"You mean that the Koreans did this deliberately?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi.

"Yes, that's what I mean. Koreans may use the media, especially public opinion reports, to put pressure on the Chu government and force the Chu government to declare war. This way, because of the war, it will lead to a large number of war orders. The emergence of these orders will first impact South Korea’s shipbuilding industry. They will produce a large number of these ships, and South Korea can train a large number of seafarers, all of which are beneficial to South Korea, and the Chu government had to declare war because of the Bangla incident. , Otherwise, their overseas interests will suffer heavy losses." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"Yeah." Shang Wen nodded.

"These are not excessive. If there is no investment project, this is what we are most worried about. If that is the case, we need to boost the economy and the trouble will be even greater." Shang Wen said disapprovingly.

"Although there are some problems with the methods of the Koreans, they have achieved their goals. In contrast, I am more worried about the decision of the Chu government. If they cannot better solve the bond and financial problems, the situation will be even worse. Trouble.

"Shang Wen said very cautiously. On this issue, Qin has no better solution, or there is no better solution at all. It sounds like swapping bonds can bring great benefits, but this It doesn’t work at all, unless the government defaults and repays the previous debts. Otherwise, the Chu government has no funds to start. Although Qin has given a considerable portion of the bond ratio, it does not mean that the Qin government wants to see Chu. The government borrows new debts to repay old debts. This does not work, and at the same time it has no constructive meaning. The Qin government does not want to see this.

Just when Shangwen was worried about this, his assistant sent him good news. This news is that the Chu government decided to use land to repay its previous debts. According to the size of the bond held by the other party, land was used for repayment, and most of these lands came from overseas unowned lands. This is equivalent to the Chu government greatly. The encouragement of overseas colonial expansion.

"This method is very good." Shang Wen said after reading the telegram.

"In this case, the problem will be solved. If the land bond problem is solved, the new war bond issue can be solved." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi.

"I think the people of Chu are really shrewd. There is no one on those lands. The government of Chu seems to think they have all occupied them." Meng Yi said.

"This is the way it was originally." Shang Wen said.

"If the Chu government does not carry out colonial expansion, how can their army solve it? You know, they have a million army troops, which is so large that the Chu government needs to spend considerable financial resources to maintain these troops. This is the main burden of the Chu State’s finances, and once these troops expand and become private troops, those lands become private territories, and the state and government can privatize them through the army, making those troops become security forces, and the number of Chu’s troops It will be reduced a lot at once, and the burden of the Chu government will be reduced by a considerable part. This is a very cost-effective thing. If I were the Chu government, I would do the same." Shang Wen analyzed for Meng Yi.

"Indeed." Meng Yi nodded.

"So, what should we do next?" Meng Yi asked.

"Leave it to the bank. They know how to deal with it. For them, this matter is a new kind of attention." Shang Wen said.

Inside the Qin State Stock Exchange.

"The transaction of the day was lifeless." Li Wen said with some impatiently holding the teacup and looking at the barely beating board.

"That. Sir. Do we trade?" Li Wen's assistant asked Li Wen.

"No. We continue to rest, maybe I will go fishing, or do something else. Can you book a train ticket for me?" Li Wen asked his assistant.

"I don't know where the husband is going?" Li Wen's assistant asked.

"Korea, I want to see the Royal Palace of Korea. I heard that it is a very good tourist attraction. I want to see it." Li Wen said.

"Okay, sir, I will prepare it for you." the assistant said.

As the rise of bank stocks stagnated, the entire stock market began to become unusually dull, without any fluctuations. The market did not know whether to choose to rise or fall. There were shorts and longs, and Li Wen didn’t know the market. He tried a lot for his next trend. He didn't get anything except for the loss of a lot of money. He felt very tired, so he decided to take a big vacation and let himself take a good rest. He felt very tired. Tired and tired. Because of the economic summit, especially the Qin government has to issue a large number of bonds for various countries, this way, the funds in the market will be drained for a while, but in the long run, this move will greatly release a large amount of bonds. Funds are bad in the short term, but they are good news in the long term. The next step of the stock market depends entirely on how the market reacts, or whether the market continues to boost. This is very important. The election period for Prime Minister Qin is approaching. Although Shangwen has a very high probability of being elected, everyone is afraid of any unwise situation. After all, the votes are in the hands of the majority, and who knows what kind of accidents will happen. For a while, the Qin State stock market was silent. In this silence, the market's volatility became smaller and smaller, and it was difficult to carry out large-scale rises or declines. Without volatility, there would be no speculation. This is very deadly. reason.

Wei Guo Daliang. Daliang Station is a big station. The train will stop here for a long time.

"Qin people must be very interested in our telegram." Fan Zeng said to Chen Ping.

"Well, Prime Minister, I personally think that we can use the opportunity of land bonds to carry out large-scale colonial expansion, especially in the West. We can encourage them to colonize and produce a series of things we think can be produced, such as silk and tea. We can dump these plantation economies to the State of Qin, because the State of Qin needs these things, not only in the State of Qin, but also in other countries." Chen Ping is extremely sensitive to economic issues. He knows that the development of the State of Chu Master how they develop positively.

"Well. These are only agriculture, there are more minerals, those things can be developed as soon as possible, and can develop a large industry. But this brings a new problem. Population, or labor force." Fan Zeng Speaking to Chen Ping.

"I think you also know why Qin's agriculture is so developed." Fan Zeng asked.

"Yes. I was very strange about this before, but I seemed to understand some truth later, that is, the people of Qin used a lot of slaves." Chen Ping nodded and said.

"You are right. The Qin State used a large number of slaves to develop their agriculture, especially after a large number of land acquisitions, the land was concentrated and cultivated, and large-scale farming brought developed agriculture. This is the case for Qin State. With the establishment of the agricultural foundation, the people who use the least amount of agricultural foundation and give full play to the greatest resource advantages can the Qin State be able to develop industry, and the same is true for our Chu State." Fan Zeng said.

"Our land can be expanded many times, but the population advantage is not enough. Although our country has a large population, once we are scattered in Nanyang or Western Oceans, the situation will become very bad. A lot of land and our people On average, it is very small. We need a lot of slaves. I personally think that the slave trade is the trade that we should develop most in Chu. We can transport a lot of industrial products to Bangladesh in exchange for a lot of slaves, or It is the local specialties, and then they are transported to the farms we have cultivated, and the slaves are unloaded, and then the local products are transported on ships, and then back to the coastal ports. The final destination is reached by rail transportation, in this case, the trade is All the channels are connected." Fan Zeng said.

"What the prime minister meant is that the war against Bangladesh actually has a deeper purpose?" Chen Ping asked.

"Yes. The purpose of Qin people is to let us expand the market. We not only want to expand the market, but also to meet our needs. The slave trade is very profitable and the market prospects are broad. Isn't Bangladesh bullying us Chu?" Fan Zeng Speaking with a kind of revenge.

"We will let them become slaves." Fan Zeng said.

"Yeah." Chen Ping nodded. He didn't say anything, because he knew that the rapid development of Chu's economy, especially agriculture, that kind of plantation economy, required a lot of labor, and this kind of labor could not be satisfied in the country. Because of the military, population, and complementary relationship, the only way is to conquer the locals and then start trading. This is an effective use of resources. Chen Ping encouraged and agreed to do so, because he was very beneficial to Chu’s economy. On the contrary, if these were not good to Chu, he would not consider it. Although the slave trade sounds a bit inhumane, in Chen It seems that this is the best solution. After all, the State of Chu is going to spend huge financial funds to support this war, and how to fight this war next really needs them to consider carefully.

However, this matter has spread among members of the Chu State Councilor. The news they received came from the news deliberately released by the South Korean government. This news was very reliable, so they gathered and began to discuss how to solve this matter, or to discuss How to seek greater benefits in future business activities, this is an important result they gathered to discuss. The parliamentarians have their own plans because they hold large amounts of land bonds.

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