"Charge." The soldiers of the Chu army rushed across the Qi people's position madly and quickly under the leadership of the officers. However, the Qi people drew a large number of troops to evacuate this area, resulting in a large vacancy in this defense area. Such vacancies caused Chu. The army took advantage of the vacancy and entered.

"Chu Jun is here." The old man shouted loudly.

"Quickly retreat, I will definitely not be able to hold on here." The old man said as he pulled the young man into a quick retreat.

"Kill." The Chu army's offensive was extremely fierce.

And on the other side. The death squad's rush attack broke the Qi people's defenses at once.

"It's not good. The Chu army has killed it. Ah." The Qi people who were killed by the Chu army broke a lot of defense at once. A man of Qi was caught up by the opponent because he was running slowly, and then he was assassinated to death with a bayonet from behind.

"Chong. Chong, don't stop." The **** death squad officer was holding a bronze sword in his hand, which was snatched from an officer of the Qi army.

"Head, do you want to let the brothers take a break?" At this moment, a soldier of the Chu Army's death squad with bare arms stepped forward and asked cautiously.

"No. Don't stop. This time is just right. We just need to rush in. We can end the battle. Don't let the people of Qi be relieved." The death squad officer said.

"En. But." Chu Army veteran said at this time.

"Rush, you must rush. Keep rushing." Chu Jun's death squad officer said loudly.

"Charge." The Chu army officer shouted loudly.

The death squad charged even harder.

Temporary residence of the Qi Jun royal family.

"Bang. Bang." Gunshots kept coming. Some Qi soldiers raised their rifles and fired back. But there are more people in Chu Jun's death squad. Furiously. A single shot of a rifle won't hit many people at all.

"Kill." A Chu Army death squad soldier with blood on his head used a bayonet rifle and stabbed the opponent to death.

"Ah." Qi people screamed and fell to the ground all at once.

"Bang. Bang. Charge." The Qi people who resisted the death squad of the Chu army were quickly killed and retreated.

In this way, the Qi people were quickly beaten back.

"It's not good. It's not good." At this time, a servant of the Qi royal family came to the basement loudly at this time.

"Wang, Majesty, Chu Jun, Chu Jun is here." The attendant shouted loudly. But in the basement can't find King Qi at all? The attendant looked around at this time, but couldn't find it at all.

"Bang. Rush in." A small group of soldiers from the death squad of Chu Army rushed in immediately. All at once rushed into a small courtyard.

"Ah." An attendant was shot in the back at this time. Die in the end.

"No, no. Don't kill me." Another attendant looked back at Chu Jun in fear at this time.

"Puff." The Chu Jun death squad took the opponent with a bayonet regardless of the opponent's situation.

"Bang." "Bang bang." Just as the Chu Jun death squad entered, a wave of bullets hit. Several death squad soldiers fell down to the ground.

"Fight. Drive them out." The doctor instructed several soldiers to shoot to block the Chu army's death squad.

"Fight. Fight back and beat all the Qi people down." The death squad shouted loudly at this time.

"Bang. Bang." The Qi people kept firing, suppressing the Chu people from coming up.

"Go. Go find the king." The doctor shouted anxiously at this time.

"Yes. Doctor." A soldier put away his rifle and ran to other places.

"What's going on?" At this time, the officer of the Chu Army's death squad asked when seeing the battle here.

"There are people from the Qi country inside, they are too tenacious. I can't rush in." The death squad soldier said.

"Give them cannonballs. Who has the cannonballs?" the Chu Army death squad officer asked at this time.

"Here. I have." A young soldier took out a stone grenade from his rucksack.

"Go. Ignite, give them some points." The death squad officer said at this time.

"Okay." The young soldier ignited a stone grenade, which was actually a stone cannonball. After igniting. The soldier ignited quickly and threw it out quickly.

"Chichi." The cannonball with green smoke flew out directly.

"Boom." An explosion came.

"Rush in for me. Rush in." The death squad officer shouted loudly at this time.

"Charge." The death squad soldiers rushed in quickly.

"Bang." A Chu Army soldier who had just appeared was shot in the front. Fell at the door.

"Bang. Bang." The Chu army's death squad quickly counterattacked, and the Qi nationals who were shooting were loading the second bullet. Unfortunately, he was shot and died.

"Come on." The death squad officer personally appeared at the door.

"Bold and beautiful." The doctor shouted with blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Smelly old man. Go to death." A Chu army soldier took his rifle and aimed.

"Slow." The officer stretched out his hand to interrupt the opponent's rifle at this time.

"Bang." But it was still a step too late. The bullet has flown out.

"Puff." The doctor was shot in the chest at this time. The doctor leaned down quickly.

"My lord, my lord." At this moment, the Qi army soldier who ran to find the lord ran back to Ali. Because he couldn't find it either, he wanted to tell the doctor about the situation, but the people of Chu had already killed in.

"Bang." The Chu army soldier shot quickly. The soldier seemed to be quick to react, so he dodged and left quickly.

"There's a baby. This is the place where King Qi lives. Quickly. rush in. Do a good search and call for more people." At this time, the Chu Jun death squad officer immediately realized the problem.

"Hurry up." The officer of Chu Jun's death squad shouted loudly.

"Wow." A soldier ran out to greet more people.

"Quickly search here. It must be here." The officer of Chu Jun's death squad quickly waved his arm and shouted.

Chu Jun's death squad immediately searched.

"Kill." At this moment. The follow-up troops of the Chu army quickly broke through the Qi people's defense line. A large number of Chu army quickly appeared here.

"Quickly. A few people come in. One of the people here is King Qi. They are all arrested. Quickly. Captured." The Chu Jun death squad officer shouted loudly at this time.

"Quick. Quickly." An veteran shouted loudly at this time.

"Wow." More Chu Army soldiers came in.

"Come out, who?" A soldier of the Chu Army shouted loudly at this moment.

"Come out." The Chu Army soldier scolded.

"Come out." The Chu Army soldier shouted loudly. An attendant of the Qi royal family came out tremblingly.

"Say." Chu Jun's death squad officer shouted loudly.

"Where is King Qi?" the officer of the death squad of Chu Army asked loudly.

"No no. No no. Don't kill me." The attendant said scaredly.

"Where is King Qi? His mother." The officer said impatiently and put the short sword on the opponent's neck.

"I don't know. The little one doesn't know." The attendant said scaredly.

"Fuck it." The officer pushed the opponent away.

"Puff." As he said, the officer stabbed the opponent's thigh with a sword.

"Chichi." Blood splashed out directly.

"Ah," the attendant exclaimed in pain.

"Say it quickly." The eager death squad officer shouted. He knew that King Qi was here. Catch King Qi, and his credit will be great.

"Ah." The attendant still shouted loudly at this time.

"Say it quickly. Otherwise, I will cut off your ears, your thighs, and your arms, and let your blood drain slowly and completely die." The death squad officer threatened.

"Ah." The attendant of the royal family of Qi had already broken his guts at this time. In addition, the painful wound on his thigh caused his will to collapse instantly.

"Yes, right down there, in the basement." The attendant said painfully.

"Okay. Go. Do a good job of searching the basement over there, don't kill them first, grab them one by one. Catch King Qi. We'll send it out." The death squad officer shouted loudly.

"Quick, quick." Hearing that they wanted to catch King Qi. The Chu army soldiers rushed up frantically.

"Open. Open." The Chu Army soldier who ran in the first quickly opened a wooden board.

"I'll go down first." The Chu Army soldiers, who were not concerned about their safety, rushed down first. Then came the second one. The third. Grasping King Qi is a great achievement.

"Come out." The first Chu army soldier shouted loudly.

"I." The attendant stood up in a panic earlier.

"Mother. Are you King Qi?" the soldier said while looking at each other.

"No. No." The attendant replied quietly.

"Where is King Qi? Hurry up." The Chu Army soldier asked immediately.

"No. I don't know. Me too, I'm looking for it too." The attendant said quietly.

"Bang." A Chu Army soldier behind suddenly fired a shot.

"A waste man." The Chu Army soldier raised his rifle and said disdainfully.

"Kill him, we can't find King Qi." A soldier of the Chu army asked.

"Qiwanggou. Come out. If you don't come out, I will set fire here and roast you into a Qiguo dog. Come out." The Chu Army soldier yelled.

"No." At this time, the first soldier said.

"No, someone." As he said, a soldier of the Chu Army walked over with a bayonet-mounted rifle. Use the bayonet in your hand to pick up something covered by a frame.

"No, don't kill. Don't kill me. Don't kill me." A man who reminded the slightly fatter shouted loudly.

"Who?" The soldier of the Chu Army shouted loudly, holding the rifle in his hand.

"Don't kill me. Don't kill me." At this time, the Qi countryman shouted loudly.

"Go on, I will kill you with one shot." Chu Jun shouted loudly.

"Good. Good. Good not to say." Qi Guoren whispered.

"Who?" Another soldier took a step forward, approached the opponent with his bayonet, and the opponent took a step back. Then he said in a panic.

"I. I am, I am Qi, King Qi." At this time, the Qi countryman whispered.

"What?" The Chu Army soldier asked incredulously.

"I, I'm King Qi." King Qi said dejectedly.

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