The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3151: The unfavorable beginning of the rest

"The situation in the city is not too bad, but it's not too good either." Li Qing said to Su Yiyi while sitting in a safe place. They are all veterans who have lived from the beginning to the present. Such a situation is very rare.

"A lot of people died." Su Yiyi said. He saw too many deaths. I have to express feelings about death, or he should be numb, but he can't get numb, after all, some things can't be solved by numbness all at once.

"It's not easy for us to live till now. I can tell you a good news." Li Qing said at this time.

"Bang. Bang. Boom." At this moment, intensive gunfire came, and Su Yiyi picked up his weapon and looked nervously at the situation outside the trench.

"Don't be nervous, this is good news." Li Qing said with a smile.

"What? Is the Anshi going to come in?" Su Yiyi asked in confusion, he was more worried. The militiamen in the Golden City were already dead and could no longer die. At the beginning of the war, many young people died. They all charged desperately, and soon they were killed. Only veterans like him can survive from the beginning, because they know to fear death.

"No, don't be nervous, it's not the rest, it's our own people, it's our reinforcements here." Li Qing said.

"This is what a sharpshooter partner of mine told me. He went to the outskirts to attack the Parths. He didn't intend to see the Parths retreating. He didn't know what happened? Anyway, he was watching there. Later, he saw Our army is a regular army. Their equipment is very good, they have artillery, and their firepower is very fierce. He saw a cannonball blow up a Shaman. It was torn to pieces on the spot, you said, this is Not good news?" Li Qing said with a smile.

"This, is this true?" Hearing this news, Su Yiyi couldn't believe it. He didn’t know why there was such news. He had never thought about it at the beginning. The militia in the Golden City was very exhausted. If there were no more troops for reinforcements, the situation in the Golden City might be very bad and it would fall. Sooner or later.

"It's true, it's true, you will soon see our true regular army." The other party said with a smile.

The Dawan 1st Infantry Division and 2nd Infantry Division adopted correct tactics, and the Parthians habitually did not make adjustments. Such a swift assault quickly defeated the Parthian defense line, and the two infantry divisions entered smoothly. Inside the Golden City.

Tubao. In Li Zuoche’s headquarters, his headquarters was set on a commanding height. However, he did not explicitly establish the command on the commanding height of the earthen fort. Instead, he cleverly concealed it in an excavated cave below the commanding height. With great reinforcement and concealment, more detailed and intuitive intelligence will be provided here for artillery and command.

"Very well, our company did a good job. Let them directly bombard them with artillery and drive them into the minefield. Kill them." Li Zuoche put down the phone and picked up the binoculars to look at the situation on the battlefield. The 3rd Infantry Division retreated to their starting position in an emergency. They are the only mobile force in the Mengtian headquarters. Their main task is to serve as the defense and defense task of the entire Tubao area, but the Li Zuoche battle group must win some for them. At the time of trimming and arranging positions, the Parthians may further attack their forward logistics positions, and Li Zuoche is ready to defend and wait for the opponent to come.

"Sir, our minefields are arranged very cleverly." said a staff officer on the side. They are all units adapted from the militia. Although they have not yet been formally organized, they are fighting actively. Good seed of this rare war commander. That's what Li Zuoche meant by putting them by his side as staff officers.

"Haha. Let them attack slowly. When they slow down, we will let them in and kill them with crossfire." Li Zuoche said.

For defense, the Zhao State has a very deep research, because what they have to face is the powerful Qin State army. Once the war develops, the only thing that can resist the opponent is the defense of the Taihang Mountains. How to resist Qin's crazy attack. This was a focus of Zhao's early defense strategy. To this. Zhao Guo came up with many defensive measures.

For example, in complex mountainous areas, they have built many concealed bunkers with machine gun shooting holes and rifle shooting holes. Many of the seats are extremely concealed, and with the further development of fortifications, they have also established a series of defenses. tunnel. Zhao Guoren had long understood the principle of using cross-fire shooting in defensive operations, and Li Zuoche naturally established such a series of defensive measures in the Tubao.

It is not enough to have bunkers, bunkers, and shooting dark spots. They also need other weapons to provide active defense. For example, the use of landmines and barbed wire.

The establishment of minefields and the blocking effect of a large number of barbed wire have narrowed the options of the Parthians’ offensive paths, and they had to dismount to fight. As a result, the Parthians’ mobility became very low, and they lacked large-scale artillery. . I don't know what happened recently. The frequency of use of the Shaman’s rockets is getting lower and lower, which seems to indicate that the other side’s ammunition reserves have become extremely meager.

The use of minefields forced the Parthians to enter the death trap set by Li Zuoche. And once they enter such a death trap, what awaits them is a large number of deaths. In the face of such a high level of death, all they can do is be mercilessly killed.

"The positions of the Dawan people are obviously arranged through reasonable allocation. Everywhere is a death trap. This will cause a very fatal blow to the Parthians' offensive." Han Jun Lieutenant Wang Xuan wrote in his immediate post. He could have left, but the Shaman checked his telegram and he was detained.

Because the situation of the Parthians and the Koreans has become somewhat rigid. After checking the other side's intelligence, South Korean military advisers like Wang Xuan were detained. Actually. Even if he is not detained, it will be difficult for him to leave here smoothly. After all, the stiffness of the relationship between the two countries will make the Peacekeepers beware of him. So he was left to continue to serve as his military adviser.

But the war has become extremely cruel, and many rules of war have been broken. For example, massacre. Dongzhen decided to surrender after negotiating with the Parthians. The Parthians promised that they would not harm the other party or attack the other party before putting down their weapons. But what was the result? The Parthians screened out a large number of old people and children, and drove them into the cold ice and snow. Then they were driven into the trench where the Dawan people guarded the Parthians, and they were **** and buried alive. Women have become the playthings of the Parthians. The explanation of the Parthians is that they do not have enough food and materials to keep such a large number of captives, and killing has become their most reasonable choice. He was extremely disgusted with this, but the Parthians did so.

After slaughtering a large number of old people and children, they quickly expelled the Dawan regular army in front of them. There were no cavalry, but infantry and artillery troops. It was easy to be expelled by the opponent because they could not defend the opponent and move towards the supply line behind them. In the offensive, the shortcomings of infantry were undoubtedly exposed. The Dawan people retreated nervously. They also left some cannons that were not taken away in time, but the cannons have been destroyed.

"The defensive system here is death for the Parthians. The offensive troops originally attacked a blind spot that is not conducive to the opponent's shooting, and I carefully selected it. There was no problem at all, but their artillery fired from the side. Then, the offensive troops expelling the Parths entered another area, and after entering those areas, a series of explosions occurred, and they suffered extremely heavy losses. Many people were blown up. The Parths soldiers who escaped by chance had not had time to repair. , They were hit by some rifles hiding in the bunker, and they could only retreat. When the second wave of attack, they still encountered this problem. The defense system here is a complete set." Wang Xuan said.

"The Parthians have very few artillery. They only have engineers. The engineers have a lot of explosives, but they are all black powder. It takes a considerable amount to solve such a complete defense system. Such an offense is extremely unrealistic and unrealistic. Reasonable. But as far as the current situation is concerned, the Parthians have to attack such a perfect defense system because they are caught in a hard fight in the Golden City." Wang Xuan held and waved the pen in his hand, and now he didn't even have any ink. In desperation, he could only hold a feather to continue writing such a diary.

"There is another thing, I am very worried." Wang Xuan said distressedly.

"I found that Qin people’s airships appeared in the air. Although they are reconnaissance airships, Qin people will not give up so many things. They will choose other things to do, such as bombing. The appearance of reconnaissance airships indicates that our future may be possible. In the face of the massive bombing by the Qin people, the actions of the Parths will be greatly restricted. I think. Faced with such a situation, the Parths should choose carefully and retreat. Instead of continuing to attack, it is extremely irrational to do so. The war has become more and more detrimental to the Parthians, but the Parthians seem to have no intention of giving up. Perhaps they need a decent reason for retreat. But such a reason for retreat seems so ridiculous." Wang chose one Looking at such a thing in a ridiculous tone, he felt that the Parthians might face a greater crisis. Although he didn't know where this crisis would start, he felt that the situation had already turned against the Parthians. The situation has developed.

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