State of Zhao, Handan. Li Mu's staff.

"What do you think of this telegram?" Li Mu said and handed the invitation letter from the Ministry of Defense of Qin State to his staff. The staff member Yujin knew about the invitation.

"Sir, do you want your own opinion?" a staff officer asked boldly.

"Yes. Of course it is your own opinion. People in Qin generally have a variety of goals, and we need a variety of ideas. Everyone boldly speak out, and I will listen to it." Li Mu encouraged.

"Oh, sir, let me talk about it. I think that Qin’s move is to consume the limited military funds of our Zhao State Air Force. Every time we follow Qin’s battle, the cost of expenditure is not worth the loss, at least for the military’s interests. We have suffered some losses. For example, most of the airships we participated in the war were lost during the last battle with Goguryeo. If we hadn’t gotten some base repair technology and self-modification technology from the Qin people, it would be difficult for our airships to be built by ourselves. Come out. Even though we have obtained some of these technologies, in fact, we still have a relatively large loss of funds." said the staff officer who spoke first.

"No, definitely not." A lieutenant colonel's staff objected.

"This is definitely not the case. You must know that the air force of our Zhao country only gained combat experience and combat technology after participating in the battle. This is a great improvement for us, even though we are financially There has been some loss, but you only saw the military's funds. But our financial funds have also increased a lot." The lieutenant colonel said.

"The most important thing is that we have mastered the technology. With this technology, we can promote our products in this exhibition. After all, we have also participated in the battle. As long as we can promote our military products, we will have larger military orders. With such a military order, are we still worried about the military’s financial funds?” said the Lieutenant Colonel’s staff.

"If this is the case, we can be like the people of Qin. The military's technical products can make up for some military orders. The most important thing is that Dawan does not have such weapons. This is an opportunity for us. For us. It's a great opportunity." said the lieutenant colonel.

Hear here. Li Mu nodded uncontrollably. He felt that what the lieutenant colonel said was very reasonable. Military orders. At present, with extremely limited military funding, it is difficult for Zhao’s military equipment to be replaced on a large scale. In particular, a considerable number of weapons are expensive and costly, and military enterprises have only one sales target, the military and the military. Fang also couldn't provide such a sum of money to support their military industry enterprise. This is not a good thing for Zhao Guo.

"Yes, you are right. We need military orders too much. This time, fighting against Qin is an opportunity to promote products. If we can sell these weapons, we can get a large military order. These military orders can support our military industry enterprises. With military industry profits, the military can do more weapons business. This is a good thing for our military expenditures and finances." Li Mu thought about it for a while.

"Yes, sir, it seems that we must have such a military order." The other staff nodded in agreement. Li Mu also felt that he had let go of some things.

Chu State, Pengcheng.

"I won't take part in the affairs of the people of Qin. The military doesn't have that much military expenditure to toss about these things." Xiang Yan said after reading the telegram.

"Sir, this is indeed the case. Other countries have air forces, and the people of Qin have a heavenly army, but although we have an air force in name, there are not many airships that can be used for combat, unless the government can provide considerable funding this time. We, otherwise, it would be difficult for us to send air forces." A staff officer said to Xiang Liang.

"That's right, there is no funding, but we need to send more air forces to fight. Let's do this." Xiang Yan said.

For a brand-new service such as the Air Force, the Chu State did not pay much attention to it. The reason was that the State of Chu reduced a large number of its army to feed a navy. At this time, they had no extra capacity to support it. An air force.

Inside the Prime Minister's Office.

"What do you think of this matter?" Fan Zeng asked Chen Ping. Chen Ping is currently running between Pengcheng and Haicheng. Fan Zeng has decided to build a railway from Pengcheng to Haicheng. However, the railway cannot cross the river. It is a big technical problem. Unless Chu can build a bridge across the river, it is definitely a big technical problem. Chen Ping feels that such a technical problem is difficult to solve.

"Send the air force to fight? The cost of the air force is not a little bit. Our financial funds may not be able to support such an air force." Chen Ping said worriedly.

"Yes, but every country now has its own air force, and our country of Chu only has an air force in name, but in fact, it doesn't have any." Chen Ping said.

"Besides, we now need a lot of financial funds for infrastructure construction. As for the future air force construction, only we have sufficient financial funds to solve all the problems." Chen Ping said.

"Well. That's it. We will not send air forces to participate in this military operation, but we still have to participate in the officer corps so that we can have more combat opportunities to let us see the state of future wars." Fan Zeng said.

Seth, the port area outside New Basra.

"It's finally here. It's finally here. If it's not there, my stomach will be vomiting out." General Hasi said to Zhang Si.

"It's okay to be really dizzy along the way. It makes us too uncomfortable." Zhang Si said.

"Okay. This is already pretty good." Zhang Si continued. The three thousand soldiers they sent out for the expedition turned out to be seasick and vomited more than two hundred people. This is an astonishing number. In addition, there are quite a few people who have lost their combat effectiveness and become useless if they don't need training.

"We can't fight next. We need to cultivate, otherwise, we won't have the chance to fight at all." General Hasi said.

"Well, let's take a break." Zhang Si said. A large number of pale-faced Karachi came off the boat, many of them frail.

Like Zhao Guoren, a lot of seasickness caused them to lose their combat effectiveness. But they finally arrived in Seth, and then they can participate in the battle. They should take a break before fighting.

Dawan Country, in the town behind.

"Oh, the war broke out. The war broke out." The Dawan people shouted in panic. Regarding the sudden arrival of the war, the people of Dawan seemed panicked. They didn't even think that the war would really come. At the moment when it came, everyone didn't know what to do.

"According to the order of the Dawan Council. All men from 18 to 45 years old gather in the town square. The elderly, women, and children have to pick up shovels to build fortifications outside. Don't panic, don't panic." The musketeer in the mine shouted loudly. Such shouts made them calm down a little bit. At the critical moment, it is not government agencies that play a role, but the firearm guards of the mines. They usually have better military training and combat quality. Now they will Will play a big role.

Frontline in Dawan.

"See it. The war has broken out." A Dawan sergeant said with the flyer in his hand. This is a morale-boosting leaflet, which is considered a new kind of psychological warfare. They hope this way will make soldiers become brave.

"Sergeant, the war did break out. But, why haven't we met the enemy yet? Are they not coming?" A second-class soldier asked curiously. This is indeed the case. After the war broke out for a long time, they did not encounter an enemy, which made them feel very curious. Most importantly, many of them have not yet felt the arrival of the war.

"Defend your position well, the war will start sooner or later," the sergeant said.

"But, I see some troops are gradually withdrawing, they don't know where they are? Did the Parthians run behind us. I heard that the Parthians are cavalry, and they often run behind us. If that's the case, will our logistics supply be cut off. In that case, how can we go back?" Many soldiers asked the sergeant.

"If there is nothing, everyone will stick to the position. If the enemy comes back, we can kill the enemy as long as we shoot. We must not let the enemy in, understand? Defend well." The sergeant said. It is difficult for him to answer such questions. Because he didn't know what happened on the front line, as to whether the rest were really spared behind them. The sergeant felt a little strange, because they were a frontal battlefield, the Parthians did not launch a large-scale offensive, and he knew very little about their flanks. I heard that the communication there was cut off a few days ago. Many people have lost contact. This is a huge disaster for them. But said to him. Losing contact means that it is possible that the Parthians have actually launched an offensive from their flank. All they have to do now is to wait and wait for new orders. The only thing they can do before this is to hold on to their position, strengthen their position, and don't let the Parthians rush over.

"The latest situation is that the Parthians have already crossed our flank, and they are going behind us." Li Xin said while looking at the map.

"This point is a key point. If they want the initiative in the war, they must take this place, Huangshi Town." Li Xin said.

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