"How is the situation?" Barry poured a cup of tea for Chen Teng in his headquarters.

"Very bad sir." Chen Teng took off his military cap and shook his head.

"Oh my God." Berry didn't expect such a result.

"Fighting happens all the time. The Yue people are better. They remain neutral and are similar in temperament to the Huns. However, the situation of the Western Regions is different. Not only the language, but also the biggest difficulty lies in their personality. The difference. The Huns and mountain people have been bullying the Western Regions, which makes it difficult for them to coordinate for a long time." Chen Teng said helplessly.

With the further progress of the experiment. The Qin people gradually joined the Huns. As a result, among the composition of the Qin army, the Qin army became less and less. Or not. In the experiment, only a small number of Qin army sergeants, ordinary soldiers would not enter such camps.

"Damn it," Barry scolded.

"The above is very important to you, especially your organization, which can play a great role in the future Qin army organization, but now it looks like a mess. If we still have such a chaotic fight inside, I may send more military policemen in. Didn't you take some measures?" Barry asked.

"Sir, I have taken measures. But the situation is still very bad, you know, those mountain people are very rebellious, and our people are very disgusted with it. Plus there is no combat to fight, there are many problems. I have a solution, or suggestion, that may solve such a problem." Chen Teng said with a bitter face.

"What way?" Berry asked.

"Fight a battle, you know, only a battle can solve this problem fundamentally. If we don’t do this, we may never be able to solve this problem. They currently have no enemies, so they have to find enemies by themselves. Weak people from the Western Regions have become the targets of their bullying. However, once they are in a war situation, they must first face the same enemy. At the same time, they also need to do one thing, which is unity. Only when united can they go further. Solve all problems." Chen Teng said.

"But there is currently no war to fight?" Bai Rui said to Chen Teng.

"Then, I have no good way to solve it." Chen Teng said very helplessly. He felt helpless about this.

"Maybe we have other ways. For example, we can find such fighters and let them enter the battle." Berry thought for a while and decided. In his opinion, it is the experimental force anyway. The battle is the same everywhere. The above is the result, not the process. Their ultimate goal is to have a hybrid force that can exert great combat effectiveness. This kind of combat power can integrate people of different nationalities. What Qin wants is such an effect, and he doesn't need other things.

"I will send a telegram to the above, I think the problem will be solved." Bai Rui said to Chen Teng.

"Thank you, sir." Chen Teng nodded and expressed his gratitude. His troops have indeed brought him great difficulties. Such difficulties are the integration of different nationalities and different cultures. This in itself is very difficult. But this kind of difficulty can be solved at any rate, and the solution is to let them face another common enemy. It's just that he hopes that such an experiment can be successful, and that it can bring great benefits after success. This benefit is that they can effectively transform the current combat troops.

Inside the Wang Ben headquarters.

"If you fight a battle, you can indeed solve the problem, but who are we fighting with?" Wang Ben asked.

"The Yue people have retreated. But they still maintain a certain combat posture. I think we can let them conduct a strategic and in-depth reconnaissance activity, or we can find another enemy and let them conduct a resistance operation." Proposed to the side.

"There are still many problems. Our flanks are safe. Although we have reached an agreement with the Tocharians, the situation is still unclear. And beside Tochar, there is still a Sabbath country that we don’t know much about. This We simply don't know what the state is like." Wang Ben considered it from a strategic point of view.

"Perhaps we can let them give it a try. In short, their suggestion is right. What we need is such a result. War can bring those unruly people together. You know, the future Qin army may be It is an inevitable trend that the army of multiple nationalities merges. Now half of the Qin army is composed of multiple nationalities." Meng Tian said to Wang Ben.

"Indy, or the Tocharian direction?" Wang Ben asked.

"We don’t know about this. But we are building a telegram for Tocharo. Maybe there will be news from there soon, but the prime minister’s mansion wants us to expand the Tocharo’s trade railway as soon as possible, so as to make further progress. This is the most important thing the government needs to do to stimulate trade." Meng Tian said to Wang Ben.

"We don’t know about trade matters. What I know is that we have sent a large number of officers and sergeants to help them rebuild their army. I hope they can help us a lot and give us political intentions. Form effective help." Wang Ben said, shaking his head.

"Report. Sir." Just then. A communications officer reported.

"What's the matter?" Meng Tian asked.

"Sir, the Tocharo's telegram looks very urgent." The communications officer handed in a telegram anxiously.

Meng Tian quickly watched it.

"It seems that the Tocharian people's situation is a bit bad." Meng Tian said.

"The Sabbath kingdom actually put pressure on the Tocharians. They asked the Tocharians to send troops. If they did not send troops, they might take military actions against the Tocharians?" Wang Ben said.

"Yes, the Tocharians have always been the servants of the Parthian nation. This military operation is a situation where the Tocharians are trying to expand their territory and get rid of the other side. But now it seems that the Parthian nation has realized this. Come, the situation of the Tocharians is in a bad situation." Wang Ben put down the telegram in his hand and said.

"Well. In this way, I think it's an opportunity. The Tocharians will ask for more military weapons and equipment. They must do this if they want to get rid of the situation of a huge country. In addition, Dawan can also do it. Reduce such pressure. This is a good signal." Meng Tian said with a smile.

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