The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2399: The influence of half and two dollars

"The Yue people have a tendency to unite. At the meeting of the three major tribal alliances of the Yue family, the leaders of the Yue family began to gradually accept the parliamentary plan. They believed that this would be beneficial to the Yue family and they needed to establish a common spokesperson. , Negotiated with us, Qin, and formed an unprecedented plan that was beneficial to the Yue people. A railway would go directly from Xianyang in the Qin State to the Indian positions. The Yue people needed huge weapons and ammunition brought by the train to help them. They conquered that piece of land with a humid and mild climate, and they needed such a piece of land too much." Bai Hua wrote in the military report to the rear.

"Perhaps because of this reason, they have come together and have to accept such a plan. I think such a plan is conducive to their further military operations." Bai Hua wrote, and then he put down his pen. , Thinking about the next move of Yueshi people.

The joint meeting of the Yue people started from fierce opposition and gradually produced a common voice, because many of them knew why the Yue people retreated. A simple logistical supply explained a big problem, and on land, Naturally, the largest cargo and transportation volume belong to the railway, and Qin’s suggestion is to build a railway. They can do many things with the railway. Anyway, they do not lack a large number of slaves, but they lack a large amount of capital. The people of Qin can lend them money in the name of the government or issue more bonds to carry out such a railway business. The people of the Yue family could gradually repay such money by providing slaves, so that all their problems would be easily solved. The Yueshi people like to accept such conditions very much, but they need to consider forming a government before, because only the government has such qualifications.

The Qin government needs a large number of local agents. Under such a background, the Yue people will upgrade from tribal alliance to state at a very fast speed. Because the tribal alliance is too loose and unreliable, the Qin people do not want it. Through such a loose coalition government to complete the goal of developing the Western Regions. What they need is another way. This way is that the cooperation between national governments can be completed by different political groups, but it is relatively stable. Under such a stable cooperation mechanism, Qin can be effective. The extension of its own railway, with the extension of the railway, further achieve the purpose of controlling various regions. This is why during this period of time, a large number of countries have begun to become independent, and the number has increased with the intervention of the Qin State. This is why the Qin State needs a large number of local agents. Because the railway of Qin State cannot be extended there, it cannot be extended, it means that the power is weakened.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"If the Sabbath country takes military action, I think it is not just a Tocharian country, but another country, Dawan. The situation in Dawan is very bad, and the new Dawan country is actively coming here. They need a lot of assistance, but because of the winter conditions, they are unable to further carry out railway construction and mining operations." Wei Liao introduced to Shangwen.

"From a strategic point of view, our support for Dawan can effectively reduce the pressure of the Tocharians and further expand our sphere of influence. After all, the reduction of the servant states of the Parthian Kingdom means that they have to use their original There is not much military power to be dispersed, which is beneficial to us, and we can completely disperse the national power of the Sabbath nation according to this model. The enemy's dispersal of power means that we can support more opponents. Siege." Wei Liao said.

"If we provide material assistance, we can do this, but if we participate in it, it will be a bit detrimental to us. I think you know very well that the current financial situation is very bad. Many places need a lot of money. The amount of funds exceeds our imagination, not only Qin, but also the world. At most, we can only provide material support." Shang Wen said.

"Prime Minister, I think this is very important to our current strategy, and we should carefully consider it." Wei Liao said to Shang Wen.

"Tell me your opinion." Shang Wen nodded and said.

"Our strategy is to rely on the huge railway transportation system. The reason why the Qin army is stagnant is simply because our logistics compensation has caused problems, but why the logistics compensation has caused problems is because of the railway. Without special cattle, our logistics supplies cannot be delivered to the place we want to reach. Under such circumstances, our operations are naturally at a disadvantage, but if we can provide a batch of materials, the materials can be cheap. Provided to the other party for free, but the prerequisite is that it is provided to them by rail. I think our problem will be solved very well, because the other party has to build a railway. In this case, our strategic goal is even It's reached." Wei Liao said.

"I understand, free materials are exchanged for a railway, and at the same time we can help them build the railway to achieve our goal?" Shang Wen nodded and said.

"Yes, this is the current situation. All countries need railways, and we also need railways. If trade develops, railways are needed even more. We must actively do this." Wei Liao said.

"However, in this case, we are under great pressure. We are insufficient in fiscal funds. If we continue to issue bonds, I am worried about whether the Qin State Federal Bank Reserve Committee can withstand such a large amount of pressure. You must know that capital bonds are this pressure. It is unprecedentedly big for Qin State. Qin State has never withstood such a large bond pressure. Once a bond situation occurs, our situation may be the worst." Meng Yi on the side said to Shangwen worriedly.

"At this point, I understand that we will finally adopt a little redemption policy to let the other party redeem their bonds." Shang Wen thought for a while and said.

"For example, the railway is like this. Controlling the railway can control most of the fiscal and taxation and various trade income. I personally think this is very cost-effective. Businessmen should know this better than us." Shang Wen thought for a while and said.

"But." Meng Yi also wanted to remind Shang Wen, but Shang Wen did not continue.

"I know, but currently we need more funds. Qin's half and half of the money can expand our influence. Currency has a huge influence in trade." Shang Wen said.

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