They are waiting for the arrival of the next batch of ships on Zhangyi Island occupied by Qi State, because they have to lay a cable to them in order to provide better communication support.

"Head. Head." A lieutenant ran to the side of a lieutenant colonel excitedly.

"How many times have you said it. Don't call the head, call the sir." The lieutenant colonel said displeasedly after hearing it.

"Yes. Yes, head, no, it's the sir." The lieutenant nodded and said. They are all wearing Qi State navy uniforms, but they don't look like soldiers, because they lack the unique discipline of soldiers, and they look like a mob. In fact, they are some pirates in the coastal areas of Qi. The hard life makes them have to do pirate business, but pirate business is getting harder and harder to do, so some people become pirates. But with the establishment of the Qi State Navy, their living conditions are not good again.

The Qi State Navy needs a large number of sailors to expand their fleet of warships. In desperation, these pirates who are familiar with sea life have become their choice for supplementing naval personnel. A large number of pirates were brought in by Zhao'an, and they turned around and became members of the Qi State Navy.

"Head, no no no." The lieutenant still couldn't turn around at once.

"How many times have I told you. We are this, the navy, the navy of Qi State. I don't know. We are not pirates. Don't be screaming. It sounds terrible." The lieutenant colonel taught again. The chief officer should be more appropriate than the head, and the lieutenant colonel likes this.

"Sir. We found some good things on this island." The lieutenant said very trivially and excitedly.

"Good stuff?" The lieutenant colonel thought for a while.

"Isn't it a woman? Can a woman here go?" said the lieutenant colonel.

"No, it's not, sir, this is something new, it's oil. We drilled wells here and fetched water. As a result, there was no doubt that oil was discovered in no time. I saw it personally," the lieutenant said.

"Oil? What is this?" the lieutenant colonel asked.

"I don't know about this either. Anyway, a brother sent over there said it. He said that he dug this thing every day, this thing, and the fire, just like cooking, and then burn it out at different temperatures. Things like gasoline, diesel, and kerosene are all coming out of it. This thing is a good thing. It’s the same price as water, but it’s shipped to Qi in the north. This thing can make a lot of money." The lieutenant said.

"There is such a good thing?" Hearing about making money, the lieutenant colonel looked at the lieutenant excitedly and asked.

"Yes, sir. We didn't believe it at first, but this thing can really be ignited, I think, this island, we have to occupy it. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to make money." The lieutenant said.

"Yes, you're right. Go over and take a look." As the lieutenant colonel said, he took people to the place where oil was produced. It was the first time they had heard of such things as oil. After all, they were pirates. At the seaside all the year round, I’m not clear about such things. However, in order to control these pirates, the Qi State Navy has mixed some troops to reduce their resistance. Some naval personnel from the mainland have entered it. If this is not the case, they are. After discovering oil, I certainly don’t know what this thing is.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"The people of the Yue family are really vulnerable." Shang Wen shook his head and said after seeing it. He was very surprised when such a thing happened.

"In this way, we hope to completely control Karachi's situation and go bankrupt." Meng Yi said helplessly.

"The situation of the Yue people is very bad. From Karachi, to Sims, from Sims, to Rams, there are not many troops to defend. A large number of the Yue people have almost retired. There are reports. The people of the Yue family have disbanded their artillery troops, so that they will have no artillery to use." Meng Yi said.

"The entire rear is empty. If the Karachi people take a big counterattack, the situation will be that the land that the Yue people finally occupy will become the land of the Karachi people. The Karachi people will seize a lot of land, and the Yue people will Losing the land, their government will collapse, and the bonds will become waste paper in the true sense." Wei Liao said to Shangwen.

Hearing this, Shang Wen frowned. In fact, it was Shang Wen who most didn't want to see such a situation, because the occurrence of such a thing had greatly exceeded his imagination. For him, the situation is out of control. It is simply difficult to reverse this situation.

"Such a situation is very dangerous for them." Shang Wen said seriously.

"Yes, Prime Minister. The problem is that the people of the Yue family have no power to change this situation. We must withdraw the air power. Otherwise, I am worried that they will take greater revenge. In that case, our situation will change. It's extremely embarrassing," Wei Liao said.

"What is the solution?" Shang Wen asked.

"Peace talks. The South Korean government controls Karachi, and we must recognize the series of achievements South Korea has made in Karachi. If necessary, we can open up the Yueshi market. After all, the situation of Yueshi people is like this for us. "Meng Yi said to Shang Wen.

"I hope that this problem can be resolved as soon as possible, because the longer the delay, the more unfavorable the situation will be for us. I hope the prime minister can understand this, because once the Karachi people react and they take military action and strike again, I think, The Yue government will not be able to bear this." Wei Liao said.

"Okay. This task has to be done by Meng Yi." Shangwen nodded in agreement. Shangwen was caught off guard by the situation of the Yue family. He really did not expect that the Yue family who could defeat the Indians at once would be so unbearable. hit.


"Based on our interrogation of Yue's prisoners and the offensive situation against Yue's people, I think we should organize a troop and launch another attack." Zhang Si suggested to General Hasi.

"Well, I think our people are unlikely to agree to this. If the Yue people still have reinforcements in the rear, how should we deal with them. I can't believe those Yue people prisoners. After all, they are prisoners. Who knows Yue? What kind of action the government will take. Therefore, it is better to be cautious." General Hasi said to Zhang Si in this way.

"Well, maybe you are right." Zhang Si nodded helplessly. Maybe the other party is right, if this is the case, he can also solve some problems.

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