"Sir, what's all this talking about?" a platoon leader asked cautiously.

"En." Ying Yu frowned. After all, she still doesn't recognize some of Chu's words. At present, Qin's newspaper has the largest circulation. People can understand the outside world and rely on newspapers. Qin's small seals are often used in newspapers. Therefore, among the people, the people of the world often use Qin's small seals, because everyone recognizes Qin's small seals. But in the hands of high-level people, especially the nobles, they believe that their country should use their own language. Therefore, the use of Qin's small seal is opposed. The content of this letter basically uses Chu script. Yingyu can only guess the general meaning of this letter based on the appearance and the upper and lower contents of the letter.

"Don't rush. I really watched it." Yingyu said disgustedly.

"En." Yingyu looked at the letter seriously.

"En." Yingyu took the bamboo slip and looked at it over and over again.

"En. It seems to mean that Linzi in Qi State has been surrounded by the Chu army. They also captured your King Qi. Soon, a nobleman will go to discuss something." Ying Yu said while looking at the bamboo slips.

"What?" I heard the news. Yingyu's men looked at Yingyu in surprise.

"That's how it is written in the letter. If you don't believe it, you can read it for yourself." Then Yingyu dropped the letter on the case table.

"This. This." The subordinates couldn't believe the content of this very letter.

"We won't watch either." A platoon leader said.

"En." Yingyu nodded.

"Come here. Throw this letter on the road." Yingyu ordered.

"It's the sir." A platoon leader said.

"That. The Chu Jun who delivered the letter?" the platoon leader said.

"You figure it out by yourself." Yingyu said angrily.

After Yingyu got the news. I feel that this kind of thing is closely related to my own situation. Judging from the content of the letter. The Chu army has surrounded Linzi. King Qi was captured by the Chu army. As a result, the Qi army is very disadvantaged. But from the side, Yingyu feels that her position is very good. Because the Chu army wanted to surround Linzi. A lot of materials will be needed.

In this way, your position will be very advantageous. The logistics materials of the Chu army must pass from here. In this way, Yingyu felt that this guerrilla warfare could play a great role.

On the Yangtze River in the South. Several merchant ships are slowly approaching a ferry.

This is the narrowest part of the Yangtze River. In a relatively wide area, there is a noble water army water village. The noble navy did not come out.

"General. I found a few merchant ships, they are coming towards us." The composition of the noble navy is very complicated. They are all rascals, and they usually have nothing to do. They come to be navy, in fact, they know , To come here is to be able to **** a lot of money. And he is also a navy.

"En." The noble general is a young noble. He is a son of a nobleman. To be a general here is to supervise the tax collection. However, I don't know why recently. Water pirates frequently attacked the taxation vessels of the noble navy. Judging from the feedback from various places. Water pirates are coming fiercely.

"Don't attack." The aristocratic water army general said.

"These may be water thieves. You can't be fooled by them." The noble navy army issued an order.

"But, General, those are merchant ships, and the merchant ships are small. We have artillery. What are you afraid of them?" a noble officer asked aloud.

"No. It just doesn't work." The noble general shouted loudly. Because he got the tip. Say yes, it was because some merchant ships approached and caused the warship to be lost. Once the warship approaches, the opponent will jump to fight, even if there is a cannon, it is of no use. Because he is very clear. One's own people are simply not suitable for fighting in hand-to-hand combat. However, he couldn't use artillery to bombard those merchant ships. If the merchant ship is sunk, there will be no taxation.

"But let it go. It can't," the noble officer said humbly.

But the general just didn't speak.

"It's a pity. It's a pity," the officer said.

"Shut up. Can you defeat those water thieves?" the general cursed loudly.

"It's not you trash, can we stay here?" the general cursed irritably.

"Look." The general ordered.

"Here." The other noble navy nodded.

"Not good." At this time, an aristocratic navy sentry shouted loudly.

"Those merchant ships are approaching." The sentry shouted loudly.

"Fire. Quickly fire. Don't let them approach us. If you get close, it's over." The general shouted loudly at this time.

"Here." The officer replied loudly.

"Boom. Boom. Bang." Then the noble navy artillery began to fire shells. The shells roared out.

But none of the artillery shells of the noble naval forces hit, and some shells were still far away from the merchant ships.

"A bunch of rubbish." General Chu Jun scolded after looking at the drop points of the artillery shells. The training of the noble navy is seriously insufficient. These noble naval forces could not fight at all, because they were not for the war at all.

"Oh!" The general shook his head and left.

"Oh." The cannonball flew over.

"Boom." A jet of water splashed.

"No. Brother. The artillery fire of the noble navy is very fierce." A businessman said on the ground.

"What's so fierce?" said a bearded businessman.

"All **** indiscriminate shooting. This aristocratic navy is rich. This cannon is just like money spent." The bearded businessman cursed.

"Retreat. Retreat." The bearded businessman gave an order.

They originally forced the noble navy to go to war. But I did not expect that the nobles would not go to war.

In desperation, the merchant ships continued to retreat, while the noble navy continued to fire indiscriminately.

Just when the nobles were shooting randomly. Warships passed by the merchant ships continuously. They were the warships of the Chu State Navy. They are advancing towards the city of Changsha.

"Those noble naval forces, it seems that they have not undergone any training." Xiang Liang said while standing on the bow of the ship with a telescope and watching the shooting of the noble naval forces.

"General. These noble naval forces are in short supply. Recently, there have been constant water pirates attacking. These noble naval forces are all curled up. Now, even these merchants are also attacking." A general next to him said.

"En. In the future. We must annihilate these noble navy forces. There is only one of our navy forces on the Yangtze River. There can never be a second armed force." Xiang Liang said while looking at the noble navy forces.

"Here." Chu State Water Army general said.

In Handan, Zhao State.

"Your Majesty. These are our aristocrat's private soldiers." An aristocrat with a beard said happily.

"En. Good. Aiqing's army is good. It is better than the army trained by our royal family." Zhao Wang said happily.

"Wow!" Noble private soldiers gathered temporarily. They formed a temporary formation, and put together an all-in-one Qin State-made trap gun unit. And there are more artillery. They want to rely on such troops to wipe out the miners in the mining area.

"My lord. This Zhao country's miner riots have seriously affected my Zhao country's taxes. Now, my nobleman must calm down these miners. Return my Zhao country to be peaceful." The nobleman said.

"En. Zhao's calmness. It's up to you." Zhao Wang said as he looked at the noble private soldiers.

The Zhao State regular army was unable to send troops. Li Mu himself refused Zhao Wang's request to send troops. The reason was that his troops could not be sent to form a formed unit. Because many troops have some troops involved in the riot.

In addition, Li Mu believes that soldiers cannot be used in riots. Because of these Zhao Min. The key to solving the problem is levying taxes. This is Guo Kai's business. Sending troops to annihilate them will only continue to fight.

Even worse. Your own army has already stepped in, and these troops have received strict military training, and put such a formed unit into the riot, and it is the opposing party of the noble and private soldiers. And those noble private soldiers had never received such harsh training.

Zhao Jun’s training came from Qin Jun. Qin Jun's harsh training methods directly improved Zhao Jun's combat effectiveness. Zhao Jun’s combat power was already very strong, coupled with the Qin Army’s systematic training methods. This allowed Zhao Jun's combat effectiveness to increase a lot.

Compared to the noble side. Their battle will be much weaker.

"The training received by the noble army is still old. But our army is the latest in Qin. Although the nobles have the latest weapons. However, their superiority in weapons cannot provide them with an improvement in combat effectiveness. And they are more comfortable with new weapons. The application and tactical changes are not well understood. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for them to have a direct confrontation with us. Under such circumstances, some of us have a deep understanding. It is said that some of us have a deep understanding. We also have some officers who graduated from the State of Qin. They have a deep understanding of new tactics and the application of weapons. Under such circumstances, the noble army wants to quell the riots. I think the possibility is very low. "Li Zuoche analyzed Li Mu.

"The analysis makes sense. The aristocratic army hastily calmed down the riot. It will inevitably suffer heavy losses. We should prepare the armed forces as soon as possible." Li Zuoche then suggested.

"Some places. You can take it down without attacking at all." Li Mu said to Li Zuoche.

A mine in Zhao State.

"I heard that the nobles are planning to attack us," said a captain of Zhao Jun.

"This mine is easy to guard. There is only one way into the mountain and down the mountain. We have to dig more defensive trenches on this. Build more fortifications. In addition. Use those explosives. Wrap them in linen. Then throw them, just Can blow them up," the captain said.

"Remember, dig the trench deeper," the captain said.

"The noble army must have artillery. Those artillery will fly over quickly, and we can't stand it at all. The only way to dig more trenches." The captain continued.

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