The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2855: We might be there

Wei Guo Daliang.

"The current situation is that those congressmen are unwilling to levy taxes. I think you should understand that low taxes limit the plight of fiscal funds, which leads to the government's inaction." A middle-aged congressman told Chen Yu. Some of Chen Yu's ideas have been supported by some congressmen. This is also the main reason why Chen Yu's Big Wei party can get support. Those congressmen provided some funding, propaganda, and police facilities, all of which Chen Yu needed. but. There is a great difficulty before them now. That is, the long-term low-tax policy, if you want to build an army, you cannot get around this low-tax policy.

To know. Without a large amount of financial funds, the army cannot be established all at once. Chen Yu is still very clear about this.

"What kind of solution do you have to solve such a problem, if possible, I can support you." The congressman said to Chen Yu.

"This, the only way is to borrow debt. Issuing treasury bonds or bank loans to solve the military problem." Chen Yu said.

"This method is not very good. Parliament may be reluctant to do so, because it means that taxes may be imposed in the future, and what will be the impact? I think they still need to consider, after all, such a thing is not It's very simple." The member said, shaking his head. Obviously, such a statement cannot yet impress the congressmen.

Many congressmen expressed dissatisfaction with the current development of Wei Guo. Among them, many congressmen represented by industry and commerce are mainly factory owners. In addition, there are quite a lot of real estate businessmen. Their main businesses require certain infrastructure. To improve their current situation, for example, some factories need advanced railways, but the government can't do anything. Others need tap water or provide a complete power system, which the government can't do either. As for the businessmen who do business in real estate, their situation is even worse, and the public security situation is getting worse and worse, so that there are not many businessmen who come here. This caused Wei's economic development to be in a state of stagnation. This is mainly due to the government's inaction. Many imperfect infrastructures have made this kind of economic development difficult. Many legislators are dissatisfied with Zhang Er’s inaction. This is also one of the reasons why Chen Yu has a market, but Chen Yu has to solve a very difficult problem. This problem is , Military expenditure, where does military expenditure come from.

State of Zhao, Handan. Li Mu's staff.

"The people of Qi need a powerful navy, and we need it, of course. The people of Qi can give us the port of the navy, but if we do so, it will be bad for our future situation. If we don't have such a port. I am afraid that the development of the Navy will not do much." Li Zuoche said embarrassingly.

"What I am worried about is the possibility of future operations. The Koreans got the Jiaozhou area from Qi. Now they have two areas where they can develop maritime trade, one is Laizhou and the other is Dengzhou. I don't think the people of Qi are too bad. It may give us a state area for us to develop so many shipbuilding industries." Li Mu said.

"In my opinion, this is in line with the attitude of the Chinese people. Now they are in a bad situation. They are in a passive situation. If they can send someone in pain, this is the best thing." Li Zuoche said.

"Yes, we just wait for them to come and see what their attitude is." Li Mu said.

Yueshi, Moran Command. Moran frowned.

"Damn the northern front, the offensive they launched. It didn't help us in the offensive operations on the southern front. As a result, it caused us a lot of trouble." Moran said angrily. But Meng Ping could see that he was trying to suppress his anger.

Yue's three regiments launched a fake battle on the northern line, but the Yue's 3rd Infantry regiment made a very dangerous move. Perhaps they believed too much in their offensive capabilities. Or they greatly underestimated the Indians' ability to counterattack, and they suddenly launched an attack. It turned out that the proved enemies were many, but the two infantry regiments on the two wings did not launch a fierce attack. So they were flanked by the opponent from the flanks, and they had to withdraw from the position they had just occupied, but the bad problem was that they had no spare reserve team to deal with this bad situation. Therefore, in the face of Indy's counterattack, a larger breach has appeared on the northern line. It is difficult for them to maintain the current situation.

"At present, we must mobilize troops to solve such a breach. But." Meng Ping turned for a while. He knew that if the Indians break through such a breach, then Yue's line of defense would really be bad. Meng Ping thought.

"However, we don't have that many troops. Most of the troops are concentrated here, and because of our road conditions, those **** roads have never been so easy to use. The current situation is very unfavorable for us." Moran said To.

"Perhaps, we still have some opportunities." Meng Ping said at this time.

"What do you mean?" Moran asked.

"Qin State mobilized two army aviation squadrons from the north. Their main task is to attack the ground. Maybe we can put them into that breakthrough." Meng Ping said.

"This, when is this?" Moran asked a little excitedly.

"They have just arrived at the back of our Yueshi. Because of the road conditions, they are considering whether to go south, but they have higher requirements for logistical supplies. Moreover, Qin's domestic side does not want them to go too deep and cause serious problems. It’s dangerous. So, I think it’s better to invest in this area.” Meng Ping said.

"Okay. That's it. That's right. Is there news from the South? I want to know about the southern attack. What will happen?" Moran asked anxiously.

"There is no situation in the South, but what we can understand is that the South's offense may be smoother. After all, the Indians there are easier to defend." Meng Ping said. Moran just nodded, hoping so.

Rica. The situation here is still very bad. Captain Kerry's eyes were bloodshot, and the Indians firmly defended the half of the fortress they occupied. The Yues had killed more than a hundred people, but they didn't even touch the core area of ​​the fortress.

"Damn Indians," Captain Kerry scolded angrily. His men were divided into two teams to launch an offensive. He hoped that through this offense, the Indians' attention could be distracted, as long as there is one team that can achieve the combat goal. However, the Indians did not know where to bury a large amount of explosives. Those explosives could not be seen at all. A team attacking from the outside suffered a big explosion, and the attack was destroyed in an instant. On the other hand, the Yue people who attacked from the inside of the fortress also suffered a strong attack, and the gun-like guns caused them a lot of damage. The Indians may already know what a shotgun is. They loaded such ammunition on a large scale. Although they used firepower to suppress them, the narrow offensive area in the fortress caused them more casualties, and such casualties were unbearable for Yue's army.

"Sir, we must have a cannon. Without a cannon we can't hold a fortress like this." said a lieutenant.

"I know." Captain Kerry said angrily. He was extremely angry now, but he still tried to suppress his anger, because such anger could not calm him down and take down such a fortress.

"Sir, there are reinforcements coming." A sergeant ran over and said.

"Reinforcement?" Captain Kerry asked.

"Yes, sir, there seems to be a lot of people, there are more than 10,000 people, but. It looks like an Indian, but the one who walked in front is ours." The sergeant reported.

"Here. What's going on? Did they capture our people?" Captain Kerry looked at his sergeant in surprise, after all, such a thing had never happened before. Captain Kerry went to check the situation.

"Sir, these Indians are untrustworthy people." Captain Kerry quickly saw the rapidly expanding Indian white striped troops. They all had white strips on their arms. Some soldiers also used muskets. Things that were absolutely impossible before, some Yue officers and non-commissioned officers served as their commanders. Their order is not bad. It seems to be able to fight.

"What's the matter?" Gran asked.

"They are the Indian Volunteers. You know, they have solved a lot of our troubles. In the rear, they have helped us guard a lot of places. They can provide more food and more people for us." Grand said. Gelang made the Indian volunteers frantically conduct raids along the way. These people knew where their people were hiding, or that they had come from somewhere. These people soon brought a large number of Indian soldiers. They expressed their willingness to join the White Tiao Army. If they were called the White Tiao Army, it might be an insult to them. After all, the White Tiao came from surrender, because they were holding the White Tiao. Only in order to surrender, so, the Indian soldiers will be tied with white cloth strips on their arms, in order to enhance their sense of honor. Gland renamed them the Indian Volunteers, which means that they joined them voluntarily. This is one of their powers, the power they can do.

"Okay. I know you are in trouble. Leave these fortresses to us. You are a cavalry unit and can move forward on a large scale. By the way. Don't kill the Indian soldiers you meet on the road at will. Leave them to us. , We will let them participate in the battle." Grand said to Captain Kerry. For Captain Kerry, many people know this guy's masterpiece, and he brought great fear to the Indians. But they are cavalry troops, not suitable for this kind of battle, and this kind of battle makes it difficult for them to maintain. After all, they do not have artillery, and time is very limited, in such a combat situation. They are unlikely to achieve good results.

Immediately, the Indian volunteers began to dig a lot of trenches. They decided to adopt siege tactics. They did not have artillery, but there were a lot of people. Most importantly, they had a lot of time, which was enough for them to besiege Indi in these fortresses. People, the Indians know the Indians very well. If they take offensive measures, the Indians may defend themselves firmly, but once they are besieged, they will be gradually consumed.

Qin State, Xianyang. Inside Shang Wen's office.

"Our negotiations with the Parthians have reached a deadlock. We demanded to expand to the northern region. However, the Parthians did not agree to do so. They thought that if we did this by the State of Qin, it would cause them a lot of trouble. It's a disaster, they don't agree with this." Wei Liao said to Shang Wen.

"The North Sea? Does Meng Yi know the location of the North Sea?" Shang Wen asked Dao Wei Liao.

"To be honest, we don't know much, but according to Meng Yi's requirements for a radius of thousands of miles, we can get there. We don't know the situation there, but I think it might be very beneficial to us." Meng Yi said.

"There may be the Caspian Sea." Shang Wen said to himself.

"Caspian Sea?" Wei Liao asked Shangwen curiously.

"Yes, it may be the Caspian Sea. I mean, the North Sea is in the north of the Parthian State. The location there is very important. We should occupy it, or we should obtain the land there by providing loans." Shangwen said.

"Yeah." Wei Liao was curious, thinking they didn't understand the situation there, but Shang Wen seemed to be very clear.

"There is very important to us, we should get the land there, and we should let the Shah people understand that they currently do not have good negotiation conditions." Shang Wen said.

"Yeah. I understand at this point, are we applying some military pressure? After all, in the direction of Dawan, there are only three dissatisfied Dawan army divisions. Their combat effectiveness will not be too great, and defense may have problems. "Wei Liao said to Shang Wen.

"Yeah. Yes, the army aviation force that was transferred before has also been transferred. We need to add. In addition, we can deploy some special operations units and let them teach some skills to the Dawan army units. If a war is launched, it may be against them. Unfortunately, we cannot watch our allies suffer great losses." Shang Wen said.

"Okay, I understand this." Wei Liao said.

Seth country.

"I want to know what kind of method you have to defend against the attacks of those Seth people." Khalifa asked Zhang Xi. For this professional soldier from South Korea, Khalifa is very interested.

"Our defensive strategy is to dig a lot of trenches. You have done this. However, there are still many weapons you need, such as a lot of barbed wire, which needs to be covered with a lot of cans. In addition, if the enemy launches an offensive raid If they do, they will call the police, and then you can shoot. Those barbed wire fences will catch those people and make them immobile. In this case, they can only be killed. In addition, there are landmines, and a large number of landmines need to be arranged. , They can effectively block the no-man’s land, and those areas are usually their breakthroughs. If more soldiers are placed, it will cost a lot of troops." Zhang Xi said.

"Well. How can these things be obtained?" Khalifa asked concerned.

"We can produce it, but it needs to be shipped from China, which takes a considerable amount of time. Of course, the price is not cheap." Zhang Xi said.

"Well. If we need it, we can do this. Whether we can start the arms trade with you, you know, we have had such a need before, but your situation seems very inconvenient." Harry Speaking of law.

"Well, our submarine cables have encountered a lot of trouble when they pass through your area. Only by solving these troubles can we solve our communication problems. Only in this way, a large number of ships will come here. "Zhang Xi said.

"Well. I will solve this for you. Tell me what you need. However, I want to explain that we may not have money for you. After all, you know our situation." Khalifa said.

"This, we know, but we need to negotiate with our businessmen. They need actual benefits. After all, those things need cost. If there is no cost, they would not do this." Zhang Xi said To.

"This, I understand, I understand, but I hope you can provide us with more tactics, after all, we need too many such things." said the Caliph.

Zhang Xi nodded. The Parthians did not benefit from the Qin State, but the Koreans opened a gap here. As the war enters a stalemate stage, the cost of this stage may be even greater. Therefore, their needs have become great, but the people of Qin have a great appetite. Maybe they can find something good from the Koreans.

"Adventure." Zhang Zhi's ship was sailing west. They got a scholar on the shore. He and Seth scholars were very fluent in conversation, but Zhang Zhi wanted to know something about black people. He only got a simple answer.

"To the west." Zhang Zhi said.

"To the west is the sea, how do we find those black people?" Zhang Zhi took the binoculars and looked at the sun about to go down. The weather here was very sultry, which made him feel extremely irritable. It feels that the west side may be a trap, making it difficult for him to get out of it.

"Head, I found the continent. The continent seems to have a large continent." A sailor shouted loudly.

"What?" Zhang Zhi asked excitedly.

"It's the mainland. We have seen the mainland. I don't know if it is the black continent." At this time, the sailor shouted loudly.

"Mainland, it's great, maybe we are coming." Zhang Zhi shouted loudly.

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