"It's difficult to end the meeting," the Minister of Economy said.

"En. But this is the king's order, we must follow this order." Meng Yi said.

"Then, Prime Minister, can't we postpone it?" The Minister of Economy said looking at Meng Yi.

"En. It's not possible. Let's discuss it with representatives of various countries in private." Meng Yi said.

"End this meeting as soon as possible, we are leaving here." Meng Yi said.

Other ministers and chief officials left with sighs. In their view. This way, it ended without any results, which made them feel very distressed.

"That's how things are, we also feel very helpless." Meng Yi entered the palace urgently and explained King Qin's order to Han Shu in person. She herself was very surprised by Qin Guo's decision to withdraw from the summit. She didn't know how to understand it for a while.

"This incident is indeed very unexpected, but it is like this, and we are also very surprised. This is an order from my king. This is a telegram from my king, and this is the order." Meng Yi explained to Han. Shu.

Han Shu couldn't guess King Qin's intentions at this time. According to reason. The development of the matter was developing as Qin expected, but at this time King Qin suddenly ordered the end of the meeting. This made Han Shu feel that something bad had happened. She felt very worried.

"So, King Qin, didn't you say anything?" Han Shu asked tentatively.

"This, not yet." Meng Yi said.

"We are just following orders." Meng Yi said.

"En." Han Shu nodded.

"I don't know, what does Cheng think about the Qin-Han Alliance?" Han Shu asked.

"En. It's inconvenient to talk about this matter. I have already reported this matter to my king. My king has his own decision." Meng Yi said.

"En." Han Shu nodded.

"It seems that Prime Minister Meng Yi. The weight of speech is not very heavy. The current political situation in the Qin State is that King Qin controls the overall situation. If this is the case, King Qin's intentions will be difficult to grasp. The Prime Minister Meng Yi is not as good as Shang Wen, Shang Wen the most At least he has his own opinion, Meng Yi, totally obedient to King Qin. In many things, he did not do well enough. It is estimated that this matter is difficult." Han Shu thought to himself.

"For the assassination of Minister Qin Guo in South Korea. We will investigate as soon as possible and give a clear answer. We will thoroughly investigate this matter at all costs," Han Shu said.

"Then thank you Queen." Meng Yi said politely.

The conversation at the back seemed very boring. The South Korean side also did not ask specific matters. For example, things on bonds and so on. Meng Yi also didn't take the initiative to mention this matter, this matter has been inconclusive. These need to go back to the country for further discussion before a conclusion can be reached.

Zhao State Consulate.

"Humph." Guo Kai snorted.

"He doesn't want to talk about Qin Guo," Guo Kai said to his men. Guo Kai did not see the representative sent by Qin State because he wanted to show Qin State's color. However, Qin Guo only conveyed their intention not to hold the meeting, and then left without saying anything. This made Guo Kai seem much more boring.

"Prime Minister, the Qin State is not talking about it. What does this mean?" a follower on the side asked in a low voice.

"What do you mean?" Guo Kai looked back at each other, and the other side looked up at each other.

"Huh." Guo Kai felt very boring.

"We are also going back. Zhao Guo, there are still a lot of things." Guo Kai said back.

The situation in Yan State was also the same. Qin State was so in a hurry that Yan State felt very at a loss. He didn't know what happened to Qin State, so he wanted to cancel the meeting at once. This made the Yan people suddenly unable to react.

Zhao State of Handan.

"The current situation in the State of Zhao is very dangerous. There are riots. The State of Zhao is paralyzed. If the tiger and wolf Qin State attacked by a false attack, the State of Zhao will be in danger of subjugation." An elderly minister stood up and said. Wang Zhao sat on the stage without energy. He was half asleep listening to the minister's deliberations. Playing with my concubine for several nights in a row consumed Zhao Wang's energy. King Zhao paid more and more careless attention to state affairs. He knows that as long as no one currently affects his power.

"En. Externally, we must first internally, those thugs, let our country of Zhao become like this. If we want to deal with those Qin dogs, we must concentrate our forces to destroy these thugs. These thugs occupy the coal mines of our Zhao country. Occupying several important cities of ours, some Zhao Jun actually participated in it. I want to ask, General Li. What do you think of this approach?" A arrogant nobleman looked at Li Mu and said at this time.

Li Mu didn't say anything at this time. He knew that the nobles in front of him were all nobles who launched an offensive and combat against the mobs. Unfortunately, their military strength was very limited. The combat power of the private soldiers of the nobles became vulnerable in the face of the huge number of rioting miners. As long as a few of the noble private soldiers are equipped with cannons, most of the rest are melee weapons.

In the battle of the miners, the noble soldiers who lacked sufficient training, without artillery, were defeated by the miners. The private soldiers of the nobles launched several consecutive offensives and were repelled. Especially in the cloud and Julu areas, some regular troops and miners fought together. The intervention of the regular army made it impossible for the privates of the nobles to attack. As a result, the nobles attacked Li Mu one after another, and they thought it was Li Mu's fault.

"My troops, nothing happened." Li Mu said.

"It is reported that our army was ordered to surround the miners, and the miners also intend to negotiate with our army. Our army plans to entice these miners. And the private soldiers of the nobles, at this time, do not listen to orders, not only that, and provocation. It is a nuisance." Li Mu looked at it. Looking at the nobles, those nobles looked down at Li Mu at this time. Obviously they are also not convinced.

"Our army is already very tense. Surrounding those miners has already made us nervous, and those noble private soldiers fired at us at this time. In desperation, our army had no choice but to shoot back, which in the end caused heavy losses to our army. It is necessary to join the miners against the private soldiers of the nobles. The minister believes that the private soldiers of the nobles should obey the king's orders. Just defend the mansion, not take the initiative." Li Mu said.

"We are also for the Zhao Kingdom, to defend the Zhao Kingdom. To protect the king's safety." Several nobles shouted loudly at this time. But at this time, King Zhao was suddenly surprised. He looked at the situation in the audience, and he saw several nobles shouting loudly at this time.

"Huh." After seeing the nobles, the king hummed dissatisfiedly, then slightly closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

"Currently, these miner riots must be resolved, otherwise Zhao Guo will be the next Qi State." A responsible minister stood up and said worriedly.

"The fundamental problem of Zhao Guo is the tax problem. The tax problem is difficult to solve, and it will continue. Why did the miners riot? The reason for the riot is that taxes are too heavy. My Zhao Guo tax is too heavy." The minister said excitedly.

"The tax is heavy, and the nobles do not have to pay taxes, which seriously arouses the dissatisfaction of these miners. The minister believes that if the nobles really consider the state of Zhao, they should pay taxes. Firstly, increase my Zhao state's taxes, and secondly, it can be reduced. The impact of this matter." The minister continued.

"Therefore, the minister believes that at present, the Zhao country problem is not at all in the struggle between the Zhao army and the aristocratic private soldiers, but lies in the taxation of our Zhao country. The nobles do not pay taxes and the miners' riots will continue to develop. If it is not stopped, There will be a civil war, in that case. Even if I, Zhao Jun, can defeat the Qin Army, it is ourselves that will destroy our Zhao State." The minister said at this time.

"En." Li Mu nodded at this time, expressing his approval. Li Mu also believes that this matter lies in taxation. If it were not for taxation, Zhao Guo miners might not have such an outbreak.

"My lord, this matter should alleviate my Zhao Guo miners' taxes, and the taxes will not be reduced, Zhao Guo is in danger." The rest of the ministers shouted loudly at Zhao Wang.

"Enough. Enough." Zhao Wang waved his hand at this time.

"This matter is the matter of the prime minister, why did you bring it here, prime minister, where is the prime minister?" Zhao Wang shouted loudly at this time. At this time, Zhao Wang still thought this matter was Guo Kai's matter.

"The king." An attendant on the side stepped forward and said in a low voice.

"My lord, Prime Minister Guo is in Xinzheng, South Korea." The attendant whispered.

"Oh." Zhao Wang said oh, only then did he remember that Guo Kai was in Korea at this time.

"This matter, wait until the prime minister comes back to make a decision." Zhao Wang said.

"Okay. That's it." Zhao Wang said impatiently. Then got up and left.

The ministers and nobles gave salutes one after another.

The state affairs of the State of Zhao is still a procrastinating attitude. With regard to the collection of taxes, especially the taxation of nobles, Wang Zhao is also very aware of this matter, but Wang Zhao does not want to move this matter, because Zhao’s support is these. The privileges of nobles and nobles are an important support for the state of Zhao to maintain its current state. Without this support, it would be difficult for the state of Zhao to maintain. King Zhao knew that his power came from the privileges of these nobles.

However, with the development of society, especially the economic development, the state of Zhao is in the process of transition from an agricultural country to a mineral industry country.

But in Zhao, there is no one who has such strategic ideas. They just saw that the current situation in Zhao is not right. In Zhao’s situation, no one can see the future development. Zhao does not. There is a lack of military commanders, such as military generals like Li Mu, but what is lacking is a visionary politician. Zhao, who lacks foresight in politics, will find it difficult for Zhao to seize such opportunities in the great historical opportunities in the future, which is full of unknowns for the future development of Zhao.

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