Qin State, Xianyang, Wenyang Bank.

"For now, it seems that the Yueshi people are unlikely to be able to provide us with a large amount of gold in the first place, so that a large amount of gold will not be able to be further paid to the reserve committee to issue new paper money and new gold coins. In this way, it seems to be very unfavorable to us." Yingyu discussed with Xiao He.

"Another way is to import a large amount of gold from Dawan. I know that Dawan has a large amount of gold. Not only can this gold be exported to us and become a gold reserve, at the same time, they can repay their debts. Dig more gold." Xiao He said.

"It's okay to do this, but I feel that the speed is still a lot slower. The North needs money, and Dawan and Tocharo need a lot of funds in all aspects." Yingyu said.

"Well, if this is the case, we have no good solutions. I think the only place that can be tried is South Korea. The South Korean government has a large amount of gold reserves. If they can solve this problem, I think, We can give it a try." Xiao He suggested. He knows that the South Korean government has been increasing its gold reserves, especially after the Battle of Bangla, a large amount of gold trophies were shipped to Xinzheng, South Korea, where they became the capital of the Bank of Korea, and they completed the original accumulation of capital, which is for them. It's not easy.

"Will they do it?" Yingyu asked worriedly. He knew that the South Korean government would not take out those gold reserves easily. He knew too well what the significance of those gold reserves was.

"If we sell some technologies, I think they will definitely do so. At present, the technology that South Korea has is still very limited. The technology is exchanged for gold, and some technologies are not good technologies for us. Moreover, We ourselves need to promote such technology. Now is a good opportunity for cooperation. With a lot of funds, we can quickly expand our technical reserves." Xiao He said. Technical advantages are temporarily invisible, but they can be quickly transformed into wealth, which is also a kind of reserve. Xiao He's suggestion impressed Yingyu.

Bangla Port. Li Shiqi is promoting his followers.

"The goddess religion is heresy. They harm others for no reason. This is unkind, and robbing others' property is unrighteous. For such unkind people, we should walk the way for the heavens. Get rid of them." Li Shiqi said to the believers. To.

"Eradicate the goddess religion. Get rid of the goddess religion." Some people who had been incited shouted loudly. Li Shiqi is propaganda through morality to make them realize. The harm of the goddess teaching.

They have done a series of propaganda before. For example, the goddess attacked their villages for no reason, and at the same time killed other religious personnel, which caused a lot of loss of people and property. Such things have happened a lot, almost every time. Every believer can feel it.

"So, we have to take up arms and join the battle. The elderly and children should also join the battle. This is a war between religions. For those heretics, if we can teach them, we will teach them. If we can't, We must take extreme measures to get rid of them." Li Shiqi said.

"Remove clean, remove clean." Many people shouted loudly.

"Send weapons." Li Shiqi immediately issued the order. All men and women between the ages of sixteen and sixty must take up weapons for defense. Young and middle-aged men will be raised up. They will be organized into militias. They will launch an offensive. The elderly, women, and children will defend their villages. Attack all heretics, they are a potential threat. Weapons, so that they can use more violence. This is Li Shiqi's last choice.

"After they get the gun, they still need to train for a few days, and wait a few days. The new South Korean army, it seems that Chu will also participate. In short, this operation will be very fast, but it will be ruthless." Fan Kui said to Li Shiqi To. He is the commander in charge of this operation. This is named by Liu Ji himself, and their code name for the operation is Tugou. Because Fan Kuai is a butcher himself.

Bangla Port, Chu State Commercial District.

"This is an opportunity to make a fortune. We can recruit more people to sack the property of those heretics, and all of their things can belong to us." A thin businessman said excitedly in a private room of a restaurant.

"Heartists, who knows who is heretics. We don't know at all." A middle-aged man sipped wine and ate his food.

"You don’t know, I don’t know, everyone doesn’t know, but as long as the culture is different from ours, they are heretics, no matter what the goddess religion or Hindi religion. And other religions, in short, as long as it is not our Central Plains civilization The believers, they are all heretics, we can all kill them, who makes them take such crazy revenge against us." said the thin businessman.

"I know that now the people of Chu and the Koreans are united to do such a thing, because the government does not have much military strength, they can only call us businessmen to do such a thing, if we kill all those people. The land above. , Women, men, and more mineral resources are ours. We don’t have to buy any land or anything. This is great. This is an obvious opportunity to make a fortune. If we miss this opportunity, in the future, But there is no such opportunity anymore." said the thin businessman.

"This, this is naked murder and arson to make a fortune. This is what the robber did." The middle-aged man said.

"Isn't it?. If we don't kill people and set fires, can we make money? Obviously impossible, so we are here to kill people and set fires. As long as we do enough and kill enough people, we can make more money. Great fortune." said the thin man.

"You know, I don't have much capital, and I did some business, and I was robbed by those infidels. If I had some capital, I would be the first to organize people to grab the **** mother, and even dared to grab it. Lao Tzu, they don't know how good we are?" said the thin businessman.

"This thing is capable, but how does the government guarantee our profits? Also, this is a war, this." said the middle-aged businessman.

"The government has already said it. As long as we can take possession of it is ours, the income is entirely our own organization." said the thin businessman.

"Oh. I think, I see." The middle-aged businessman nodded while drinking.

In Karachi, General Hasi nervously summoned Zhang Si in.

"This is the latest report I wrote. If this is true, it would be too bad for us in Karachi. This means that we have been given up." General Hasi said worriedly.

"The Indians have retreated. In this case, their main force will be kept." Zhang Si said after reading the report.

"Yes, it is saved. However, they will cede the entire land west of the Indy River to the Yue people, but we are on the west bank of the river in Karachi. Are we also the trophies of the Yue people?" General Hasi Asked.

"This. Is this a condition for the Indians to retreat?" Zhang Si asked.

"Yes, I just know that this is just a condition for the Yueshi people. The specific terms have not been negotiated. However, if this matter is true, it should be true. The conditions for the Yueshi people are not that simple. They We will certainly do this. Therefore, we must be defensive. The situation is very unfavorable for us. If the Yue people occupy Karachi, all of us will become slaves. Those Yue people do such a thing. ." General Hasi said. Zhang Si is also very worried about this. After all, this is very unfavorable to the Karachi people. The Indian government directly abandoned them, which shows how bad the situation is.

Yueshi North Line.

"Hahaha, go away, go away." Two Yue soldiers yelled at the Indian barracks arrogantly with their muskets on their backs. In their positions, many Yue soldiers were extremely excited. The locals retreated and the news came that a peace agreement had been signed, and the soldiers were extremely excited. Many people drank their reserve wine on the spot. They knew that the war was over. everything is over.

"Bang, bang, bang." Shots were shot from time to time on the ground, and they all fired into the sky because they were very happy.

"His mother, the Indians are all cowards, none of them have long birds on their lower body. Hahaha." The two Yue soldiers said they **** in front of the Indian barracks. They seem to be using this method to declare the scope of their conquest by force.

"Damn, these soldiers are too arrogant," a lieutenant colonel said to the captain on the ground.

"Sir, they are very happy. Moreover, the Indians have retreated 30 miles today. There are not many people in the barracks. Our soldiers are very happy whether we move forward to accept them or not." The captain suggested To.

"We have not received the order. Let them pass." The lieutenant colonel said cautiously. Regarding the retreat of the Indians, they believed that there was a certain danger in it. Therefore, the situation of the northern line did not move south quickly. They just rested on the spot. Anyway, there was no rush to let them move forward.

On the southern line of Yueshi.

"Don't worry about them, let them go, the war is over. At the last moment, I was killed. It's not worth it." A sergeant hid in the trench and said with his eyes closed.

"But, sergeant, we have all won. Should we let them retreat like that?" the second class soldier said with his gun.

"Haha. You are stupid. We have a telegram and got the news at once. You didn't listen to the chief. We have won. We have received a lot of war reparations, and more land. We soldiers , You can get more land. At this time, it would be a pity to lose your life. It's too stupid. There is no need to work hard like that and wait patiently." The sergeant said. The privates sat down helplessly, while the Indians were still cautiously crossing the Yueshi blockade. Because the battle is still going on.

In other places, because the orders were delivered later, neither the Indians nor the Yueshi received clear orders. Sporadic battles continued. At this time, they didn't know that the war was over. But they are still fighting. This may be the inertia of war! Stopping all at once makes many people unable to get used to it.

Zhao Guo Stock Market.

"Damn it, the stocks are really angry. Nothing has changed this day, just like a dead person, lying on the ground motionless. There is no fluctuation, and investment is not possible at all. Speculation." A young investor Scolded angrily. He threw away the transaction slip in his hand. In one morning, he abolished more than one hundred transaction orders and went up. He bought long and went on. He sold again. Fear of a large-scale decline, but then went up again. This made the form he filled out became a waste form, and then he lost a lot of money all at once.

"What's the matter?" a middle-aged man came over and asked with a smile.

"Little brother, don't want business, I know, business is not good now, and everyone is not good at doing business. You can't even make money for meals." The middle-aged man patted the other's shoulder and said.

"I said, elder brother, this business can't be done. If this goes on, I will have to beg for food. I can't afford to eat. There is really no way." The young man complained. Zhao Guo's stock market was in stagnant water, because a large amount of funds went to the Qin State stock market. Reform of gold coins, plus the issuance of various metal currencies. The bank pooled a large amount of funds to buy Qin State’s stock assets in order to maintain its value, while the lack of Zhao State’s stock market is naturally in a stagnant pool. If it encounters some crises, he will easily fall and cause widespread losses. Many investors It's not easy, because they lack too much capital.

"I have recently made some bonds. The bond business is very good. Are you interested? I know, you still have a certain amount of money in your hands." The middle-aged man said.

"Bonds, what is this? When will bonds make money?" the other party obviously asked in confusion.

"Haha. Now the price of bonds has risen steadily, especially government bonds. The bonds previously issued by the government are now being exchanged for new bonds. Such bonds are hard to find in the market. Prices have risen steadily. You don’t know, the government has to use new bonds to exchange old bonds, because it needs to be mortgaged to Qin’s bank, so it needs a lot of funds, which is scary. Therefore, the ratio of exchange is also very alarming. This news, do Everyone in the bond knows." The middle-aged man said.

"I have never met before?" the young man said.

"This is not what we have encountered. This is a rare thing in a century. No, it is a rare thing in a thousand years, that is, Dayu's control of the water. He has never seen it. Therefore, our chance to make a fortune comes. Let's be honest. Brother, I did one recently. The pen, not bad, made five hundred gold coins at once." The middle-aged man said excitedly.

"Oh my god, five hundred gold coins, it seems that I have to join. Does this line require a lot of money, I have it." The other party said.

"This, not much, it's just that the game is bigger. Only a thousand gold coins can start. If you don't let it, don't let it play." The middle-aged man said.

"A thousand gold coins, no problem, yes, I can do it." The young man said excitedly. Then I started to think of ways to raise my own funds. Just such a middle-aged man brought in a newcomer, and such things were constantly happening around the exchange, and more and more fools joined in.

Zhao Guo, inside Wenyang Bank branch.

"Bonds are a good investment opportunity. If the Zhao government really does this in the future, then the value of the investment will be very large." said a department manager.

"I know, but the market is not very mature yet. The most important thing is the enthusiasm. It is difficult to develop without enthusiasm. Now the general manager is worried about such things. If the market is not sufficiently enthusiastic, It will be difficult for us to scatter the chips in our hands. In that case, it will cause losses. This is a consequence that we cannot bear." The manager's assistant said.

"Therefore, we still need the above approval before this plan can be implemented. Otherwise, there is no possibility of considering it at all." Wenyang Bank, which has a large number of Zhao Guo bonds, is considering disposing of the bonds in its hands because these bonds can bring A large amount of liquidity is the only thing they can do at present, because a large amount of money has become bonds, and they have to revitalize so many bonds, but Zhao Guo’s bond market is not very busy, and not many people have noticed bonds. The importance of.

Qin State, Xianyang, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"According to the latest Seth State Telegram from South Korea, the Parthians did not seem to stop their arms trade. A large amount of artillery demand was sent from there. It was just that they did not know how to exchange their goods. It was just that such demand. It has become very big." Wei Liao said to Shang Wen.

"Regardless of these, what I care about is, what do they want so many artillery for, do they continue to fight the Seth people, or they turn east and attack the Dawan people. If it is the latter, the situation will be very troublesome. We must get such a clear answer." Shang Wen said.

"We will do this well, but we can only rely on Koreans to do such things. At present, we can't get close to Seth, which is far away from us. As a result, the reliability of intelligence is relatively poor. "Wei Liao said.

"Then the only thing we can use is air reconnaissance, I hope they can surprise us." Shang Wen said.

"Perhaps, it's just how big their role is. It takes time to wait. Without time waiting, it is difficult for us to do this." Wei Liao said. Shang Wen just nodded. Qin can only be a very small part of the understanding of the Parthian State, and even the information received from the embassy is very incomplete.

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