The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1568: First transaction

"It is rumored that Qin Guo Wenyang Investment Bank obtained 32% of Zhao Guojia's shares through mortgage. This is a relatively large share." A newspaper of Qin Guo reported such a thing.

In the stock exchange, such rumors have been heated up. Because of such rumors, Jia's stock price suddenly rose to the price of fifty gold. This price is still very cheap, but traders worry that Zhao’s domestic turbulent situation will not allow such a company to survive. Just imagine Now, in a turbulent situation, how to ensure security is what they are most worried about.

When traders were worried, the Prime Minister of Qin State once again issued a decree that is very important to the financial market, allowing foreign funds to enter the financial market of Qin State for trading. The Prime Minister’s Office has carried out some careful handling in the management and control of funds. For example, transaction costs. The transaction costs of overseas investments are relatively lower than those of Qin’s domestic costs. This is one of the important measures to attract capital inflows. In terms of stamp duty, Qin has also lowered its fee standard. If the tax is too high, it will be difficult to attract capital inflows. In addition, Qin Guo has also taken measures to register. Prevent the borrowing of funds from flowing out of Qin through other channels.

The facts of these policies all clarify the fact that Qin has already liberalized the capital market. Allow national capital to enter this market to operate. Meng Yi's move was to show Qin's determination in financial affairs.

"You said, can we have money if this grain is transported to the Huns?" A man from six countries drove a carriage and asked.

"Yes. It definitely can. This cart of grain is not valuable in Qin. But it must be sent to the Huns." Another person in the cart said loudly.

"The Huns lack food and drink now, and we will definitely make a lot of money," the man said.

"Boom boom boom." At this moment, a rumbling voice came from the grassland in the distance.

"No, a cavalry is approaching. Everyone is ready." The man shouted loudly while standing on the carriage.

"Hurry up, there are Huns approaching. Everyone must be careful." After speaking, the carriage began to surround themselves. The people with muskets quickly took advantage of the position, and they waited for the Huns to appear.

"Yoyo." The Huns soon appeared in front of this group of people. The Huns just surrounded the convoy, but did not launch an attack.

"Hey, you Qin people come out and speak." A Huns who can speak Chinese stood up.

"They will speak our words." A surprised Qin countryman said in a low voice.

"Hey, we are here to do business." A Qin countryman stood up and shouted.

"We know that you are here for business. What do you have?" the Huns shouted.

"Food. There is also salt and some iron." Qin Guoren replied loudly.

"We will give you horses, and you will save salt and iron. Keep it. We don't want food." The Huns replied.

"We don't need horses. Neither do cattle or sheep." Qin Guoren replied.

"!@@#¥" Hearing Qin's answer, the Huns began to speak.

"We only have horses." The Huns replied loudly.

"Here, wait, let's discuss it." A Qin countryman shouted loudly.

"What to do? The Huns don't have that kind of stone. They don't seem to have much interest in food." Another Qin countryman expressed his own opinion. The Huns' requirements are simple. Salt, iron. The rest seems to be unnecessary.

"If this goes on, our business will not go on." said a man with a long beard.

"Our goods are not on the right way," the man said. Qin people provided salt and iron. food. Food occupies a large part. But the Huns don't seem to be very optimistic about food. On the contrary, they are extremely interested in salt and iron. Because these two are the necessities of life.

"The Huns only have horses, but horses are of no use to us." A Qin countryman complained.

"There are more horses in Mengzhou. Horses can't be sold for much?" the man said.

"Replace it soon. Otherwise, these grains and these goods, we have to take them back the same way." Another Qin countryman said.

"Yes, I changed it. Lost money." Qin people began to communicate with the Huns again. As a result, the Huns exchanged more than 200 horses for ten carts of grain, half a cart of salt, and a small amount of iron in Qin's hands.

After the two sides exchanged, they left quickly. Contrast exchange. The Huns are clearly on the road. And because it was the first time, the people of Qin were very strange. After the exchange, the two parties left separately. This was the first contact between Qin and the Xiongnu after they opened up trade. The two sides are still friendly. Once the previous smuggling behaviors gave the Huns a taste of the sweetness, the cost paid by the Huns was far higher than that of the trade between the two sides.

The Qin people have the advantage of weapons. At the same time, in the cavalry battle, the Qin army is more mature. With the use of some advanced technologies, the Huns’ cavalry advantage can no longer be transformed into military advantage. In terms of military operations, the Huns’ military costs are already far higher Yu Qin Jun the other side.

At this time, the cost of fighting between the Qin and the Huns was already very high. The cost of the Qin came from their logistics supplies and the increase in combat personnel. The huge area has formed a vast space, and this space has undoubtedly formed a huge war cost. The greater the space, the greater the cost. This is one of the reasons why the two sides cannot continue the war.

"My lord, judging from the recent policy trends of the Qin State, the policies of the Qin State are biased towards finance." said a Qin State consultant in the cabinet. South Korea's special geographical location has forced Han Shu to set up a study on the policy trends of various countries in the cabinet. Among them, Qin has the most.

"Finance?" Han Shu asked curiously.

"Yes. Finance. Qin State not only allows Zhao's companies to go public and enter the Qin State stock exchange market. Today, they also allow funds from various countries to enter the Qin State stock market for trading. This shows that Qin State is moving faster and faster." Said.

"En." Han Shu nodded.

"This finance can really make money?" After Han Shu tried the bond last time, it caused a lot of chaos in South Korea. Such chaos made Han Shu dare not make much financial moves. However, Qin State continuously made major financial adjustments. The intention is obvious, and the people of Qin want to make big moves in finance. But its effect. Han Shu didn't have much confidence in his heart.

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