Qin State Staff.

"This is Wang Ben's report. He hopes to be the commander of the Tocharian army, because he thinks he is more suitable for fighting there." Yang Duanhe said to Wang Jian.

"Wang Ben's combat capability has not yet been confirmed, and in the Tocharian side, the command is the Tocharian people, not us, we are just military advisers." Wang Jian said.

"The chief meant to not let Wang Ben go?" Yang Duanhe asked.

"Yes. Wang Ben's combat experience is not that rich, and this battle is going deep into the rear, so he must have a certain amount of experience in cavalry combat and defensive operations. I am worried that Wang Ben is still a bit reckless." Wang Jian said worriedly. To.

"Yeah. I think I can give it a try. After all, there are not many opportunities like this." Yang Duanhe said.

"At present, a large number of military advisory groups from various countries are involved, which will indirectly train a large number of officers to fight. If we do not send relevant officers to participate in the war, we are acting as military advisors. I think it is more useful than further defense in the rear. Many." Yang Duanhe said.

"It's just our rear defense." Wang Jian said worriedly.

"Yue’s situation is very clear. They disbanded a large number of troops. Under such circumstances, they are unlikely to pose a great threat to us. In contrast, rest in peace has always been our confidant concern. , If we can't open up the situation in the Western Regions in time." Yang Duanhe said.

"Yeah. I have no opinion, but we still need to look at the Ministry of National Defense and the king's opinion." Wang Jian said cautiously.

"Yeah. I'm writing a report." Yang Duanhe nodded and said. The experience of using large-scale firearms to fight is indispensable. Especially in such a situation, the Tocharo side used at least five divisions in this battle. Such a large-scale battle, this It is a very rare military experience.


"Sir, you see, the first infantry division, the fighting was so lively, I heard that they killed a lot of rest in peace." A lieutenant said a little unpleasantly.

"And you look at us, the defense is here, this. It's better to incorporate other infantry divisions, sir, or let's go. Let's go back. Leaving here, maybe we can still run into an adaptation, if this is the case , Our weapons can be changed a bit." The lieutenant said.

"Don't say it. Our position here is very important. Tubao is a traffic fortress in the rear. Once lost, it will put the whole army into a very unfavorable situation. We are very important here." Li Zuoche said.

"But, we," the lieutenant said dissatisfied. These days. They got some supplies, but they were all landmines, which hurt them. They dig quite a few pits every day. Plant mines. In contrast, many soldiers feel that it is more cost-effective to go to the front, where at least war is going on.

"Attention, sooner or later we will be noticed by the rest of us here. Because this is related to the key place of logistics supplies, and the rest of the people are cavalry, they will come at any time. From here to the front line, only seventy miles. The rest of the world is very I'll be here soon." Li Zuoche said.

Tushibao, where the Qin Army Aviation Corps Ⅱ, 223, Reconnaissance Squadron is based, the conditions here are relatively simple, except that the place where people live is better, but other places are not so good.

"Damn it. If we don't find a big place for us, all our airships will be scrapped. You look at the skins, they are all broken. The patch, **** it, I don't know if I thought it was a beggar. It's on top." An ensign scolded dissatisfiedly. When the other soldiers heard this, they laughed. They didn’t have a lot of tasks because they lacked too much fuel. They only dispatched once every seven days on average, and some increased again. However, their airships also had a lot of problems, such as loss of parts. It's very powerful. Because they are fighting in a special combat climate, and most of the weather conditions are unfavorable for flying.

"Okay. Stop talking. We have a task." Just when everyone was looking at the joke. Their commander, Captain Hu Lin, came over with a notebook and said.

"Everyone do it at will." Hu Lin called up all the officers and ground crews. In fact, they didn't have many people at all, and there were only four airships that could fly. The ground crew is also relatively nervous, plus the pilot, there are only one hundred and one. The guards are in charge of the Dawan people. They are more worried about this, but think about it, they don't think they should be worried.

"According to the mission instructions above." Captain Hu Lin said. Army aviation is relatively loosely managed, and they don’t have to be as strict as the Army’s management.

"Our mission has changed a lot. We no longer carry out reconnaissance where the rest of the people appear in Dawan. We must modify this point." Captain Hu Lin said.

"It's finally relaxed. We should have a drink. Such a **** task is over long ago." Some pilots said. Performing such a task is very risky. After all, they are flying above the enemy and their airships are twin-engined. However, here, they cannot guarantee that their airships will not be faulty, and many parts will not. Get an effective guarantee here. The ground crew racked their brains and came up with many ways. They disassembled some parts of the airship that could not fly and replaced them with airships that could fly, but that's it, the engine is still severely worn, and if they can't get effective replacement parts, they may be completely unable to fly.

"Okay. We can't have a drink yet, we still have a lot to do." Captain Hu Lin said.

"Our new task is to bomb the targets of the Parthians who appeared near the Dawan army. The bombing is very random." Captain Hu Lin said.

Hear such an order. The pilot and ground crew were in an uproar.

"Sir, this kind of mission can't be carried out. Sir, you should understand that our airship is a reconnaissance airship, and its carrying capacity is relatively small. If it is to be bombed, we can't carry many bombs. Moreover, we are army aviation. It’s not the Celestial Army. The Celestial Army will not let us use a large number of aerial bombs. In that case, they will take us to a military court.” The ground crew complained first.

"Yeah. Sir, we have no bombing experience either. This. How do you throw the stuff, is it the same as the hen laying eggs?" Many people said mockingly.

"The situation is such a situation, and I can't help it. Therefore, our next plan is to modify, convert our airship into a bombing airship. As for the bombs thrown are stones, the military lawsuit, I think, should be handed over to it. Damn the War Department, they gave the order. We can only execute it." Captain Hu Lin said. For such a task, he also felt airships, because they were reconnaissance airships, they needed to take pictures and provide some changes on the battlefield to Mengtian’s command. They were a unit under the jurisdiction of Mengtian’s command, but they were not combat units. To do so is against the spirit of combat.

"Damn it, how could the above give such an order?" the pilots said. They think this is not appropriate, after all, they are only reconnaissance. The main task is reconnaissance. Instead of bombing.

State of Zhao, Handan.

"Now there are more and more jobs. I am dizzy when I am busy every day." A middle-aged worker said to his neighbor while drinking medicine.

"No. Fortunately, our prime minister raised the salary, but the work is still too heavy. The processing is also more difficult. I heard that young people nowadays learn too much. The little one in my house, all of a sudden Going to be an apprentice, although I give less, but after I come out and learn something, I also make a lot of money.” The neighbor said.

"Yes. This worker’s life is not easy. Before, when we were farming, we were worried about the harvest. There were also slack periods, but now it’s better. Although we eat, wear and use are a bit nervous, we can still use it. Sometimes you can save some money if you take it out," said the middle-aged worker.

"But it's just processing overtime, it's too tiring, although some money is also given, but if this continues, people can't bear it." The middle-aged man said.

"Old man, wouldn't you stop doing it? Don't make money like this crazy." The neighbor said.

"Oh, there are some things that you have to do if you don't do it. If you don't do it, where do you go to find such a job, many jobs now require some skills, this pressure, we don’t know many words, and we can write names. It’s a great thing to be able to understand the contract. If you want to understand other things, our foundation is not enough. Therefore, this job is not easy to find, but we can’t stand the overtime.” Middle-aged The worker said helplessly.

Zhao Guo's industrial development is getting faster and faster. But behind this fast is the entry of technology. The advancement of technology means the improvement of the level of knowledge required. In this way, workers will have some pressure invisible, and this pressure is invisible. Therefore, in terms of technology, Workers’ children are more likely to go to technical colleges or apprenticeships.

In order to be able to catch up with the technological progress, the only way is to work overtime and process. Although people's living standards have improved, they feel a lot of pressure on the other side. For example, they have to feel a lot of pressure from competition and learning, and their children must also receive higher education. Without these, it will be difficult for them to develop further. This kind of pressure exists and is the result of having to exist. After all, this is a result of technology.

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