Yueshi, cabinet meeting.

"We simply don't have the strength to defend against the Karachi people's counterattack. If they counterattack, the situation will be very bad for us. Our situation will only cause greater dissatisfaction." The Defense Minister shook his head and said. He was very disgusted by the so-called land bond issued by the cabinet to repay the salaries of soldiers, because it greatly dampened the enthusiasm of the officers and soldiers. Many people think that the government has deceived them and the government is hateful.

"If it weren't for those **** bonds, how could such a situation happen? The army disbanded too early. It was a bit unbearable for us early." The Defense Minister said angrily.

After other ministers heard this, some agreed, and some shook their heads. After all, there was mixed praise and criticism. The advantage is that the government solved the financial crisis, but the disadvantage is that it dampened the enthusiasm of the officers and soldiers.

"At present, we are not considering the bond issue, but the security issue. How should we deal with the current crisis, otherwise, the situation will cause us great disadvantage." The Minister of Finance stood up and said. Regarding the topic of bonds, he believes that it is better not to mention it. After all, they are unwilling to have such a thing happen.

"Without high morale, it is impossible to solve such a problem at all. This is the most practical problem." The Secretary of Defense said in the defense of the military's interests.

"But doing so has also caused us a lot of harm. I think you should be aware of this." The Minister of Finance said. If there is no high military expenditure, it is impossible for them to send troops to accomplish such a thing.

"The war has been fought several times in a row. We simply cannot support such a debt crisis. The Yue government will collapse. I think the military does not want to happen, after all." Speaking of.

"Okay. The most important thing at the moment is to solve the current crisis. We must deploy our forces in the Sim area as much as possible to prevent the Karachi people from making further moves." The Prime Minister said at this time. At this moment, an assistant quietly came in and told the Prime Minister one thing, and then pushed out.

"Okay. The people of Qin can help us in the peace talks. What do you think?" the Premier said at this time.

"Peace talks?" the Secretary of Defense asked.

"Yes, peace talks, only peace talks can solve the problem. Why do you think we can't continue the peace talks?" the Prime Minister asked.

"Of course it can. In such a situation, only peace talks can be made. If we can't use the large-scale military deployment during the peace talks, we will never have the opportunity to do such a thing." The Minister of Defense reluctantly agreed.

"Do you still have questions?" the Prime Minister asked.

"No." Others shook their heads in agreement, after all, they could do nothing about this.

"Well, that's how things are handled." The Prime Minister said. When such a thing happened, he didn't know how to deal with it personally, but at least many things were solved by him.

Zhao Guo, Coal Exchange.

"What's going on with this coal? It drops for a while and rises for a while. Isn't this a man of fun?" said a businessman who bought coal.

This is the coal exchange officially established in Handan, Zhao Guo. The existence of this exchange has a certain nature of futures, but it is a spot transaction. At most, it starts to announce the transaction three months before the transaction, and then conduct the delivery. This is similar In Qin's futures trading, it is different. At most, people call it spot trading, because after that, all those involved in trading are spot and money delivery.

"It's not just coal, but the price of coke has also risen. How can this iron be refined?" Another trader worriedly said. Most of them are merchants who transport coal and unload supplies. They hoard a large amount of coal and transport it to the iron and steel plants in need. Zhao Guo now has many such small iron plants and more steel. Although their technology is strong, they can also produce some required steel, such as rebar for construction. They can still produce it.

"I heard that it seems to be due to slavery. Goguryeo people die almost, and there are still many people. The Goguryeo government asked for them to go back. Together with the arrival of the Japanese, this happens to be in a state of alternating between the old and the new. Therefore, things are a little different. Easy to handle." An insider explained.

"Oh. If there are a large number of slaves, will the matter be resolved?" others asked.

"It should be like this, I don't know the specific situation, but I think it's almost like this." The other party said.

"Well, in this case, it's great," said a trader.

"Great. The price of coal has gone up now. How do you sell it? Those iron factories must think it's wrong, and they won't buy it. What we lose in the end is a lot of worthless coal." Other businessmen were worried about it.

"Yes, yes." The others agreed.

The situation in the State of Zhao is developing rapidly. Many coke plants, iron plants, and a large number of steel plants have appeared. This is a great development opportunity for coal. Coal mines, large and small, are actively excavated. The use of explosives and the input of all kinds of manpower are precisely this demand, which has caused the death rate of the Goguryeo coal workers who came to Zhao country to rise by an astonishing level, 72%. This is a very high rate, which means that many Goguryeo people died in the coal mines before they could get their money. If there are no dead people in the coal mine, it would be abnormal. Such a high mortality rate made the Goguryeo government very worried, because in that case, Goguryeo men would be extinct. Therefore, the Goguryeo government ordered all Goguryeo people to be recalled to prevent them from engaging in such dangerous industries. If this continues, the Goguryeo man will die.

However, the Japanese supplements could not meet the demand of coal mines. In this way, the output of coal mines fell a lot. This is the direct cause of the decline of coal. The labor force, this high-risk industry, already has great risks. . Unless the labor issue can be resolved significantly, the balance between coal supply and demand will not be resolved at all. Many Zhao people can only hope that there will be more Japanese people from Wadao. After all, they are the most important labor force at present. Without them, Zhao's coal production can rise steadily.

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