The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3125: Borrowed too much

Tocharo, inside the 303rd Barracks of the Second Infantry Division. This is the stronghold of Tocharo's army. A large number of soldiers are concentrated here for training.

"Life in the barracks is very boring. It's boring." Private soldier Hou Biao wrote a letter on his case, which was given to his neighbor's girl. He likes her very much.

"Qin State instructors trained us like crazy, and the sergeants treated us extremely harshly, and we were extremely exhausted. Can you believe that this is something that humans can accomplish? Every morning, we just get up. To run for ten miles, we are tired of vomiting blood. In addition to these, we do more than one hundred various physical exercises every day. When we eat, we almost feel that we are all starving ghosts in our lives. Eating can eat so many meals." Hou Biao wrote.

"We couldn't stand this kind of training soon, but our chief told us that only in this way can we survive. All military training is different. We are receiving new military training methods. I really don’t understand, new training. How is the method different from our previous military training?" Hou Biao wrote dissatisfied, but also dissatisfied. He couldn't write other things either. After all, their letters were subject to strict scrutiny. This is a rule brought by the people of Qin, because they are worried that these newly trained soldiers will cause a large number of leaks. The number of their letters is strictly regulated. Only one letter can be sent each, and the content of the letter is also It has to go through strict inspection, otherwise, it will be returned. The simplest is that a large number of letters are blacked out. The most cruel thing is that some letters are almost blacked out, with only one or two sentences.

It is impossible to send such a letter. Hou Biao was written by his side, and when he could go home one day in the future, he would take it back and show it to the beloved girl.

"The content of our training is indeed different. The first is a large number of guns. We use a flash hat rifle. The range of this rifle has been greatly increased. It can hit all targets within a hundred steps, and the targets can be Keep in a straight line, beyond this range, the bullet will become a parabola. Among the weapons, there are short guns that use fixed-load bullets, but only excellent veterans and cavalry can use them. We can't use such weapons, and there are artillery. In addition to artillery The large-caliber artillery is the same as the previous one. The small-caliber rapid-fire artillery has also become different. This kind of artillery can be fired very quickly, although it is not very far, but I think it should be very useful against the cavalry of the Parthian. We all call it bang bang gun. Because the sound of his firing is always bang bang." Hou Biao wrote.

What Hou Biao wrote was the new rapid-fire gun sold to the Tocharians by the people of Qin, and this type of gun was an improved artillery of the people of Zhao. They use their more mature new barrels, which reduces the cost a lot. Although this type of artillery uses a mechanical gun mount, it can be launched quickly. Because of the use of smokeless gunpowder, the power of the artillery has increased a lot. This is the first time that Tocharo has received such artillery. However, the price of this type of artillery is also very expensive, and one artillery exceeds 20,000 gold. Cannonballs are extremely expensive. One round of two hundred gold coins. This is almost all gold. However, the people of Qin people borrowed money, and they have a lot of railway funds to build railways. Not much for military spending. Their solution is to make the rest of the peace pay more and more in the future.

Port Seth. Inside Guo Xiang's office.

"Our bank has already contacted the Seth merchants. The bank will use their methods to let them quickly find the Chancellor of the Seth Country, and let us establish a bank with them. With a bank, the Seth merchants' lack of funds can be solved. It’s a problem." The assistant reported to Guo Xiang.

"Yeah. I already know the situation. It's just that if a lot of funding problems are not resolved. Trade here will not go on." Guo Xiang said.

"Sir, now the local area allows us to hoard a lot of supplies. It seems that this is the rhythm of the war. This is, we still don't know, which target the local area is going to fight? I heard that there has been a fight on the Shazhou side. Fortunately, we are all inadequate. The camel cavalry cannot pose a big threat to us, but the battle situation persists and this problem must be solved in the end. Maybe these materials will act on them." The assistant said worriedly.

"But then our trade growth will become a problem." Guo Xiang said. Because trade can bring a lot of taxes, the development of Port Seth relies on these taxes.

"Sir, I think there are some problems with our thinking. At present, the bank needs to start a cooperation with the Seth people. If we can complete such a cooperation, I think this is extremely beneficial to us, and we should work on this matter. Help them." The assistant said.

"Help, how to help? Our current strength is not enough. We can't solve such a problem." Guo Xiang said.

It was when Guo Xiang considered this matter. The Shaman’s debt has reached an alarming level.

Rest in a port, in the office of the general manager of a Korean bank.

"This telegram must be sent." The manager looked at the report in his hand worriedly.

"Manager. We should have nothing to worry about," the assistant asked.

"Worry, I really should be worried, 30 million gold coins, this money can’t be borrowed again. No matter how much you borrow, the money can’t be taken back, that’s also a loss. We can’t watch such a situation happen. , It will cause more losses." The manager said worriedly.

"Well. The manager is right, we can't let this happen. We should send this telegram as soon as possible. I'll go." The assistant ran out as he said.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"The Kingdom of An Xia actually borrowed so much money?" Han Shu looked at the telegram in his hand and said in surprise. He really didn't know how the rest of the people would lend such a lot of money.

"Yes, Lord, when I saw this telegram, I was also shocked. This number is too scary. It is really difficult for us to borrow it. It is really difficult to get back." Zhang Liang said.

"The War Department and the Navy Department have conducted a preliminary discussion. The War Department's combat plan believes that their combat distance can only be as deep as a hundred miles in combat depth. If it is too deep, the situation will be extremely for the Army. Disadvantage, moreover, the supply is too far away, it is difficult for us to solve such a problem." Zhang Liang said.

"What's the matter with the army?" Han Shu asked very upset when he heard this.

"My lord, this is the situation in our army. The main reason is that the Parthian nation is too far away from us. Moreover, their topography is very special, with sand everywhere. If you use infantry to fight, the situation will be very bad. . And it’s very unfavorable to us. Therefore, under such circumstances, our army’s combat effectiveness is very poor. Moreover, the range of supplies that the Navy can provide can barely be within one hundred miles. If this distance is exceeded, we The situation will become very bad." Zhang Liang said.

"This. This." Han Shu also felt a little tricky. Those who borrow money are not afraid, but it is very difficult to borrow money. Unless South Korea can greatly threaten the situation of the other side, it will be difficult to solve such problems.

"What will happen if we withdraw now?" Han Shu asked.

"This. I think it may cause a huge chain reaction. If we cut off the other party's funding supply at this time, the other party will definitely cause dissatisfaction." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. Yes, you are right. We still have some people here. We immediately send people to call our advisory team back. In addition, we will gradually reduce the supply of materials and funds to them. We must take tough measures." Han Shu said.

"But." Zhang Liang said worriedly.

"Don't worry about these issues, what will happen if we continue to borrow like this at this time?" Han Shu asked.

"They will persecute us step by step. This situation is very unfavorable to us. And the Anxi people are fighting against the people of Qin and Dawan at this time. In that case, their situation will become very unfavorable. They are. Once we lose the financial support, we will lose a lot of logistical supplies. They will get into trouble, and then we will harass later, what will happen? We will get where we want. War, It will change from disadvantage to extremely advantageous to us. Think about it." Han Shu said.

"This. This, I understand." Zhang Liang nodded. He felt that Han Shu was right. Only in this way, South Korea can occupy a favorable position, and the Sabbath nation keeps borrowing money to show the role of South Korea at the most critical time. Otherwise, their situation will change. It is extremely disadvantageous. quickly. The War Department issued a formal order.

"What order is this? Why do you do this?" Zheng Yun looked at the telegram in question and wondered.

"What's the matter?" Murdo asked curiously.

"I, I received the order to leave here immediately, so there are new appointments in the country." Zheng Yun said puzzledly.

"This. Something is too sudden." Murdo asked curiously.

"I also felt it was sudden. However, this is an order, and I cannot defy such an order." Zheng Yun said.

"However, when I leave at the end, I want to say some last words. I think you should pay attention to the Tocharian side. If the Tocharians take an offensive, the rear of the rest will fall into a huge passive. In the meantime, the whole battle will enter a huge disaster." Zheng Yun said.

"This is unlikely." Murdor said disapprovingly.

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