The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1507: Thank you for your money

"Boom." "Swish." The Chu Army's artillery kept firing. The shells on the fort continued to fall in the dilapidated city of Linzi. The Qi army on the battlefield huddled up, hiding in the dug bunker. They passively accepted the Chu army's shelling, and they couldn't do anything on their own.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"Excuse me, the prime minister, what is the purpose of this meeting?" a Qin Guo reporter asked.

"I heard that a large share of bonds will be issued this time. Prime Minister, is there such a thing?" Another one then quickly followed up and asked.

"Can the prime minister please explain the bond issue?" another reporter asked anxiously.

"Where did you hear the bond news?" At this time, Meng Yi didn't explain the bond issue, but the reporter asked himself as if he knew everything. This surprised Meng Yi very much.

"Zhao Guo." A reporter said.

"Oh." Meng Yi nodded.

"Understood." Meng Yi thought.

"Thank you." Meng Yi said to the reporter at this time.

"Then the prime minister. Does Bond really have such a thing?" the reporter asked.

"En. Yes, indeed." Meng Yi nodded and admitted. Meng Yi thought that since everyone knew about this. Then there is no need to keep hiding. However, what made Meng Yi very annoyed was that the reporter got the news from Zhao Guo. Therefore, Meng Yi decided that it would be better to announce this matter to the public. So as not to make Qin State in a passive state.

"Such a plan does exist. Qin has a great advantage in finance, and the development of various countries is very bad. These conditions have seriously affected Qin's economic development. Therefore, Qin decided to help them , Using Qin's developed financial means to help them get out of trouble." Meng Yi continued.

"So, Prime Minister, what do you think of the war between Qi and Chu?" a Qin reporter asked.

"En." Meng Yi thought for a while.

"I think, peace, only peace is what everyone wants to see. The people of Qin want peace. Peace brings prosperity, and peace can let all people in the world know the efforts made by Qin people. This is very important for improving the image of Qin. Important." Meng Yi continued.

"Peace." The reporter quickly recorded the word.

"Okay. That's all for these questions. We're going to get busy." Meng Yi waved as he said, and then quickly left the reporter's question and answer.

With Meng Yi's departure. The reporters recorded Meng Yi's answers one after another, and then they hurried to the telegram station. Send it back to your own newspaper by telegram.

"Da da da." The telegram of da da da rang for a while.

Qin State Xianyang, Qin State stock market is sad. In the stock market, there was selling pressure everywhere, and there were only a few buy orders. Soon, many stocks fell a lot.

"In the Qin State stock market, I have never experienced such a serious decline. There is no single purchase order in the market within a day for half an hour. This is so strange. The situation of withdrawal of funds is everywhere. It was the most catastrophic day. And such a day did happen.” A Qin Guo reporter wrote in the "Herald."

At the end of the day of trading on the Qin State stock market, some people began to analyze the stock market. They believe that there must be a reason for the decline, and what is the reason for such a huge volatility in the Qin State stock market. Many people hope that there is a reason for them to understand.

"Oh, my goodness." A speculator friend of Li Wen saw the first evening paper at this time. This evening paper is usually delivered after eight o'clock in the evening. For unknown reasons, it was delivered just after the stock market ended. The speculator friend was curious and thought that there must be important news in the newspaper. Therefore, he habitually opened it and took a look.

"Oh. My goodness." At this time, Li Wen's speculator friend looked at the news in surprise and called out.

"This news should be told to Li Wen." Li Wen's speculator friend quickly grabbed the newspaper and ran to Li Wen's residence.

"You know?" Li Wen, a young gambler, said with a glass of wine at this time.

"At that time, I saw that the market was wrong, and quickly increased my position by 10,000 shares. In each stock, I added 10,000 shares." Li Wen drank a little high, his cheeks flushed. There are beads of sweat on his forehead, and the collar of his clothes is open. His sleeves have been knitted up. But one loosened the cuffs, and the whole person looked very unruly.

"Do you know the concept of ten thousand shares?" Li Wen said while looking at the two Chu women on the side. Seeing no response from the other party. Li Wen was very disappointed, but he was very interested. Think it is necessary to show off.

"So, how much do you get?" a Chu woman asked in a soft voice.

"Haha." Li Wen looked at each other happily.

"It's two hundred thousand gold. The margin, ten thousand shares, is two hundred thousand gold." Li Wen said while looking at the other party.

"Oh my God." Another Chu woman suddenly fell to the ground with the wine glass in her hand and exclaimed.

"I have so much money." Li Wen said to each other with a smile.

"Haha." Li Wen then took a sip of wine and said triumphantly. Li Wen has a lot of money, and this money can't be spent, and he can make a lot of this kind of money, so he indulges his life very much. After the stock is over, he will continue to spend.

His spending is very planned. After a successful transaction, he will fill his pockets with money, and then continue to squander it. Within a day, he will fill his pockets with money. Spent out. People who know him feel that he is very crazy, and some people discourage him, but Li Wen believes that this is what he deserves, because he has to bear a lot of pressure, and the best way to discharge these pressures is , Take the earned money and spend it constantly, only in this way can he stimulate his trading motivation.

"Hi. Li Wen. You are here." After seeing Li Wen at this time, the speculator quickly stepped forward and said.

"Hi, man, look at the newspaper." The speculator said, waving the newspaper.

"What?" Li Wen said impatiently, lying on the table.

"Now is the time when stocks stop trading, and it is also the time we enjoy." Li Wen said, almost drunk.

"Oh my God," the speculator said at this time.

"Man, get up and take a look. Newspapers and bonds. It has been clearly reported that a large bond is to be issued." The speculator said loudly at this time.

"Bond?" Li Wen said, shaking his head.

"Yes. Bond." The speculator friend continued.

"Oh. What happened to the bond?" Li Wen asked at this time.

"Issued huge bonds. Do you know?" the speculative friend continued.

"Oh. That's right. The stock market threat fell today. Look at our speculators, always hope to find some reason to explain what?" Li Wen said with his arms around the neck of a Chu woman at this time.

"That's right. That's right." Li Wen said with a swaying arm.

"Issuing bonds will absorb funds, and the funds in the market will be drained by the bond pump." Li Wen continued.

"In this way, the funds in the stock market will go to the bond market. This is the explanation." Li Wen said at this time.

"Well, our stock speculators are beginning to panic, tomorrow I will continue to increase the bargaining chip." Li Wenzui said menacingly.

"Crazy man. Really crazy." The speculator friend said, shaking his head at this time.

"However, what this guy said makes sense." The speculator friend said at this time.

"I'm leaving." The speculator said, looking at Li Wen lying on the table.

A tavern on the Yangtze River Wharf in the south of Qin State.

"Is this kind of news reliable?" a Qin Guo financial reporter asked over a glass of wine.

"Reliable. Very reliable. Qin State's Union Bank lent a large sum of money to the Chu State Navy. This money has not been returned to them. The most important thing is that this money, I am afraid that there is not much money. , Because they were lent to the Chu State navy, it was the army. These bankers were so courageous, they even lent it to the military to do business." A crew member whispered to the Qin Guo financial reporter at this time.

"Where did you get these news?" Qin Guo Finance and Economics reporter asked curiously.

"In the Chu army, the Chu army, especially the navy army, is expanding very rapidly. They have to launch a lot of warships. This is a threat to the Qin State, and every day in the shipyard, they receive large warships of different levels. , These warships were delivered to the Chu army without exception.” The crew member said.

"The Chu State Water Army, they are the army, and the army needs a lot of money. They are not businessmen, and they don't have this money at all. Where did this money come from? Our bank provided them." The crew member took a sip of wine. Said.

"So, take a look. Chu's naval expansion and war preparations are closely related to our bank. Such investment is simply putting money into the enemy country. These bankers are almost making money crazy." The crew was very dissatisfied with the banker's behavior.

"En. Dude, the information you provided is very good. But I need to prove that such a thing does exist and make others believe it." The financial reporter continued.

"En. You can go to the Chu country. I heard that the Chu army has already taken down the city of Changsha. They did it by themselves. The equipment came from and made in the Qin country. The Chu army has no money. You have no money. You can go and see with your own eyes." The crew said to each other.

"En. Okay. Thank you for the news." The financial reporter took out a small pile of money and gave it to the other party at this time.

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