The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2383: Chu's military reform

Chu State Pengcheng. Prime Minister's Office.

"At present, it is inevitable for us to increase military expenditure, but the problem is that we have an army of one million. With such a large army, it is difficult to see the effect of our military expenditure increase. The most obvious feature is our navy. It is a technical service that needs to purchase ships to expand our naval business." Chen Ping said.

"Disarmament, this is the only way." Fan Zeng said to Chen Ping after thinking about it.

"I think the Prime Minister, you should be more cautious on this issue. Disarmament will involve the core interests of the nobility. We must treat it with caution. Otherwise, the situation will be very bad." Chen Ping kindly reminded. . The development of aristocratic power has become a big problem for Chu. The central power is relatively weak. Although Chu established a central government, their power is not very large. The power is in the hands of the nobles, because they have legislative powers and can establish relevant bills that benefit the nobles of Chu. For example, in On the issue of taxation, the nobles made a compromise. They can pay taxes, but the tax rate is extremely low. The tax paid was not as good as one-twentieth of the commercial tax collected, but the nobles held more than 90% of Chu’s wealth, which was extremely unreasonable. But the nobility is like this, their reason is very high-sounding, that is to encourage the development of industry and commerce. This was encouraging the nobles to continue to monopolize the economic lifeline of the entire Chu State. Fan Zeng was extremely dissatisfied with this. He was the first Premier of the Chu State, but he had to look at the nobles' eyes.

"I know that this issue must be treated with caution, but the more cautious it is, the more difficult it is. Our fiscal revenue is already very small, and we have to support a large number of troops. This figure is as high as one million, and one person costs one gold to one. Millions of gold, just eating and drinking is enough to make our finances go into absolute difficulties." Fan Zeng said. Regarding such a situation, he believes that reforms must be carried out, but how to do so is what he should be concerned about.

"But if the disarmament issue is not handled properly, our situation will enter a disaster. I think the Prime Minister should understand that our situation is not very good." Chen Ping said.

"Furthermore, nobles can borrow to send troops outside the sea and demand an increase in military expenditure, especially the huge army military expenditure. This situation is not good for us. If they launch an attack, the Prime Minister will become passive on this issue. We must beware of this. "Chen Ping said. The parliament has the right to impeach the Prime Minister. Once such a bill is passed, Fan Zeng may face resignation. This is why Fan Zeng has been unable to tackle the issue of military expenditures, because once impeached, he will immediately resign. Chen Ping is worried that such a problem will happen.

"I know this very well. But if Chu State does not solve this problem, I will be of no use on stage. On this issue, I have an idea, which is to reorganize the army, expand the Marine Corps, and treat the nobles’ army. Carry out the collection, and then take a series of measures. Take back the army. Especially the private armed forces in the hands of the nobles. Place a large number of military school graduates." Fan Zeng said. In fact, this plan is not new, as they had already had such a plan long before they entered the Kingdom of Chu. Moreover, Ning Chu was very satisfied with this, but because the aristocracy was extremely powerful, it was difficult for them to implement this plan in a short period of time. Now Fan Zeng thinks this is a good opportunity because the Kingdom of Chu will send troops to fight.

"At present, sending troops overseas is a good opportunity." Fan Zeng said.

"But there is not much direct relationship between sending troops overseas and the size of the army." Chen Ping said.

"My plan is like this,". Fan Zeng said.

"To send troops overseas requires the central army to dispatch troops. In this way, there are requirements for reorganization. Not only that, but another point is that if the central army is reduced, the central army needs to be expanded, and the local aristocratic armed forces will Expansion is extremely detrimental to the king, because the control of the locality has been reduced a lot. And the expansion of the central army has great reasons, and no one opposes this." Fan Zeng said.

"But the nobles want to oppose it, but this is not conducive to the nobles' control of the army. At this time, we will give them a chance. This opportunity is the militia system." Fan Zeng said to Chen Ping.

"Remember what happened in the Qin State General Staff?" Fan Zeng asked Chen Ping.

"Yes, I remember, I just don't understand the huge influence of the militia on our current military reform in Chu State." Chen Ping said.

"The impact lies in the transfer of a large number of noble armed forces into the militia armed system. They are not regular troops, but militiamen. They have their own armed forces. It happens that we need to develop along the coastal line all the way to the south. This requires a large number of troops to be stationed. If one million troops are sent out directly, it may be a problem, but if they are replaced by militias, these militias are not the country’s army, they are the country’s reserve force, they have their own weapons, and they need to bear the corresponding military. Cost, this is very suitable for the nobles. The nobles have a lot of overseas land. They need to protect these lands, because the plantation economy is easily destroyed by the other party. In order to achieve such a situation, we must find a way to solve this problem. "Fan Zeng said.

"The militia has become our best choice." Fan Zeng said.

"The national army needs to be reorganized. In this way, they are equivalent to handing over the army directly. However, if they become a militia, they can effectively control these militias, and the militias can become their private armed forces. How to arm them? We don't care what we have reached. In the case of the militia bill, under such circumstances, how the nobles will choose, they will naturally have a good choice." Fan Zeng said.

"Yeah." Chen Ping nodded. For such a plan, Chen Ping seemed to have no shortcomings, and the nobles seemed to accept it easily. And there is a problem of dredging out the large scale of Chu's army. The nobles have a plantation, and they need such a huge private arm to protect themselves.

"Prime Minister, I think something is still lacking. You must know that those nobles worry about more things than we thought. I think it is better for us to make some compensation or take some encouragement measures. After all, they are more conducive to Accept such things." Chen Ping suggested. Chen Ping believes that with regard to the issue of the nobility, the prime minister’s thoughts have changed greatly, and the impact may be greater. The nobility needs to be dealt with by comfort, that is, to deal with it bit by bit. Only in this way can the nobles stay in one It is more conducive to the position of the country. Reform can be fast, but it must be slow. It can't be too fast.

"Compensation, Chu's finances can no longer provide a lot of money. At present, the land bonds have not been purchased. Under such circumstances, Chu is unlikely to have too much compensation. This is the best plan we have come up with. Now." Fan Zeng said a little hard. Although he has exercised restraint, this restraint does not seem to be obvious. On the contrary, it may be a bit extreme.

"Okay." Chen Ping nodded. At present, the biggest difficulty in Chu State is still the financial problem.

Korean Peninsula.

"Damn, these **** southerners." A Goguryeo police officer kept cursing. The cold weather made him feel very uncomfortable. They are the Goguryeo police force. They came to the southern region to ask for a large number of slaves, young adults, and then some women. This is to allow Goguryeo to reproduce the next generation. This is a national policy issued by Li Wending. There is only a large population. Goguryeo can only develop further, but the Goguryeo police are a little disgusted with such things. Because the weather is too cold. There are many mountains here. Winter is very cold.

"Hahaha. Lao Li. Don't be afraid to worry. When you get to a place, such a cold place, drink two more sips of wine, and then find a southern woman to play with, it will be much warmer." A wretched Goguryeo policeman walked over and said with a smile. . He said with a wine bottle in his hand.

"Come here, you wretched fellow." Lao Li grabbed the bottle and took a sharp sip. Only then did he feel his whole body warmer.

"Women, women, you know women, you think about women every day." Lao Li scolded disdainfully.

"I think you will definitely die on a woman in the future." Old Li scolded disdainfully.

"Hehe, that's okay, it's better than lying on the ground. The Qin people have very good weapons. With this hand-held machine gun, those tribal women are at our disposal. If they can dress up, it would be great." The wretched guy smiled. Speaking of. He is very fascinated by women.

"Wait. I feel something is wrong. The **** thing is caused by talking to you." Lao Li looked up at this time and looked around. This place is really suitable for an ambush. There are high ground on both sides, they are in a low-lying place, as long as they occupy the top, they can shoot down immediately. The most important thing is that they are densely forested and they don't know the location of the other party at all, so they are too suitable for the other party to hide.

"Don't worry, they don't have advanced weapons. I think you are too worried." The wretched guy said at this time.

"Woo." At this moment, there was a sound of breaking through the sky. Lao Li avoided subconsciously.

"No, hide quickly. There is an ambush." ​​Lao Li shouted loudly. But the Goguryeo police in this team had long since let go of their vigilance, and the southerners were too weak for them to bully. They have already formed this way of thinking.

"Swish swish." Arrows rained heavily. The wretched guy had several arrows in his chest. He knelt on the ground, feeling very painful. Lao Li leaned back against a big tree and watched.

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