The Qin State Army Department plans to reorganize some cavalry units, and then combine the cavalry units and infantry units together. They plan to form two army infantry divisions capable of mobile operations. Among the two infantry divisions, there is a cavalry brigade and three infantry regiments. And an artillery regiment, and other combat units. In this way, they can strengthen the combat and offensive force of their army.

For the newly formed cavalry units, new weapons will be used. In view of the weak offensive power of the cavalry units, it is obvious that the use of old-fashioned artillery cannot meet this demand. Therefore, they decided to use new artillery, which mainly It is portable. Through the use of new-style gunpowder, mainly smokeless gunpowder, the range and the power of the shells have been greatly enhanced. Such enhancement can facilitate their large-scale deployment, and the artillery can do more Lighter.

This was what surprised Newton the most. He didn't know what factors would make such artillery, but it greatly strengthened the cavalry's firepower, which is a good thing for the cavalry.

State of Zhao, Handan.

"I heard that a new type of gunpowder is needed to make such a light artillery. The power of gunpowder is far greater than the granular black gunpowder we currently use." Li Zuoche said to Li Mu. In terms of technology, Li Zuoche paid more attention to it. Li Mu is most willing to talk to Li Zuoche because they are young people and can accept new technologies.

"We don't have such technology yet?" Li Mu asked.

"Yes, General, we can’t do it with this kind of technology. We have realized this before, but some things cannot be solved after we realize it. The South Korean side knows about such things, but they don’t seem to have it. Willing to start research in this area with us." Li Zuoche said.

"Light artillery has a fast rate of fire, and its power has not diminished. The most important thing is lightness." Li Mu said.

"Yes, but the cost of shells is relatively high. The most important thing is copper, which is a very expensive resource. We don’t have so many resources to consume. The only way is to use steel for production. But in this way, we still need to solve the new type of gunpowder technology. The only way, I think, can only proceed with the cooperation with the people of Qin. After all, they have a great advantage in this aspect, but why do we have to use what kind of technology? To cooperate, will the people of Qin cooperate with us? We don't know these things yet. Therefore, this matter is still a bit troublesome." Li Zuoche said.

"Yeah. You are right. At present, we still need to introduce more technology to produce. It's just that these technologies can bring great innovations. This is a very important thing for us. We must have such technology. Only with such technology can we solve many of our problems." Li Mu said.

"The question is how to introduce it." Li Zuoche said.

"It depends on Guo Kai's method. If he can solve so many problems, it can be regarded as a performance of ability." Li Mu said. He knew that new military innovations cannot be separated from military technology, and there is no breakthrough in military technology. Relying on strategy alone is not enough. This will greatly affect the combat effectiveness of the Zhao army. Moreover, the Zhao army will be left far behind. This is a kind of backwardness. But how can we solve these problems. This issue is no longer something Li Mu can consider.

Yan State, Prince's Mansion.

"You mean, our people are too much?" Prince Dan asked curiously.

"Yes, those mountain people are simple people, but our factory owners, for the benefit of some forest resources, are constantly attacking those mountain people, that's why this happened." The Minister of Defense said.

"Yeah. In this way, it is our fault." Prince Dan said with some displeasure.

"Yes, prince. However, in the current situation, we can no longer pay too much attention to the development of the situation in the north. Natural development there is enough. The most important thing at the moment is the establishment of a navy. I heard that Qi has already created a The Iron General warship, this kind of warship is adorned with iron armor, and it is difficult for artillery to penetrate." The Minister of Defense said, diverting the attention of Prince Dan.

"I know this too, but you know, it's not as simple as you think. It needs money." Prince Dan shook his head and said. The Yan State Navy, which lacks military expenditure, has been unable to establish itself. This makes Prince Dan very embarrassed.

And Qin State Bank also avoided Yan State to look for other investment projects. They knew that Yan State was a country without any profit. Investing in such a country was simply putting a large amount of money into the flood.

Chu State. Inside a military camp on the outskirts of Pengcheng. The Chu artillery was violently bombarding the distant wooden wall with some iron armor hanging on it.

"Boom." The strange sound of the collision of the shells and the metal armor made people's eardrums unbearable.

"How is it?" Xiang Yan asked Xiang Liang.

"We fired three rounds of shooting before we got rid of some of the iron armor, but the warships of the Qi people can destroy our warships after the first round of shooting. Facing such warships is really tricky. If we encounter such an opponent in future naval battles, our situation may be very bad." Xiang Liang said worriedly.

"Yeah. You are right. The people of Qi are ahead of us in terms of technology, and we don't have such artillery to penetrate. The navy that has just developed has fallen behind." Xiang Yan said helplessly. . The development of Chu's army was very slow. The reason was that the government would not allocate more military expenditures for subsidies, because the pressure caused by excessive military expenditures was too great.

"Sir, we can also build an iron-clad ship like this. I can't do it. This iron tortoise can't do anything to the iron tortoise." Xiang Liang said.

"Technical problems must be solved through technology." Xiang Yan said. Xiang Yan also pays attention to the reform of the military. The militaries of all countries have paid unprecedented attention to military technology. All countries have set up their own weapons research departments. At the same time, they have greatly expanded their talent reserves. A large number of overseas students have been sent to Qin, South Korea, and Zhao to study. Because there is a place where technology is intensively produced, many countries are trying to get more technology.

However, the State of Chu did not set up more of the same institutions, and their military weapons research still relied on the backward craftsman system to conduct research. Naturally it is very difficult to study.

"How to solve this problem technically?" Xiang Liang asked. Xiang Yan just shook his head and said nothing. Obviously he didn't have a good way to solve this problem.

On Zhang Xiong Island.

"I said, director, you are not kidding me." A young craftsman said in surprise after hearing what the director said.

"No joking, no joking." The director shook his head and said.

"This military rocket can't be made by craftsmen like us. We are the thief who did some wrong things before being exiled here. Making military rockets is impossible, too impossible." The young craftsman kept shaking his head and said. Obviously, such a thing is not something he can do.

"I know, but you can give it a try. If you succeed, our problem will be solved. And there are bonuses. The most important thing is that I want to know that if you want to go back, you will go to Xinzheng District. It's not done." said the director.

"However, this military rocket is not that simple. We have done it, but it is impossible to succeed. Moreover, we are only children playing. If we get bigger, who knows where this thing will fly. The direction is difficult to control. , It's difficult to control." The craftsman said.

"So, let you try it." said the factory director.

"Bonus, go home, watch it for yourself, we don't want the result, as long as this thing can be achieved, it will be fine." The director put down a sentence.

"Well, let's try it, but if we fail, we can't blame us." The craftsman said helplessly. He felt that military technology was very different from the fireworks they made. Although the principle was the same, it was a civilian version after all.

Under the constant urging of the factory director, they spent three hours making three large fires, which are civilian versions of rockets.

This fire is made of a large piece of linoleum paper, and the wooden sticks are made of bamboo strips, which are as thin as possible and made as long as possible, which can help them solve many problems.

"Ignite. Give it a try." The factory manager looked at the large-sized fire and felt a little underestimated, or he was a little worried. He felt that it was strange that such a thing could be sold, but he still felt that Give it a try, after all, this thing is already out.

"Fire." The craftsman shouted loudly. They hide from a distance. After all, the direction of this thing is very controllable.

"Shoo." The screaming fire quickly flew out. At first, the direction was still controllable, at least it was walking in a straight line, but after flying about twenty or thirty feet, it began to become crooked, and then slapped. It exploded in the air.

"How is it?" the craftsman asked in a low voice.

"It's too close, but listening to the sound is very powerful. It's okay." The director nodded and said.

"This is big enough. But at this range, this thing is really hard to master." The craftsman said.

"Shoo." Another rocket flew out, but this rocket flew directly into the sky, and then his bamboo stick fell.

"Not good." The craftsman yelled loudly. The rocket flew directly down.

"Boom." A cry. The rocket exploded in time, but their ears buzzed. After all, there were a lot of gunpowder bags inside. The explosive power was not simple.

"This **** rocket." The director scolded.

The idea of ​​relying on simple civilian versions of pyrotechnics to expand the manufacture of rockets requires further technical assistance to make it successful. After all, a weapon is not so easy to succeed.

Yueshi, Southern Front, in the command camp of General Sharp.

"Karachi?" General Sharp asked a lieutenant.

"Yes, sir, the Karachi people have decided to hold on. It is a seaport city, which looks very big. We also saw cannons on the top of the city. Our people tried to threaten each other but were scared away by the other's artillery. After all, we don't have a lot of troops and it is difficult to attack such a strong city." The lieutenant reported.

"This city seems to have persisted before. It seems that it is really a trouble." General Sharp cares.

"Sir, what should we do? Are we mobilizing the army to take a series of actions against them." the lieutenant asked.

"No, we don't have much material capital. It is more that we want to seize some land and territory. It is not an attack on a hard bone like Karachi at all." General Sharp said.

"Let them go for the time being. We can't fight with them." Sharp said.

At the position north of Sharp, the soldiers on the southern front and the soldiers on the northern front finally met. But the situation of the meeting is somewhat different.

"We came first, and this site is naturally ours." A Yueshi soldier who came from the north said with great dissatisfaction.

"What, this is our Southern Front Soldier. It is naturally ours. Your soldiers coming from the north are only here to harvest the fruits. This kind of business is too easy to do." Other Southern Soldiers were dissatisfied. Speaking of.

"We are the first to arrive, and whoever arrives first is ours. We can only blame you for your slowness, not us." The soldier on the northern front said. But they are also helpless. But they feel very angry. The soldiers on both sides were so noisy, even some military officers were involved. This kind of meeting is very lively.

Inside Moran's command car. Moran looked at the back of the chair thinking about things.

"We have encountered some troubles. Many troops are quickly accepting their trophies. They believe that they are the first to get theirs. Therefore, they have caused a lot of friction with some other troops." Meng Ping looked at his hands. The report says.

"They are also anxious, but they don't know how to solve such problems after the war. Trophy can make soldiers easily lose themselves. They can easily do this. This kind of thing has happened many times." Moran said.

"I think this kind of thing is understandable. After all, many soldiers come for some property. Letting them do this kind of thing is already a great thing in itself." Meng Ping said.

"I understand. But when such a thing happens, our military discipline is also very corrupt, but this is no longer our control. As soon as the victory of the war comes in. The things we can do are naturally less restrained." Moran Speaking helplessly. After the victory, things became more complicated.

Moon Council.

"The frontline accepts more and more land, and it seems that our army is about to lose control. Many armies accept the land regardless, even their own people will fight. If this continues, great things will happen." A Yueshi Speaking to Anu.

"It seems that a decision must be made as soon as possible on the spoils of war. However, there are still some congressmen who think they do not understand such things." Another congressman said worriedly.

"Oh, what do they know, tell you, in Qin, this kind of practice is called, yes, it is called finance." said the congressman.

"Without financial means, let's slap Yueshi, we can't fight anything. Now that we have land, this is the best result." said the congressman.

"I think this matter will be settled in this way, and I will go to lobby other legislators. After all, we still need other people to support this matter," the legislator said. Accepting Qin Guofandou's plan can solve their financial crisis. This is their only choice, and the Yue family must do this.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"Wenyang Bank has already participated in Yueshi's solution to the spoils of war. Are we also involved in it?" Meng Yi asked.

"No, they did a good job. We shouldn't participate too much in this kind of thing. In addition, in the affairs of South Korea in Zhanpu, I think it is best for banks to participate in it. South Korea is very close to us. We need Koreans. Help." Shang Wen said.

"Helping is the right thing for us to help them. Recently, a brand-new warship appeared in Qi State, which made their situation very difficult. They want to import more new technologies from us. Do we give them? Some?" Meng Yi asked.

"The Admiralty still needs South Korea's checks and balances, yes, but it is best to cooperate with Zhao. If not, it is easy to lose balance." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi.

"Okay. It can only be done." Meng Yi nodded in agreement.

Ministry of National Defense, Intelligence Section.

"What do you want such pictures for?" an analyst asked after creating some pictures.

"Can these photos show how the army is gathering?" the supervisor asked.

"Of course. But those are our people. Those are all taken after snowfall in winter, and they were taken during the drill. I don't know what to do with such photos?" the analyst asked.

"You are asking too many things. The less you know, the better for you." The supervisor blamed dissatisfiedly.

"Yes, sir, I won't ask. The other nodded and said.

"Okay. It's not allowed to tell anyone, understand?" the supervisor said.

"Yes. Sir, I understand." The other party nodded and said.

The supervisor came out with a large number of photos, and then handed it to a lieutenant colonel officer. The lieutenant colonel looked at it, and then left with a sergeant major. He doesn’t know what kind of use is there for such photos. This type of photos is only for their training. After all, judging the pictures requires some experience. These pictures will be handed over to the archives office after the judgment is completed. He doesn’t understand such photos. What kind of use is there. But these are beyond his control.

The lieutenant colonel immediately went to Dawan with such a map. However, it takes some time for their photos to be submitted to each other. Thinking that the time of the photo was wrong, they also wanted to find some related breakthroughs to verify it. Unfortunately, they couldn't find it, and they could barely find such a photo. It takes some time to make temporary transfers, and it is still relatively difficult to do it. After all, it takes time to make a fake.

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