On the wharf of Wuyue Port in Chu State.

"Look, look, there's another group of ships going to sea." A man from Chu State exclaimed in excitement.

"Don't look at it. What's so interesting, those are all the boats of the Chu masters going to sea, and there is no boat for you." At a tea soup stall. Said a middle-aged man drinking tea with a big tea bowl.

"That is, these Chu lords, that is, they are rich, they have a lot of land bonds, and then get the confession of the king of Chu. They can establish a large number of plantations overseas. Look at us, but we Nothing. I can only wait here." A Chu countryman said angrily.

"Bonds, I have them too. It's a pity that it's useless to ask for it. It's useless at all. You only have tens of acres of land, which is not enough for travel expenses. It should be given to those nobles." Said a farmer from the Chu country. It seems that he is very honest. There are almost a lot less people like this, because there are basically a lot less people who have their own land for farming. Many Chu people have gone out to find their own land.

"Hey, hey, look, there is someone in the shipyard over there. The wages are not bad, but this is the shipyard of the Chu government." A young man shouted loudly.

"Go, go, I've given several and a half two dollars a day." Hearing this, many Chu people drinking tea soup stood up one after another. The reason why there is a tea soup stall here is because there is a Chu State shipyard. The government’s shipyard, in accordance with Fan Zeng’s order, established a Wuyue Naval Shipyard in the Wuyue area, as well as Wuyue Shipyard, one for naval shipbuilding and the other for civil shipbuilding. Fan Zeng planned to develop the navy and civilian use together, but in the eyes of Chu people, there is only one shipyard here. Wuyue Shipyard, in their opinion, these are all from the State of Chu, and there is no difference at all.

"Carpenter, is there a carpenter?" an officer shouted loudly while standing on a broken car.

"Yes, yes, I am a carpenter." A middle-aged man raised his hand and shouted loudly.

"Please over there," the officer said, waving his hand. It seems very polite, this middle-aged carpenter feels a little uncomfortable, after all, they are military officers and chiefs.

"Yes, sir." the middle-aged man shouted.

"Carpenters, blacksmiths, please go over there if you know some skills." The officer shouted loudly. More and more people are participating, but most of them are hard work. After all, there are not so many technical talents in reserve, and Chu is the only country that lacks talents.

Inside the temporary naval command.

"If one ship is not enough, I can give you two. If two are not enough, then three. You must thoroughly understand those technologies for us." Xiang Liang said to a rear admiral. He is the director of the Wuyue Naval Shipyard of Chu State.

"Yes, sir." Xiang Chen said.

"However, sir, we still need more technical talents and more raw materials, such as iron beams. We Chu State simply cannot process such long iron beams. The length is more than twelve feet. "Xiang Chen said.

"Don't say it is our Chu country itself, even Zhao itself needs to spend some time to manufacture. Our Chu country currently does not have such a technology." Xiang Liang said.

"Just by doing this, our technical reserves will be too little." Xiang Chen said.

"Don't worry, take your time. Your main goal at the moment is to imitate the Korean arrow ships. We need so many ships. In addition, more weapons and equipment will come. We will strive for more than one month. Go into the water." Xiang Liang said.

"Yes, sir." Xiang Chen said.

South Korean Navy Department.

"At present, the arrow vessel cannot be further expanded because the iron can withstand only this. Moreover, after the steam boiler is used, the amount of coal is a huge number. How to store the coal. The location of the warehouse will be much smaller, which is very important for the transportation of goods. In other words, there is no practical value at all." Qin State engineer Wang Neng said. He is an engineer of the Admiralty and is responsible for further upgrading the arrow ship. But Wang Neng believes that the upgrade space of the arrow ship is very limited. Because it is an emergency item in itself, in such a situation, it may not be upgraded too much.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Ye asked. He is an engineer in South Korea and the main engineer in charge of the arrow ship. The arrow ship was jointly developed by multiple engineers, which is a milestone for South Korea.

"I mean, the upgrade space for arrow ships is very limited, unless all iron armor is used, or steel beams are used for further upgrades to increase the bearing capacity of the keel. We all know the role of bridges, even though we think a lot. Way. But there is no way to change the attribute of iron beams. If we can use steel beams, the arrow boat will further increase the space. This way we have extra storage space to place the steam engine and use the steam engine as power. Not only this, there are more positions that can use coal as fuel." Wang Neng said.

"Such a plan is indeed feasible, but the steel beams are only owned by you, Qin State. We need to customize them and it will take a long time. This is not good for us. We can't wait for such a long time." Zhang Ye said.

"We just do it. If we can't do this, the only way is to make something unrealistic. I know you South Korea will definitely not like it. But there is no way." Wang Neng said helplessly.

"Okay." Zhang Ye nodded.

"We will consider your technical parameters, but we now need to place an order to order such steel beams. After all, time is too precious for us. We need such time too much." Zhang Ye said To.

"Okay, but Wenyang Steel is very difficult to talk about. In Qin, the military industry department of the Navy Department cannot get the steel that they want. They are in a monopoly position. Under their control, steel resources have become scarce resources. I don’t know how our government planned. Before the government managed it, there was excess steel, but after they became a monopoly, steel became a scarce resource. Damn it.” Wang Neng said. Hearing this, Zhang Ye was very nervous, because he knew that they were unlikely to get limited steel resources. In this way, their shipbuilding plan would be delayed for a long time. This is not what Zhang Ye wants to see. Thinking of this situation, he became even more anxious. I anxiously wish I was steel. But they can't help it.

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