, so that the fortifications we build will not be able to form a huge advantage at all. It cannot be stopped. The offensive of the Qin Army". A General Zhao Jun said at this time.

Li Mu just looked at the general and said.

"If we want to build fortifications, we must have Qin's cement and steel. Those heavy artillery shells can withstand those heavy artillery shells only when they encounter those reinforced concrete fortifications." The general continued.

"Our country, Zhao, can only withstand the Qin army's attack by building a large number of fortifications on the key position of the border." The general said.

"I object, General." This time. Li Zuoche blatantly objected.

Everyone saw the young major staff officer at this time.

"Building a large number of fortifications requires a large amount of military expenditure. Where do these military expenditures come from? The current total strength of the Zhao army is only 100,000. If a large number of limited troops are placed on the border of the Qin State, and these fortifications consume a lot of troops, this As a result, a large part of our Zhao army's mobile force will be cut off among 100,000 people." Li Zuoche said at this time.

"Now, there is also the Qin Army to the north of the Zhao Kingdom. The Qin Army chooses to attack in many directions. Not only that, the Qin Army’s firearms are much higher than ours, especially since they did not have air power to participate this time. The participation of power is enough to paralyze our fortifications. Just relying on the fortifications will not stop the Qin army from attacking." Li Zuoche analyzed at this time.

"These fortifications consume a lot of financial resources. At the same time, a large number of artillery and machine guns must be equipped. These are the main reasons for the increase in military expenditure. At present, our military expenditure is very scarce. It is impossible for us to have more weapons and equipment. "Li Zuoche continued.

"Huh." After the generals on the scene heard the young staff member's words, everyone was quiet.

"That's pretty good. But the words are too radical." Li Mu said at this time looking back at Li Zuoche.

"It makes sense, but you are still too young." Li Mu said critically at this time.

"Yes, sir." Li Zuoche nodded. Admit it.

"Okay. Disband all of them." Li Mu said with a wave at this time.

"Yes, sir." All the officers replied at this time.

"You stay." Li Mu said to Li Zuoche.

Immediately, the officers all went out at this time.

"Your idea is good." Li Mu continued.

"The analysis makes sense." Li Mu said after all the officers walked out.

"Thank you, sir." Li Zuo said at the station.

"I think so. At present, the Zhao army has only 100,000 troops, and cannot be arranged in a large number of such fixed fortifications. Such a defense can certainly block the Qin army’s offensive, but the Qin army will continue to attack. We will definitely break through our line of defense in the end. Moreover, the Zhao army’s mobile force is inherently small. If the line of defense is broken, we will not have enough mobile force to stabilize our line of defense. Our defensive force is easily divided. , Surrounded. Then, we were all wiped out. Therefore, Zhao Jun’s current defense strategy must not be a fixed static defense, but a mobile defense strategy." Li Zuoche said at this time.

"En." Li Mu nodded.

"Mobile defense strategy." Li Mu continued.

"Yes, sir. The Zhao army is currently in short supply. Only in this way can this problem be solved. Moreover, there is a huge gap between the weapon equipment of the Zhao army and the weapon equipment of the Qin army. For example, the Qin army has a heavy artillery unit, and we No. The Zhao army does not have air power. The Qin army does. The Qin army can attack us directly from the air. We cannot stop the opponent from attacking us. This is very unfavorable to us. So, I think that at present, our army should carry out military reform . Just like the Qin army, our army can only restore our military strength by carrying out military reforms." Li Zuoche said.

"Military reform? How to change?" Li Mu asked curiously.

"Well, this is a subject of my research. I think that we should build an overall concept like the current Qin Army." Li Zuoche said.

"First of all, we have to establish our own military school, noncommissioned officer academy. I think that at present, the main body of the Zhao army is officers and noncommissioned officers. With these, the Zhao army can easily organize a large number of troops, civilians who have no combat experience. After simple training, under the leadership of the veterans, the combat effectiveness can be rapidly increased." Li Zuoche said.

"Then, we have to establish a complete reserve service system. Once the war starts, the reserve force is very important." Li Zuoche said at this time.

"En. Good idea." Li Mu said.

"But the question is, can these problems be solved with limited military spending?" Li Mu asked.

"This." Li Zuoche was at a loss at this time. These are based on reasonable military expenditures. However, the current military expenditure of Zhao Jun is very limited. This fundamentally limits the fact that Zhao's military reform cannot be guaranteed with sufficient military expenditures, and it may die at any time.

Actually this problem. Li Mu had thought about it a long time ago. Military expenditures are limited, and only a large amount of military expenditures can be used wherever possible. The overall size of Zhao Jun remained at around 100,000, and 100,000 could barely carry out military defenses, and had no military offensive capabilities. At this time, it is very important to maintain the mobile force in the force.

Li Mu plans to strengthen Zhao's mobile force, reduce large-scale defensive capabilities, and even no longer deploy military defensive capabilities in some areas. The large-scale improvement of the maneuverability of the troops will greatly help Zhao Jun's combat effectiveness. And these require a large number of civilian facilities to support. It is impossible for Zhao Guo to develop his own economy without using residential facilities. This is what Li Mu thinks.

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