The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1543: End of the Qi-Chu War

"How many artillery do we have now?" Yingyu said, holding his notebook.

"Five five-inch guns and three-inch small guns. Two." Shishi reported.

"En." Yingyu just nodded.

"Place the large-caliber artillery on the vantage point, and the small-caliber artillery on the main traffic road into the mountain." Yingyu ordered.

"Yes, sir." Stone nodded.

Yingyu recorded the data. Infantry attack without artillery cover, the loss is very large. The greatest threat to infantry is artillery.

"Boom." A huge explosion sounded. Under the fierce bombardment of the Chu army, the advancing guerrillas turned and retreated.

"Swish." The shell quickly flew over. A shell hit the retreating Qi people, and a large group of Qi people were broken into pieces by the shells. Flesh and flesh fly. Such scenes have happened many times. The Qi people's attack left the corpse and quickly turned and retreated.

"Qi people's offensive repelled again." The bearded Chu Army officer stood on the vantage point with a telescope and said. Chu Jun did not choose to defend in the town, because the bearded officer knew it well. The rammed-earth wall has been difficult to effectively defend against the attack of infantry covered by artillery. So he chose to occupy the commanding heights in the field for field defense. At the same time, he dug a large number of trenches around and placed a large number of wooden obstacles to block the opponent's attack. This defense is effective. Once the infantry's offensive is delayed, the infantry will suffer a lot of losses with the fierce bombardment of the artillery, and after suffering a huge loss, the infantry's offense will collapse.

In addition, there was no fire preparation at all before the Qi people attacked. Such an offensive against a defense system with a complete field fortification is difficult to win.

"Yes." General Chu Jun said with a telescope.

"Our artillery shells are also consumed a lot. If we continue to fight like this, we can't stand it." The general Chu Jun said worriedly. The bearded officer said nothing.

Qi people after the first attack. Several large-scale offensives were subsequently organized. But the losses are relatively heavy. However, this attack has reduced the number of people a lot compared to the previous one, although the opponent has adopted a multi-way attack and is facing a complete defense system. In addition, there is no firepower to support, only relying on pure infantry to capture the opponent's camp. The Qi people's offense is easily defeated.

The bearded officer had a plan in mind. Such an offense only needs to be defeated several times in a row. The Qi people's offensive momentum will be reduced. They will consider whether to proceed.

Qin State Xianyang. Inside the South Korean Embassy.

"In fact, our maritime business has also been affected by the Chu aristocratic taxation. Chu people levied high taxes on merchant ships except Qin. If it weren't for your strict registration of Qin merchants, I'm afraid all Chu Chinese people will register merchant ships in Qin voluntarily." Zhang Liang said to Meng Yi. I heard Zhang Liang say this. Meng Yi smiled slightly.

When Meng Yi came here, he wanted to find Zhang Liang to count. How did the two countries impose sanctions against Chu State in order to protest against the excessive expropriation of Chu aristocrats? Meng Yi knew very well that mere verbal protests would have no effect at all. When those aristocrats faced huge economic benefits , Usually does not consider the existence of Qin's interests. Therefore, Meng Yi plans to take some actions to make the nobles of Chu realize the seriousness of the problem and stop the nobles of Chu.

Regarding the registration of merchant ships in Qin State, it is Qin State’s own affairs. Everyone knows that in order to facilitate management and tax collection, Qin State will have a complete set of detailed registration system. Once the registration is successful, it means Enjoy Qin's low tax policy. It is also attracted by such a low tax policy. Some Chu people and Koreans tried their best to register their ships as Qin ships, but the laws of the Qin country are extremely strict, which makes it difficult for them to find loopholes.

A discerning person can understand at a glance that the purpose of these people is to reduce their taxes. Qin ships can not only pay less taxes in Qin, but also avoid taxes on the waters of the Yangtze River from the Chu aristocrats. The Chu aristocrats do not want to pay taxes. At war with the Qin people, they avoided the Qin people's ships. In this way, it has become a tax haven that Chu people think. But the operation in the middle is too difficult.

"We should take some actions against the Chu aristocrats, but only against the Chu aristocrats." Meng Yi expressed his views.

"As far as I know, it is Chu aristocrats who levy high taxes. We should make the target more specific, mainly targeting those Chu aristocrats." Meng Yi said.

"So what do you do?" Zhang Liang asked.

"This, we don't know yet." Meng Yi said with a smile.

"The purpose of my coming here is to solicit your opinions. Or do you have any good solutions?" Meng Yi asked with a smile.

"En." Zhang Liang thoughtfully.

"To be honest, we don't have any good ways. If we have good ways, we won't let those Chu aristocrats levy so many taxes. Those nobles are simply outrageous. They levied too much tax. "Zhang Liang complained.

"Our business is very difficult to continue, we also think of ways to deal with each other, but Chu is very strong, we can not talk to each other. And the situation in Chu is very chaotic." Zhang Liang said.

"The king of Chu has little influence on the situation in the noble fief. For us, it is difficult for us to influence the place through Chu. It can be said that our current situation is fighting against Chu, not the entire Chu. Therefore, it is difficult for us to have a way." Zhang Liang said.

"So, you can choose to send troops directly to fight?" Meng Yi put forward one of his views. He believes that according to South Korea's current combat power, they still have hope of victory for the Chu aristocracy. You know, South Korea is a country, although the country's strategic space is relatively small. But so many years of development. There is also a certain strength.

"This is not in the interests of our country." Zhang Liang said directly.

"Although South Korea’s military power can fight against the Chu aristocracy, South Korea does not want to do so. Once the two sides go to war, the entire Yangtze River channel will be cut off, and South Korea’s overseas colonies will lose contact. Not only that, South Korea should be in war. Go in trouble. South Korea’s finances have a big problem. It is impossible to have too much money for the army in terms of expenditure. Therefore, the war is very unfavorable for us." Zhang Liang said.

"It's not only bad for us. It's also extremely bad for Qin." Zhang Liang first talked about the disadvantages of South Korea at this time, and then talked about the unfavorable environment of Qin, so that the two countries can be put on the same boat. .

"Qin's raw material imports also need the Yangtze River's traffic arteries. Now the Chu aristocrats are stuck between the necks of our two countries. We rushed to war, and the disadvantage is us, not the Chu aristocrats." Zhang Liang said.

"En." Meng Yi nodded. He very much agrees with this point, because Meng Yi also knows that if war starts, the price of Qin's raw materials will rise because of inconvenience in transportation. For Qin State, this is simply a matter of even worse. Coupled with cuts in military spending. In the case of unfavorable fiscal expenditures. The first choice of war is obviously detrimental to Qin.

"Our cabinet meeting also held discussions. Their view is to launch other diplomatic methods to contain the Chu aristocrats." Meng Yi said.

"Oh." Zhang Liang heard with interest.

"We heard that in the war between Qi and Chu, Chu was launched by the nobles of Chu. The purpose seems to be for the gold mines in Qi. They need a lot of gold." Meng Yi said. Zhang Liang also knew this.

"Therefore, we decided to find Qi power to contain the Chu army. By containing the Chu army, a blow was formed and the Chu nobles suffered heavy losses." Meng Yi said.

"If this is the case." Zhang Liang said worriedly.

"Then the nobles of the Chu Kingdom will also impose high taxes. This is probably very unfavorable to us." Zhang Liang said worriedly. Because he was worried that the Chu aristocrats who were trapped in it would further increase their taxes due to the war at this time, and this would cause losses to Chu and South Korea.

"But these are the best methods we have come up with." Meng Yi said helplessly.

"This is what we can understand at the moment. We cannot further disintegrate the nobles in the Chu Kingdom. Those nobles have existed for a long time. The Qin army is unable to send troops to carry out annihilation by force. This is the most important thing for us. Good choice." Meng Yi said.

"En. Okay. We can try it." Zhang Liang nodded and agreed.

"En. Very good. I'm going to contact the Qi State party now. I hope they can do what we expected." Meng Yi said.

"En. I hope the prime minister can also propose some good solutions so that we can solve this matter together." Meng Yi smiled and stretched out.

"En. Okay." Zhang Liang said, holding the opponent's hand.

Qi State, Linzi.

"Long live. Long live. The war is over. The war is over." Chu Army soldiers leaped out of the trenches and shouted loudly. They threw away the helmets on their heads, raised their arms high, and shouted loudly.

There has just been a message from their officer. The Qi army in Linzi City surrendered. Except those who infiltrated and escaped. The Qi army in Linzi City was not resisting. At the same time, this war will come to an end. King Qi will restore Qi with the help of Chu. These sounds so incredible. But the fact is that it did happen. This is how things really happen.

In this situation, Chu and Qi reached some secret terms. These secret terms are not known to the outside world. But what is certain is that King Qi became a puppet of Chu.

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