The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3153: Bombing by mistake

On the observation position of Tubao.

"Sir, this is the airship." A Dawan officer asked curiously.

"Yes, this is the airship. They can drop a lot of bombs from the sky. Kill those damned resters." Li Zuoche explained. Li Zuoche has no good feelings for the rest of the people, but he doesn't have much good feelings for the Dawan people either.

After the bombing airships of the Second Air Brigade of the Qin Army entered the territory of Dawan, they were ordered by Meng Tian to quickly take bombing measures. Their main purpose was to prevent the Parthians from cutting off the logistics supply line of the Dawan people. After a goal, they have to delay as much as possible, or have a great impact on the military operations of the Parthians. This is what Meng Tian hopes. then. A large number of airships began to fly into the sky, and they kept bombing towards the place where the Parthians appeared.

"Boom boom boom." Just when Li Zuoche was observing the airship operations in the sky, many airships had already dropped a large number of bombs toward the Parthian positions, and a large number of bombs exploded on the Parthian positions. Especially when he saw that some of the only artillery positions were also bombed by Qin's dense bombs. This is the bombing airship group of the Qin Heavenly Army.

The Qin Heavenly Army believes that in order to achieve their combat goals, airships must be formed in a large number of intensive formations. After discovering the opponent's target, they can quickly drop a large number of bombs. Under the intensive bombing, it is difficult for the enemy's position to be further improved. .

This is the idea of ​​the Celestial Army. Of course, the Army also has its own ideas. Most of their airships are in small-scale formations. Their bombings are carried out with a certain degree of randomness. Once they find the target, they will launch a crazy attack. , All they throw are incendiary bombs. Not an aerial bomb.

Aviation bombs are still the patent of the Celestial Army. Army aviation can only use incendiary bombs or white phosphorous bombs. The number of bombs is relatively rare.

"It's fried well, it's good." Officer Dawan yelled excitedly.

Li Zuoche nodded. Agree that aerial bombardment has a great deterrent effect. If it bombards the opponent’s artillery positions, heavy artillery can also achieve this effect. However, he needs a large number of artillery assembly. Although the cost is low, it wants to achieve the effect of bombardment. Still not ideal. Because the heaviest shells are only five stones. Such shells are not very far away. The operational significance is not great, but aerial bombs can be made even greater. The aerial bomb used by the Qin Heavenly Army was as high as 100 shi. If such a bomb is dropped, the result will be a great shock. This kind of deterrence is beyond the reach of artillery. Because the only thing that can bring out the power of huge gunpowder is aerial bombs.

"Boom. Boom." The huge explosion shocked everyone's hearts and lungs.

"Is the aviation identification done?" Li Zuoche asked another question after seeing the explosion of the aviation bomb.

"Sir, we are all done. There should be no problems." The other party said.

"Yeah. That's fine." Li Zuoche nodded. In order to identify the enemy and ourselves, the national flag of the country and the flag of the Qin army are generally laid on the positions of the Dawan Army. In this way, the identification ability can be effectively improved. After all, the opponent judges the bombing target from the air. Li Zuoche radio equipment, this kind of communication equipment is very expensive, and the quantity is small. Only a few military command units have it. And it is more inconvenient to move, but the radio equipment still has a great revolutionary significance, because this kind of communication tool can be contacted at any time, which is very convenient for them. Li Zuoche also strongly advocated the Zhao military to use such equipment. After all, they can greatly avoid laying complicated cables, and telephones can also achieve this purpose.

Rest in peace in the southern combat group. Wang Xuan's camp is out of account. Wang Xuan took his rest guards to hide in an inconspicuous trench.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." The rumbling explosion sounded continuously, and several rest guards around looked at the giant flying in the sky with fear, and the black things dropped by those giants could cause a bigger explosion.

"Damn the people of Qin, they are very unscrupulous." Wang Xuan scolded, the feeling of being bombed was uncomfortable. If Wang Xuan had no experience, he would take his guards to avoid the areas where the airship flew as much as possible. In this way, they can. It’s a wonderful idea to avoid being hit by a bomb. Even so, the rest are still terrible.

"Sir. When this kind of bombing can end, we will feel very uncomfortable." A resting soldier asked carefully.

"I don't know, but I think it should be soon." Wang Xuan replied. Looking at the signs of the airship in the sky, this should be the bombing of the Qin Kingdom’s heavenly army. The bombing of the heavenly army used large-scale formations to drop bombs. The density of this type of bombing is quite large. In addition, the power of the bombs is great. Plow the ground again. It feels very scary.

"I don't know. Maybe it will be over soon, don't worry." Wang Xuan could only comfort this. However, such bombing had a severe blow to the morale of the Parthians. Through the telescope, he saw several Parthian soldiers torn into pieces by the shock wave, and the targets of the Qin Heavenly Army's bombing were the Parthian positions and some logistics warehouses that could be seen. The damage caused by the bombing was still relatively large.

"It seems that my idea is correct. The people of Qin have taken their measures to bomb and prevent the assembly of the Parthians. In this case, the next step of the Parthian military action will encounter greater resistance." Wang Zun said to himself. To. The rest of the soldiers just hoped that such a terrifying bombing would end as soon as possible, because the effect of each bomb explosion was like the effect of a heavy hammer hitting the ground. They simply couldn't bear such a heavy blow.

On Li Zuoche's position, the bombing continued. For the Dawan people, they felt that the bombing was just enjoyment.

"Goodbye, goodbye, aerial bombardment." The bombed airships left here in a group. The three of them were in a team, and one team left here. The airship bombing was carried out in a cavalry battle formation. They believed that this was the case. The bombing formation is stable and can solve all the problems. However, the Army believes that such a formation has a big problem. They believe that the airship lacks a certain degree of flexibility. This is necessary for airship bombing and maintaining the safety of the airship. The worst effect.

"Sir, the airship has left here." A lieutenant reported to Li Zuoche.

"Well. Very good. In this case, we need to look at the losses caused by the bombing. The greater the loss, the better for us." Li Zuoche said with a smile. He needs to let his forward observation post pay attention to the effect of the bombing ahead.

"Swish." At this moment, a sharp voice rang. Li Zuoche took refuge in the headquarters alertly. His headquarters was built in a cave and could withstand huge bombardment.

"Boom. Boom." The explosion sounded near them, and the sound seemed to be near them.

"Damn it. Did the airship drop the bomb on us?" Li Zuoche exclaimed angrily. Many Dawan officers and soldiers hid in their trenches.

"Boom." Another bomb fell on their heads.

"Damn it. They bombed their own people by mistake, these **** airships." Li Zuoche already felt that their position was hit by a few bombs. Otherwise they would not feel such a big shock. After the airship bombed and left. They just came out, after all, their safety comes first.

"Ah." Some screams came out. An artillery position next to it was burning. The artillery has been overturned to the ground. The ammunition was pushed away urgently. Otherwise, it will cause a bigger explosion. There are fires everywhere, and the artillery is clearing some shells. Otherwise, everyone will be killed. Fortunately, Li Zuoche has experience. He strongly requested that the shells be placed farther. During the battle, the artillery carried a base number of shells. Go up to your own position. Otherwise, once hit by a bomb, the consequences are hard to imagine.

"Damn it. The Qin people dropped the bomb on our heads. And it's a Molotov cocktail." Li Zuoche cursed.

"Sir. What should we do?" an officer asked.

"Make the flag bigger. I want to report the situation here, these **** airships." That's all Li Zuoche can do. They cannot contact the airship flying in the sky, and the airship cannot contact the combat units on the ground. In many cases, the height of their airship is still difficult to judge the enemy's position with the naked eye, especially when the two sides are very close, sometimes, Such accidental bombing is unavoidable. Because the Qin Army’s bombing is a free play, whether it can blow the target depends on their own feelings, and such bombing directly increases the possibility of accidental bombing.

Meng Tian's headquarters.

"The consultant Zhao Guo made a serious complaint about our bombing. They dropped the bomb on the head of Dawan." Meng Tian said while looking at the telegram.

"This. Damn it," the staff officer said.

"It's really damn. Such bombing will have a very bad effect." Meng Tian said.

"But sir, we can only hit them like this. Otherwise, we have nothing to do," the staff officer said.

"Give them a telegram. Let them improve their bombing, let them avoid the forward positions as much as possible, and bomb the logistics facilities of the Parthians, such as their passages, warehouses, and other places. In short, they should not let the front lines encounter In this situation." Meng Tian gave such an order. But the staff felt that such an order might limit the bombing operations.

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