The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2997: Difficult to make artillery

State of Zhao, Handan. Weapons Bureau of the General Staff.

"In order to have superior firepower in future operations. The Zhao State Army needs a powerful long-range artillery. This type of artillery can maximize firepower and ultra-long range." The Director of the Weapons Bureau said. Various artillery factories released Zhao Jun’s new weapon requirements.

Zhao Guo started the second large-scale replacement of weapon systems. The first is the weapons and equipment of the Zhao State Army. Artillery has become the most important weapon.

"This time the gun range is required to be within a range of ten miles. The kill radius exceeds thirty-five steps. The military's initial demand will exceed three hundred such powerful guns." The weapon chief said.

"The new artillery can fully meet this requirement, because the new artillery will use the new type of gunpowder as the propellant. The emergence of this kind of propellant has greatly increased the power of the artillery." The director said.

However, the Chief of Weapons did not unify because of the caliber issue, because in his opinion, there is a big difference between the new artillery and the old artillery, and it is relatively easy to reopen a production line of artillery shells.

Handan Metal Factory. It mainly produces some special steels and pipes. They mainly provide special metals to some special units, such as manufacturing bridges, tall buildings, etc., of course. Thinking that they have mastered the technology of special steel, they can also make artillery, and the new army artillery order also attracted their attention.

"The new type of artillery uses a new type of propellant. At the same time, in order to be able to reach the gun range of ten miles, the caliber must be more than five inches." An engineer said to his factory director.

"Well, keep talking." said the director.

"First of all, gun steel. I think this is a brand-new artillery, and what I know is that the new gunpowder technology produces a very large chamber pressure. If the caliber is too large, it will be difficult to withstand such a big gun all at once. Pressure. The artillery must find a way to withstand such a large pressure that the artillery tube must find a way to withstand such a large pressure, otherwise, after continuous firing, the artillery will burst at once, which is a very dangerous thing." Engineer Speaking of.

"However, in this way, the weight of the artillery will increase. At the same time, the production of huge pressure means that the recoil will increase. The time of the second launch of the artillery will be seriously delayed because it must be re-adjusted. Otherwise, it will It would be difficult to perform such a task." The engineer continued.

"The five-inch artillery can still be pulled by four horses. If the barrel of the new artillery is thickened, can it be pulled by horses?" the factory director asked such a question.

"Difficult. Because the chamber pressure of the gun’s propellant increases and the thickness of the gun’s barrel increases, this is a serious mathematical problem. It is difficult for me to explain clearly, but the final weight may be dozens of horses to pull. In the end, I think that for such artillery to be maneuvered, it is best to use train locomotives for towing. In addition, there is also a huge recoil. These are difficult problems to solve." The engineer said.

"Okay. I see. If you have any problems, you can discuss and solve them. This type of artillery will be manufactured as soon as possible. It is too much needed on it." The director said after hearing this. Because he also felt a headache, the original five-inch artillery did not need to be made too big. And the weight will be further reduced. Why is the weight increased when the guns of the same caliber are manufactured instead? This makes the factory director wonder about this problem.

In fact, the engineer has already explained the problem. That is, the difference in gunpowder. The chamber pressure produced by granular black powder is not enough to affect the ductility of metal-made artillery, because the chamber pressure of black powder can withstand the gun steel. However, with the emergence of new gunpowder technology, the power of this kind of gunpowder is far greater than that of black powder. The power of gunpowder has increased exponentially. The chamber pressure that the metal bears naturally becomes very large.

The gun steel, which had a low chamber pressure, suddenly began to fight. If you can’t work **** the gun steel, or if a new type of gun steel appears, the only way is to simply increase the thickness of the gun barrel so that the barrel can withstand the barrel. The pressure of the chamber. But coming back in this way will further increase the weight of the barrel.

Not only that, but the recoil produced by the artillery has become more powerful, and the accuracy of the previous artillery is not too high. But they can be adjusted very well, because the rate of fire is not too fast, but the recoil generated by the new artillery will be very large, and if you adjust it like the original one, the time will be amazing. All problems will be changed because of the huge chamber pressure of the new artillery.

"However, the director, I have a suggestion. It is too difficult to make such a large artillery. Even if we make it, it is also very difficult. I think the military will not want too many such artillery. Because it is very difficult. Clumsy," the engineer said.

"What do you want to say?" the director asked the other party.

"Now artillery uses a lot of new technologies, for example, copper shells are fixed, and steel shells may also be used to make shells. But I think that will not solve many technical problems. Should we make small artillery first? etc. After accumulating a large amount of technology, we then manufacture this kind of large artillery. After all, the production of artillery requires a series of problems such as test data. If we make small artillery, this can reduce our manufacturing difficulty, which is for us It's very helpful." The engineer said.

"But the military's order is like this, they need a large artillery." The director said. He knows that such an order can bring a lot of income, which is far more profitable than providing special steel for ten large bridges.

"But. Director, I think you should understand a truth, that is, we can't make such artillery, even if it is an immature product, it is unlikely that the military needs such a product. From the perspective of the technology of each factory, it is still relatively difficult to make such a product. Therefore, I suggest that we should make some small artillery first. After all, we cannot effectively digest the chamber pressure of the propellant of the new artillery. We were able to find a very good solution in the development of light artillery. I think that for us, there is no problem with solving large artillery." The engineer said.

"Okay. I listen to your opinion, but it is best to manufacture large artillery. After all, we can't lose such an order." The director said.

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