"Bang. Bang." The captain who tried to grab King Qi brought a few people forward, but the Chu army's resistance was extremely tenacious, and several of them tried to rush over quickly. But in the face of such intensive shooting by the Chu army, they could not get closer.

"Sir, it's okay. They dragged the king away." At this time, a soldier looked up at the situation in the distance. He saw several Chu army soldiers quickly dragging King Qi with his thigh wounded. Then drag it into the trenches.

"Woo." The bullet flew over the captain's head.

"What to do? Sir." The soldier yelled, lowering his head.

"Retreat. There is no way. We can only retreat." The captain shouted.

"Retreat. Retreat." The soldier shouted loudly.

Then the captain retreated with his own people. But Chu Jun took the opportunity to drag King Qi down and told their general about the situation.

At this time, Chu Jun's reaction was obviously much faster than Qi Jun's.

"From the reaction of the people of Qi, 80% of this person is King Qi. Very good, as long as we catch King Qi, everything will be easy. Quickly. Protect King Qi immediately. Anyone, without my order, They are not allowed to approach." General Chu Jun immediately issued an order at this moment.

"Here." The officers received new orders.

The winning mansion is in the basement. Temporary residence for the final victory. It is not far from the front line here. The winning mansion was the key target of the Chu army's offensive. Therefore, the forefront of the Chu army was not far away from the mansion of the second victory. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

"Has the king rescued?" Hou Sheng asked eagerly.

The captain lowered his head, he just shook his head when he heard the question from the winner.

"Oh! How did you do it? If the king can't save it, the entire Qi country will be over." Hou Sheng shouted loudly.

"Hey. Hey." The winner sighed continuously.

"How can this be good? How can it be good." Hou Sheng constantly shook his head at this time. The political career of the latter is closely related to King Qi. Without King Qi, the political background for the latter would be lost. There is no political background. After winning, you will not be able to control Qi. Therefore, the loss of King Qi in the final victory is extremely passive to the latter, and the situation is unfavorable.

But the future victory has no way to do this. Just when there is no way to win. However, Chu Jun wrote a letter, which was immediately sent to Shouchun in Chu State.

On the surface of the Yangtze River. A taxing vessel of a noble navy is cruising.

"His mother. What's going on these days? There isn't a ship." At this time, a Chu army soldier stood on the deck and looked at the river.

"That is, none of his mother's ships. This ship is dead. I still want to fish a little from these ships." Another Chu aristocratic navy soldier said.

"I haven't drunk in the last three days." Another aristocratic naval soldier said.

"My mother, I don't know what wine is like. Those **** merchant ships don't appear as soon as possible. If a merchant ship comes over and finds wine, I will drink a jar of his mother's wine first." The aristocratic navy soldier said depressed.

"Haha. You can drink so much. If it is me, find some money, those guys who fired the guns. Gambling won me a lot of money. I want to get the money back." Another aristocratic navy soldier touched himself Said his chin.

"Okay. You have to find a boat. If you can't find a boat, you can't get anything." Another soldier said.

"Ahead southeast. A merchant ship." At this moment the lookout sent a message.

"Quickly, there are merchant ships. There are merchant ships." The noble navy soldiers shouted loudly. They were like a group of hungry wolves seeing the food, because the noble navy soldiers on the ship could find a lot of benefits from the merchant ships, and such benefits were enough. Let them pounce on like hungry wolves.

"Quick. Get closer. Quick." A junior navy officer of the noble navy waved his arm, and the sailor above immediately adjusted his sail. At this time, the oars also began to move quickly. The taxation ship was busy.

"Quickly, quickly," a noble naval gunmaster shouted loudly in the gun bay. The gunners entered their battle positions one after another, no matter what happens, these gunners must enter their battle positions when taxing.

"Hurry up," the gunner shouted loudly while holding a cannon propulsion rod. The other gunners slowly entered the battle position. Each time they requested to enter the battle position, these gunners would not tire of it. Therefore, after receiving the order, they would slack into their battle position.

"Fuck, hurry up, don't be the same as your mother who died." The artillery commander shouted.

"Let's go now. Let's go." An old gunner said at this time. This situation has made them feel very disgusted. They have to do this every time there is a merchant ship, and doing so will make them feel very troublesome.

"If the water steals the ship, we will be done." The gunmaster shouted loudly.

"How is it possible. We have intercepted so many ships. No one dared to fight us. Those water pirates." The other gunners said disdainfully at this time.

"Humph. After something goes wrong, you won't think like that anymore." The artillery commander shouted. Then he sat angrily on the gunpowder keg, such a situation. The aristocratic naval soldiers were unusually lax. Such laziness made the gunner feel very helpless. Because they couldn't manage it, even the captain of the taxing vessel ignored it. What can he do.

"En. It seems. It's good today. We have another merchant ship that can collect taxes." The taxing captain said in the mirror while wearing an exquisite military uniform.

"Captain, I am in good spirits today." An attendant on the side said while taking care of it.

"En. It's not bad. There is a merchant ship today, plus the taxes we collected before. We only need to collect some more taxes and we can go back." The captain said.

"Back on the shore, able to hunt, I found a good gun on a merchant ship, the bullet was abnormal." The captain looked at the mirror and said.

"The captain's marksmanship must be good," the attendant said.

"En. Of course. You know?" The captain said back.

"Even the Jing family, that second master's marksmanship is not as good as mine." The captain said proudly.

And in a place far away. The one-eyed captain was hidden behind the curtain, and he was dressed sloppy.

"Hide everything for me. When you hear the signal, give me speed." The one-eyed captain said to his men.

This merchant ship is a water pirate ship disguised as a merchant ship. The water pirate plan uses this method to lure taxing ships to approach, and then quickly rely on help tactics to quickly board the ship and control the taxing ships.

"What we want to take is their gold and silver, as well as the ship, so we can't take that ship into the water this time, and we can't do that either." The one-eyed captain had already explained when he made the plan.

"Furthermore, one of our long-range artillery salvos simply couldn't hit the opponent's ship. The opponent's artillery number was much higher than ours, and we all sank. The opponent's ship would not sink." The one-eyed captain said.

"So, we can only pretend to be a merchant ship and lure the other party to approach us, and then we approached the ship that snatched their gold and silver." When the one-eyed captain made the plan, he had already made the capture of the opponent's ship and gold and silver the main goal. .

To this end, pirate ships have made a lot of detailed preparations. For example, on the side facing away from the taxing ships, there are a large number of people familiar with water in the water at any time. They are all people familiar with water, and they will start underwater. attack.

The gunners under the gun bay have made the biggest camouflage on the gun door. They want to be the first to send a signal. Most of them use solid shells because they want to knock off the opponent’s mast at the first time. , So that the opponent loses motivation in the first time, so that they can go as close as possible to close combat. And in this way, if the opponent strikes back, the gunner will encounter the most violent blow from the opponent. Many gunners understand that when they reload for the second time, they will encounter the most violent shot from the opponent. Many of them might I can never stand here again. But they are water thieves, a group of desperadoes.

More sailors on the deck are always on the alert. They will immediately rush to the other's deck after sending out the signal, and the sailors on the mast will jump over. This is their combat mission.

"The other party sails slowly." On the taxing vessel, an aristocratic sailor shouted loudly.

"Prepare to approach the ship," the chief officer on the noble ship shouted loudly.

At this time, the camouflaged water pirate ship on the opposite side slowly approached the taxing ship.

"Listen to the merchant ship on the opposite side, we have to lean on, board the ship, check, and collect taxes. Don't make any unruly actions." An aristocratic naval soldier raised the musket in his hand and shouted loudly.

The muzzle of the noble navy was also aiming at the opponent at this time.

"Prepare to rely on help." The navy soldier shouted loudly. Several sailors put a deck on each other's ship.

"Quick up, up," the noble navy soldier shouted. Several noble navy soldiers took their weapons, one after another, they crossed the deck and reached the other ship.

The crew members disguised as pirates were panicked and helpless. They can only watch the other side occupy their own ships, and they can't do anything.

"Your captain, hurry up, call your captain out." An aristocratic soldier who had just arrived on the deck shouted loudly.

"I am." The little leader stood up and said.

"En." The noble navy soldier looked at each other.

Below the noble gun bay.

"I just said, there is nothing, as usual, there is nothing abnormal at all." A gunner said impatiently at this time.

"Our people are all up. You can rest." The gunner continued.

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