Inside the Barry headquarters.

"How about the news that the Tocharians got from them? The above information needs to be understood as a reference." Berry put down the teacup in his hand and asked.

"Sir, everything is fine. We know that the purpose of their trip is to promote trade with our country of Qin. They are willing to spend a lot of gold coins to buy the firearms they need." Bai Hua reported.

"Of course. They also hope to send some people to study with us. To promote each other. That's what they said." Bai Hua said.

"What else?" Berry asked, he needed to know a lot about the other person.

"Yeah. There are also many. For example, some of them seem to like the tea we provide, but they need to add sugar. Such tea water is very expensive. I don’t know who gave it to them. Maybe they gave us some benefits. "Bai Hua explained.

"Haha. Okay, in this case, tea can also be sold. In the southern country of Chu, tea is very worthless, we can sell them some." Bai Rui said.

"Yes, sir, and they are very curious about everything about us. Some of them have learned some of our words with the Yue people. It seems that they are very talented in learning languages." Bai Hua Speaking of.

"Well. These are all written in the report. As long as it is a detailed matter, everything is written like this. Officer Meng especially needs such a report. Just do it." Bai Rui said.

"Yes, sir." Bai Hua nodded.

"Sir, the Yue people from the south have begun to go south in large numbers. A tribe that was close to us yesterday has already moved south quickly. I don't know where they are. I sent some military observers to their troops. At present, only the first A lot of news." Bai Hua said.

"Oh. I took the report and I'll take a look." Bai Rui was very interested in the report of the Yue people who went south, because he needed to understand what kind of situation the other party had formed. Or how is their progress.

The report was quickly brought over, and Barry saw what he wanted to know. It turned out that after a large number of Yueshi people assembled, they waited for a while and couldn't wait to go south. The reason is that they have less supplies. Some tribal leaders worry about their bullets or insufficient supplies, and then rush south in a hurry. The reason is that if they wait like this, they are empty supplies, and there is winter here too. Scarce, especially in some high mountain areas. Many Yueshi people are extremely disgusted with this place, because there is nothing here. While the south is mild and the climate there is pleasant, it is very suitable for them to enter and live, so many tribes have already made the decision to settle south and not go north. After some consideration, the Yue people finally went south and entered the Indian area. Due to the burning and killing along the way, almost a thousand miles long area is no man’s land, and the scale of this area is still expanding. The Indians were reduced to slaves. They were **** in piles and then escorted to the Qin State behind. A large number of Qin State dealers were anxiously waiting for their goods. Then they provided some bullets, gunpowder, or other weapons to the Yueshi people. As a result, their results will get bigger and bigger. And the people of Qin will become richer and richer.

There are also many things mentioned in the report. For example, the Indians seem to be strong, but they are actually very weak. The large-scale coalition that was organized before ceased to exist. On the contrary, they began to concentrate on the solution. The city-states of the Indians, and some city-states have also begun to take the initiative to contact the Yueshi people, and the Yueshi people have quickly established themselves. These are the personal views put forward by some middle and lower-level military officers. But these views are enough to make Berry arouse attention.

"Sir." Just when Barry was thinking about these questions. Bai Hua said.

"Sir, I think there is another problem. We need to pay attention to it. That is, if we don't fight the Tocharians. We still have an offensive force in our hands." Bai Hua said.

"It is the second mountain regiment, that is, the 212 mountain regiment. They fought very bravely. A recent report said that one of their scout troops went out and killed 200 Tocharians with just five people. Many people, and it was a head-on encounter. Although the report said that they used a submachine gun to increase their lethality a lot, we should note that these mountain people are not good at defending. We My opinion is that you can let them enter the place of the Indians and give it a try." Bai Hua suggested.

"Yeah. Consider it." Bai Rui nodded.

"But our main focus is on the Tocharians. Only when they cease fighting can we further control the area, and then we can go south or west. These are things that the chief can only consider." Barry said. To.

"Okay. Report the situation here to Chief Mongolia, and he will take care of these things." Bai Rui said.

North, Li Xin Department.

"Woo." The northwest wind was blowing violently, and the snow stopped. But the wind didn't stop. The wind here was very bitter, more painful than a knife and acupuncture. Li Xin stood outside for a while, and he couldn't stand it anymore.

"In such an environment, it is really difficult for us to get through this channel." Li Xin said with great worry.

"Yes, sir. Some sections of roads were blocked by heavy snow. It was difficult to clean up even if we used explosives, plus the avalanche caused by explosive explosions. The situation made us worse. Large machinery can only be detoured. No way. Moving forward, and the mountain area must be where we pass. We have thought of many ways, but there is no way." An engineering major staff officer said helplessly.

"Even if we put gasoline on it, it is difficult to clean the snow. The most terrible thing is that after the snow burns away, it turns into ice in the cold weather. This is difficult for us to move." The engineering major introduced.

"How about sprinkling salt?" Li Xin asked.

"No, sir, it is okay on ordinary roads, and it is barely passable after clearing the road, but here, especially in cold places, it is of no use at all. We are facing extremely bad weather. Now we can only watch. It’s good for the heavens. But I checked the climate records here, and I’m afraid that in the beginning of spring, there is still white snow here.” The Major of the Engineers said with some pessimism. Li Xin frowned when he heard this. They can't even get through communication now, and the expeditionary force has completely lost contact. And this situation may have to be maintained for quite a long time.

"Damn it." Li Xin regretted at this time, or in other words, he felt that he shouldn't let his own people do such things at this time. Otherwise they would not face such an unfavorable situation. Li Xin thought in his heart. But he has no way.

Inside the city.

"How much food do we have?" Tu Sui asked Tu Meng.

"Sir, our food can keep us for three months, but I am worried that after three months, our situation will be very bad. We have already transferred our food to several logistics supply stations nearby. And it has narrowed our supply range, but there is a bad situation that needs to be reported to you." Tu Meng said.

"What's the matter?" Tu Sui asked.

"Sir, our three small supply depots were deliberately attacked by the other side, and the other side paid a large price to capture them. Our people were mutilated, very cruel." Tu Meng reported helplessly.

"It seems that those Dawan people are still with us." Tu Sui said.

"Yes, sir. According to the news from Dawan, the people of Dawan took a series of tough measures against those who rioted in Dawan. The nobles suddenly took action, and the riots of those Dawan people were suppressed. They improved their relationship with us, but there is one thing that is not good for us." Tu Meng said worriedly.

"What's the matter?" Tu Meng asked.

"The Dawan people said that we should not expel the Dawan people in the city. In response, or to express their own attitude, they refused to provide us with food." Tu Meng looked at Tu Sui and said.

"Dawan **** people, I knew they would do this, they are such people." Tu Sui immediately cursed after hearing such words.

"Sir, the situation we are currently facing is very complicated. We not only have to face the siege of a large number of Dawan people, but if possible, we have to face the dilemma of being unable to retreat because the communication at the rear has been unable to contact. We came up with more than 10,000 people trapped here. If we go on for a long time, our situation will be very bad. Especially the ammunition supply." Tu Meng said worriedly.

"I understand what you said." Tu Sui said. For him, what he has to consider now is to retreat or continue to stick to it, he has not received a clear order. But as far as the current situation is concerned, his situation is very bad. If he withdrew his troops, he would have no room to hold on. In other words, he would not have a reliable fortress and stable supplies. As a result, Tu Sui entered a dilemma, and he couldn't change everything. This makes it difficult for him to take the next step.

"It's very unfavorable for us to stay stuck like this." Tu Sui said.

"What do we have to do, can we send a messenger? We need to get in touch with the rear as soon as possible and send more people so that they must send the news, otherwise, we will not be able to maintain it at all." Tu Sui was worried. Speaking of.

"Yes, sir." Tu Meng said. But is it really useful? Faced with such a dilemma, no matter what direction Qin Jun chooses, the result is extremely bad. Tu Meng thought so. Because he can't solve this situation either.

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