The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1711: Investment opportunity

"Only in this way can trade be carried out, and Qin and South Korea can jointly develop more markets." Shang Wen said to Zhang Liang.

"I understand what the prime minister said." Zhang Liang said. The purpose of Qin Guo's doing this was actually to develop the market.

"Qin and South Korea both have a large number of factories. However, our two countries are facing the same problem. The market is awkward, and there is not such a big market to accommodate so many companies." Zhang Liang gestured.

"Yes. That's what I mean, so we have to do a lot of things." Shang Wen said to Zhang Liang.

"I don't know what many markets the Prime Minister said include?" Zhang Liang asked.

"Merge those companies that have not been maintained, and then merge them into a large company. In this way, the number of companies has decreased. However, your company's effectiveness has been greatly improved. Before, there were ten companies. The production capacity is actually only that of eight companies. Scale capacity, but after you merge the company, there may be only three companies, but these three companies can greatly increase the efficiency of the company. It may actually be more than 20 companies." Shang Wen said with his fingers raised.

"Such a deal, I think South Korea may be very interested." Shang Wen said to Shang Wen.

"Is it really possible?" Zhang Liang asked Shangwen. Hearing Shang Wen throwing up such a topic, Zhang Liang is very clear that this is Shang Wen's consideration for South Korea.

"Yes, it's like. It's like fighting." Shang Wen said.

"The Qin army’s current combat scale is limited to less than 20,000 people. Previously, if the Qin army fought against the Huns, at least it would gather more than 200,000 people. But with advanced weapons, the Qin army often only needs one battalion. The scale can contain the Xiongnu. Coupled with the high mobility of the Qin army. In this way, the Qin army only needs 20,000 people. Basically, it can deter the entire Xiongnu." Shang Wen said to Zhang Liang.

"Korea companies, I also watched. Your factories. To be honest." Shang Wen said to Zhang Liang.

"I feel very dissatisfied." Shang Wen said.

"Korean companies must make some changes if they want to continue to develop. In other words, they must be able to adapt to the development needs of today and in the future. At present, Korean companies seem to be unable to meet such conditions." Shang Wen said.

"This. I can understand. But how can it be done?" Zhang Liang asked at this time.

"En." Shang Wen nodded.

"Investment. Introduce a large amount of foreign capital. In other words, start cooperation." Shang Wen said.

"Korea has a large number of companies. If you introduce capital, it will not only solve the current capital shortage of Korean companies, but also improve the overall competitiveness of the company. This is very beneficial to Korea, and the number of your companies will be reduced. However, the tax revenue that a company can provide is increasing. A country." Shang Wen said with a finger out.

"A lot of powerful companies are needed as representatives. It is like a fish in a pond. If there is not a single largest fish, most of the fish are very small. I am afraid that they will not sell a good price." Shang Wen said .

"En." Zhang Liang nodded.

"For the prime minister, I understand part of it. We had thoughts like this before. There are too many Korean companies, but none of them have as many types and strengths as Qin's company. I don't know that it is our reason. , Or the reason for the development of our enterprise. After the prime minister's analysis, I think we know the reason." Zhang Liang said.

"But in terms of attracting foreign investment and cooperation. We still need some specific consultation methods." Zhang Liang said hesitantly. Shang Wen saw that Zhang Liang was hesitant on this issue, why he hesitated. Shangwen doesn't understand, but in Shangwen's view, South Korea's conditions are better than those of Zhao Guo. Because there are many companies in Korea. Qin Guo investors have a lot of options. But without the favorable conditions of the policy, it is impossible to attract those investors. Taxation, or other policy support. There is no guarantee. Qin Guo investors would not choose.

"Okay. You can discuss it, and discuss it before you can make a decision." Shang Wen said. Shang Wen was helpless in his heart.

Shang Wen, who returned to the office, immediately expressed some of his views to Meng Yi.

"South Korea’s conditions are the best. If South Korea can agree to our conditions. Korea is definitely not such a scene. Their factories and handicrafts are not much different, they just look good. But compared to our Qin country, they still They lag behind a lot. They should accept more advanced technology. Advanced management methods. Instead of going on like this." Shang Wen said.

"The prime minister." Meng Yi said while looking at Shang Wen.

"Calm down." Meng Yi said, waving his arms.

"I know what you think. You want to expand the Korean market and increase Qin's capital. I can understand this. But we are doing this now. It seems a little anxious." Meng Yi said.

"Today I saw that Zhang Liang hesitated. The reason for the hesitation is possible, because the introduction of Qin State Capital may bring some adverse effects. They want to eliminate these adverse effects." Meng Yi said.

"En." Shang Wen calmed down a bit, he thought about what Meng Yi said, there was some truth in it.

"If it were me from the perspective of South Korea, I would also worry that if we introduce Qin's capital excessively, then Qin's capital will control many companies, even if Korean companies develop. But profits. It was taken away by the people of Qin. The Koreans would not agree to this when they thought of this. If they could preserve their current control rights, I don't think they would choose this." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"Yes. You are right." Shang Wen nodded at this time. Acknowledged what Meng Yi said.

"You are right." Shang Wen nodded. Speaking to Meng Yi.

"Your idea is right." Shang Wen admitted his mistake.

"On this matter, I think a little anxiously." Shang Wen said.

"However, Prime Minister, I received a report today. It is from Xiao He. He is an expert in banking." Meng Yi said. Meng Yi and Xiao He have a good advisory relationship, and Xiao He has unique views on bank investment. Therefore, his report can attract enough attention.

"What report?" Shang Wen asked suspiciously.

"En. Let me take a look." Meng Yi walked to Shangwen's table and searched for it at this time.

"That's right." He said. Meng Yi handed Shang Wen a report.

"This report is written by Xiao He." Meng Yi said.

"He wrote some views in detail on this." Meng Yi said.

"He said. South Korea’s investment environment is not so good at the moment. It is mainly due to unfavorable policies. Zhao’s situation is better. At least, in terms of tariffs, Zhao’s people have agreed to Qin’s request. And Zhao also has cheap ones. Labor. The most important thing is that Zhao currently has aristocratic enterprises, and this company is listed in Qin. If Zhao has a lot of enterprises, I think Qin’s capital will give priority to Zhao as their investment first choice. Place." Meng Yi said.

"Why?" Shang Wen let go of the report and looked. And Meng Yi has already read this report. He knows something.

"They believe that Zhao has the advantage of cheap human resources, and at the same time, they have abundant resources. Coal, iron, and other resources, etc.. Someone can excavate, and the control is in the hands of the nobles. If you invest, you can easily find the target of investment. Just find the right nobles. As long as the government has a joint venture, you can get these things." Meng Yi said.

"En. But the coal mine is in the hands of the civilians of Zhao country." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Moreover, there are a large number of them. But this is not a reason. The nobles have resources. Abundant resources." Meng Yi said.

"As long as you have the capital, you can do this. The Zhao nobles don't have these in their hands, but they have ownership. This is a predicament. With a predicament, there are greater opportunities for speculation. On the contrary. The predicament of Korea is not very obvious. , South Korea’s plight. It’s not a big opportunity. For Zhao Guo, it’s very important.” Meng Yi said.

"So?" Shang Wen said while looking at Meng Yi.

"Let those nobles set up companies, we invest, cooperate, and carry out commercial activities. We make profits from it. If that is the case, Li Mu will also support it. We can say that companies established by nobles are taxable, but there must be Concessions. Although it doesn't look like a lot. But think about it. It's better than nothing." Meng Yi said.

"En." Shang Wen nodded.

"This idea is very good." Shang Wen applauded.

"If this is the case. I think that when the time comes, South Korea will be anxious." Shang Wenhe said in the report.

"Think about it. How do they feel when South Korea sees a wealthy Zhao country develop?" Shang Wen said.

"They will definitely be in a hurry. Once they are in a hurry, I think we have a chance. This opportunity is very big for us." Shang Wen said.

"Think about it, we still take the absolute initiative." Shang Wen said.

"It is us who have a lot of money in hand. Not them. Their chain of funds is broken. We are like getting stuck in their necks. Without air, they will suffocate to death. We are not in a hurry. We should have this time. Patience. Absolute patience." Shang Wen said with a smile at this time.

"Yes. Prime Minister. We should have absolute patience. Otherwise, we can't do anything." Meng Yi said.

"That's right." Shang Wen nodded in recognition.

"We have a lot to do. We can wait. But Koreans can't afford to wait." Shang Wen said.

"Think of a way. Get in touch with Zhao Guo. We temporarily forget about South Korea." Shang Wen continued.

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