"Lord." The official who went to collect taxes carefully came to Tian Heng's account.

"What's the matter?" Tian Heng asked.

"Go. Increase the strength to mine." Tian Heng said to a general.

"Yes. Sir." The general nodded. Then he looked at the official and left.

The official standing by the official came forward cautiously at this time.

"This is the official who went to the coastal areas to collect taxes. He said that he has important things to report to the main public." The civilian said carefully. Because they still don't know if Tian Heng is very angry.

"Oh." Tian Heng nodded.

"Why? There is a problem with taxation?" Tian Heng looked at the official and asked.

"Lord, there is indeed a problem. I ran into someone in Donghai Town." The official said with some worry.

"Oh. Who?" Tian Heng then asked.

"Yes, it's the prime minister of Qin." The official hesitated and said with courage.

"What?" Tian Heng cried out in surprise.

"Yes, the lord, it is indeed the prime minister. He asked me to bring you a message, hoping to let the lord you go and talk to him. Let's talk about taxation," the official said.

"Oh." Tian Heng relieved from shock at this time. He didn't expect that Prime Minister Qin would be here.

"Are you sure?" Tian Heng asked at this time.

"Yes. I think so, he took the initiative." said the official.

"En. Take a few people and pay you back. Come with me, I'll go over and take a look." Tian Heng thought that this matter must be checked in person anyway. It may be true, but you have to check it out anyway.

"Lord, we'd better be careful if it's not ambush," the civil official on the side said cautiously.

"En. Take a few more people and leave now." Tian Heng has already decided on this matter. Tian Heng had a fate with the prime minister. Although the two sides hadn't said anything, Tian Heng decided to take a look. Maybe you can get something from the prime minister's mouth.

The tribes outside the northern defense line of Qin State were surrounded by nervous and uneasy emotions. This sentiment can be clearly seen by the soldiers of the Qin Army, because the old and weak in some tribes will be near the barbed wire fence of Qin State, and they look at Qin State every day. The soldiers of the Qin Army could only watch indifferently. They did not receive the order.

"I don't know what the above will think? Time passes by day by day. So many people are outside. Sooner or later they will find a way to cross our line of defense." A sergeant said to the ensign at this time.

"I know that," the ensign said.

"Go back. Go back. Bang." At this moment, loud shouts and gunfire came from the other side of the trench.

"What's the matter?" The second lieutenant shouted immediately after hearing the gunfire.

"What's the matter?" The ensign who quickly felt the location of the incident asked immediately.

"Sir, look." A second-class soldier waved at the defense zone at this time. The second lieutenant saw that a young man from a northern nomadic tribe had crossed the barbed wire fence of the State of Qin, and he was walking towards the defense zone of the State of Qin.

"Bang." The second-class soldier on the side fired a shot into the sky to warn the opponent not to come over again.

"Damn it. I'll step on landmines again." The second class scolded.

"Boom." An explosion came. The second lieutenant saw that half of the boy's body was blown into the sky, and his lower body had been torn to pieces by mines.

"Fucking. I'm looking for death. I won't let you come. I can't come." The second-class soldier cursed. Qin's barbed wire layout is regular. The side closest to the outside has no mines, only barbed wire. This is to prevent those small animals or their own people from stepping on landmines without their knowledge. Because this happened outside the barbed wire area before, Qin Jun once placed a large number of landmines outside continuously. But these mines are often detonated by cattle and sheep. But Qin Jun didn't go to pick up the corpse, and as a result, wolves were attracted again. Then it triggered a second round of explosions. The nearby greedy wolves let the mines blow up almost. Qin Jun in order to avoid such a phenomenon. At the same time, in order to avoid injury to his own people. Because of the rampant smuggling activities. Therefore, the mine field was placed inside the barbed wire fence.

These tribes were afraid of revenge from the Huns, and the Qin government had not taken any measures for a long time, so some tribes still quietly crossed the defense zone. Qin Jun found out several times. Warn the opponent by firing a gun. After seeing Qin Jun being spotted, the opponent immediately backed away. Did not touch the mines. After several trials. Some tribes boldly began to cross the Qin army's defense zone. After firing the warning shot, it also lost its final effect. So such a tragedy happened.

"These savages," the second lieutenant said, looking at the half body in the minefield.

As for the tribe outside the barbed wire fence on the opposite side, many people have seen such a scene. They didn't expect such a thing to happen, and some people tried to follow the boy to the Qin country. Because they think Qin is safe and reliable here. But I didn't expect it to be such a result, and some people who came over took the initiative to run back. There were one or two people squatting on the ground, obviously such an explosion made them afraid to act rashly.

"What happened?" A captain officer walked over. He is the cavalry captain who came to support.

"Sir. A young man tried to cross our defense zone and was killed by a landmine." The ensign reported.

"En." The cavalry captain picked up his binoculars to check the situation.

Several women of the tribe were crying outside the barbed wire. The people of the tribe did not move. They seemed to be shaken by the mine.

"These Huns," the cavalry captain said disdainfully.

"Sir. They are not Huns. They say they are Huns. We don't know who they are?" The ensign explained at this time.

"Oh. I see." The cavalry captain nodded.

"What do we do above?" the cavalry captain asked.

"I don't know, sir. The above just told us to wait for reinforcements. The specific actions were not announced, just let us stand by for reinforcements. Just stick to these defense areas." The ensign said.

"Oh." The cavalry captain lost interest at this time because he was in the Northern Military District. The cavalry is used as a mobile force, which means that it is used for offensive or counter-charge, while the infantry only means holding on. When the cavalry captain heard that there was no intention to attack from above, he immediately lost interest. Obviously, it was not time for them to show off. Originally, this time it was to launch an offense, but I didn't expect it to be sticking. This makes the cavalry captain feel very meaningless.

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