"Sir, is this true?" a leader asked worriedly.

"Don't you believe Qin's Navy Department?" Zhang Mo asked.

"No, no, it's just that there is no such a price. If you don't mind, we are willing to mortgage all the tribes to your admiralty." The leader said.

"Oh. What kind of worries do you have? Tell me, even if the materials for the expedition were given to you by the Qin Admiralty for nothing." Zhang Mo said.

"This, this." The Huns in the north are simple and honest. They have long been accustomed to the era of low prices. They sold their tribal soldiers at very low prices, and suddenly raised them to such a price. They are a little at a loss, or in other words, it is difficult for them to accept it all at once.

"Oh. I see. A radius of five hundred, ten thousand and a half taels, is this okay?" Zhang Mo suddenly felt whether the price he had opened was large enough. You should know that he had specially considered this price before. He thought that a radius of one hundred li might get a price of one and a half two yuan, but he thought about it for a while. He felt that it was better to add a bit more cruelty, and set three hundred miles, but seeing the expression of the Huns, he knew that the price he had opened was too high.

"No, no, no. We. There, there are wild places, this." The leader said.

"Oh. In this case, it would be a thousand miles away. Is this okay?" Zhang Mo suddenly felt that what he was thinking was too simple. If merchants can be brought in before, perhaps the price can be suppressed even lower. But now things are like this. He can only keep the price down.

"Good. Good. We are willing to cooperate with the Qin State Admiralty. Our tribes will be mortgaged to the Admiralty. If we can't get the land, the Admiralty can dispose of it at will. Or we should pour out all the tribes’ power to do so. One thing." The old leader of the tribe said quickly. He was very worried about the admiralty's price increase, because those materials could give the tribe a lot of stability. It is not difficult for them to have a radius of a thousand miles. As long as they don't fight, they can do that.

"Well. Our request is very simple. From here, to the east, or to the north, until we reach the sea, the tribe that reaches the sea first, we will give another two and a half dollars. If a larger island is found, or For other things, we will give more rewards." Zhang Mo said.

"Xiang Dong?" a leader asked.

"Yes, east, only east and north can we reach the position of the sea. We are the navy. Only the sea can meet our requirements. Are there any problems?" Zhang Mo asked a little dissatisfied.

"No, no, we don't have anymore. We don't have any problems." The old leader took the lead and said. Then they discuss the specific details. These details can help them solve many substantive problems. This kind of thing has never happened before in the Xiongnu District.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The Admiralty is actively planning the eastward development of the sea. It seems that they are not very satisfied with our arrangement." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"Although the development conditions of Liaonan Prefecture are relatively sufficient, in my personal opinion, it is still not enough. After all, the initiative is in the hands of the people of Yan, not ours. This is for us. The people of Yan control the railway, and it is for us. The development of the navy is very restrictive, and the State of Qin cannot fall into such a state." Shang Wen said.

"But we still have railway investment to develop Yan Country like this. I think Yan Country has made a great deal of money." Meng Yi said with some dissatisfaction.

"No matter what, the Qin State will eventually dominate the world and build it, only to leave some foundation for the Qin State." Shang Wen said with a smile.

"Currently there are developments in other regions, and we should also pay attention to it. For example, Yueshi is the only place in Qin that can provide labor. Railways are developed at a very fast speed and the demand is very large. It is only by war. The solution may not be very good. If it can be solved peacefully, I think this kind of stimulation is quite good." Shangwen said.

"Peaceful solution?" Meng Yi looked at Shang Wen with suspicion. In Meng Yi's view, this was absolutely impossible.

"I think this is unlikely. Although the Indians have a lot of troops, they are an old-fashioned army after all. They can still withstand the attacks of the Yue people. Although the number of the Yue people is not large, they Weapons are advanced and can be one enemy to ten. In this case, I think the situation of the Indians." Meng Yi shook his head and said.

"However, what we need to notice is that the war cost of the Yue people is also increasing, and their financial expenditure capacity is getting higher and higher. What the Yue people need is land, and what we need is labor, and they need land expansion. Our own territorial needs, in this situation. The needs of the two sides are different, and excessive financial expenditure, especially for military expenditures, is very dangerous. I think we should not let this The danger of expanding, after all, our bank is very involved in it.” Shang Wen said.

"This can greatly avoid such risks. The risks of banks are difficult to control. We need to take precautions against this point." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi. But Meng Yi believes that this move is a bit too early.

Northern Dynasty. Zhang Dahui is reading a book. This is the only way he has fun here. This is the military camp.

"Did Mr. Zhang rest?" a voice came from outside.

"Oh. Not yet. What's the matter. Prince Atuo." Zhang Dahui heard that this was Prince Atuo's voice. This voice can only be Prince Atuo, because the prince's voice is rather strange.

"Oh. I have some questions to ask your husband." Atuo said. Zhang Da Da went out to greet him.

"I don't know what kind of problem Prince Atuo has?" Zhang Dalai asked.

"This is not the place to talk?" Prince Atuo said. Immediately two people entered the tent, which was guarded by Meng La native soldiers, and the northern dynasty army could not get close here at all.

"The people of the Yue family have already built a fortress. On our inner line, the situation may be very unfavorable for us." Prince Atuo said worriedly.

"This, I know, the only way to deal with the fortress is to use more fortresses to besiege the other party. According to your situation, it can only be this way." Zhang Dahui said helplessly.

"I know this, but it requires a lot of troops, and this will pose a great threat to our fortress rear, which is also very detrimental to our financial situation." Prince Atuo said.

"It's true that our northern dynasty has levied heavy taxes on various states. A large number of troops are gathered in the north. If the states are in rebellion at this time, we will not be able to control those countries. This is very detrimental to us. And for the moment, I think that the situation in the north has reached the point where it is impossible to control. The Yue people are aggressive, and their weapon advantages are very obvious. In contrast, although we have got the muskets, we still can’t control it. The people of the Clan can carry out military operations, but the people of the Yue Clan can easily carry out military operations against us. They can go behind us. In that case, the army may be surrounded. At that time, the loss of troops is absolutely an astonishing amount. . We can't afford to lose, and we can't do this." Prince Atuo said.

"Besides, doing so is a mistake in itself. I think Mr. also understands that in such a situation, our troops are very weak if we are scattered. Moreover, the required finances are a great drain. Such a drain for a long time will affect us. National strength is a great loss. We can't afford to lose. I think we may need your help from South Korea. If we can really reach an agreement, we are willing to accept such a loss. "Prince Atuo is quite reasonable. He saw that the situation in the north was the result of a long period of consumption. Behind the people of the Yue family was the State of Qin. They had heard of the issue of bonds to get through this situation. Although Prince Atuo didn't know this, what he knew was , The northern dynasty could not bear such a large consumption. This consumption is amazing. It is simply not something a country like them can bear. If the duration continues, the unfavorable situation will continue to expand. The northern dynasty may face a situation of collapse. In order to avoid such a situation from happening. He needs to change this situation. Summing up, this is the only thing that can be done.

"This." Zhang Da Da felt very embarrassed. He was powerless for such a thing, because a report of his could not attract the attention of the upper level. Moreover, he learned. Prince Atuo is only a prince with partial power, and his power is not very big. A powerless prince wants to do such a thing. He felt very embarrassed. In other words, he is not optimistic about the realization of Prince Atuo's idea.

"Well, I will try my best. After I go back, I will submit a report. Our upper management may notice this." Zhang Dafa said.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Zhang. These are some small gifts, I hope you can accept them." Some attendants brought in some boxes as they said. He knows that this is something of the other party. However, Zhang Dahui didn't know if what he did could attract the attention of the other party. But I can't manage these now. If you have gold, you can take it.

Qi State. Laizhou area.

"Isn't this General Meng? That's great. Come on, our Tian's Bank, the bank is lower, and the discount is very large. If you have a loan, we can also help you contact the horse team, and the freight is all free. "A young bank clerk said graciously.

"Oh, here, the sun is coming out from the west. I borrowed money from your Tian's Bank before, but you still don't want to borrow, either because I don't think my property is worth the money, or the land is not enough. What's wrong now?" Speaking of. In fact, he is no longer a general now. He became the owner of a shipyard.

"Also, just don't call me general. I am Manager Meng, not a general, for your bank. Oh. I remember. This is Mr. Lou's policy. He attracted South Korea, Qin Guo, and Zhao Some banks in China came in. Their bank interest rate is lower than yours, even if you add some freight, your interest rate is still very high. With this kind of interest, I think I should go to another bank to see it. People Bank of Korea It's time to bring tea and water, and the attitude is much better than you." Manager Meng said.

"This." The young man knew that their bank's attitude was not good at first. But many things need to be changed. If it weren't for the Bank of Korea and Qin State Bank, the competition is fierce. They won't do this either. Their interest rates are very low, and there are investments that can be made. As long as they want, they can quickly get the money for investment and construction. The efficiency is very high. In contrast, theirs would not do this. Coupled with the severely bad attitude before, this makes it difficult for them to do business.

"Don't this, that, I'll give your bank an idea, no, it's a suggestion." Manager Meng said kindly. He was in a very happy mood now, and he finally saw the bad time of the Qi State Bank.

"This, Mr. Meng's enlightenment." The young man said.

"This, it's very simple, that is, you will change all the men in the future. Just like Korea, use more women. This man is too blunt when talking about business. No good. There is no softness. That's it." said Mr. Meng. He patted the other person on the shoulder and left. He is very happy. And the young man didn't know what to say.

With the participation of South Korea and Qin State Bank, the situation of Qi State Bank is very bad. Although they actively changed some things, they still couldn't change their current situation.

Seth country. A group of resting cavalry calmly entered the safe area established by Guo Xiang.

"Who are you?" a sentry asked worriedly.

"Tell your people from the Central Plains, we are the messengers of the rest, and we have no intention of offending you. We are here only to do some peaceful things." said the man who brought in the bearded man. He looked very relaxed, even though the Korean was aiming a musket at his head, he was not scared at all.

"My name is Tob." said the man with horns and beard.

"I know that you are a Central Plains country. Our people find that your words are the same as those on their muskets. So, they know that they have met people we don’t want to meet. I’m here to take a look. We won’t Attacked you," Tob said.

Tob was then put in. He met the person in charge here, Guo Xiang.

"We were surprised when we saw you, our people almost launched an offensive. The Koreans," Tob said.

"We are also very worried about your attack." Guo Xiang said.

"There are not many people here, but they are Seth people. We took them in. We need a piece of land. Here, we are only here for trade." Guo Xiang said.

"Well. If you can provide arms, of course. We are willing to exchange, twenty slaves for a gun, or gold coins." Tob said. This is their goal. With the smooth development of military operations, the ammunition stockpiled by the Sabbath nation has been depleted very seriously. They need supplies to complete the supplies as soon as possible, and they also need other areas of the government, and they want to develop westward. This is their purpose.

"It turns out that this is the case. It takes time, but you must ensure our safety." Guo Xiang said.

"This is natural, otherwise we won't do it. I won't come here either. The brigade's army is coming here. We are besieging Basra. It's near you. Maybe you can't hear the guns, but you You can go and see. We have gathered a lot of artillery and if we take Basra, we can get a lot of money." Tob said.

"We have captured many cities, and Baghdad is also our goal. From Baghdad, according to your calculations, it is still 80 miles. We will attack Baghdad. The capital of Seth will soon be taken by us. ." Tob said.

"What, Baghdad." Guo Xiang asked curiously. He seems to have heard the same vocabulary as Baghdad, but unfortunately, he has no idea about the specific situation of Seth.

"Are you surprised? That's right. We are going well. Eighty miles away, we defeated the main force of the country of Seth. Our cavalry fully played a one-sided advantage. We killed a lot of people. You printed Qin, Korean-made muskets, those muskets are very useful for us, of course. There are also artillery, our artillery is not many, but we first solve the city of Basra, and then we can take Baghdad, hope to be in Baghdad The offense won't be too troublesome," Tob said.

"Can you talk about the situation here? We just came here, of course. We are here just to do business." Guo Xiang asked curiously.

"Okay, Koreans, we are also for business. Seth is so big. He currently has two big cities, one Basra, in the south, close to the sea, where there are rivers. Along the river, there are two Holi, You can reach Baghdad, where the land is fertile, people live well, and the treasury is rich in gold. We are here for these and occupy this place. You Koreans are also for gold, but you need to provide what we need. We solve it. With Basra, the kingdom of Seth will be destroyed. It's better to say nothing. Too many things are not good for you." Tob will leave after saying goodbye.

This is the first time Guo Xiang has heard of such a thing. It was the first time that he knew about Baghdad and the location of Basra, but the information was still not comprehensive enough. They still didn't know much about the State of Seth. This was the news from the part of the Shabbat. If the Sabbath country does not tell them, they will know nothing, but the best thing at the moment is that their safety is greatly guaranteed. This is a very good thing for them, and they can not be safe. Worry about things.

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