The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3116: Northern cluster

In the newly-edited Dawan First Infantry Division camp, all the soldiers are busy, they are busy packing their belongings. They are going to the battlefield.

"We are going to expedition. It seems to be going to the Golden City." A lieutenant who came in said to Li Erlin. He is a staff officer of the regiment headquarters. Mainly responsible for the work on the map, if necessary, he can also go to the battlefield. The Dawan army lacks officers. However, there is no shortage of staff at the command headquarters.

A large number of staff members of the Dawan army come from the selection of their basic-level officers. They were all spontaneously organized militia captains. After a brief training by Qin officers, they were awarded the ranks of lieutenant and captain. And these basic-level officers, after leading the training, they quickly went through training again, and then got some middle ranks. For example, the major. Lieutenant colonel. Of course. There are also some brigadier generals. But such numbers are very small. The Brigadier General was originally just an aide to some security advisers of the Ministry of National Defense. More importantly, they were also equipped with Qin Guo advisers. If you leave the Qin State adviser, you really don't know what kind of war these officers will fight.

"I know. But I'm recording some things, and I can finish them right away." Li Erlin said. This is his Qin State name, his Dawan name may have been forgotten. longer. No one has used it for a long time.

"Our goal is the Golden City, a big city in the north. I heard that there are beautiful girls there. I think the girls there must be very enthusiastic. I heard about it when I was in my hometown." said the lieutenant.

"Oh. Really?" Li Erlin was not familiar with the lieutenant. Because the lieutenant had just been promoted from the second lieutenant, he served as the platoon leader of a company. He was a passionate young man and he was aggressive. He felt it was an opportunity to enter the army because the army could get a lot of capital.

What he knows is that many officers have such behavior. It is said that if he performs well in the army, he will be supported by the people of Qin. If he goes back, he can run for the mayor of the town, because this is a qualification. Also, you can run for members of parliament and local parliament members. In short, there are many benefits because you have gained a lot of political capital. Obviously, a lieutenant is such a person. He thinks that becoming an officer is very important. That's amazing. There are many such people in the Dawan army. They are full of enthusiasm. Because they are young, they will have a great need for capital in future political activities.

But Li Erlin is not such a person. He believes that it is not good to have a close relationship with the Qin people. However, the Dawan army does need the help of the Qin people, especially the Qin advisers. Some have a tough temper, but there are also good people. Especially those staff officers, they are knowledgeable and look like gentlemen, they are cautious. That is a good gentleman's style.

"Oh. Really? But we are going to fight. I heard that the situation there is very bad." Li Erlin is a staff officer and he knows some specific situations.

"Really? I don’t think so. The Qin people have provided us with sufficient support, and with the help of armored trains. We also have a lot of artillery and machine guns. What we need to do now is to give them some colors and let them I know how powerful our Dawan army is." The lieutenant was very excited.

Li Erlin just shook his head. The war he came into contact with should not feel like this, because the Qin State instructor told them that war is very cruel. Any small negligence will cause a lot of trouble, and casualties are inevitable. People think that war should be exciting, but in fact, he is very boring in many places. The situation of the lieutenant is still a good thing, at least his morale is very high, which is a fortunate thing.

"Our army is going to be placed in the northern cluster. The commander is the hapless Li Xin. He just lost three infantry divisions. Let him command, I feel. Our situation is not bad. Maybe we are this time. The luck is much better than them." The lieutenant said excitedly.

After Li Xin was rescued, he stayed in the north, where there was a temporary base where the Qin Army flew. They wanted to withdraw to the Golden City. Ever since, the order was issued smoothly. His position is commander of the Northern Group. His strength is very vague. Most of them are militia companies composed of militias, and the newly formed Dawan First Infantry Division that will be sent to support is also under his command. In addition, there are many large and small combat groups, as long as they are in Golden City. Within a hundred miles, all are under his command.

However, Dawan officers and soldiers seemed to be very uncomfortable with Li Xin. They believed that Li Xin's luck was very bad. Because he had just lost the strength of three infantry divisions in his hand, those were the military forces of the Dawan regular army, and they felt that letting him command would bring him great luck.

In fact, Li Xin had just received that appointment, and the actual command was still in the hands of the Dawan people. It is under such circumstances that they support the frontline operations.

In the headquarters of the newly formed 1st Infantry Division in Dawan.

"I think we should advance slowly. According to our reconnaissance report, the Parthians have continued to increase their troops near the Golden City. They have cut off the railway to the Golden City. We have iron armored trains. In addition, we enter Among them, the force will increase, but the logistic supply line may be cut off. We must keep our logistic supply line open. At least we should establish a series of defense lines and move forward steadily." Qin Guo’s consultant colonel Chen Da said. To. This is a prudent plan. The newly reorganized Dawan First Infantry Division is equipped with a large number of new weapons. They have an artillery battalion equipped with rapid-fire artillery. The rate of fire of the artillery is very high, but it is not powerful, but it can deal with it. The Parthian cavalry units have built more than enough fortifications. In addition, they are equipped with revolver machine guns, which are old-fashioned machine guns. There are also some water-cooled machine guns. They are extremely heavy and inconvenient to carry, and they have very high requirements for logistical supplies. They need a lot of bullets. In addition to the cold weather, once the supplies are cut off, the consequences are very difficult. Therefore, Chen Da believes that the key to this battle lies in the supply of supplies, rather than the elimination of how many resters, because once Without supplies, the Golden City will become a dead city.

"Logistics supply is not our task. Our main task is to attack and enter the Golden City for support. That is our advantage. We are equipped with advanced weapons. For seventy miles, I think Qin can rely on the air. The advantage of this helps us to complete such a supply task." Dawan Brigadier General Fange said. He doesn’t look like a soldier and more like a politician. In fact, he is a politician. He is just a senior adviser to the Secretary of Defense. Because most of the recommendations are accurate, he was recommended by the Secretary of Defense. Serving as a brigadier general in the army, in fact, he has no knowledge of war. He just predicted some military matters with his political acumen. He is a layman for wars, and more often they rely on Qin’s advisers to make military deployments. If there is no Qin’s military deployments, the new edition of Dawandi The one-step division has long been destroyed. When Chen Da heard such words, he could not help shaking his head, and he was very disgusted by it, because he said such words completely without considering the actual situation to make a judgment.

In India. The Yue's Mercenary Corps helped the Indian Army expand a large part of its territory. Because their combat is extremely powerful, the Indian army is actually vulnerable. Their backward equipment is unable to withstand the Yue's mercenaries with guns. As long as the artillery bombards them, it is basically difficult for them to resist, Yue's mercenaries. The capital, Drei, is being recovered. The rebels there seemed to have a little determination to resist, and this determination caused some minor troubles for the Yue mercenaries.

"The situation here seems to be going very smoothly. According to the original plan, the Indian army should organize three infantry divisions for defense, and then continue to reorganize more troops for combat. But now, Yue's mercenaries seem to have everything here. I have done everything that I can do." Qin Guo's consultant, Army Lieutenant Colonel Sima Feng wrote in his diary.

"Yue's mercenaries continue to expand their territories, and many Indian governments surrendered without a fight. They simply don't have this kind of force to resist such an army." Sima Feng wrote in his diary.

"But for the Prince of Indy, the Prince of Rahal, I don't think he is a very accomplished person, because all of this is done by the Yue's mercenaries. On the contrary, the three newly formed by Indy An infantry division, more like a garrison. They accepted all the territory without doing anything, and their prince is now busy ascending the throne. As long as they regain their capital, Drei, he will become Indyshin. King, all these troublesome Yue’s mercenaries’ contributions, for those Yue’s mercenaries, they will ask for more and more rewards, more scary, more difficult for others to accept. This is a huge disaster, but India The local army does not have such combat effectiveness.” Sima Feng wrote in his diary that he felt very disdainful of the self-deception practice of the Indian army, especially since they did not know how to improve their army, or Change their economy. They are unconscious. Sima Feng believes that this is a country without any hope, and their reform seems extremely passive.

And the future King of India is actually a guy who is very obsessed with power, and he doesn't care about the management of this country. There is no such preparation.

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