The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2426: Impose a trade tax

Taxation can be done in Qin. It’s just that Qin needs to levy taxes on which class or a certain industry that is developing too fast. Shang Wen and Meng Yi have discussed repeatedly. In their opinion, it is currently possible to levy taxes. The tax industry may exist in trade, because trade is easy to develop. After all, the market is gradually being developed, but Meng Yi is worried that if taxes are imposed on Qin's trade industry, it will directly affect Qin's production area. After all, trade and production have a direct relationship. In this regard, Meng Yi does not want to harm the interests of Qin's trading group. This forced Qin to choose another industry to collect taxes.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

An urgent telegram made Zhang Liang hurried to Han Shu's office.

"What happened? So anxious?" Han Shu raised his head and asked Zhang Liang with a smile.

"My lord, in Bangla, our armed merchant ships participated in the war between Bangla and Champa. They are mainly mediating. I think this matter is important, so." Zhang Liang said and delivered the telegram. Han Shu.

Han Shu felt that this matter was important, so he took the telegram and looked like it.

"Where is this Zhanpu country? Why have we not noticed this country?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"We also don't know that Bangladesh is a big country in our opinion, but in fact, Bangladesh is just a small state. There are also such countries in other regions, and the Zhanpu country is one of them. That is Say, there are many other countries like this on that continent. We South Korea and the Kingdom of Chu are involved in this kind of thing. What I am worried about is that our South Korea’s interests will be lost, or we will be fighting on a large scale because of this. We are very disadvantaged." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. That's right, I feel that Chu's invitation seems to have caused us to lose ourselves." Han Shu said unhappily.

"This is what I am worried about. Moreover, as far as Bangla, or on the continent where Bangla is located, I think that we in South Korea should focus on other regions instead of solving this problem with the Chu people. I personally think that we should find a way to contact the people of Chu to make a clear distinction, or to have a clear division of each other’s colonies. This matter will be developed as a small cooperation between us. A trial." Zhang Liang said. Zhang Liang just has a vague understanding of the South Asian subcontinent of Bangla, and this understanding is not very clear, but Zhang Liang believes that South Korea's interests should avoid the expansion of Chu's interests. The two countries are connected with each other, but they must not be entangled in interest issues. This is a matter of principle. Both parties are rapidly expanding, and the interest issues brought about by expansion need to be re-divided. This is a problem that must be resolved.

"That's right. I think so. Only in this way can we solve the problem of Bangla well. This is a matter of principle, and on this issue, we still have not reached a clear agreement with each other. If we It is really unnecessary to fight in between. The most important thing is that our strength is being used by the other party, and we don’t know it directly. This is not a good thing for us. We should avoid such things. , And immediately began the expansion of our own colony." Han Shu agreed with Zhang Liang's view.

"You are right. We need to tell the people of Chu about this matter, so that they know our attitude clearly." Han Shu said to Zhang Liang.

"In this matter, I think that we in South Korea should focus more interests in other directions. In addition, there are more interests. At the same time, we must promptly expand population migration and increase our population. , To reduce the population of locals. If necessary, taxation can be supported." Zhang Liang said.

"Hmm. Is the slave trade?" Han Shu asked.

"Yes." Zhang Liang said. Because a large number of slaves are currently needed to build railways, the amount of railway engineering is a huge number. Zhang Liang has already seen this. With the expansion of trade, slave trade taxation has become a major source of government legal revenue. high speed. This is their only means of taxation. In the face of South Korea's national interests, Zhang Liang chose to acquiesce. Although he opposed the slave trade, this was conducive to national interests.

Chu State, Pengcheng.

"Why do Koreans know about this, we don't know about this? What these businessmen did is too bold, right?" Fan Zeng said to Chen Ping annoyed. He felt that the political actions of the businessmen had far exceeded his own political actions. That is to say, the businessmen originally had no political power of their own, but at this time, they already had such power. This made Fan Zeng feel that his prime minister was superfluous.

"The Prime Minister calms down and the Prime Minister calms down. This is a good thing." Chen Ping said with a smile.

"Good thing?" Fan Zeng looked at Chen Ping in confusion.

"Yes, good thing, we can levy taxes. Because businessmen know that they have no such rights, but they already have such benefits. In order to keep their vested interests, they must pay some price. Only in this way can they keep Their independence and interests." Chen Ping said with a smile.

"Yeah. That's right. We did collect taxes from these businessmen before, but we didn't find a good excuse, or that we haven't seen such taxes yet, but now we have such a goal. As long as we levy taxes, these businessmen have no reason to object, because if they continue to oppose it, it will be detrimental to them and also very detrimental to us. Therefore, I think businessmen will still accept such taxes." Chen Ping It is the Minister of Finance, and Fan Zeng is also worried about the extremely limited income of Chu’s finances. What he needs is to increase fiscal revenue. Where the income comes from is different types of taxes. Now that the merchants in Chu State have done something extraordinary, they are naturally willing to pay such taxes. For them, this is something they should do, or in other words, they must continue to pay such a price. Fan Zeng strongly agrees. Such a plan, after all, Chu's fiscal revenue is too limited. But Chu has too much to do. In all respects, there is a lack of funds. It is inevitable that Chu needs to vigorously develop infrastructure.

"Okay, just do it, you levy a trade tax." Fan Zeng said.

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