The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1562: Alternative water thief, pirate

"Why did the stocks fall again?" King Qin threw away the newspaper in his hand and shouted loudly. During the last time Qin State's stock crisis, the royal bank's stock shrank by one-third. The panic selling of stocks caused King Qin's assets to shrink by one-third. King Qin only felt the fear caused by the stock panic after selling some stocks, and finally used part of the royal family's funds to buy back the sold stocks. In this way, it was barely able to maintain a one-third decline in assets.

When King Qin heard that the stock had fallen again, King Qin immediately jumped up, which meant that the royal bank was shrinking again.

Zhao Gao shook his head innocently. He knew nothing about stock speculation. For him, stocks are too magical. He also couldn't say that the stock fell if it fell. However, he knows that stock listings can bring great benefits. After the companies run by the servant group formed in the Xianyang Palace, after the trading companies are listed, they are mainly concentrated in the light industry, such as textiles, and some electrical equipment, such as boiler manufacturing. They can get enough funds by selling some of their stocks, which is very important for the operation of the company and trading company. The most important thing is that the income they get from stocks is far more than the income they get from business operations. This one-sided stimulus for them to want to sell the stocks in their hands, and then buy them back at a low price.

"Look up who? It's so rampant that it drags down the stocks of the widows." As soon as King Qin saw the stock market plummet, he thought of how much his assets had shrunk. For such a loss, King Qin was helpless, and the Royal Bank had to control it. Therefore, King Qin had to control a large portion of the shares. In this way, the King of Qin cannot reduce whether the stock rises or falls sharply. The impact of such large stock fluctuations on King Qin is very large. But in order to control the royal bank, King Qin must accept this situation.

"My lord, the young man knows a stock legend." Zhao Gao also admires Li Wen, but the brand he can get from him is extremely limited. And Li Wen adopts a secret room-like trading method, and few people know the details.

"Legend? The widow sees it, it is such a legend who has messed up the stock market. The widow has to formulate a crime. The crime of stock speculation." King Qin said unconvincedly.

"Humph." King Qin walked away after speaking. King Qin was extremely annoyed by the stock market crash.

However, after a little preparation, King Qin will make a round of inspections around Qin.

But now the Qin State stock market has fallen into a disaster, and all kinds of news are circulating everywhere. People don't know what happened to bank stocks. In short, Qin's bank stocks led the decline. This is a big surprise to people. There is a lot of sadness in the stock market. Many people don't even know what happened, but the stock is constantly falling.

Qin Guo’s reporters were not idle either. Many newspapers focused their attention on the stock market crash. They tried to find the reasons behind the stock market decline, as long as they reported on stock-related information. They must be collected and processed in a centralized manner, and they hope to get the reasons behind the decline in the stock market in this way.

"General, the number of warships we have been attacked recently is too much. Are we putting our ships in formation?" An aristocratic navy officer said to a Chu aristocratic navy general on the dock. The noble navy is extremely scattered. Their strength is scattered. Because the nobles cannot unify all their armies. Their fiefs are naturally separated. Plus Chu's original maladies. There were too many aristocratic fiefs, a huge bureaucracy, and low administrative efficiency. The problems that were not completely resolved by Wu Qi's reforms have been plagued by this huge empire.

"We have to pay a lot of taxes. It's still a lot worse now." said the aristocratic navy general.

"General, we have lost a lot of ships recently. The taxation ships we sent have been ransacked to varying degrees. Although some personnel have returned. But we have to guard against it. If this continues, we will have more. The ship was ransacked." The aristocratic navy officer said worriedly.

"En." The aristocratic navy general nodded. Rely on the generous tolls of the Golden Waterway. Greatly enriched the nobility's treasury. But the nobles are very greedy, they keep raising taxes. And more and more nobles formed their own noble naval forces to join them. But after such a thing happened. The aristocratic navy generals began to pay attention to this problem.

"However, once the ships are in formation, our tax vessels will be much less." The generals worry that they cannot collect enough taxes, and they do not consider the safety of taxes at all.

"General. If we adopt two ships, it is estimated that this problem can be solved. Two ships cooperate with each other, and if one ship is in trouble, the other can provide immediate support. In addition, our army can also send a fleet, Intensive search for those water pirates. Their intention is obvious, that is to attack us, we can take the opportunity to destroy them." The noble water army officer proposed.

"En." The general nodded.

"For the time being, two ships will form a formation. The rest. Discuss again. Discuss again." The general pushed off. Then turned around and left.

The combat power of the aristocratic naval forces is very limited. Their personnel are gathered by the aristocrats, or recruited from other places. There are not many people who can fight water wars at all, and there are many people who can't swim. That's it. The navy went directly into battle. The worst thing is that the main purpose of the nobles was to collect taxes. There is not much combat power at all. Such naval forces cannot be used for war at all. The generals of the aristocratic naval forces were very clear about their naval forces, and the artillery they were equipped with was seriously inadequate. Many gunners were afraid of the loud roar when they fired their guns. This greatly hindered the improvement of the noble naval forces.

Not only that, the aristocratic naval forces were weak in fighting will, and their fighting spirit was not strong at all. In addition to these. There is also insufficient training and lack of combat experience, especially water warfare. Such naval forces are not the enemy of those water thieves at all. The general knows this very well. Therefore, in response to the active attack proposed by the military officer to find and destroy water pirates, a evasive method was adopted.

"The decisive battle for the water thief is undoubtedly seeking death by oneself." The general said to himself.

And on the Yangtze River, because of the attack of water pirates. Regardless of the arrogance of the taxation vessels of the noble navy, some noble navies huddled in the cottage and did not dare to come out. As a result, the flow of the golden waterway suddenly increased. Many merchant ships set sail.

Chu's navy also set sail at this time. They wanted to quickly return to their navy base, but this time their base became Changsha, and they learned through land transmission that they would return to their new base, Changsha this time.

In Changsha, a small battle fleet specially formed for the noble naval forces is undergoing intense training, and they have just been formed. Their boats are small boats, most of which are converted from local fishing boats. The personnel are also urgently recruited. In order to target those noble naval forces. The Chu State Marine Corps specially formed such a miniaturized battle fleet, with a small number of personnel, only more than a thousand people, and all the boats were fishing boats. The fishing boats were not equipped with artillery, only light weapons such as muskets. Once a frontal battle is extremely unfavorable, the original tactics of such a warship are not frontal combat.

"General." A navy general said respectfully to Bo Xiang while standing off the books.

"Oh. What's the matter?" Uncle Xiang asked at this time.

"General, the navy we just formed, the equipment is too poor. Can it be equipped with some artillery? Our battle fleet doesn't even have a single artillery. This." The general begged.

"En." Xiang Bo nodded.

"The tactics of this navy are not fighting in this way. You can only rely on seizures if you want artillery. Moreover, you are fighting a sneak attack, not a frontal attack. Therefore, you cannot be equipped with artillery." Xiang Bo said.

"This." The general was very surprised when he heard such words, because he had never heard such words.

"At present, the navy is under tight funds, and there is no money to buy more artillery. Therefore, it is impossible for your battle fleet to obtain artillery." Xiang Bo said.

"This, General, we can't fight like this." The general said embarrassedly.

"En. Your tactics are sneak attacks, you can get the greatest results with the least cost, you are sneak attacks, not attacking outright." Xiang Bo said.

"Moreover, you are playing water pirates and pirates. To rob those noble navy ships, artillery, and money, except for some of them. The rest is all yours, and the other ships and cannons are also yours. Use them as you wish. "Bo Xiang said.

"But in terms of tactics, it is a sneak attack. How to do it is your business." Xiang Bo said.

"This. Um. Good." After hesitating for a while, the general immediately agreed to this matter. Uncle Xiang believes that since the subordinates want to do this well, they should be given absolute power. Only with this power can the subordinates actively fight. It was precisely at this point that after hesitating, Bo Xiang immediately agreed to this condition. In his opinion, such a condition is very attractive.

"But there is one thing you will remember for me." Uncle Xiang turned his head back and said solemnly at this time.

"It's someone else who grabs your subordinates. If the noble navy knows what we did, they will definitely unite against us. Therefore, you are water pirates, pirates, legal water pirates, pirates, and water pirates of the Chu navy. "Bo Xiang looked at each other and said.

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