The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1532: An accident happened

"Sir, you see, the number of Chu army is small, and the supplies they escorted are not many. I think we can get them over." Shishi said while looking at the supplies escorted by Chu army. In the eyes of the people of Qi, they really know what guerrilla warfare is at this time. Their task is to **** the opposing side's logistics supplies. These materials are what they most want to seize.

"No, you can't do that." Yingyu said at this time.

"Waiting for the scout to report the farthest report, we can take further action. If we act rashly, a very dangerous situation will be formed." Yingyu said.

"These are the things of the professors of the Qin State Military Academy, wait." Ying Yu said to Shishi.

"No one is allowed to move without my order, understand." Ying Yu said.

"Sir, I don't understand. Why don't you launch an attack? There are very few Chu soldiers. We only need to launch an attack and we can take it down. Why not? They can transport a lot of supplies." Shishi said at this time.

"Do you know about fishing?" Yingyu said calmly.

"This is bait. We are the fish that the Chu Army wants to catch. Look at their small number. Plus, there are very few supplies. Have you ever seen such a small number of people send so little supplies to transport materials?" Yingyu at this time Said. Shishi looked at the Chu Jun motorcade.

"Generally there will be a lot of materials to be transported, because it is impossible for a large army to only transport so little at a time, so the cost will be too high. The army will choose to transport on a large scale at one time and send as many people as possible. With such a small number of people. , Such a small amount of supplies. Obviously it is a decoy. Those soldiers are very loose. They are not worried at all. These are most likely decoys." Yingyu told Shishi his judgement results. Yingyu believes that the battle is the same. Regarding Chinese people, she came here only to find Shangwen, so she would naturally help if there were more people. She just wants to use such influence. Come and help yourself.

"En." Shitou nodded. He understood Ye Yingyu's approach. Yingyu's judgment was of great help for him to contact war and learn how to fight during the war.

"Next we will wait for the scout's report." Ying Yu said.

"So, shall we hit them?" Stone asked again.

"If there are ambushes, we won't fight. Some can fight, some can't. That's how it is in combat." Yingyu said, looking at the stone.

Stone nodded.

Behind the Chu army transporting logistical supplies, a group of Chu army soldiers were advancing slowly, and they were advancing freely.

"Those Qi people are like nasty flies." A Chu army officer said at this time.

"Don't they find it annoying to keep attacking?" The officer continued to complain. Other Chu Army soldiers were holding their guns, and they were waiting for the signal. The offensive signal when the Qi people attacked.

The logistics supply line of the Chu army was constantly harassed by the Qi people. Although most of them were not done by the Qi army, more were formed spontaneously by the Qi people. The first is that the Qi people searched for the Chu army's logistics supply and transport team to attack. And another important reason is that by robbing these Chu army's logistics supplies, they will not need to be hungry or cold. Under such encouragement, the Qi people have actively launched an offensive, and they attacked the Chu army who were alone. Soldiers, or groups of three or five attacked the logistics supply convoy of the Chu army.

The Chu army was not passively beaten. The Chu army officers decided to take action. On the one hand, they increased their patrols and took coercive measures against some suspicious areas, especially the areas where Qi people existed. They expelled Qi people. Or destroy their villages directly.

On the other hand, for those threatening people, Chu Jun took measures to use this method of fishing to attract Qi people to the bait. This method usually works with speed, and many Qi people are expelled and defeated in this way. of.

"Oh my God, there are so many Qi people in front of Guozhuang." A scout who came to scout saw so many Chu army soldiers at this time, and he was suddenly very scared. If they launch an attack, they will be completely defeated by these Chu army soldiers, and they will kill them all.

"These Chu soldiers say there are still two to three hundred people." Another Qi man said after counting the number of Chu troops with a flintlock used by Chu soldiers.

"The sir is right. It seems that they really came to catch us. For us, it was almost dead." Another Qi countryman said.

"Go, go back and report." The Qi countryman said at this time. Then waved, they carefully stepped back and got out of here.

Yingyu's side.

"Look, they are all back." When Shishi checked the surrounding situation, he found that the scout sent out quickly came back.

"Did you find anything?" Yingyu asked immediately.

"Huh." The two panted.

"Speak slowly." Yingyu said while looking at the two people.

"Sure enough, they have a large number of people following. If we fight, it won't take long before they will rush over to us." The two people panted.

"En. We leave here, we can't stay here for a long time. Retreat. Quickly." Yingyu realized that it was not good. Her own manpower was not very large. If she had contact with Chu Jun at this time, it would cause a big problem. Once entangled, it is difficult to get out. So Yingyu ordered to retreat and leave here as soon as possible.

"Withdraw." The stone waved softly at this time. The others looked at the approaching Chu Jun transport convoy, preparing to retreat.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." At this moment, the gunfire broke out. Yingyu, who was about to retreat, turned around at once.

"Who fired the gun?" Yingyu asked sharply, turning her head back. But the sound was still suppressed as a whole.

And Yingyu's men, you look at me, I look at you, and then look at Yingyu, they are very innocent Yingyu. It seems that they did not do it.

"None of us shot." Stone looked at the others at this time, no one shot.

"En. Who fired that shot." Yingyu looked at her strangely.

"Over there." Stone pointed his finger at the other side. On a small high ground at the corner of a road turn, some Qi people were rushing to the Chu army's supply team with simple weapons.

"Bang. Bang." The Chu Army soldiers shot subconsciously, and they flee while fighting.

"Kill." The Qi people who rushed down rushed vigorously. The Qi people rushed faster, and the Chu soldiers ran faster. Qi people can't catch up.

"Not good. Chu Jun obviously wants to lead them to a dead end." Ying Yu saw Qi people chase vigorously. I think things are very bad.

"What to do?" Shishi asked worriedly.

"Quickly, catch up with them and let them withdraw." Yingyu ordered at this time.

"Okay. I'll go." The stone jumped out quickly, and then chased it up.

"No, after hearing the gunshots, the Chu Jun behind will definitely rush over. In this case, they are still very dangerous." Ying Yu thought for a while.

"Everyone. Divide into two groups. Go to an ambush over there, and after two shots, retreat in groups, everyone has to alternately cover and retreat, understand?" Yingyu gave the order.

"En." People of Qi, look at me and I look at you.

"Hurry up and lie in wait, and run away." Yingyu ordered his men to arrive.

"Wow." The Qi people quickly took their weapons and ran to the corner to ambush.

At this time, the stone was chasing fiercely, while the Qi people kept chasing the Chu army soldiers.

"Wait." Stone shouted loudly from behind.

"Wait." Stone cried out, panting.

"Huh." A bearded man stopped at this moment.

"Brothers. All, all. Stop." The bearded man said while sitting on the ground.

"Tired. Tired." The Qi people who were pursuing stopped one by one at this time.

"He, his mother. These Chu army. They are simply rabbits. They run so fast." The other Qi people sat down one after another.

"Our trophies." A Qi countryman stood up excitedly and said.

"Huhu." Just when the people of Qi were preparing. The stone finally caught up.

"You guys, huhu." Stone said pantingly at this time.

"You are in danger, retreat." Shishi gasped and said at this time.

"What?" The bearded man looked at the stone.

"You are in danger. Retreat. Chu Jun is following a large group of people. They will rush over soon. Our scouts have seen it. Our people have retreated. Now it's too dangerous. Go ahead." Stone looked at the bearded man and said.

"This." The rest of the Qi people looked at the stone with some worry when they heard such news.

"Boy, the hair doesn't grow full." The bearded man said disdainfully.

"Have you seen, Chu Jun, we beaten him all the way, and they didn't know where they were going." The beard said proudly at this moment, pointing to the direction Chu Jun was running away.

"Anyway, I tell you there is danger. How to do it is your business." Shishi said at this time.

"Now we should retreat." Shishi turned and left.

"The hairless boy." The bearded man looked at the stone with disdain.

"That, should we retreat." A Qi countryman asked in a low voice at this time.

"Call your lord." Bearded said at this time.

"Yes, sir." The Qi countryman said at this time.

"Should we retreat? If Chu people rushed over at this time, we would be finished." Qi people said at this time.

"What are you afraid of? I haven't seen it, Chu Jun is afraid of us now, we are afraid of him. Who knows what that kid is thinking, is he going to grab our trophy. Go ahead. Our trophy." The beard shouted loudly at this time.

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