The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2837: Looting of banks

Sim. Temporary Headquarters of Yueshi Seventh Regiment. Major General Sharp is looking at the map in the headquarters.

"How is your offense?" Major General Sharp asked. He is the brigade commander of Yue's 3rd Cavalry Brigade. But he only has one cavalry regiment currently, and the seventh cavalry regiment can be used. Other troops need to wait. It will take him a while to gather his combat troops. Below him is the 12th Cavalry Regiment. They are the newly formed Cavalry Regiment and there is also an artillery battalion. They are all in the rear. At present, they only have one 7th Cavalry Regiment equipped with a cannon company to use, but Sim's position is very important, occupying this point, they can solve all the problems.

"Sir, we launched an offensive in the morning and their flanks have collapsed. However, there are still some small-scale troops resisting, and we are mobilizing horse artillery to shoot. I hope this problem can be solved." Colonel Grund Speaking of.

"Well. Move fast. We don't have much time to wait. I think you should understand this." Major General Sharp looked at the map and made a simple mark.

"Sir, we can easily take the Sim, but what should we do after we take the Sim? There is no clear battle plan for us. Should we go east or continue south, if we continue south, the situation It will be very bad for us. We don’t have a lot of logistical supplies, and the artillery shells are consumed very badly. The cavalry's ammunition reserves are not much. They only have two base ammunition." Colonel Grange said worriedly. .

"Well, I know what you said, but logistics supplies cannot provide us with more help. We can only solve this problem ourselves." Major General Sharp said.

"But my opinion is that we should not launch an offensive in a hurry. We have to clean up the surrounding situation before we can quickly solve all the problems. We have to stand here, and we are at the forefront of the entire army southward." Major General Sharp said. . Colonel Gran nodded. The foremost means that their logistics supply line is the longest, and their ammunition is not enough when the troops are assembled. Many people only have two-thirds of ammunition, and ammunition replenishment is extremely insufficient, but after this round of rapid consumption, especially artillery shells, it is estimated that they will not have too many shells to support such battlefield operations.

Sim fortress group.

"Boom. Boom." The horse artillery troops were bombarding the fortress. The cavalry had dismounted. They were hidden in the trenches. They could only attack after the artillery stopped attacking.

"Boom." After a bombardment of artillery, the artillery stopped firing.

"What's the matter? Why don't you shoot anymore" a sergeant asked curiously.

"Sir, why don't you shoot?" the sergeant asked his platoon leader. A young officer, he looked at the artillery position with a binoculars.

"Damn, they have no cannonballs. Their cannonball boxes are all out." the ensign said.

"Damn it," the sergeant scolded.

"Their own business is not easy to solve. In the initial attack, they consumed a considerable amount of ammunition. Okay. Stop talking nonsense. We started offensive. Picking up the explosive kit, we are ready to attack." The order was given. The sergeant shook his head helplessly. The first to be affected by the supply was the artillery unit, whose shells were all shot out. There is no way to attack again. The next battle can only be filled by their own lives.

Qin State, on the Western Region Railway. A train of passenger cars is fast heading towards the Western Regions.

On a train, all officers from the State of Zhao, they can carry personal weapons. This is a special treatment given to them by King Qin. Under normal circumstances, their weapons will be handed over, but they are officers, and quite a few officers are ensigns. They haven't graduated from military academy for long, and they may have some combat experience.

"The situation of the Yue family is very bad." Lieutenant Colonel Zhao Fang said.

"They don't have a lot of troops. It is said that the number of troops in this offensive was only in the early 20,000ths, but the opponents they faced were hundreds of thousands of troops. The Yues did a very poor job in this regard. They don't know how many they have, they just know that they have a lot of troops." Zhao Fang said, looking at the information he collected as much as possible. They were urgently dispatched to the Yue Kingdom. Participate in some observations on the front line of Yueshi. But the order they got was to record some special combat methods as much as possible.

"I don't care about these things. I am only responsible for the engineering and soldiers. The general personally told me that the Yue people need to deploy a large number of landmines to complete such tasks." Major Mao Gang said.

"Do you think those mines can protect the flank of the Yueshi people?" Zhao Fang asked.

"I don't know, as long as there are enough landmines and a considerable number of minefields are established, I think it can still be done. However, if the other party does not count the casualties and destroys the minefields, I have nothing to do." Mao Gang was worried. Speaking of.

"I am not worried about these, but whether their logistical capabilities can keep up with your logistical guarantees. You need a lot of landmines. I know this. However, the Yue people have too few engineers to bury them. More landmines require quite a lot of people, one person, who dares not dare to do anything every day, burying fifty landmines, the workload is also very large." Zhao Fang said.

"Well. Regardless of this. We can only deal with specific issues and look at them concretely. We are here to worry about nothing. For the Yueshi battlefield, I want to know what will happen." Mao Gang Speaking of.

Zhao Fang nodded, but they had to cross the Western Regions to reach the Yuezhi area.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Zhao people can do it, why can't we in South Korea. Their enthusiasm is not high. And we need an organization. An organization that can greatly mobilize their enthusiasm. I look like the Central Bank of Korea. Guo Kai's idea is That's right." Han Shu said.

Zhao Guo, under Guo Kai’s proposal, prepared to build their own central bank. The central bank’s reserve fund was as high as 10 million and a half. In fact, Han and Guo Kai only released 5 million and a half. They are all turned into gold coins. The central bank’s first job is to recover a lot of banknotes. How to use these banknotes after recycling. They don’t know how to solve this problem. However, the problem of gold coins must be solved first, because the people of Qin Quite a lot of funds are already in place, and they are ready to do a big job.

"It's just that after we established the central bank, we still don't have a lot of funds to encourage commercial banks to become investment banks. They still need a lot of funds. Where do these funds come from?" Zhang Liang asked.

"Using gold reserves and using metal currency, Zhao Guoren did just that." Han Shu said.

"We have a considerable amount of gold reserves. There is no need to put such a large amount of gold reserves. I know that it will pose a great threat to paper money, but it can have a great impact on financial investment. For example, we can buy some Shares of commercial banks, and then let them have sufficient funds to do such things, in this way, the banking industry can have a very good development." Han Shu said.

"In this case, the central bank will bear a lot of pressure, especially on the financial side." Zhang Liang said worriedly.

"As long as the trade problem can be solved, the financial aspect will not be too difficult. We should be very confident about it. Don't worry about this, worry about that, otherwise, we can't do anything." Han Shu said To. Han Shu decided to go for it, and Guo Kai's adventure greatly stimulated Han Shu.

It is true that Zhao Guo lacks the necessary conditions for bank investment, such as their bank gold reserves and lack of funds. However, Guo Kai dared to support them in doing this. This is an opportunity and a great opportunity for them.

Zhao Guo, on the streets of Handan.

"This paper currency can also be circulated, but there is no gold coin value. Therefore, some people worry that it is better to change the paper currency into gold coins." A middle-aged worker said hurriedly holding a stack of paper currency.

"The current exchange ratio has reached fifteen to one. I think this gold coin may still go up. Hurry up." The middle-aged worker said to an acquaintance of his own. The acquaintance did not know the news of the change of banknotes.

Guo Kai has issued an order. Allow gold coins to circulate. The news itself does not encourage the active exchange of gold coins with paper money, but some banks with ulterior motives claim that the price of gold coins for paper money will exceed 20. Most of the people in Handan of Zhao State are working class, and their wages are very difficult to come by. , In order to keep their wages a certain amount of purchasing power, they had to change to another currency, gold coins. The reason is simple, because gold coins will rise, and the price of paper money will fall. Such panic caused many workers to join the bank's deliberate release.

Zhao Guo is in a commercial bank.

"I really don’t know what else can be used to collect such a lot of banknotes? Are we waiting for these banknotes to depreciate?" Shareholders are very annoyed by the decision of the board of directors, or they don’t even know. How to understand why this is done.

"Our bank is a currency business. As long as we change the currency, we can make a fortune. I think this problem will definitely be solved." A director explained.

"We need to make money, not watch the bank lose money." Shareholders questioned.

"This is the bank's business strategy. Strategy. We promise, everyone, it will definitely make money." The director explained again, but the shareholders still don't understand why they want to do this and what are the benefits of doing this? They still don't understand for a while.

Inside the mansion of Prime Minister Guo Kai.

"A lot of people have already exchanged gold coins, and banks have also participated. I heard that Qin State Bank is the one who participated the most. They are mobilizing a large number of gold coins. The fineness of gold coins is very high. Originally one to fifteen, it has now risen to one. For 21, the price on the black market has risen to twenty-five. Maybe twenty-five may not be convertible." The assistant said.

"Oh. The profit from this transaction is good." Guo Kai heard the news. Speaking to his assistant.

"Prime Minister, are we also involved? After all, this transaction is very good. If you release a portion of gold coins, you can exchange it for banknotes that were unlikely to be exchanged before. Then we take these banknotes and go to Qin State to buy stocks. Qin State The stock market is down. As long as a small increase, we can get a lot of money. Even if we don’t make money, we can also control one or two companies. Qin Guo has technology in it. As long as we start cooperation in this area, we There are still a lot of opportunities." The assistant said.

"This, money is easy to make, this opportunity will definitely be good, but." Guo happily tickled. He knows that there are several times the profit. This currency is a matter of giving money for no reason. However, he is the prime minister for such a good opportunity. If the council knows about such a thing, they will seize themselves and not let go. .

"This. We can make money, but what you have to do is concealed. Don't say that I control or contribute funds. You have to do this in someone else's name. You can't say that I did it." Guo Kai said.

"That's how you do it." Guo Kai whispered to the assistant. The assistant didn't understand at first, but soon he knew that some things were not easy. This is a large-scale looting of civilian deposits by banks. There is a certain price difference between gold coins and paper money, and the greater the difference, the looting of private funds. What Guo Kai wanted was such an opportunity. He didn't care how much workers' salaries rose. The speculative nature of the bank made Guo Kai target such an opportunity.

Seth State, South Korea's safe zone.

"I am here today to show you the invention and creation of the Seth people." Hazabi said to Zhang Bi. His men brought many weapons.

"This is the incendiary bomb they invented. It is filled with oil. When it is used, they will throw it over and then break it. This kind of clay pot is easy to break. There are such things everywhere in our trenches, and then they will send them out. Rockets, or some burning things, will ignite very quickly in the trenches, which will cause great disturbance to us. Many of our soldiers are burned to death by such things." Hazabi said distressedly. This is the first time Zhang Bi has heard of such a tactic.

"Not only these, they will also deliberately abandon some positions, they will bury a lot of these things underground, and then we will be burned to death as soon as the fire is on. Many people are burned to death. We dare not defend it now. They dare not attack. Gunpowder weapons can bring damage, but they can also bring disaster to us. The Seth people may already know the formula of gunpowder." Hazabi said with scarlet eyes.

"What?" Zhang Bi looked at Hazabi in surprise.

"They captured quite a few of our musketeers, as well as artillery." Hazabi said.

"You can know this. The effect they want is this. They have already done so." Hazabi said.

"Our soldiers know this formula. Recently, they seem to have more artillery. Look, this is the cannon of the Seth we captured." Hazabi said. Speaking of his subordinates brought him a large section of bronze cast pipes. The caliber is quite large, and there are some patterns on it. Although it looks a bit rough, it does have a model of a cannon.

"This is the cannon of the Seth?" Zhang Bi asked.

"Yes, now the Seth people have mastered the gunpowder formula, and they are actively casting, imitating muskets and artillery, they have cast some careful muskets out of bronze pipes, it looks like artillery, we simply can't beat them, we The advantage of existence was suddenly surpassed by the other party. Our military generals were very anxious, and the situation was very unfavorable for rest. If this continues, we will not be able to fight at all." Hazabi said.

"This." Zhang Bi was worried that the Parthians would retreat back to the country at once. In that case, the Koreans would face the situation of the Seth. Last time they were resolutely unwilling to sell their artillery formula, this time, the Seth people got the formula, and they will definitely launch a more fierce attack. For the moment, the military situation of the Parthians is very pessimistic.

"I want to know, is there any way you can use it? Or a more advanced weapon. We must solve this problem. If this continues, we will be beaten and retreated to the country. In this regard, we have already begun. I have sought help from the people of Qin. But we are more willing to get help from you Koreans. I hope you can solve this problem as soon as possible. Send some military officer advisory groups here. Hurry up." Hazabi demanded.

"Okay, but it will take some time." Zhang Bi said.

"Yeah. Okay." Hazabi said and motioned to keep some weapons, and then he came to drive. Perhaps the Koreans can provide some more valuable suggestions. These things are very useless to them. The technical level of the Seth people is still not up to the level of forging a good artillery at once, but this does not prevent them from being able to withstand the attack of the Shaman with not good weapons, or there is no way for the attack of the Shaman.

"What should we do?" Guo Xiang asked.

"I want to know how Hazabi told the people of Qin that we must tell the country about this. You know, this is very important to us." Zhang Bi said.

"It's just that this problem is difficult to solve. If the Shamans retreat, what shall we do? Will the Seth people retaliate against us?" Guo Xiang asked.

"I don't know. Our current situation is very delicate. I think the Seth people already know our existence. It's unrealistic to want to leave here. There is no ship coming back here. We have no support. The situation is very passive, maybe we There may be some turning points. In short, for this matter, we can wait a little bit, wait a little bit. Wait." Zhang Bi said, thinking about something. Guo Xiang nodded in agreement.

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