"General, the number of ships passing by the Yangtze River is very small recently, and this has really had a great impact on us." Xiang Bo said.

"With the reduction of taxes, our money will be reduced, and there will be few ships. Now there are more and more artillery, and many pirates and water pirates are equipped with a large number of artillery. The number of artillery boats and warships has exceeded one hundred , And our medium-sized artillery ships only have fifty. The number of artillery ships is also less than those of pirates.” Xiang Liang said worriedly.

"Not only that. Now those merchants have begun to organize fleets, and there are also gunboats in the fleet. The number of artillery equipped with gunboats is similar to the level of pirate medium gunboats. The change in the number of equipment has greatly exceeded our expectations, and we are because of the money. Relationship, can't keep up with these people's footsteps." Xiang Liang said. Xiang Yan just sat in the middle and listened patiently without speaking.

"We have recently been unable to replenish enough ships, and our warships cannot go to sea. If this continues, I am worried that the overseas colonies that we finally master will become enclaves." Xiang Liang said.

"The warship going to sea has become the only line of communication connecting these colonies." Xiang Liang said.

"But now, the warship has not been able to go to sea for a long time, I am afraid." Xiang Liang said worriedly.

"The tax has also been reduced a lot now. We didn't collect much, but those nobles, they collected too much. To us, those businessmen have completely failed to pay taxes. Now, it is true. There is no way." Bo Xiang also said.

"In this way. The situation is not good." Xiang Yan said worriedly.

Xiang Yan's current situation is very bad. Chu's navy has a particularly low income, but the army it supports is particularly large, and it is already more difficult for the army to maintain it.

Originally, Xiang Yan believed that after the defeat of Changsha, the situation of Chu's naval forces would change a lot, but what he didn't expect was that Chu aristocracy's violent conquests would greatly influence the Chu naval forces. The Chu State Navy's tax revenue is not much at all. What's worse is that Qin State Bank's loan was also broken at this time. In this way, the Chu State Water Army's financial resources were cut off. In addition, the Chu State navy army had expanded greatly before, but now that the financial resources are cut off, the situation of the Chu State navy army has continued to deteriorate.

"We can't collect taxes in several overseas colonies, so we will not be able to catch up with the pirate situation." Xiang Liang said worriedly.

"En." Xiang Yan just nodded. Xiang Liang just nodded when he saw Xiang Yan, and did not continue. The State of Qin continued to export a large number of arms and weapons, and the number of exports was increasing, which caused the price of Qin's artillery, muskets, and various ammunition to drop a lot. Take an ordinary smoothbore gun as an example. The previous price was once sold as high as a thousand gold, but now a smoothbore artillery is only 100 gold. In some places, one hundred gold is not enough. This rapidly reduced price has allowed more ships to be equipped with a large number of artillery.

The medium warship of the pirate ship was originally equipped with fifty artillery. But after the price of artillery was reduced, a hundred artillery was rapidly added. In this way, the firepower has doubled. However, the Chu State Navy was unable to keep up with the speed of artillery equipment because it did not have more money, so that the Chu State Navy lags behind the pirate merchant ships.

After the large-scale price reductions of artillery and other arms and weapons, merchant ships also rapidly expanded their scale. The expansion of merchant ships is due to the stimulation of shipping and water transportation. The trade with Qin is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more people are participating in it. The shipbuilding industry has developed rapidly. Not only has the scale of ships expanded, but the quantity and quality of shipbuilding have risen a lot. The ship is much larger than at any time before.

Merchant ships used to be medium-sized cargo ships, only more than twenty feet long, and the number of such ships is also very small. However, with the upgrading of shipbuilding technology, coupled with the expansion of the shipyard. The length of the medium cargo ship suddenly expanded to more than thirty feet in length. The width has also increased to five feet from the previous three feet. As a result, the cargo load has been greatly increased, coupled with the use of some new wood, the number of masts and sails has been greatly increased. The layout is more reasonable. The price of ships has also dropped a lot quickly. As a result, the price of the ship is quickly reduced. Under such circumstances, merchants naturally have a large number of ships to use.

A wealthy businessman has the scale of ten ships. These merchant ships are all armed merchant ships. One of them is equipped with fifteen artillery. In order to strengthen guard, they will also specially equip a ship as a warship, so that the entire fleet will rapidly increase its combat effectiveness.

Other less wealthy businessmen would organize each other and trade. The reason why businessmen have such financial resources. From their primitive accumulation of capital. This kind of capital accumulation speed is very fast, because there are huge wealth overseas, so that they have such rich financial resources to buy so many ships.

It was precisely because of this huge gap that there was a big gap between Chu's navy and Chu's businessmen, and this gap widened little by little every day. The poor financial situation makes it difficult for them to compare with these businessmen.

Thinking of this, Xiang Yan was very helpless, because the soldiers couldn't get it out of the economy. The tax collection was taught by the people of Qin, and now there is no way to do these things.

"No, let's find the people of Qin. The people of Qin are very good financially." Xiang Yan thought about it for a long time.

"General." A doctor came up quickly and whispered.

"What's the matter?" Xiang Yan said.

"General, Jiujiang is here to report. It is said that several mines have been occupied by rioting slaves. Now the nobles are unable to suppress. They ask us to send troops to support." The doctor who came in whispered.

"Bouncing?" Xiang Yan asked.

"Yes. Bouncing." The doctor nodded and said.

"Go out first," Xiang Yan said. After the doctor went out. Xiang Yan kept shook his head.

"Let's take a look." Xiang Yan said.

"Our nobles." Xiang Yan said.

"General, this matter is profitable." Xiang Liang said in a quick response.

"Oh. What's the profit?" Xiang Yan asked.

"These mines, we can expel them and then occupy them. These mines are ours, and we can increase our financial resources." Xiang Liang said.

"En." Xiang Yan nodded.

"No. No. These nobles suppressed us a lot. If the king moves around, it will not be good for us." Xiang Yan shook his head and said.

Xiang Liang and Xiang Bo looked at each other and shook their heads.

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