"My lord, the northeast, northwest, and southwest directions can all proceed in this way. But. East. Obviously this method cannot be implemented. These six countries are different from these wild tribes and small countries, although Qin is afraid of fighting. Six countries, but the strength of the six countries still exists." Meng Yi said.

"Your Majesty, the minister believes that we should take measures to win over the six countries. Taking Qin's economy as an idea, according to the prime minister's idea, is to use the economy as a pioneering weapon of Qin." Wei Liao then put forward his own ideas.

"Strengthening strategy." King Qin thought for a while after listening.

"En. Speaking of which, the widow remembered one thing." King Qin said while looking at Wei Liao at this time.

"Meng Yi, when in Xinzheng, South Korea, did South Korea mention the Qin-Han alliance?" King Qin asked Meng Yi at this time.

"Back to the king, did you mention it," Meng Yi said.

"En. What do Guowei think about this matter?" King Qin asked.

When Wei Liao heard about this, he thought about it. Then he looked at Meng Yi, and Meng Yi looked at Wei Liao. Then he looked up at King Qin.

"Your Majesty, the minister believes that this matter can be pushed along the way." Wei Liao said.

"En." King Qin nodded.

"How to take advantage of the trend?" King Qin said with interest.

"My lord, the minister believes that the Qin-Han alliance can be achieved. The Qin-Han alliance is the knocking stone of Qin." Wei Liao said.

"Knocking stone?" King Qin asked without understanding.

"Yes, King. South Korea is close to the State of Qin. According to the current situation, the State of Qin follows the railway from Xianyang to Xinzheng. You can reach Xinzheng and destroy Korea in one day. The longest time is only three days, Qin The country can rely on railway lines and use railway heavy artillery to quickly take down Xinzheng." Wei Liao said.

Qin's staff made countless deductions on the sand table more than once. The Qin State’s staff has formulated a large number of offensive plans against South Korea, Zhao State, and Yan State. Most of these offensive plans were launched along railway lines and major highways.

The state of Chu did not have a major communication link with the state of Qin, which caused Qin’s staff to be unable to do anything when they made plans. The Qin’s staff hoped that Chu would build railways and roads, and then Qin would be able to follow the railway and road lines. Launch a fierce attack.

Qin State’s offensive has paid attention to the use of main traffic routes. Although the Qin State’s war mode was fierce, many armed forces could be dismantled in an instant. But such a sharp offense has its fatal weakness. The weakness is that the greater the offensive force, the higher the requirements for logistics supplies. The traditional logistics supply model simply cannot meet such a huge attack. Therefore, Qin's combat model relies heavily on logistics. Logistic supplies can only be supplied by railway, road and rail transportation. Without these railways, highways. Logistic supplies are difficult to complete.

Therefore, Qin’s offensives are generally carried out along main lines of communication, without these lines of communication. Qin's offensive momentum can be maintained. Therefore, if the State of Qin wanted to launch an offensive, it would choose those lines of communication to expand, but the situation in the State of Chu was that they did not have any standardized railway or highway lines. Qin's forces could not be deployed, and that was how it could not be deployed, causing Qin's plan to launch an offensive against Chu to become incomprehensible, and Chu's backward situation allowed Chu to be preserved.

However, the people of Qin have always believed that Chu should be induced to establish its own transportation system. In this way, Qin's enterprises can make considerable profits from it. On the other hand, Qin can launch its own offensive along these lines of communication. , This is a strategic judgment for the future.

"South Korea is located in the Four World Wars, such a place, even if Qin does not fight, the situation in South Korea will not be too optimistic." Wei Liao said.

"Similarly, South Korea is in the Fourth World War, such a Fourth World War. It is also an important traffic route. South Korea occupies the advantage of the traffic route and seeks great benefits." Wei Liao said.

"South Korea is located in such a place with convenient transportation, but it is in the place of the Fourth World War. Qin can quickly win with convenient transportation, but South Korea's trade cannot take it. Qin's transportation line In South Korea, the border area of ​​Zhao State stopped, and goods from Qin State can only reach here. Similarly. Resources from the six eastern countries, except for Yan State, Zhao State, and South Korea, can be transported by these lines of communication. Other places, Qin State No country’s commodities arrive here, but agricultural products and raw materials from Chu and Qi can only stay on the border railway lines of these countries.” Wei Liao said about the situation.

"Oh." King Qin said strangely.

"Why is this?" King Qin asked at this time.

"Because of the traffic line. Qin's traffic line can only reach the borders of these places. But the other border lines cannot be reached. This is the current situation." Wei Liao said.

"So, what benefits can Qin and South Korea have in forming an alliance?" King Qin asked.

"Qin is the first country in diplomacy and can get help from South Korea. For many things, South Korea can cope with Qin, and Qin can undermine the power of various countries through economic warfare. South Korea’s coping can help Qin in an extremely favorable situation. Qin. If the country can get support, it can put Qin country in a more favorable situation." Wei Liao continued.

"For example, the Qi incident. How did Qin unite with South Korea? South Korea is at the forefront, while Qin is behind. On the surface, South Korea benefits, but in fact, Qin can get greater benefits from it. South Korea. It can represent our State of Qin. We can carry out diplomatic affairs, and our State of Qin can effectively control it." Wei Liao said.

"En." King Qin nodded.

"The widow doesn't understand." King Qin said.

"My lord, Qin's strategic intentions are obvious. Many countries are reluctant to form an alliance with Qin. That's why, because Qin can easily crush each other strategically." Wei Liao said.

"What Qin wants to do is business. Economy is one way of business, and business is trade." Wei Liao said.

"If Qin keeps pressing the opponent like this," Wei Liao said.

"I'm afraid, no country is willing to trade with such an opponent." Wei Liao said.

"En." King Qin said.

"If you see the alliance between Qin and South Korea, South Korea can get a lot of benefits. The minister believes that all countries can form an alliance with Qin." Wei Liao said.

"En." King Qin nodded.

"This thing, just do it like this, give it a try." Qin Wang said.

"The minister obeyed." Meng Yi and Wei Liao said in a salute at this time.

King Qin nodded.

Qi State Linzi.

"Slow down," a Chu army officer shouted, waving a **** arm.

"Fucking. These Qi people can't be beaten to death." The Chu army officer cursed.

"Head. Clean it up." A veteran of the Chu Army climbed over and said.

"Wow." At this moment, the two soldiers ran quickly towards the officer.

"Lower your body, lower your body." At this moment, an injured veteran of the Chu Army shouted loudly. He was very anxious.

"Bang." There was a clear gunfire.

"Puff. Ah." A scream. A Chu Army soldier running was hit and fell to the ground. The other one took a look and quickly avoided.

"Woo." The Chu Army soldier who was hit screamed. He looked at the other soldiers in pain.

"Shall we save him?" a Chu Army soldier curled up and looked at the wounded Chu Army soldier and said.

"If we don't save, we will be killed as soon as we save," another soldier on the side said at this time.

Chu army soldiers huddled in the ruined city of Linzi. Unable to move.

"These terrible people of Qi knew that they would hide and shoot coldly." The Chu army veteran scolded.

The Chu army quickly broke through the outer fortifications of the Qi people, but as the battle unfolded in the city. The brutal street fighting started hand-to-hand, and the Chu army had to guard against the Qi people who suddenly appeared in the ruins, because many Chu soldiers did not know where the Qi people would emerge from. If the opponent still has a gun, the situation will be even worse. People of Qi will hide in the ruins, constantly shooting, shooting at Chu soldiers, such a sudden shot, it is easy to scare people, it is such a situation. It is difficult for Chu army soldiers to attack. Many soldiers are terrified, especially this kind of cold gun. Many soldiers are afraid of such an offensive. Because many people were hit, it was unlucky, which made it difficult for the soldiers of the Chu army to support them.

At the other end of Linzi, a group of Chu Army soldiers kept compressing the front.

"Stop. Stop." A Chu army officer waved his arm and motioned his people to stop.

"Wow." All the Chu Army soldiers lay down. Getting down is the best way to hide.

"Head, what's the matter?" an old soldier crawled over and asked at this moment.

"Look at the tall building over there? Although it's only half of it, I think there must be a problem on it. Send someone to blow it up for me. Or let the artillery push the artillery over and bomb me." The Chu Army officer said at this time .

"Head, impossible. Those artillerymen are not willing to come." The veteran said.

"Damn it," the Chu army officer cursed.

"These artillery soldiers are all aristocratic lords, and I can't ask for them." The Chu Army officer cursed badly. The artillery was unable to provide flat shots because they had provided several flat shots before, but because the infantry did not completely clear the Qi people in the city, and the Qi people were constantly attacking and harassing the other side. As a result, the artillery of the Chu army was continuously attacked and suffered heavy losses. The Qi people ignited their artillery shells. After doing this a few times. Artillery no longer provides direct fire support.

"Find a few people for me, use dynamite bags, and blow them up for me," said the officer of the Chu army.

"Hurry up. If you don't go, you and I will die." The Chu Army officer shouted loudly.

"Okay. Head, go now, go now." Said the veteran left to find someone.

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