"You said, is it possible to open a power plant?" A coal mine owner came out worriedly and asked a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man owns twelve coal mines. It can be said that he is a very rich man. Over the years, coal has been digging continuously, and slaves have been used. Many people have died, but his money has been as much as the coal that was dug out, piled up like a mountain, it can be said that he is a very rich master. Mine owners are not short of money, at least their capital is more than enough.

"This, I don't know, but I know, this electricity can definitely be sold for money." The middle-aged man said uncertainly. In fact, he was also moved by Guo Kai's rhetoric. At the meeting, Guo Kai also promised that Zhao Guo's bank would support them. However, everyone knows that Zhao Guo's bank capital is not as large as these coal mine owners' own assets. Such a sentence is equivalent to short talk. Everyone knows how much money Zhao Guo Bank can put out.

"I'm sure, but this power plant is not cheap, and who knows the big power users. This investment is not a small amount, you and I both know this." The coal mine owner said about his concern. Come out, for him, all this is one of the issues they should consider, after all, this is not a small amount.

"I know this too, but there are many things, I think you should understand. This is a return on capital. If you don't invest, there will be no recovery day, so there are some things you can't force." Speaking of this.

"What do you mean?" the mine owner asked.

"Our coal mine, to put it bluntly. We are doing business without capital, which is naturally profitable, but if you want to make more money, you must do some better things. For example, this money, you want to make money, It is necessary to invest in this power plant, I see. It depends on who has enough courage." The middle-aged man said. Then he left here. Many people watch the middle-aged people think about what he means.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"Sure enough, there is nothing wrong." Meng Yi said to Shangwen before leaving. He is going to Tocharo to sign a related military agreement between the two countries. And discuss related military alliances from it to form a larger military alliance.

"What?" Shang Wen looked at Meng Yi and asked.

"There is news from Zhao Guo's Handan side. Guo Kai wants to develop the power industry, and this is the way out for them with coal, building a large number of coal power plants, but we don't know what Zhao Guo's specific approach is." Meng Yi said.

"Oh. Very good. Not bad." Shang Wen nodded and said.

"Don't you worry at all." Meng Yi asked curiously.

"No, I am not worried at all. This is the best result. Coal, a large amount of coal resources are burned. And it is burned scattered, which is a waste. Coal can be transformed into the resources we need." Shang Wen Speaking of.

"Qin’s electricity demand is facing great tension, you know, in some remote areas of Guanzhong, where we often cut off electricity, the reason is because our electricity production requires a lot of electricity, these electricity supply is insufficient, we can only take Such measures satisfy our industrial production. The use of electric motors is more extensive than before, and not only that, Qin State has integrated some small power plants, and their power generation capacity has been improved, but our power demand has been increased. Big development, in general, Qin State is still a country lacking electricity." Shang Wen said.

"Our power generation equipment has made great progress. For example, we have developed. A more powerful generator can use hydroelectric power generation. They are conducting related experiments in the Bashu area. They want to build a dam. And in the north, They also want to build a dam in the Yellow River area. The specific site is under exploration. However, it will take a long time to meet our power demand. In the short term, only Zhao Guo’s coal can meet our demand. A large amount of coal needs to be transported by rail, and it is difficult for railways to meet such transportation. The only way is to use high-voltage transmission. Transport a large amount of electricity from Zhao State to liberate freight on the railway." Shang Wen said.

"Do you mean to encourage Zhao Guo to do this?" Meng Yi said to Shang Wen.

"Yes. This is our only choice." Shang Wen said.

"However, our industrial production also needs electricity. In this case, how can our electricity safety be solved?" Meng Yi asked worriedly.

"This. This is something that the next government needs to consider. They may build more hydroelectric power stations or larger dams for construction. This requires considerable financial funds, and our task is to help them gather so many. The financial resources of the government allow them to do such things, and the only one that can solve our power dilemma is Zhao Guo, because they have a large amount of coal resources, this is their advantage, our advantage is insufficient.” Shang Wen Speaking of.

"Well, what you said makes sense." Meng Yi nodded and said.

"What should we do?" Meng Yi asked.

"My idea is to let our banks participate in this matter. Under the pressure of our capital, Zhao Guo's bank has developed very slowly. This is a disadvantage for them. This is a fact. , But for us, we also need some investment projects. Both parties have their own needs. From the perspective of the future, the demand for electricity is still relatively large. For example, in our aluminum smelting industry, the scale of electricity they need Very large. According to the latest resource exploration report, in addition to some bauxite found in the land of Hexi, we also found related resources in Luoyang. As a result, our electricity demand will more than double. It may be difficult for us to complete such a large power demand. In such a short period of time, it is impossible for us to complete it." Shang Wen said.

Hearing this, Meng Yi frowned. He was very worried about Qin's power safety, but Shangwen didn't seem to be anxious at all, which made Meng Yi a little worried.

"Did we also draw up relevant plans earlier, after all, such things still have a great impact on us." Meng Yi said worriedly.

"Yes, but it may be difficult for our current government to carry out such a project. Now is the period of tax cuts, and the economy is in a morale of rapid development. Our sudden tax increase means putting the brakes on the economy. This is one thing. This is a great adventure." Shang Wen said.

"Enough issuance of fiscal bonds. It is difficult for banks and the public to accept such a huge plate for reissuing. Therefore, the current situation is that we may not be able to do much unless we increase taxes in the future. Otherwise, it will be very difficult. It's hard to solve such a thing." Shang Wen said helplessly.

"Okay. I understand." Meng Yi nodded helplessly and agreed with Shang Wen's point of view.

Qin State, the General Staff.

"Dawan will definitely participate in the alliance, because only the alliance can obtain greater benefits. There is no need to worry about this." Wang Jian said.

"However, our war against the Parthians still needs to be divided into two steps to be feasible, otherwise, if we go too fast, we will not be able to eat the opponent's main force." Wang Jian said.

"You mean, we are going to fight a big battle of annihilation?" Yang Duanhe asked.

"Yes. I mean this is what I mean, to eat the main force of the rest people, in this case, we will enter the Rest area very smoothly." Wang Jian said with a smile.

"If you do this, it will cost Silas that much national power, and the scale of the war may be very large. Do you think the government will let the fight go on?" Yang Duanhe asked worriedly.

"This. I think it should be possible. I mainly consider the following points." Wang Jian said.

"First, the main force of the Parthians this time is a large-scale dispatch. It can be said that the Parthians are doing their best to attack." Wang Jian said.

"In this case, it gives us a good opportunity to lure the enemy into depth. We should seize this opportunity. Secondly, the Dawan government supports this. Tocharo also wants to solve the problem of Dawan army. The last piece of the rest of the fat. Therefore, this war can be fought like this." Wang Jian said.

"The third is that our current situation is different from the situation we faced during the Wu'anjun period. In terms of blockade, we are more experienced, or in other words, we have more advantages. Although the battlefield is thousands of miles away, the railway We have solved a large number of logistics supply problems. Our factory produces a large amount of materials that need to be consumed. This is a war economy." Wang Jian said.

"It can be said that the country needs us to fight like this. The Dawan people are also willing to fight like this because they finance the funds. They are naturally willing. In addition to these factors, there is also that our weapons are advanced and have solved a lot of our previous encirclement and annihilation. The risk of war." Wang Jian said.

"In the Changping War, the main force of the Zhao army was completely destroyed, and our own losses were also great. If it weren't for Wu Anjun to take advantage of the geographical advantage, it would be difficult for us to encircle and annihilate the main force of the Zhao army, but the situation is different now," said Wang Jian. To.

"We attack from the flanks, and the main force is a large-scale cavalry unit. They can effectively block the passage of the opponent. In addition, we can borrow the railway to divide the opponent. In addition, we also have artillery and machine guns. It can be said that the firearms have the advantage, The defensive capability is far greater than that of the offensive side. Rapid-fire artillery, mortars, machine guns, and the use of large-scale mines and barbed wire can effectively block and compress the combat power of the Parthians. , Our advantage is very big." Wang Jian said excitedly.

"In that case, it really is." Yang Duanhe nodded. During the Changping War, the weapons and equipment of the Qin Army seemed very advanced at the time, but the limitations of that era still caused a great cost of casualties for the Qin Army, but the situation is different now. A large number of technical weapons can solve this problem to a large extent. This is a great advantage for them.

"It's just that to block the opponent, a lot of technical weapons are needed. For example, this grenade cannot be less." Yang Duanhe said.

"No. It's landmines. That's what Zhao Guoren suggested. They believe that landmines are not only defensive weapons, but also an active offensive weapon. If they are used well, the death date of the rest is coming." Wang Jian said with a smile.

Dawan, surrounded by the circle.

"Bang." There was a gunshot, and one of the rest soldiers fell on the way forward. The rest of the rest soldiers lay nervously on the spot. They pressed their guns to find the target, and soon they found them. There is also a wisp of blue smoke. The flintlock of black powder produces a lot of smoke, which is easy for them to expose the target.

"Bang, bang, bang." The intensive gunfire soon came. The defending Dawan soldiers were frightened by the intensive gunshots and quickly escaped. This is a dark fort built by the Dawan people. Because there is no machine gun, the role of the dark fort does not seem to have the expected effect, but it is for the rest. Said that they suffered a great blow.

After stopping the offensive, the Parthians adopted a small-scale commando combat method. This method is typical of the tactics learned by the Koreans, and the Qi people like to do this. This tactic is magical. It has had a great impact on the people of Dawan. Many Dawan soldiers had their necks severed while sleeping, or stabbed to death by the opponent, or they easily occupied their positions, and after dawn, the Dawanians took it back again. The two sides fought tiredly. In contrast, the Dawan people's dark castle tactics are much smarter.

Many Dawan soldiers hide in hidden fortresses. These fortresses seem to be nothing. However, when the Sabbath soldiers accidentally move forward and encounter them, they will immediately shoot, and the direction they often appear is that others don’t. It's too likely to notice the place, their flanks, and the rear. This caused a great shock to the rest. There are several times their raids have a probability of success. As a result, a shot was given abruptly. As a result, the Parthians were blocked, and their casualties were high. Faced with such a situation. The rest are not getting any benefit. The Dawan people themselves suffered relatively large losses. Both sides are engaged in an astonishing consumption battle. It depends on whose patience and willpower are consumed first. In contrast, Dawan people have a small chance of winning.

Temporary take-off station for the Flying Tigers.

"No, no matter what, we have to take off, and if we consume it like this, our advisory team will all become prisoners. We can't see this happen. It absolutely can't happen. We must determine the route today. "Lu Bo said firmly.

"But." a corporal said worriedly looking at the weather report.

"No, but just move forward. You dare not move forward, just stay behind. I'm alone." Lu Bo said.

"Sir, let's go too, we go too, we are not afraid." The other pilots stood up and said.

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