Karachi. A city-state with a scale of more than 100,000 people controlled by the Indians has a population of more than 100,000, which may be more than 100,000 or nearly 200,000. Anyway, the information obtained by the Yue people is very vague. Clearly, those Indians don't care about their accuracy at all, and may conservatively estimate it and report to the Yue people. But the people of the Yue family felt a bit tricky about such a city-state. Because they never thought Karachi would be this big.

"Do you know the origin of Karachi?" Major Li Guo looked at Karachi in the telescope with his binoculars. This is a seaport city with a large number of ships moored along the coast. Along the coast, there are a large number of residential buildings, followed by the city state. The palaces, and then there are a bunch of city buildings. Those buildings look very gorgeous and beautiful, and they look like places where rich people live. In addition to these people, there are also a large number of city walls. These city walls are made of stone and are very strong. Li Guo is very worried about whether the medium-caliber artillery can penetrate such walls, or use larger-caliber artillery. The artillery may not be able to penetrate.

"I don't know, sir." Lieutenant Sima Ran on the side shook his head and said. He feels very tired recently. It may be because of the long-term relationship between women. The Yue people are very refreshed. They caught a large number of Indian women. The dance of Indian women fascinated him. He had to fall asleep late every day. Under such circumstances, his body is being hollowed out every day.

"I remember that the prime minister told the king a story called Alexander the Great." Major Li Guo put down his binoculars and looked at Karachi in the distance.

"Karachi is the city he built with his own hands. This city still exists. We are now facing such a great emperor from the West." Li Guo said proudly. Now the observers of the Qin Army from the east looked at the city in front of him with great interest, and they wanted to conquer the city.

"En. But I'm interested in Karachi women. I heard that there is a white woman in it, tall and tall, just like a Western region woman." Sima Ran said.

"You really didn't save you. A woman will kill you." Major Li Guo said helplessly, shaking his head. Then turn around and leave you. He was going to see how the people of the Yue family planned to capture the city. But Sima Ran was not interested. He came here to find a woman, and his purpose was to find someone.

The Yueshi’s command camp was filled with noise. Li Guo didn't understand these voices, but he had someone who understood.

"What are you arguing about?" Li Guo asked.

"How to launch an offensive. This morning we used artillery to test the thickness of the Karachi city-state. The wall thickness is very thick. We don’t know how these Karachi people did this, but the fact is that our artillery is all concentrated. Can't penetrate these walls." Ma Biao explained.

"Why?" Li Guo asked curiously. This is the purpose of his coming here. Let's see if there is something that the people of Qin people need to do, or what innovative technology these people of Yueshi have to do this.

"Maybe our offensive people are too strong. Or the artillery is too sharp. Those Karachi people have not fought with us from the beginning. In the wild, we can easily defeat them, but they hide behind those thick walls. , Our artillery can't penetrate at all. And there are not many shells. Under such circumstances, we can't get it down at all." Ma Biao explained.

"It's true. It's not that your artillery can't penetrate, or our artillery has a problem. This requires a large-caliber and powerful artillery, which can't be transported by manpower." Li Guo thought of the Qin State heavy artillery that Ren Hangu closed. The caliber is more than seven inches. Using a brand new metal shell can cause more than one continuous casualty. Ordinary troops simply cannot withstand such an attack.

"Yes. That's it. We have tried people. Even if we light up all our cannonballs, I am afraid we will not be able to take them down. But we must attack them, otherwise, those hundreds of thousands of Indians will look down on our Yueshi people, we People’s rule cannot go on.” Ma Biao explained.

"En." Li Guo nodded.

"Your situation is indeed very bad. You must know that your current situation is that it is difficult to lay down each other’s fortifications, but you can try blasting, which is to let people take the loaded explosives and place them under the **** city walls. The more the better, and then a fire can open a big hole. This is what we Qin people did." Li Guo suggested. From his point of view, the artillery has been unable to open the opponent's fortifications. The Yueshi people use Qin’s old smoothbore cannons. This type of artillery has great advantages in field situations. In particular, solid shells can cause a lot of casualties. As long as the opponent lines up to fight, this is basically the case. There is no problem. The reason why the Indians were defeated by the Yueshi was largely because of the artillery.

Or they don't know the power of artillery at all. They line up their formations to fight in accordance with the conventions. There is a problem in the cold weapon era, that is, the formation of dense formations, because of the low quality of soldiers, their command is very long. The artillery is too easy to deal with these dense targets.

When the Indians were just getting ready to launch an offensive formation, Yue's artillery began to exert tremendous power. The Indy's combat distance was always within the Yue's artillery range, and then everything was tragic. When the Indians launched an offensive, everything was out of control. The **** slaughter caused the Indian battle formation to disintegrate in an instant, and then the opponent was defeated. There is no need for a detailed description of the battle process.

Now, the Karachi people are hiding in their city-state, using the fortifications played by the city wall to effectively evade artillery shots. The artillery can only create a sense of oppression in the opponent's psychology. Once this sense of oppression disappears, Yueshi The advantages of people are gone.

Of course people. The solution is not without. The only way is to blast, let the engineers get close to the other side’s city wall, or dig tunnels, and then place a lot of explosives, but in either case, the Yue people might not be able to do this, because the Yue people did not establish a special They don’t even know what an engineering unit is.

"Maybe we can give it a try." Ma Biao said. He didn't know what an engineer was, but it was a good proposal to blow up the opponent's city wall with explosives. They knew the power of gunpowder. But how to do it. This becomes a serious problem for people.

"Thank you very much for your valuable advice from friends from the State of Qin. If the other side's city wall blows up, our people from the Yue family will give you a lot of beauties and trophies." Ma Biao said excitedly. Then I went to the Qin people’s opinion to the Yue people’s headquarters, and then the Yue people’s noise began to decrease. Li Guo knew very well that the Yue people accepted their own suggestions, or that their own suggestions were originally. Specifically for the Karachi people, the Karachi people have never seen gunpowder weapons. They have no way of knowing the power and use of gunpowder. They don't know that the information is completely asymmetrical. However, the people of the Yue family are very clear, but they are slightly inadequate in application. This deficiency will soon disappear with the help of the people of the Qin country. Li Guo is looking forward to the people of the Yue family being able to use a blast to attack the opponent's city wall. He wants to see how the effect is.

Li Guo soon knew the result of the people, and the Yue people accepted his suggestion, and a brave Yue people army took on the task of blowing up the opponent's city wall. To confuse the Karachi people, the Yue people shot out the only shells, and at the same time drove the Indians to attack the city.

This was a **** attempt. This attempt caused the Indians to pay a very heavy price, but Li Guo didn't care about it at all. He only cared about what methods the Yue people would use to blow up the opponent's city wall, and then rushed out. Into. Complete the tactical victory.

Wang Ben headquarters.

"The information from the Yue family is constantly being sent over, and we will know a lot. But what I am worried about is the situation in Dawan in the north." Wang Ben said to Meng Tian.

"As long as the north has access to the main roads of transportation, people are fine. I think there should be no problem as long as winter passes." Meng Tian said.

"No. I think the problem lies here. The winter is too long for us. Our expeditionary force reserves a large amount of supplies and it will be exhausted. Moreover, on the battlefield, communications are cut off due to natural factors. It has always been a force that we can't beat and control. Now the situation has already happened. I think we should find a way, or we can enter Dawan from other ways, a place that Dawan people did not think of." Wang Ben said.

"En. I know people." Meng Tian thought for a while. As for the situation of Dawan people, Meng Tian realized that the situation was not optimistic. They shouldn't be like this. However, Meng Tian immediately noticed the Tocharians who had just ended the war. Perhaps the Tocharians could do this.

"Tocharian?" Meng Tian said.

"Yes, it's them. I think they can do this. At least they can threaten the Dawan people from the flanks, so that they can understand that Qin people will appear from other places. If necessary, our Qin army can also take the initiative to attack. , Let them treat our expeditionary army better." Wang Ben said.

"This plan can be implemented, and it is not impossible." Meng Tian said.

"Yes, what we want is such a result. Only in this way can we achieve the greatest degree of guarantee. And it can be of great help to our expeditionary army. We can't watch the problem develop further." Wang Ben Speaking seriously. He hates being set in stone. Or inaction.

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