South Korea, Xinzheng.

"The people of Chu are the same as us, they also lack enough strength to interfere in this matter. They have only one battalion in Xinpu, and they can dispatch two infantry companies at most, and we have one infantry stationed there. The Corps, but in fact, there are only two battalions that are dissatisfied, that is to say, the two sides add up to two battalions to carry out an armed demonstration. Thinking about this kind of thing, I feel very funny. "Han Shu said, shaking his head. He said in an incredible tone. Relying only on the strength of the two infantry battalions, it is necessary to carry out armed intimidation against Pashtun. Han Shu does not know whether his troops can achieve this goal.

"My lord, do we reinforce it so as to be foolproof, or we can dispatch some new combat troops, for example, the Tubing Regiment can also do this." Zhang Liang said.

"Those are all rubbish. Are they going to cheer when they go?" Han Shu said disdainfully. For Zhang Liang's method of using the Tubing regiment. The combat effectiveness of the native soldiers is very low, and the South Korean government is currently considering whether to reduce the number of soldiers in the native soldiers. In order to save a lot of military expenses. Because Bangla also needs to be built, it is obviously out of time to support a large number of troops.

"Well. Then mobilize and let those native soldiers use it. Their salary and treatment are a bit higher. With such a high salary, they should be moved. After reaching the destination, they can be mobilized to other areas." Han Shu ordered.

South Korea currently recruits a considerable number of native soldiers in the Bangla area. These native soldiers have been idle for a long time, and the South Korean government has no plans to use them because their combat effectiveness is very weak. No one can use any role at all.

Han Shu decided to use them. After all, supporting such a bunch of waste for a long time has already made the South Korean government unbearable.

Dawan, inside Li Xin's headquarters.

"You still think that the Parthians will not launch an attack?" After thirty-six hours have passed. Li Qi even said to Li Xin. He thinks that the war may still not come. Li Xin asked.

"Yes, I think so. After all, no matter how crazy the Parthians are, they must also learn something, that is, launching offensive operations in the cold winter is unscientific." Li Qi didn't know how to convince Li. Letter, he thought of the word science. He felt that he should be able to convince the other party.

"Science, well, science, science is that in the past thirty-six hours, we still haven’t received reports of frontline repair communications. Not only that, but a considerable number of troops have lost contact again. If this is Scientifically, how to explain, you won't tell me that they will fly. If that's the case, this war won't need to be fought." Li Xinxin said in an incredible tone.

"This." The other party didn't know what to say at this time. After all, he couldn't explain why his troops could not be contacted even after they had lost 36 hours of contact. Even if the communication is interrupted, they will send someone to contact them within 36 hours, but they don't. These are not normal. Li Qi also felt that this matter was abnormal, but he just didn't believe that a war would really break out.

"Maybe, we are safe here, they might think so." Li Qi said with a self-deception method. Li Xin didn't want to continue entanglement on this issue. Because it makes no sense.

In Li Xin's view, the war has broken out. What is ridiculous is that most people in Dawan still think that the war has not broken out and everything is accidental. If it weren't for the Qin people, they might really think that the war was just an accident.

Within the Ministry of Defense of Dawan.

"No news yet?" The Secretary of Defense asked his assistant a little nervously.

"No. Mr. Minister. The telegram we received is that nothing happened at the border. As for the communication, they have sent someone to check it. I think it will take some time." The assistant replied.

"Yes. That's right. It does take some time," the minister said. Unlike the active preparations for war at the beginning, at this time, the Secretary of Defense also felt that war was unlikely to come all at once because it was too fast. Dawan is not yet ready for battle. A few days ago, they calculated the scope of war mobilization. They can mobilize more than 200,000 militiamen. If female soldiers are added, this number may be even higher. However, this number is very ambiguous, because there are double calculations and there are less calculations, because the private arms in the hands of many big people are not counted. Some mining towns regard their small town firearms as their own. Private armed forces, they prohibit the government from getting involved here, so, many times, the numbers are inaccurate.

"Does the Qin people still think that a war has broken out?" the Defense Minister asked at this time.

"Yes, sir, they always think so. They think that war is in sight and it has broken out, because there is only one possibility for communication interruption, war is coming," the assistant said.

"However, Mr. Minister, our situation is indeed very bad. Many materials have not been fully equipped as planned." The assistant said worriedly. The war preparations of the Dawan people do not have priority equipment. The reason is that their railway transportation needs to transport a large number of valuable luxury goods from the Qin State, such as alcohol, silk, fur coats, etc., which are all luxury goods. It is of great value. Compared with those war materials, it takes up too much railway resources. Railway transportation resources are also a great social resource. Many people have been dissatisfied with long-term service to the military, so some people have changed the way of train transportation privately. A large number of luxury goods have squeezed out the war preparations and transported them into Dawan. In their view, the war preparations can wait for a while, and the war has not come.

"Oh. I see. It's too late to ship in now," said the Minister of Defense.

"Um, sir, did we let the parliament order a general mobilization order? After all, the situation is a bit bad." The assistant also felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange, especially in many abnormal places, which greatly affected their normalcy. life. So he felt that war might really come.

"No, no. You can't do this. If you do, it will cause a lot of panic. This is not what we want to see. It is not what we see. No, it is not the time. No. Understand?" The minister lowered his head and said To. He also reinforced this view with shaking his head.

Qin State, Xianyang. Emergency security meeting in the prime minister's house.

In fact, Qin State was more anxious than Dawan's side. Qin State had been paying attention to this matter. In their opinion, the matter had become a bit abnormal.

"Up to now, the telegrams sent by Li Xin are not conducive to the Dawan side, but the Dawan government is indifferent. They have not taken any action to raise the alert. This makes us very worried. They may have been caught off guard. But now In this situation, I think the Dawan people will face a huge threat in the future." Wei Liao said, shaking his head. He is not optimistic about the status quo of the Dawan people, because they are too lazy. In other words, they have no security awareness at all.

"What kind of threat?" Shang Wen asked while recording.

"Well. It's very simple. The Parthians will outflank the two wings and form a huge strategic encirclement. I am worried that they will eat the other three infantry divisions in one go. In that case, all the power of the Dawan regular army will be eaten. It's gone. Their role is gone. This is the most terrifying place that the staff has come up with right now." Wei Liao said.

"Can we keep the railway line?" Shang Wen asked such a question after thinking of the terrible encirclement.

"Um. It's unlikely, or it's a bit reluctant. Although Li Xin has an armored train, which is his secret weapon and has a very good killing effect, the shortcomings are also very obvious. That is, he needs railroad tracks and needs supplies. It’s very big. Once the Parthians destroy the railroad tracks, God knows what will happen. They may stop in place and find it difficult to move forward, or they may be beaten back. The Ministry of National Defense also expressed concern about this. Once the encirclement is formed, if reinforcements are formed, If we can't arrive in time, the situation may be very passive, and we will not be able to solve this problem if it is so passive," Wei Liao said.

"What to do, we can't watch the Qin Army's combat troops receive a great threat during the siege. And this threat can't always exist. We must solve this problem." Shang Wen said.

"Perhaps we can start from the Tocharo side. They are on the flank of the Parthians. If we launch an offensive, we may be able to contain a large part of their military power." Meng Yi said.

"No, the Tocharians won't do this. They will only fight tailwinds. Moreover, their troops are defensive and offensive. They will be in an extremely unfavorable situation, and they will try their best to avoid such a situation from happening. . This is the reason why they absolutely dare not move at present, unless we defeat the Shaman, otherwise, it is impossible to solve such a problem at all." Wei Liao said.

"How many supplies can be provided in the air?" Shang Wen said. He put his hope on air supply, because at this time, the airship was used, not the plane, and Qin State had absolute air supremacy. This is an extremely advantageous point.

"Well, we can provide some supplies, but what I am worried about is the weather, and we need to dispatch some transportation troops to get there. I am afraid we need more transportation troops." Wei Liao said.

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