Dawan, surrounded by the circle. The sound of guns around was sporadic. On the advice of South Korean consultants, the Parthians decided to launch large-scale offensive operations. Because of the airships in the sky, the Parthians believed that the airships in the sky might bring a lot of supplies to the Dawan people, so they decided to shrink. Encircle the circle and eat the Dawan army as soon as possible.

But the problem is that the rest of the peacekeepers have not arrived yet, and the bad weather has made the situation unfavorable for them. Under such circumstances, the best way is to launch a small-scale harassment to attack. They can only hope that such a method will be of great help.

"I'm a wounded soldier. Let me pass." A Dawan soldier raised his wounded hand and shouted loudly.

"Get out, get out. All back." An officer shouted loudly, waving his gun. The only barbed wire fences are also arranged here, and outside the barbed wire fences, a large number of Dawan wounded soldiers waved their hands and asked the officers to let them leave here. Dawan soldiers already knew very well. They can't keep it here. Although some people still have some last hope, some people can't wait. They want to leave here now.

"Stand back. Let us shoot. All back." The officer shouted loudly. But many wounded soldiers just don't retreat. Wounded soldiers have the priority to leave. This is an unwritten rule of the Qin army. Here, the Dawan army also uses it. In order to be able to leave here, many people feel that their destiny should not be placed in this encirclement, they should leave, but they did not leave here as soon as possible, they thought of many ways, for example, they use their own bayonet His own hand pierced. Or go to the place where the airship landed with a bandage and wound, so that they can leave here. But when they came here, they discovered that many people had wounds, and many of them had wounds made by themselves, but the military police officers guarding at the door refused to let them in.

"We are wounded soldiers, we should leave here, anyway, the airship will come again." Many wounded soldiers shouted loudly. They feel dissatisfied, they feel wronged.

"Damn it, back away. Back away. Otherwise, we'll shoot." The officer warned loudly.

But there are still many people approaching. They want to take advantage of the chaos to enter, and they can leave here after they get into a position.

"How? What did I say. I knew I couldn't leave here. The situation here is that even the wounded can't leave." A sergeant said to a recruit.

"This. What do we do? There are a lot of people." The recruit said to the sergeant worriedly.

"We are waiting on the side to see the situation." The sergeant said.

"There is no one over there, let's go over there." The recruit said worriedly.

"No, you can't get too far away, and you can't get too close, too far, and rush in behind. If there is no chance, get too close. If the military police are forced to be in a hurry, they will shoot immediately. No. Rush up." The sergeant said.

"Oh. I understand." The recruit nodded and said he understood.

"We just waited and waited for the opportunity." The sergeant said, looking at the wounded soldier in front. These people still don't know how powerful the gendarmerie is, but he knows, because the gendarmerie executed it because they said it was executed. This is the battlefield, and there is no such a long-winded opportunity for them.

"Bang." A shot was fired in the sky, but it caused the wounded soldiers to react. Many people squeezed forward. They thought that they could open a path and rush over. In this way, it would become very serious. Advantageous, they can take a place and leave here.

"Fucking, retreat, or I would really shoot." The officer warned again. Many military police have opened the fire door and took aim. The situation may get out of control at any time, and more wounded soldiers have become very excited.

"Brothers, go ahead. Go for a way to survive. Go ahead." The wounded soldiers don't carry weapons at all. No wounded soldiers carry weapons. Therefore, they are defenseless. If that's the case, they just leave. This is their wishful thinking, but in fact, no one will give them such an opportunity. Even if they wounded soldiers.

"Bang. Bang, bang." The sound of gunfire came.

"Charge." The wounded soldier was already very confused. Many people are madly rushing into the military police position. They hope to open a way to survive. This is their hope. This is the only way for them to leave here alive, but it seems that it is no longer working here.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) It was everywhere, some people were going to retreat, and the gendarmes who were going up bayoneted in.

"Ah. Run." The dead body of the wounded soldier fell to the ground, and the people behind saw that something was wrong, so they hurriedly left here, they turned and ran. The military police did not pursue them either, as long as they were able to disperse them, the mission was completed.

"Run." As the sergeant said, he took the recruits and left here. They didn't run far. They saw a tunnel ahead, and then jumped in.

"Damn it, it's really hanging." The sergeant jumped into the pit and whispered. If he hadn't been shrewdly hiding a little behind, they might be the first to die, and originally wanted to get in after a chaotic situation. In that case, they could get a position to leave here, but what they didn’t expect was that those damned wounded soldiers were actually running outside, and they didn’t mean to break the opponent’s defensive circle at all. In this case, their situation would be different. It became extremely bad. They can only save their lives before they can plan their own plans to leave here.

"Damn it. Damn, these **** wounded soldiers know to save their lives. Damn it, it won't happen." The sergeant scolded angrily.

"Ah." The recruit shouted loudly at this time.

"Fucking, what's your name." The sergeant reacted immediately, stepping forward and covering the opponent's mouth to prevent the opponent from yelling. That would make his situation extremely unfavorable. The gendarmerie listened. The voice will come, in that case, they will be killed by the opponent with a single shot.

"Uuuuu." The recruit struggled. He kept pointing to the location in the tunnel and said.

"Fuck you, give me a little voice, I can't keep it if something goes wrong." The sergeant said angrily.

"Sir, look, look over there, yes, it's a dead person," the recruit said.

"Dead, what's terrible about the dead. Really, it's the big deal to scare me to death." said the sergeant. He looked inside the tunnel. Because of the heavy snow cover, it has been snowing again in recent days, but the airship has not stopped.

The bodies of some Dawan soldiers were covered by heavy snow. The sergeant stepped forward to check, there were wounded troops on it, and some people were still seriously injured. But they are all dead now. It looks like it was killed by the military police, because most of the soldiers here were wounded, and their bodies were thrown here.

"Here are all wounded soldiers, his mother, they are all killed." The sergeant said.

"Okay. Let's get out of here quickly. We have to get an officer's outfit to get out of here, preferably an army uniform like a staff officer. Only they can get out of here." said the sergeant.

After speaking, he saw several carriages passing by, and their target direction was the location of the airship.

"How? I'll just say it. Only officers can leave here. His mother, none of the officials are good people." said the sergeant. The recruits were scared. Those corpses looked scared. It was obvious that many of them were scared, and the expressions of many of them struggling before they died were very chilling.

Inside Li Xin's headquarters.

"Sir, hurry up and get out of here. The situation here is very bad. The Parthians seem to have realized something. They are launching a full-scale attack. We can't stand it anymore. The Dawan people can only hold on for a day and a half at most. We must Leave here as soon as possible, the number of airships arriving here is very small." Li Xin's staff member said worriedly.

"I know, I can leave here at last." Li Xin said.

"But, sir, it's too dangerous. You must not leave here and go fast. If there is no airship in dangerous weather, our loss will be too great. We can't have the general break here, go fast." Persuade as much as possible. Most of the officers of the Officer’s Advisory Group have been withdrawn. Li Xin insisted on leaving last, so some Dawan officers had the opportunity to leave here, but in this way, a large number of officers left. The situation of the soldiers in Dawan became even more unfavorable, and many people looked anxiously at each other's situation.

"Sir," the staff officer pleaded.

"I am the last one to leave, nothing will happen." Li Xin insisted.

"Sir, the weather is bad. I am worried that the airship may not be dispatched to the heavenly army. After all, it is snowing. Flying like this will have a great burden. Sir. You must leave here." The staff officer said anxiously. . When he said that, he waved, and several officers stepped forward and left here with Li Xin.

"Let go of me, let me go, I am the last one to leave. The last one to leave here." Li Xin shouted loudly. But his officers took him and left here. Many people don't care about it. They must leave here quickly. Otherwise, the situation will become very dangerous. If that happens, they will regret it very much.

The sound of gunfire outside, the sound of artillery began to intensively, and the intensity of the battle became more and more intense. It seemed that the Dawan people suddenly couldn't stand it. The staff were worried about this. In their opinion, the situation had become very dangerous.

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