"Fight. I must beat the noble navy army down." Xiang Liang made up his mind. Because the contact person he sent was called back at this time because there was no money to pay tolls. It was beaten by the local nobles.

When the negotiations were fruitless, Xiang Liang was completely angry.

"General, our army currently does not have enough ammunition. Do you want to launch an offensive after the ammunition is replenished?" A navy officer stood up and said.

"Fight." Xiang Liang only answered such a word.

"Wow." When the others heard such a word, they knew how determined Xiang Liang was. All the people took a sigh of relief. In their opinion, this battle is inevitable. But more officers consider their current Chu army.

After a series of battles, the Chu's naval forces had consumed a lot of ammunition, and many artillery did not have a single shell to fire. Moreover, the attrition of personnel is also serious. The turbulence at sea has caused many non-combat attritions. Many sailors are in a state of exhaustion. It can be said that from the perspective of ammunition replenishment and personnel conditions, this is not suitable for immediate war. However, the Chu navy forces are faced with such a situation, so that the Chu navy forces must go to war because they are in such a high-pressure situation. .

"General, no. When this battle continues, all of our navy's homes will be wiped out." A navy captain stood up and discouraged.

At this time, Xiang Liang had already waved his hand to stop talking.

"I have decided." Xiang Liang said decisively. The other generals said at this time.

"General. There will be a plan at the end." A young navy officer stood up and said. Different from other officers. The other officers are wearing military boots in the captain. And he stood barefoot under the account.

"Oh." Xiang Liang looked at the young navy officer with interest at this time, and the navy officer took the initiative to stand up and lower his head at this time. Xiang Liang first noticed that the opponent was not wearing military boots. This made him feel a little unhappy. Because he came to see him in military boots, he looked neat and valued himself, such a barefoot officer. Xiang Liang was somewhat unhappy.

"Let's talk." Xiang Liang said while looking at each other.

"General. It's inconvenient to say something." The Chu army officer said so.

"En." Xiang Liang looked at each other.

"All go down first." Xiang Liang waved to the others.

"This." Others look at me, I look at you, neither side knows what to do.

"All go down." Xiang Liang said at this time.

"En." The others retreated. The barefoot officer still bowed his head.

"Say it quickly." Xiang Liang said impatiently.

"General. The general thought that at present, our army should unite with pirates and water pirates to attack the noble navy." The barefoot officer said at this time.

"What?" Xiang Liang suddenly annoyed when he heard such a strategy.

"You say it again." Xiang Liang shouted loudly.

"The general calms his anger. The general calms his anger. The final general believes that the current navy's biggest enemy is the noble navy, and our army's strength is still weak. At present, there are many water thieves and pirates. If these forces are combined to form one Power. Or, lead them to the aristocratic navy, so that the water pirates have the power to attack. We can also use water pirates and pirates to fight against the aristocratic navy, and at the same time, it can consume a lot of water. Pirates, the power of pirates, is a great advantage for us." The barefoot officer said.

"En." Xiang Liang suppressed his anger at this time and looked at the officer. He thought the officer's ideas were too bizarre. At the very least, it was not in the interests of Chu Jun.

The navy is a regular army, and the regular army has to maintain the surface of the water and maritime order, and attack water piracy and piracy. And this openly cooperates with water pirates. For Xiang Liang, this is not in his interests.

"I don't know if the general agrees or not. However, since I have already said it, there is no room for turning back. I simply said some of his own thoughts." The barefoot officer stopped at this moment, and he thought in his heart. This barefoot officer came from the grassroots of the Chu army, that is to say, this officer was promoted step by step. It is this grassroots style that made him walk barefoot on the deck, because wearing military boots is not conducive to swinging the deck from side to side. It’s easy for military boots to slip and fall on the deck, and officers usually walk back and forth rarely like this. So many officers can wear military boots, but those sailors usually don't wear military boots.

This is the case for this officer. He didn't wear military boots because he came from the grassroots and knew the basic demands of the grassroots.

"General, the current navy is short of ammunition, and the soldiers continue to fight, and the attrition is serious. The soldiers are exhausted. If this continues, our army will become a tired division. And the noble navy. Whether it is combat equipment or their soldiers. It is in a state of waiting for work. If we launch an offensive at this time, it is true that we can win, but in that case, our price is also very high. The current navy is just our fleet. If we go all out, then Admiral It will consume more money, shipbuilding, and training soldiers. In this way, the noble navy, water pirates, and pirates will definitely increase innumerable during this period. At that time, our navy force is still weak." The barefoot officer said at this time.

Xiang Liang was very angry at first. He thought that this officer was simply nonsense. In this case, he would mix his navy with the noble navy as well as pirates and water pirates. This was an insult to the navy. The practice of self-willing and depravity irritated Xiang Lianggang very much.

However, soon after hearing the officer's thoughts, he began to calm down, because at this time, he believed that the other party was considering issues that he had not thought of. The current situation of the Chu army was just as the officer said.

The Chu Army's surface mobility forces have all been brought out. If you rush to attack at this time, even if you can win, it will consume a lot of the Chu army's surface power. Such a consumption is beyond the water army's ability to consume. This is too difficult for Chu Jun.

Xiang Liang realized the seriousness of the problem at this time. The fight is very enjoyable, and the noble navy can be knocked down in a few strokes. But myself. Obviously this is very detrimental to the navy.

In this situation. Xiang Liang realized the seriousness of the problem and re-emphasized the other party's topic.

"General, our navy can't consume such a huge force. The main purpose of the nobles is to collect taxes. They make huge profits from it." The barefoot officer said at this time. Taxation is meant to make huge profits.

"The purpose of pirates and water pirates is to make money. At present, the benefits of ships passing through the Yangtze River channel are very small. At this time, noble ships are bold enough to levy taxes on their own ships. They have a lot of taxes on their ships. This kind of tax is undoubtedly attracting those wealthy and eager water thieves and pirates attacking them. Think about them, these water thieves and pirates are making such huge profits. They can say that they are no worse than their counterparts." Barefoot Said the officer.

"And our navy is between the two. We want to fight pirates and water pirates, and we must protect our own interests. Because only with order can we levy a stable tax on the waterway, and the noble navy ships are taxed. It will definitely affect us. Once these noble navy levies excessively levy, our taxes will be much less. In this way, we have only a small part of the money. Such money is difficult to expand and prepare for war." The barefoot officer said.

"Not only that," the barefoot officer continued.

"In the future, if we take the money from overseas colonies and transport it, it will inevitably lead to the interception of the other side. The noble navy and the pirate water pirates will inevitably become our major problems. If we guide them at this time, let the pirates and water pirates attack. The noble navy and the noble navy have a lot of money for taxation. In this way, we can watch the two tigers fight each other." said the barefoot officer.

Hearing this, Xiang Liang looked at each other without blinking.

"General. The end is finished. These are just, just, some opinions of the end." The barefoot officer looked up at Xiang Liang at this time, and then lowered his head again.

"En." Xiang Liangen said.

"You are right." Xiang Liang said at this time.

"General." The barefoot officer looked up at Xiang Liang in surprise, he did not expect. The other party would say such things unexpectedly. Because at the beginning, the most fierce opposition was Xiang Liang.

"If you do this, you will avoid consuming our strength, and we can deal with both. As long as the two continue to fight, we can not only save a lot of troops. Strength to deal with both at the same time." Xiang Liang analysis said.

"If this is the case, it will make it difficult for us to concentrate our forces to deal with the two. If the two are combined, it will cause us a lot of losses. But we can't afford it." Xiang Liang stepped down and analyzed at this time.

"What the general said is." The barefoot officer bowed his head and said.

"En. These are the results of your analysis, and the idea is very good." Xiang Liang walked to the opponent and looked at him.

"Such a bold idea. Very suitable for the current navy." Xiang Liang looked at each other.

"You are an officer promoted from the grassroots level. You have such an idea. It's hard to come by." Xiang Liang looked at the opponent's rough hands and added bare feet. This outfit has already explained the identity of the other party. Xiang Liang looked at each other with admiration.

"Do you have a specific approach?" Xiang Liang asked again at this time.

"This, the end will not." The barefoot officer said at this time.

"This matter, you go back and think about it, and as soon as you have an idea, tell me." Xiang Liang said.

"I will understand." The barefoot officer agreed.

"En. Go on. Work hard. You must be promoted to general." Xiang Liang continued.

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