"However, power transmission requires a lot of funds, and we can only solve it through commercial methods. Otherwise, we will not be able to further address these difficulties." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"It is enough to increase the demand for electricity. As long as there are enough benefits. Wars can be fought, let alone an issue of electricity use." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi.

"Okay. For this power plan, we should carefully discuss and lay out the electricity. We not only produce electricity by ourselves, but also need to produce it from Zhao State. Zhao State has a lot of coal resources, if we can generate electricity from them. , Can solve our big problem." Shang Wen said.

"We can do it ourselves. There is a large amount of high-quality coal in the Shangdang area. If these high-quality coals are used for power generation, we can guarantee that our Guanzhong area will use electricity for more than a hundred years. This is a very terrifying number, but it cannot be developed. . I think we have not done enough in this regard." Meng Yi said.

"Furthermore, electricity is very important to our industry in the Qin State. If we transfer the power industry to Zhao State, what if Zhao State intends to cut off our power resources?" Meng Yi asked.

"From the perspective of national security, we cannot simply rely on Zhao Guoren for this security." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"Yes, you are right, but replacing and building a series of high-voltage transmission circuits. The cost is indeed not very simple. The only way is to establish such a stable transmission method through the railway system." Shang Wen put forward his own views. .

"Moreover, circuits are mainly used in industrial systems, especially in the field of special metallurgy, such as the use of aluminum. They are the largest users of electricity consumption, followed by civilian use, but civilian construction costs are very high. This requires a lot of infrastructure. Construction." Shang Wen said with a frown. Speaking of infrastructure construction, this still requires a lot of money. However, the government has issued a large number of bonds, plus the six Kanto countries and various subordinate countries. This figure makes Shangwen a little breathless.

"Finance, either our government will fund the construction, or the businessmen will build it themselves. Businessmen are obviously unwilling to accept such a large cycle. They value the short- and medium-term rather than such a large scale of construction." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"Unless, we adopt a series of taxation methods, that is, to use brand-new taxes in order to increase our original fiscal revenue. But doing so is not very meaningful. But it still has a lot of significance." Meng Yi Suggested.

"Well, we can consider these, but we still need to start financially. At present, Qin is helping countries issue a large number of national bonds. This pressure is really a little bit, and if this continues, if Qin cannot solve part of it in time Bonds may cause a lot of pressure on our bonds." Shang Wen said worriedly.

"This is a financial risk, and we must face such a problem." Meng Yi said to Shi Shangwen. Shangwen's thoughts paused, because at present, he himself did not have a good way to solve these problems. But there will always be solutions, after all, there are always more solutions than problems.

Yan State, within Yandu.

"Prince, the South Korean shipyards and the Chu Kingdom may build shipyards in the future. They need a lot of wood. In the mountainous area of ​​Liaodong, there are a lot of forests that can be harvested. If we can develop a lot, it can also increase revenue. Yes, besides, our paper industry in the country of Yan needs a lot of this kind of wood.” said Xue Lin, the new economic minister. Yan's economy has always been in a slow and slow state. In order to change this state, the Prince's cabinet has replaced a considerable number of economic ministers, and the term of office of the ministers is generally not too long. In Yan's cabinet, the post of Minister of Economy is usually regarded as a short-lived minister.

"No, Prince. Those trees are cut down and need to be transported. There is no railroad there. In winter, we may say something. We can lay certain ice tunnels to solve the problem. However, if we look at the long term, we still need to transport them out. Railroads are necessary. In addition, the most important thing is transportation by sea. Starting from coastal ports in eastern Liaoning, it will be transported southward to Qingcheng and coastal ports in Chu State. Only in this way can this business be completed. From the current point of view, it seems that we are not. It is very possible to achieve this. Instead, the cutting of trees in the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River and the cutting of trees in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River will come sooner.” The Minister of Finance said.

"Yeah. That's what I said." Prince Dan nodded and said. There have been no good development projects in Yan State, especially the pillar industries of the economy, none of them. Recently, Zhao State has thrown out a big project, namely the construction of Xiangping Iron Plant. However, it requires a lot of funds. The government of Yan State is considering. Because this requires further widening of the railway. Not only that, there is also a large amount of coal that needs to be transported by rail. This requires the State of Yan to invest a lot of money, and the government of the State of Yan must carefully consider these.

"The land in northern Liaoning must be developed. Despite all the difficulties, it is necessary to develop wood." Prince Dan thought for a while and said.

"The timber matter can be implemented. We have to see if this kind of business can make money. As for other things. I think we still consider it." Prince Dan said cautiously. The other things are the Xiangping Iron Plant. The railway needs to be widened. At the same time, the construction of the iron plant costs a lot. All these need to be done from the extremely limited financial funds of the Yan State. But in Yan's situation, there is no money. They can only consider other things.

Qingcheng, inside Zhang Qing's office.

"We need a lot of wood. The wood provided in the south needs to be dried, and the price is relatively high. If the wood is used for furniture, it is okay, but some shipbuilding is too heavy and too solid. It is not the best wood for shipbuilding. Good wood still comes from the north. The first is relatively dry, and the second is relatively light. The load capacity of the ship can be increased a bit.” A shipyard director introduced.

"But the timber from the north is extremely limited. It needs to be transported by rail, and most of it comes from the country of Yan. You also know the transportation situation in the country of Yan. And the transportation situation in Jiaozhou is also very bad." Zhang Qing said embarrassingly.

"Well, I hope that the mayor can think of a way to solve this problem. If we don't solve the material, it will be difficult to build our ships, and the stock of wood is getting less and less. If we don't think of a way, we can only stop working "The factory manager said.

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