The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3113: Transfer the shipbuilding industry

"Hey." The sound of the whip hitting the human body made Zheng Yun feel very uncomfortable. This is a cold winter. It is said that the weather here is extremely cold. It is cold enough to splash hot water in the air and fall to the ground. Turned into blocks of ice, and in such cold weather, those Dawan prisoners of war were doing heavy logistics work. They moved as much as possible. Their clothes looked bloated, but in fact, they were extremely cold. Their prisoner-of-war uniforms were all refitted from sacks. They filled in everything they could find that could be filled, withered grass dug out from deep in the snow, fragments that could be found, newspapers, and even They didn't let go of some of the dead's clothes, but that's it, a large number of prisoners of war died, and the rest had no sympathy. They won't feel sorry for these surrendered guys. In their view, instead of surrendering their lives like this, it is better to fight to the end at the last minute. In that case, it would be more tortured to death here.

"The weather is very cold, those **** Dawan people have only this effect." Murdor said.

"Ah." a Dawan prisoner of war shouted loudly. But then he was severely beaten again, and a large number of resting soldiers stepped forward with a club. Zheng Yun saw it with his own eyes, and the opponent's ear fell off as soon as he moved. Knock your finger on the opponent's stick, and it falls like an ice cube. This. Zheng Yun felt very cold in his heart.

"This. Nothing. The cold weather makes everything different. Our muskets require a lot of gun oil, but even with gun oil, it can't withstand such cold weather." said Murdor.

"You know, in cold weather, steel will become the same as the biscuits you make. Very crispy," said Murdor.

"Yes. You are right." Zheng Yun nodded.

"Okay. Tell me about your next plan, how do you fight next?" Despite Zheng Yun saying that, he hoped to change the subject, but he still focused on the poor Dawan prisoners of war. Those prisoners did indeed Very pitiful, but the Parthians are more willing to treat them cruelly. They vented on them all their grievances that they had not robbed the spoils. In their view, these Dawan prisoners of war should be treated like this.

"Our king asked us to focus on attacking large towns. For example, the Golden City in the north. The situation there is better. There is a large amount of hoarded materials and gold, which can pay off your Korean bank debts. And, Can pay for the cost of the next war. The king does not have much money to spend in the war. Funds, this is the next goal, we must move toward this present." Murdor said.

"Golden City?" Zheng Yun asked.

"Yes, not only the Golden City, but also other places, for example, there are cave cities in the south, or towns. Anyway, there are a lot of people and wealth. Dawanese towns have a lot of money. , We will concentrate our forces on attacking such big towns, and then those small towns, we will no longer spend our efforts to attack. In this regard, we want to know, do you have any experience in Korea that you can use?" asked Murdor .

The King of Peace is increasingly short of money. Especially a lot of money, he needs a lot of money, a lot of arms need money, various rewards also need money, and Korean arms are not cheap, so the need for more and more funds. However, the Parthians wasted too much time. They became more and more scattered to deal with those small towns that were stubbornly resisting. Such an approach was very incorrect, and it was a way of draining troops. After the King of Parth knew about it, he decided to take a series of measures. For improvement measures, he decided to concentrate his forces on attacking those large cities and towns. After they were taken in one fell swoop, they would frighten the nearby cities and towns. In this way, a solution to all financial problems could be achieved. This is a very good idea, so the next step in the plan for the Parthians is to focus on attacking large cities and towns in order to achieve the purpose of deterring the Parthians.

"Did you do this to repay the money?" Zheng Yun asked.

"Yes. You can say that. But we are for the money, not to pay it back." Murdor said.

"Many tribes lack enough supplies. They came here for a large amount of money and wealth, which is our pursuit. Now the king meets our needs. But what I want to know is, what good way to solve it? Are our problems like that?" Murdor asked.

"Yes. When building engineers, when fighting, you'd better divide them into teams and launch a full offensive. The engineers will blow up the fortress. Your weapons are suitable for short-term battles. You can solve the Dawan people in battle and fight with them." Zheng Yun Speaking of.

"Okay. I see." Murdor said. For the other party's suggestion, he thinks it is very reasonable. The engineers actually have a prototype in the Sabbath army, because the function of the engineers is to throw explosives. If you want to throw explosives, you must learn the blasting technology of explosives. It can be said that the Sabbath army already has an understanding of the engineers.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Inside Han Shu's office.

"At present, we have fully mastered the ship technology. However, there is a problem. Wang Shang." Zhang Qingdao reported. The role of Qingcheng is a very important place for South Korea. It is the most important outlet for South Korea. A large number of commodities are exported from there, especially the more and more cotton cloth recently, a large amount of cotton is imported from there, and cotton cloth is also exported from there. And Qingcheng’s shipbuilding industry is the backbone of South Korea’s maritime trade. Without the development of the shipbuilding industry, Qingcheng would be difficult to develop, and it would be difficult for Korea to develop new industries.

"My lord, our shipyards are all going crazy. As long as we pay a certain patent fee, our ships can be manufactured in large quantities." Zhang Qing said. The navy is frantically expanding and preparing for war. They plan to do a big fight in the Far West because only Koreans will get there. The Chu people plan to cooperate with the Koreans on silk sales activities, but the Koreans did not reply. They passed other Channels, such as commercial channels, tell the leaders of Chu that Koreans are very busy, they are busy expanding in the Far West, and they have no time to take into account the business behavior of Chu people. The Chu people have no choice but to concentrate on developing their shipbuilding business and solve their ship problems as soon as possible. Trade needs faster speed. Rather than a slow-moving sailboat, the sailboat has been eliminated.

In order to meet the development needs of the South Korean Navy, the South Korean government handed over a large number of military warships to civilian shipyards to manufacture. In this way, the warships of the South Korean Navy have been greatly satisfied. However, with the deepening of shipbuilding technology, shipbuilding The cycle has increased. As a result, the construction period of many civilian commercial ships has been delayed. This has seriously delayed the development of commercial trade. The Korean Trade Agency is very dissatisfied with this. They strongly demanded to speed up the progress of the project. However, this could not be greatly satisfied. South Korean shipyards have already started construction greatly. But still cannot be satisfied.

"We need more shipyards. The current operating rate of shipyards is 100%. Workers are working overtime continuously. Workers can't bear it. But that's it, our order demand still cannot be met. If this continues, I'm worried, I'm afraid it will It is very unfavorable to us. Therefore, I hope to find new places for cooperative production. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to continue production." Zhang Qing said embarrassedly.

In order to meet the needs of civilian merchant ships, Zhang Qing actively coordinated. However, production is like this, and the speed cannot be accelerated at all. The construction period of warships is relatively long, and the cycle of civilian merchant ships is also extended first. Adding some material delays, this made Zhang Qing feel scalp numb.

Technology has made shipbuilding more complicated, and the number of processes has increased, and the cycle of shipbuilding has become much more. In fact, shipbuilding has begun a more detailed division of labor, such as power systems, propulsion systems, operating systems, and some piping systems, etc. Shipbuilding has become a more complicated engineering problem, and the combination of these engineering problems has made the shipbuilding cycle longer. Qi's man-made ship technology has not yet reached such a technical level.

"Do you have any solution?" Han Shu asked.

"This. There is only one solution, and that is to transfer some of the shipyards to other regions to reduce costs. After all, the costs are still relatively low in some places, and the demand in those areas is also relatively large." Zhang Qing said. To.

"Where?" Han Shu asked.

"Liaodong. There is the foundation of a shipyard there. If we set up a shipyard there, I think we can quickly develop rapidly." Zhang Qing said.

"Liaodong." Han Shu put the map on the Liaodong Peninsula, where the location was very good. And there is Liaodong Iron and Steel Plant there. It can be said that it is a good place for a natural shipyard.

"It really is a good place. Just transfer over, can the Yan people meet our needs?" Han Shu asked.

"Yes, Lord, this can fully meet our needs. If we think it is necessary, we can also establish our own shipbuilding bases on the Korean Peninsula and Queen's Island in order to meet our needs. In order to prevent technical leaks, we It can be manufactured separately. As long as the size is specified, we can produce some key equipment. Shipbuilding has become a complex project. It is difficult to complete such a large-scale infrastructure without a strong technical foundation." Zhang Qing said.

"Yeah. You are right, we can master the core technology and leave the rest to them." Han Shu said.

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