The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2820: Bank's needs

"How could the above make us send an offense. Damn it." A Goguryeo infantry sergeant scolded. They hid in the trench, motionless, because they didn't know if the damned southerner on the opposite side would shoot them.

"What's the matter? Why don't they shoot us?" A second-class soldier held his rifle nervously, and the bayonet on it kept beating.

"Damn it, do you want them to shoot you in the head?" the sergeant scolded.

"No. Sir, it's not like that. I don't want them to shoot me in the head. I just hope. I don't know." The second class said worriedly.

"Then you can move forward, take your rifle, mount the bayonet, and move forward." The sergeant ordered.

"Sir, those southerners will shoot," the second-class soldier said.

"I know. Who knows if they put us in first. Then they shot us in the head. Hit us in the head. Go forward." The sergeant ordered.

"Okay. Go ahead." The second class reluctantly grabbed his rifle and moved forward. This is their chief, and their chief is also commanding the supervising team with a gun. The sergeant was also forced and helpless. Private soldiers can only bend forward. Along the way, he could only keep looking for those bullet craters as concealment, or low trenches. The sergeant behind saw nothing, and he moved forward quickly.

"Go forward. Go forward quickly." The officer behind ordered impatiently. The sergeant was extremely disgusted.

"Damn it, it's here to die. The above actually asked us to do such a thing." The sergeant scolded. Soon they were only fifty steps away from the southerners' position. This distance is already the effective range of flintlock shots. If a bullet is hit, it is easy to hang. Even if he didn't die, he would at least be disabled.

"Damn it," the sergeant scolded. The second-class soldier at the forefront had already advanced to a very close distance, only ten paces away. The possibility of being killed by the opponent at this distance was very high.

"The **** guy, he has advanced to such a distance. Isn't he afraid of death? This distance. Damn it," the sergeant cursed. Then he took refuge, waiting for the gunfire to sound. He felt that they could advance to such a close distance. The reason may be because the southerners are running out of bullets and they want to put them close and hit them. In this way, they can kill many of them. The sergeant has always wanted to avoid such things, after all, being hit by a bullet is not a joke.

The sergeant waited for the gunfire to sound. But the gunfire never sounded.

"Damn it. Sergeant. Do you want to wait for me to carry you into the trenches of the Southerners?" The gunfire did not wait, but instead waited for the voice of his commander. A lieutenant said to the sergeant with a pistol.

"Oh. No. I'm waiting for the response of the second-class soldier. He went ahead." The sergeant didn't want to see someone holding a pistol at his head.

"I'm going now." As he said, the sergeant took the weapon in his hand and bent forward. He was also very careful, and the lieutenant waited in the trenches. He also knew that such advancement meant death, but their chief had forced them to do so. They didn't know what had happened, anyway, they ordered very death. This made them very annoyed, but they had to implement it.

"Sergeant, there is a situation. Sergeant." Just when the sergeant advanced less than seven or eight paces away, the voice of the private soldier shouted loudly in the trench.

"What's wrong? Are there many enemies?" the sergeant asked loudly. He was already lying on the ground.

"No, no. No, sergeant, come and watch them. Come and see." The second-class soldier's voice was a little nervous, or he was very nervous, and a little nervous to speak.

"Tell me. What happened?" The sergeant asked loudly at this time.

"Sergeant, you should come and have a look. It's too strange." The second class still didn't tell the sergeant what had happened. This made the sergeant very anxious. He looked back at the lieutenant. The lieutenant kept holding a gun at the sergeant’s ass. The sergeant cursed, so he got up carefully and quickly jumped into the trench, hoping for those **** southern Everyone died. This is the sergeant's greatest hope.

One enters the trench. The sergeant thought things were very strange, and those southerners were not there.

"Sergeant, come and see, you see." The second class anxiously grabbed the sergeant's hand and went to a ditch for shelter, where you can rest. This is the forward position and a place to avoid shells.

When the sergeant came here to look, he was shocked. It was densely packed, and he didn't know it. He thought it was those southerners who were asleep. They didn't know the arrival of the Goguryeo people, but they saw signs of bleeding in their eyes and nostrils, some were pale, and others scratched their throats. This made him feel very scared.

"My goodness. Me. I have never seen such a state of death." The sergeant was also a veteran. Because of sneak **** and slippery, no further promotion, but he is indeed a veteran with rich combat experience, and dead people are no longer a problem for them. But that's it, he was also taken aback by the scene before him.

"Oh my God," the sergeant said.

"Sergeant, what should we do. These people are too strange to die. I looked scared." The second class said.

"It's not that you are afraid, I am also afraid. God knows how they died. It's so strange. Did the gun fire yesterday?" The sergeant calmed down a little and asked.

"No, sergeant, we should all be able to hear if the gun was fired yesterday, but no. It is impossible for us to hear such a loud sound." The second class soldier said.

"Damn it, what did you find?" Just then the lieutenant jumped in and walked over to the two of them.

"Sir, look, these people died terribly. They look scary." The sergeant waved his arm and said.

"Damn it, you are here to occupy the position, not to let you see the dead." The lieutenant glanced at the dead, he also felt a little strange, but his order was to occupy the position. As for other things, he didn't care. If the southerners reacted, they would have to do something.

"Okay. Go and strengthen your guard, don't talk about it. This will be handled by the people who come later, go forward, go forward quickly." The lieutenant ordered. The two had to hold their own weapons to continue occupying the position. The resistance of the southerners was very weak. Even if there was resistance, they could not even hold their own weapons. Soon, the Goguryeo occupied the position, but. Many Goguryeo soldiers are discussing about those dead people. They have seen many dead people, but they have never seen such a way of death, and there are too many strange things. For example, there was no sign of heavy artillery bombardment in this position before. The most important thing is that when they advanced to the enemy position, the enemy did not resist anymore, and all the people seemed to die suddenly. Many people are puzzled. They discuss a lot of strange things.

But soon they stopped the discussion, because the southerners noticed the situation here, they took the opportunity to launch some attacks, but they were quickly repelled. Then there is no action.

"Don't let people discuss this matter. We have already won. That's it, don't talk about it." Li Sen waved his arm and said after receiving the report from the front line. Only a few people knew about this, and most people didn't know that Goguryeo used poison gas to launch offensive operations.

Ram fortress. On the ground of the Yueshi people. Steer took the telescope and looked at the Ram Fort on the opposite side repeatedly.

"How beautiful," Steer said.

"It's really beautiful. It won't be long before it will be blown into the sky by your explosives. If you want to see it, just look at it more." Zhang Shun said.

"Come and eat, there are fruits you love, delivered from the back." Zhang Shun said. The food on the front line is still good, at least the soldiers can eat meat. Although it is canned meat, it is also meat, but the nutrition is very poor. Many soldiers can only collect wild fruits nearby to eat. Even so, the health of the soldiers is still not very good. Their food is very simple, they can get enough food, but they can't eat well.

"Okay, has the explosives arrived?" Steer asked.

"We have dug under the fortress. We are expanding a large space. A thousand stone explosives can be developed in it. Those **** Indians would never think of it." Steer said.

"Your work is very fast, and you are satisfied with the above, but the explosives need to be waited. Only one batch came today. The explosives you need may be somewhat special." Zhang Shun said.

"We don't care, the explosives have enough explosives. Next we can expand a lot of space." Stur said.

"However, I am not worried about this matter, but how we can solve the current situation. We need to break through the Indian defense line, but we only have two infantry regiments. It is impossible for all of them to rush through. We need Large-scale combat troops. But they have not been dispatched from above. You only need a few days to complete the explosive placement work, but." Zhang Shun looked at the fortress that was not far away.

"After the bombing, we still need troops to occupy, otherwise it will be of no use at all." Zhang Shun said.

"This. I'm just an engineer. I don't care about other things. I really want them to have new ideas." Steer said.

"Okay. We don't know this. I don't know. I just hope they can solve such a thing." Zhang Shun said.

Yueshi Frontline Command. Inside Moran's office.

"We can't mobilize these forces for the time being. You also know about the smuggling of arms." Moran said to Meng Ping.

"Of course I know those situations. I also know that they not only smuggle arms, but also sell intelligence. The nearby troops have been sold to the Indians by them." Meng Ping said.

"So, for this reason, it is impossible for us to mobilize our forces to leave this ghost place, so we can only let them stay here, and then wait until our tunnel is dug out and the explosives are half placed, we can do so. Now." Moran said.

"What do you plan to do?" Meng Ping asked.

"The situation is very simple. When the Indians knew that our forces were assembled and mobilized, we had completed the assembly there. I will ask the country to dispatch some additional infantry regiments to reach the vicinity of Ram Fort. There will be our breakthrough. They will. As long as you occupy there, the cavalry forces will quickly assemble there." Moran said.

"Well, I don’t agree with your plan. The cavalry is indeed very fast, but after they get there, we need some time to get them back into combat. The only way is to use deception to strengthen our defense zone. In addition, increase the barracks and allow the cavalry to mobilize quickly. Here we organize a large-scale illusion and launch a larger-scale battle. Only in this way, I believe that the Indians will be fooled, and then we can successfully pull in. Mu launched an offensive battle." Meng Ping said.

"Take deception?" Moran asked.

"Yes, this is the only good way our staff have come up with. Those merchants will do everything possible to get their reliable information, and then sell it to the Indians. The Indians also know the methods of these arms dealers. We can sell it. Give them some false news. They don't care if the news is true or false. If they want to know, they must arrive at the military camp." Meng Ping said.

"Okay. I will do this." Moran thought for a while.

"In addition, at the last minute, don't clearly tell the officers our purpose, otherwise, our situation will be very bad." Meng Ping said.

Moran nodded in agreement.

Laizhou Military Port. A team of two Qi State warships set sail. They are the latest modified warships. Tian Heng watched the warship set sail not far away. Not far away, there were 30 merchant ships that were launched urgently and loaded cargo overnight to follow the warship. Go south. They are loaded with some special products of Qi, such as kerosene, linen, dates and other commodities. They don't know what the southerners will need. They can only follow their own ideas. They think these things are their specialties, which can largely enable them to achieve their goals. Of course, some merchant ships also loaded half of the cargo, and all of them were people. They were all people who went to the south to make money.

The Koreans gave them a lot of inspiration. They heard too many dreams of getting rich. There is gold everywhere, and the business is very good. It is easy to get rich there. Many people think this way, and they do the same.

"We finally dispatched a merchant marine team." Lou Jing said lightly. But Tian Heng was even more serious.

"There were only two warships. I thought there were three, but in the end there were only two. The other one lacked too many artillery." Tian Heng said.

"However, I think we can make our own and learn the technology of forging artillery from Zhao Guo. The Bank of Korea has agreed to our proposal. Although the funds provided by them are not too much, it is enough for us to introduce such technology, but we have to pay tariffs. As a mortgage," Lou Jing said.

"The Koreans are treacherous like this, but we lack funds. That's right. Ask Qin Guoshang to see if they have a better way. If they can solve our financial problems, I think we can understand. "Tian Heng said.

"Well. I have already sent this matter to Qin. I just don't know what Qin people will think about." Lou Jing said.

Qin State, Xianyang, Wenyang Bank headquarters.

"Bank of Korea." Yingyu said while looking at the report in his hand.

"Yes, the Bank of Korea requires Qi Guo to mortgage their tariffs and provide them with about 10 million and a half. These funds are mainly used to order some locomotives, trains, and part of them for the development of their shipyards. South Korea People are also involved, especially shipbuilding and locomotives." Xiao He said.

"It means that Koreans serve themselves." Yingyu said.

"Yes." Xiao He said.

"But I think this has not affected our plan. If Qi wants to develop rapidly, they must need more funds. South Korea cannot meet their needs with these funds." Xiao He said.

"Yeah. We are collateralized by the right to issue currency?" Yingyu said.

"Yes, only in this way can we obtain greater profits. This is our requirement and our goal, because only in this way can we have sufficient funds." Xiao He said.

"Yeah. That's right, let's just do it and see what the Qi people's reaction is. If they can do such a thing, we can save worry." Yingyu said.

"It's just that I am worried that the government will have a lot of pressure." Xiao He said.

"This is the government's business, not ours." Yingyu said.

Inside the prime minister's house.

"Zhao's affairs may cause turbulence in their situation, and the matter may be a little difficult to handle." Meng Yi reported.

"Well. It's their business that is difficult to deal with. They must need a stable environment. Not only Li Mu, but also their parliament understand this." Shang Wen said.

"Well, but one thing is very unexpected. The Qi people get a lot of loans from the Koreans. In this case, their railways. Shipbuilding will develop. But what they mortgage is their tariffs, which is very costly. "Meng Yi said.

"If the Shabbats also mortgage their tariffs, I think our bank will also give them sufficient funds." Shang Wen said.

"But I think that banks may not do this much. After all, if they do, they won't get much benefit." Meng Yi said.

"Well. If you want trade to develop, you must have the support of tariffs. Koreans are doing very smoothly in trade. It's just what our bank needs. If they don't have what they want, they won't do it. ." Shang Wen said.

"This. I'm not sure, it may be a resource or some kind of interest relationship." Meng Yi said.

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