Yan country. Prince's House.

"Qin people plan to cooperate with us. They are willing to invest with us to build their naval base, but they need to build a railway. This railway requires a lot of money, and Qin people are only willing to invest. They are not willing to participate." Prince Dan looked at his hand. Said the telegram in.

"Prince, this matter is still beneficial to us. After all, we still have a great chance of success. Now all countries have established a large number of shipyards in coastal areas, but we, Yan, have not done so. There are still many forest resources in northern Liaoning that can be developed. At the same time, all countries need iron ore, and the iron ore in Xiangping has been smelted. Although the iron production is not much, it cannot be compared with Zhao Guo’s Handan Iron Plant. It is also a very good road for iron smelting. Therefore, currently we need to transport and sell the iron to increase the value. If the people of Qin can build a naval base here, even though they have not invested much, if they see business opportunities If you do, you can still attract it. As long as you have part of the capital of the State of Qin, some things, the prince, Liaonan is still relatively developed. Besides." The Minister of Finance thought about it and said.

"Furthermore, we are currently producing some iron, and all countries need a lot of iron for shipbuilding. If this iron can be exported, we can also make a lot of money." The Minister of Finance said.

"Prince, Qi State also plans to develop the coastal areas recently. They have established two special economic states, Laizhou and Dengzhou. The two regions plan to develop a large number of shipbuilding industries. Qi State has also established its own navy. Under the circumstances, the development of our country of Yan is not as good as that.” The Minister of Finance said.

"That said, we have given Qin people a port base. They still can't be satisfied, and they don't know what they think." Prince Dan also said with some dissatisfaction. In fact, they have continuously reported to the Prime Minister's Mansion in conjunction with the Qin State's Admiralty. The Qin State Navy Department was also extremely active in this matter, although there were great disadvantages. For example, that railway needs to pass through the entire territory of Yan State to reach Qin State Naval Base. Qin State’s naval base is easily in a very disadvantageous situation, but there is still no way. Qin State urgently needs to provide Haikou. Haikou is too important to Qin.

"Therefore, we still plan to unite with the Qin State Navy Department. If the Qin State Navy Department can really win this base, it will be worth the price we spend." Prince Dan said. In Prince Dan’s view, the Qin Army’s introduction may bring great demand. This is the main way to boost the market, but they completely ignore the value of the Liaonan Peninsula. The strategic location here is extremely important. You can easily control Laizhou, Dengzhou, and Qingcheng in South Korea. And backed by the entire Liaonan Peninsula, as long as there is a railway, there is a giant fortress. But Yan Guo didn't even know this.

Qin State, Xianyang, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"This is the requirement of the Ministry of the Navy. Now the trend of developing navies in various countries has become more and more obvious. The Qi people have established two naval bases in Laizhou and Dengzhou, and their navy will grow into a naval fleet of 30,000. The specific number of warships is not yet known, but it may be very large. In Laizhou and Dengzhou, a series of areas are digging docks to build ships. A large number of retired military officers are also actively participating. It seems that Qi Guo is A great deal of power must be concentrated on the development of maritime trade and naval business.” Wang Shu reported to Shangwen very worried.

"In addition, there is also the Chu Navy, which is also actively developing. It is said that their naval military academy plans to relocate to the Wuyue area. There will be a large number of naval cadets recruited, and they will be assigned to Chu. On each of the warships, the number of their naval personnel is growing in a blowout style." Wang Shu then gave a report to Shang Wen, and Shang Wen listened patiently.

"Chu people don't have that much money, nor Qi people, Yan country. It seems unlikely." Meng Yi said from the side.

"Mengxiang, you may have heard bad news. Mr. Fan Zeng is trying his best to persuade their parliament to collect commercial taxes. Overseas, Chu has a relatively large colony, and their nobles are expanding wildly, and the number of ships is also increasing. They are actively increasing. Their personnel are already fully equipped and there is no need to wait like this. This is what they have to do. They have already waited for the best time. Our analysis believes that this tax plan is likely to be passed. Fan Zeng A compromise plan is already planned." Wang Shu said with a frown.

"It is said that the Yan people are also considering plans for naval construction. In contrast, we did nothing. The Koreans are the fastest. They are trying their best to digest the huge trade results brought by Bangladesh. Next, we." Wang Shu said, shaking his head. Obviously he is very dissatisfied with the current state of development of the Qin Navy. It is not only him, but many naval officers think so. They think that Qin was the first to establish a navy, but nothing was done. This made many naval officers very anxious. .

"It seems that Qin also needs some naval bases." Shang Wen thought for a while and nodded.

"Before, the Yan people gave us a piece of land in southern Liaoning as our naval base, but the naval base there has a big problem." Shang Wen said.

"Isolated and helpless, he needs a railway, an inland railway, and the people of Yan can easily cut off this railway. The supply comes from this railway. The location of the Liaonan Peninsula is very important. We all know this very well, the people of Yan. Without the navy, their naval construction requires a lot of financial funds. They do not have such a fund. At the same time, the economic development of Yan people is also problematic." Shang Wen said.

"But the Qin State Navy needs such a piece of land. As an important base for the development of the Qin State Navy. Therefore, we decided to agree to the request of the State of Yan to establish a naval base belonging to the State of Qin itself." Shang Wen said.

"This, this is great." Wang Shu was very happy when he heard this.

"However, there is a bigger problem that we need to pay attention to. This problem is that we must build a railway. This railway involves economic development. This is more complicated." Shang Wen said.

"But I believe that the prime minister will definitely be able to solve such a problem. This problem is not a problem for Qin State." Wang Shu said confidently.

"Well, build a good naval base, maybe there is a very important role for us. We need a window, a window to open the world." Shang Wen said.

"Understood. Prime Minister." Wang Shu said excitedly.

Shangwen finally agreed to the result of the repeated requests of the State of Yan, because the State of Qin needed such an outlet, the main reason may be the constant pressure from various countries, this pressure is very large, and the State of Qin is also under such pressure. Such pressure is very unfavorable to Qin, so Qin must change something.

As the Minister of the Navy said, the State of Qin needs an outlet to the sea, a balance point that balances the navies of various countries, and the State of Qin cannot abandon the sea.

South Korea, Xinzheng, stock market.

"Death, I feel the breath of death." A young man shouted loudly. He is bankrupt. Before he was very rich, he yearned for a rich life, but now, he can do nothing. He is bankrupt. He owed a large sum of money to the bank, and he could not repay it. Yesterday the bank forcibly frozen part of the assets and they sold part of the stock. Banks themselves are also selling stocks they hold. Everyone is selling, and there are no big sellers to bear such a crazy decline.

The young man looked at the busy trading market, he laughed, but no one paid attention to it at all. They were very busy and were busy selling the stocks in their hands. The young man planned to commit suicide by jumping off the building. He couldn't bear such a huge failure, he failed. Completely failed.

And in another room. Li Wen was very excited.

"Hehe, I really didn't expect that a friend of mine told me at the time and asked me to read that newspaper. If I hadn't read that newspaper, I might not have done it so boldly." Li Wen said with a smile .

"Oh. Don’t be modest. Mr. Li Wen. You are the king of shorts. King, really, in the stock market, no, in the speculative market, you are the king well-deserved. Only people like you can make a lot of money. Money, at this point, others cannot compare to you." A trader said with a smile. They made a lot of money, and they were able to turn into short positions in time thanks to the report by Li Wen. But when they saw Li Wen short and held a large number of positions, they felt that they should sell their stocks. They sold the stocks in their hands frantically and then turned into short positions. Then they made a lot of money, and now it's time for them to thank Li Wen. Because they know. Li Wen's short-selling behavior in the Qin State stock market, but King Qin was angry. But in the end there was no result. This is the openness of the Qin State market. However, a subsequent legal document limited the number of short sales and the decreasing speed of the holding scale, which greatly reduced large-scale short-selling speculation. The possibility. But the risks still exist.

"We want to know. Mr. Li Wen." A speculator asked quietly.

"What should we do now? Shall we continue to sell short?" the other party asked.

"No. I don't think the time is right yet, and the market has dropped a lot. Everyone, just close it when you see it." Li Wen said.

"Just when you came in, I ordered my assistant to sell the empty order. The market needs a reaction time. He needs to rise before it can fall. I have already planned it. Everyone, hurry back. We need to wait for the opportunity to dispatch again. Do you understand, everyone, don't worry, the opportunity to make big money is coming." Li Wen said excitedly. The speculators looked at each other in the same way. What they saw was anxious, or a kind of expecting them to know Li Wen's ability, his analysis, and his views. Soon they left here and sold their empty orders, and the market did not form a huge decline overnight. He needs a time buffer process, this process takes a while to complete.

"Sir, what should we do next?" Li Wen's assistant asked.

"Wait. Waiting for a high point to appear, we will start shorting him. Sooner or later, he will fall to an amazing point. We don't have to worry, he will fall." Li Wen said. He knew that after experiencing a large-scale decline, the market would rebound a distance. No one knew how much the distance was. But Li Wen knew that there was such a process. After such a process, the market would fall again. The magnitude of the decline will far exceed their expectations and exceed that point. This is what he has to do.

Menggla, in the station of the Korean New Forces. Zhang Shi's office. He was looking at a map, which was a map of places known by all the Koreans nearby. He felt that it was still a bit small, but this did not prevent him from planning a battle plan. Zhang Shi thinks. At present, the new South Korean army is compressed in the coastal areas, and cannot continue to go deep inland. He needs to establish a huge profit system maintained by the new South Korean army. This system can only be possible if it continues to expand. Zhang Shi is trying to fight a battle.

It's just that he can't find a suitable breakthrough. He couldn't find where this breakthrough was. Therefore, he is constantly studying. Maybe this breakthrough is in sight.

Yueshi Frontline. Farrow and Siro are finally reunited. But they played bigger this time. In the Yueshi area, there are a large number of muskets piled up in the warehouse, and there are countless ammunition. Because the demand is full, the prices paid by the Yueshi people are getting lower and lower, but the cost of transporting them back is high. If they can't find the market, their situation will be very different. Is not good. Therefore, they took the opportunity to purchase a large number of guns, these guns through shameful methods, some Yueshi people also participated in it. They want to make a fortune, and they feel too little to rob the wealth they bring. If more can be given to them, the army may also get involved, but now is not the time, they think this is crazy enough.

They sold their arms to the Indians little by little like rats. The Indians were also very satisfied with this. They continued to expand their firearms team, but they just had their own firearms team. How? They don't know how to use it, but fortunately they have such a musket. With muskets, they can do a lot of things. At the very least, they are unlikely to lose too much in weapon confrontation. This is very beneficial to them.

But after all, this matter is unlikely for all Manchu people. This matter will be discovered by the Yueshi sooner or later, and an attack from the front will be discovered.

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