"What are they transporting?" the chief officer of a Korean merchant ship asked the sailor beside him curiously.

"I don't know, it's almost a weapon anyway. The things they transport are all like this. I think they are all cylinders. It looks like." The sailor glanced at his first mate.

"What does it seem to be?" the first officer asked curiously.

"This, I think it should be a bomb? Look, those cylinders, and I just looked at them, they are made of steel. I think it might be a bomb." said the sailor.

"Fucking, transport the bomb, don't blow up our ship, if it's a bit bumpy. Our ship is gone." The first officer said anxiously. But even if he was anxious, he couldn't help it now, because the other party had already done so. They have to do things when they receive money.

"Forget it. Be careful, **** it, this bomb is not for play." The first officer said helplessly.

In fact, the Goguryeo people were not transporting bombs, and the sailors had guessed wrong. They were transporting chlorine cylinders, that is, the killer of the Goguryeo people, gas bombs. In order to achieve the purpose of forcing the other side to seek peace, the Goguryeo people can only use this method.

North of Qin State. An expedition team also reached the sea. And made detailed records along the way. Meng He is the Qin officer of this expedition, and he is writing his diary.

"It's not as wild as we thought. The scenery here is very good. It's a good place to stay in summer. I think this place will be very good for tourism. There are still a lot of forest resources here. We didn't go. When entering the forest, we only move on the edge of the forest, because the forest is very deep and deep. As long as you do not carry a compass, once you enter such a place, there is basically only a dead end. However, forest resources bring many resources, for example, There is a kind of deer, or not deer. It may be called a cow, but it's not a cow. It's a thing like a horse. It's strange anyway, but his meat is very delicious, and the Huns are willing to wait to hunt in the forest. Of course There are also dangerous animals here, such as bears, but under the blow of muskets. They have also become our delicacy. If you use bows and arrows, the Huns will definitely pay a very heavy price. The leader of the tribe is an old man, he Tell me, if you don't have a musket, it would be difficult for them to enter such a place." Meng He recorded in his notebook.

"The resources here are very rich. I think they will definitely be rich. Under the cover of forest resources, there will definitely be a lot of resources. If a railway is built here, all the resources along the way will be developed. It is a pity here. The winter is very cold. Also, we finally arrived at the beach. The situation at the beach is pretty good. The sea breeze is comforting, and there are seagulls, which will provide us with better guidance. For this, we don’t know anything about it. Many, but we have to face a huge problem now, that is to go back again and pass the message. I think only by getting specific decisions can we get better support. Maybe we can do something here. Discover some nearby islands It's also good." Meng He wrote in his notebook.

"Lieutenant Meng." Just then, the old man walked in and said. He is the leader of the tribe.

"Old boss, what's the matter?" Lieutenant Meng put away his notebook and said.

"I think we can't live on such an island. Many people think they are willing to go back, but they don't want to go to the island over there. There may be a big island over there, but we need to go back. Only by going back can we know what happened next. "The old leader said to Lieutenant Meng embarrassingly. Because it is an expedition, many Huns have already begun to retreat. After all, if this goes on, their survival will have big problems.

"This, I understand, I have considered letting our people return to their original places and establishing some signs here. After all, we have been out for a long time." Meng He said.

"Thank you so much. We have too many people. It has been too long. It has been too long." The old leader said.

Relying on the Huns alone, after all, there are many restrictions. After all, the Huns are not good at water surface, and the Qin people have less experience in exploration. If the water surface problem can be solved, that would be the best thing.

The Ministry of the Navy of the State of Qin.

"Have you thought about it?" Wang Shu asked the young man opposite. Although he looked very young, his military rank was already a lieutenant colonel.

"Sir, I have already figured it out clearly. Although there are many conveniences and resources we can use from the northern land exploration, what I think is that there are still many restrictions after all. For example, we don’t know the conditions in the northern waters. , We don’t know what the conditions are in those sea areas. But if we set out from the sea for expeditions, I think things may be much simpler. We can carry out exploration results along the way, which will be very convenient for us. "Wang Guang said. He is an officer of the Navy Department. The Navy Department has only become busy recently, but many naval personnel hope to build greater merits. Wang Guang naturally thinks so.

He heard the news that the Admiralty sent personnel to recruit explorers to explore the northern eastern coastal area. He felt that his career opportunity had come.

The route of the northern exploration is carried out from land, but if you proceed from the sea, things may be much better. For example, the Qin State Navy also has some ships that can provide them with great convenience. They can interact with the Koreans. Or like the people of Chu, walking along the northern coastline. But this requires ships.

"If you use our iron armored ship, I can't guarantee that you can provide enough power, because that would require a lot of coal. Obviously, coal cannot meet your needs. Because we don't have a port in the north to support you in doing this. I do. You can only take a sailboat to do such things." Wang Shu thought for a while and wanted to say.

"Sailboat? Sir, in that case, we." Wang Guang was a little surprised. He felt that with the steam ironclad ships, their speed might be very fast, but a problem lay in front of them, fuel. There is no port in the north to provide sufficient fuel. Only enough fuel can keep them going. The only ship that can provide reliable power is sailboats.

"Yes. There are only sailboats. I think you can buy some ships. Sailboats, and Qin will also make a batch of wooden ships. Because the navy's funding is insufficient. You know that military expenses have been cut a lot, and the navy continues to maintain a large number of iron armors. Boats are obviously unrealistic." Wang Shu said.

"So, we can only provide you with sailboats, of course. The fleet will exceed three, which will benefit you. This is the largest maritime military operation of the Qin Navy. You will set off from Qingcheng Port in Jiaozhou. Then walk along the coastline and go north. You have reached where you think you should be." Wang Shu said.

"Then, sir. Communications, do you provide us with some reliable communications?" Wang Guang said.

"This is ok. We will build a series of communication stations in the north. You can only use radio and submarine cables. I'm afraid not." Wang Shu said, shaking his head.

"Well, sir, that's the only way to go." Wang Guang nodded and agreed.

"Okay, I will let someone arrange your plan. Your plan is very good." Wang Shu said. Wang Guang nodded to express his gratitude, and then began to get busy. No one would pay attention to such a thing.

To explore the coastal areas from the north to the east, Qin only explored the seaside from land, but did not explore the situation from the sea. This is a flaw. The only way for Qin is to explore the Koreans and Chu people as they thought. The place to be. Only in this way can their needs be met. Qin needs the information over there. Only in this way can we help them solve all their problems. This is Wang Guang's plan. The Qin Navy also needs such a plan to make up for a flaw in their exploration of seaports from land.

On the Western Continent. More and more places have established colonial strongholds, these colonial strongholds are established along the coastline, and then they are slowly connected into a line, and then a surface. These large and small colonies. From South Korea, the east coast of the two countries of Chu is already covered. On the west coast, Koreans have established a number of colonial areas, while the talents of Chu have established some colonial strongholds.

These colonial strongholds mainly developed agriculture and the slave trade. They dumped muskets into their inland areas. This was their most advantageous commodity. No one wanted to be defeated by threatening weapons. The only way to prevent such things from happening That is, you also have such weapons, so the arms trade and slave trade are rapidly rising. Arms brought gold, and the slave trade brought huge profits.

However, the colonial stronghold of the Chu people is still not as many as the Koreans. The Koreans have rapidly expanded to Karachi on the west coast, which is controlled by the Indians.

"This port is really beautiful?" At the Karachi port, two Korean armed merchant ships docked, and the Karachi people brought their unique way of welcoming. The telegram has been connected here, and the submarine cable has been laid here, which allows them to grasp the news quickly. A lot of guns and artillery are needed here. They are here for this.

"Hello," said a Karachi native who was not fluent in the Central Plains dialect.

"Hello. Hello." The captain looked at the person who greeted him excitedly.

"Are you in stock?" the greeter asked in a low voice.

"This, yes. I don't know what kind of cargo you need?" the captain asked curiously.

"Musket, artillery, we only need this." the man said. But his meaning is very clear.

"Well, one boat has all but one boat is not enough. Two boats," the captain said.

"I can understand that, do you have two guns and artillery?" the Karachi man asked with a smile.

"Yes. It can be understood like this. But you should study your words carefully." said the captain. For Karachi people, he can only understand through such people.

"Very good, very good, my master will buy such a weapon, you come with me, we are actively learning your language, I think it won’t be long before we can speak your language. You can do this Don't worry." The other party said with a smile.

"Well, that would be great," the captain said.

The captain knew that the Karachi people lacked muskets and artillery, because they wanted to guard against the Yueshi people from the north. These were the contents of the telegram. In this case, their muskets will have a consumer market. This is their main purpose for coming here.

Qi State, Tian Heng's general mansion. Lou Jing came here in a hurry. Because Tian Heng wants to discuss something.

"I think that when we build the navy, we must expand our naval career." As soon as Tian Heng and Lou Jing met, they stepped directly into today's theme, expanding Qi's naval career.

"This." Lou Jing was a little surprised, but soon he realized the problem. Tian Heng is anxious to expand the navy because he has seen that all countries are actively developing the navy, especially South Korea’s naval expansion. The colonial government they established in Bangla provided them with considerable financial support. Such support. It can alleviate Qi’s financial pressure, and South Korea can do more things, such as building railways. South Korea achieved their goals through the colonial aggression of Bangla. This is a great deal for Tian Heng. Stimulating, he felt that Qi could also do this, so Qi could get more resources, and he asked Qi to actively develop maritime trade. Strive to solve Qi's financial problems during expansion.

"Well, is it a little anxious?" Lou Jing said worriedly. After all, the Qi State Navy was not long established. A lot of maritime navigation, especially the training of trainees, are being discussed with South Korea, but at this time, Tian Heng suddenly wanted to expand.

"No, it's not fast, we are already too late. Look at Chu, the Chu people have launched their military operations, and their fleet has already moved south. And we." Tian Heng said.

"I am in Laizhou and have ordered the shipyard to transform some of the merchant ships into our warships, and then quickly move south after the supplement is in place." Tian Heng said.

"Is this a bit too anxious?" Lou Jing still said.

"Don't worry, don't worry, we are already very late." Tian Heng said.

"No. I mean, we take the transformed merchant ship and become a warship. If we encounter an adversary, our situation will be very passive. We better think about this kind of thing." Lou Jing persuades it.

"I understand what you mean, but this is just such a thing at the moment. I don't think we can wait any longer. You should also speed up. Discuss with the Koreans, or ask the people of Qin to help us and solve our problems quickly. Regarding the issue of seafarers, sailing on this sea is different from ordinary small-scale sailing. We still have to be cautious about this." Tian Heng said.

"It's just that the Koreans ask us to make a concession in this regard, on the situation on the peninsula. This is the country of Yan, as well as the request of South Korea. South Korea can give in on the issue of capital borrowing and the purchase of national debt, or directly give us Certain benefits are given to naval personnel training," Lou Jing said.

"Well, we currently need the development of the navy. Just follow what the Koreans said. We will get it back sooner or later. Don't worry." Tian Heng said.

"Yes, we can't worry." Lou Jing said.

State of Zhao, Handan. Shanty towns where workers live.

"Have you heard of our good prime minister. Prime Minister Li was impeached by the parliament." A woman said to the men who were eating.

"I was impeached. They are the prime minister. It's our business. We can still eat noodles and cakes. That's not bad." The man said with a big bowl. Speaking of this, he took another bite of the cake, then gulped the broth, and returned from work in the factory, and had a nice meal, which was not bad. Although their work is very tiring, the salary is relatively good. They can save one thousand and a half two dollars each month. Sometimes they can drink a meal of broth and eat a meal of meat, which is not bad. Of it. This kind of life has been given a good evaluation in their lives.

"What do you know?" the woman said dissatisfiedly.

"This has a lot to do with our children. Do you know why the prime minister was impeached for taxation and taxation. It is for our children. Let our children learn well. We can do great things in the future? Things." the woman said.

"Tax taxes, tax again, we will have no money. Life is pretty good now, we can save some money, but in the future, we won't even have money. This taxation, I think, the impeachment is just fine. "The man said. He is very satisfied with the current taxation. Because of the passage of the tax reduction plan, many of them do not have to pay taxes. As a result, their burden is much smaller.

"Fart, you stinky man, what do you know? People are levying taxes this time on the rich and the rich. In this case, the tax will be extremely beneficial to us. The rich people pay the money for ours. For my son to study in the future, our children can also go to college. It is much better than you as a worker and hardworking. If you feel so satisfied, don't object." The woman said.

"What?" the man asked in surprise.

"This is for our son. This is a good thing. If the tax is levied, the rich will pay, but we will not. Therefore, the prime minister will be impeached and step down. Many people have agreed. They decided to go on strike tomorrow. To the prime minister. The gate of the mansion supports the prime minister's behavior, and there will be people at the gate of the council, wait and see. Those who are rich will definitely be shocked by us." The woman said with a smile. After the man heard it, he felt very surprised.

"This. It's illegal. If you do this, things will make a lot of trouble. You mother-in-law. Don't do it blindly, do whatever you want." The man said dissatisfiedly.

"I am for our son. If you don't have this son, you won't go." the woman said.

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