The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3166: Laotian's Yapian

Qin State, Xianyang. The Prime Minister's Mansion has already begun to consider things after the war.

"According to the plan of the General Staff, the elimination of the main force of the Parthians is the first stage. In the second stage, we need to enter the territory of Dawan. At the same time, we need to build a railway. The problem of our logistics supplies is solved. Only in this way can we solve it. The second phase of the Sabbath War will be eliminated." Shang Wen said.

"That's it." Meng Yi nodded and agreed.

"But the time interval between the second phase of the war is longer. After all, the railway problem has to be solved." Meng Yi said.

"But what I am worried about is the problems in Dawan. If the Dawan people continue to build railways, their ability to borrow money will reach an astonishing level. Although they have a lot of mineral resources, their ability to build railways, And the enthusiasm for railway development, these are not issues they can consider." Meng Yi said worriedly.

"Yeah." Shang Wen nodded.

"However, if you don't start the second phase, the result will become very troublesome. I think you should do such a thing." Wei Liao said.

"The problem is economic development. If the economy can be developed in time, the situation will become very favorable. In this case, it will be beneficial to everyone." Shang Wen said.

This is what Qin needs to worry about. The first thing they worry about is the logistical problems of the second phase of the war. After all, the large amount of logistical materials needed for the war now has a lot to do with the country’s financial capabilities.

Secondly, it is the economic strength of a country. Obviously, Dawan and Tocharo did not have such abilities. Qin State barely had it, but the distance was too far, which would cost a lot of money. Qin State only borrowed a loan from Dawan, and Tocharo settled such a thing. But the second phase of the battle will become extremely difficult.

The last is. Benefits, the benefits of economic development. If there is a desert, no one will go there for economic development at all, but if there are resources, everything will become very comfortable. This is the value of economic development.

But at present, only the economic value of oil can reach such a level. However, the demand for oil will become very large, which is a very difficult thing for them.

Chu State, Jiujiang area, a run-down farmyard, the natural scenery here is very beautiful. However, there is only one yard here, and their yard seems incompatible with this place, because this yard is filled with a lot of sand, and some smoke is still coming out from time to time.

"This one doesn't farm or open a factory. What are they doing?" a passing farmer asked curiously. Nowadays, farmers plant more mulberry trees but less grain, because a large amount of grain is imported from abroad, and the grain there is not enough to eat. Instead, they are not too worried about the problem of eating.

"I don't know, it is said that a young man went there to look around and was kicked out. I heard that he would die there. Moreover, they seemed to extract something, which is expensive to death." The farmer said.

"Oh, isn't this a fortune?" the other person on the side said.

"No, but we didn't find anything valuable here either." Some people said curiously.

Then they left here puzzled. This is a private laboratory in Chu State, and the nobles are also active and upward.

This small courtyard is a branch of a large noble family. Unlike other aristocrats who actively devoted themselves to business and trade and other places, some aristocrats entered into scientific research. Although some of their ages were too old and their basic knowledge was weak, they actively studied and they entered the Qin State. After that, they learned a lot of unknown knowledge, from mathematics, construction, mining, to mechanical processing, etc. The knowledge they learned is part of the foundation of Chu's future knowledge. After all, only the nobles who can study in Chu can do so. At this point, the merchants of Chu State also began to have this ability. In some factories, factory directors also actively sent some small apprentices to Qin State to study abroad. Their goal was to master more technical skills. This is an improvement. A kind of advancement in knowledge.

But the goal of this courtyard research is a great progress. Radioactive material research, Qin’s early radioactive research, extracted a radioactive material from a large amount of coal. Qin has already discovered various ideas. In some large hospital laboratories. Qin Guo has successfully used X-rays to take pictures. King Qin had seen that kind of photo. It is mainly about fractures, which has to marvel at the contributions made by scientific research. Of course. Such contributions will become more and more, and Qin's research will become more and more detailed.

The State of Chu decided to also start research in this area, because they felt that radioactive substances also exist in the territory of State of Chu, and this small courtyard specializes in researching such substances. This is an extremely difficult predicament for them, but they are not afraid.

Bangla Port. The ships that sent the nobles and hooligans arrived here, and those hooligans from the Chu nobles watched the situation here.

"Where is this?" Many rascals asked uncomfortably. After all, they think this place is too desolate.

"Haha. Mengla. Welcome to Mengla." A person who seemed to be a salesperson came here to receive them. They had heard about it a long time ago. There will be a group of gangsters sent from Chu Kingdom, and their role is mainly to solve the problem of the shortage of Chu people in the Chu colony. Their first stop is Bangla, and then they will continue to expand after refurbishment.

"This. This is Meng La." Many rascals asked unconfidently. After all, they have never been to such a place. This may be the first time they have traveled such a distance.

"Yes. This is Meng La. Here, the people of Chu are the masters, the real masters, it doesn't matter if you have no money, do you see over there." As the salesman pointed with his hand, he saw how many people were wearing clothes. People from the Chu Kingdom of silk sit on the sedan chair carried by the man, and the people who carry the sedan chair are all local Mengla natives. They seem to be working hard, but there are many people behind. The Chu people live here very richly.

"This is Meng La, this is Chu people." The salesman said.

"Don't worry, there are many people who can get rich here. Many people don't have money, but they still get rich. There is gold everywhere here." The salesman said. And the noble gangsters of the Chu Kingdom, look at me and I will look at you. They feel like they are dreaming. What the nobles have lost suddenly becomes clear. What kind of situation is this?

Many people who can't survive in the country of Chu came here. The more remote the place, the more demand there are for people. This is how the people of Chu are. They brought advanced civilization and disaster economic expansion. .

After the earliest social hooligans came here, they discovered a lot of local wealth and land. They resorted to religious deception and dedication, and at the same time they gathered thugs from local social gangster organizations. Snatching the land of the locals, forcing them to become slaves, the land becomes their private property, and every time the religion expands, their land will rise wildly. They also merged and merged with the local master slave owners, and the land became more and more, and they also grew out of nothing and became richer and richer. This is how the situation becomes extremely advantageous to them.

"Tell you, this is a good place to make a fortune empty-handed. You all have a good leather bag. All of you are from Chu country. With such a brand, whether there is any money to make, this thing is very good." The salesman was excited. Introduced to.

He began to brag indiscriminately about the extravagant life of Chu people here. He had seen a Chu people with more than one hundred slaves waiting by his side. His field was endless, and he couldn't see it at all. He has his own sugarcane crushing plant. A lot of cane sugar can be produced every year, which is absolutely unbelievable to them, but it happened here.

The noble rascals almost slobbered. Think about the days they live in China. They usually have to fight with others for a little bit of money to eat. Sometimes they have to open a few holes. But, look at here, they are just alive and well.

"I knew it, I was here. His mother, these government people, it's still time to send it." An aristocratic thug left here generously, because they were the masters when they came here.

The local colonial economy began to develop greatly. The main way of development was to develop agriculture, providing a large amount of sugarcane, and then establishing a preliminary sugar mill, providing a large amount of sugar to the country, and then selling it to the people of Qin. I don't know why, the people of Qin people's demand for sugar has become larger and larger, which has also led to more and more sugarcane plantations in the local area, and fewer and fewer food plants. Only by planting sugarcane can we get more food. This has become a kind of agriculture dependent on the Chu economy. The locals didn't even know it. As long as it can bring them a lot of profits, they will not care about everything.

However, sugar squeezing is still a very dangerous industry. After all, the sucrose equipment they use looks relatively backward and extremely dangerous. As long as they are not careful or operate incorrectly, they will squeeze their arms in. Despite the high salary, there are still great dangers.

The Chu people’s expansion of the colony was mainly concentrated on the land. A large amount of land was merged, and the people who lost the land became the source of labor for continuing to hire farming. However, the Chu people were still not satisfied with this. They believed that their products were mainly concentrated With regard to agricultural products, they felt that they should do something, for example, what kind of processing should they do.

The Koreans' control over the colony is also concentrated on the land, but their control over the land is far less than that of the Chu people, they are just a radial development. They just raise the price of cotton and let the locals grow cotton frantically, and then sell it. In this case, even if there is a great demand for development. In order to obtain more economic value, the locals had to give up growing food and then produce more cotton for domestic use.

Karachi, a Qi nationality got a good thing from the locals, an addictive thing, Yapian.

Lao Tian, ​​people don’t know what his name is, but people just know that he is from Qi country. People call him Qi Laotian, but Qi Laotian is really not good. He came here with the Koreans at first. Helped to calculate what to write, but I got it wrong. They don't want it. After all, he lost some money, and then he ran the business, but it still didn’t work, because he didn’t have a talent for languages, and he also had a strong Qi Guoyin. His language also affected a large number of people, and now you can still hear what the locals say There is also Qi Guoyin in Korean.

Lao Tian can't do anything well, there is no way. He had to mix every day. It's a pity that he is really bad at mixing, and everyone else is the better he is, but he is not. Such days attracted him to a fashion item. Ya film.

In fact, in Karachi, the upper class, especially the wealthy businessmen, also smoked Yapian, but their amount is better. At this time, Yapian is regarded as a fashionable behavior, just like Westerners, they are talking. When doing business, they will smoke Yapian while discussing, because only when they smoke Yapian can their mental state become relaxed. Such a relaxed state makes their business very easy to do. It is estimated that Lao Tian was infected with Yapian at that time.

Suddenly, one day, Lao Tian, ​​who was not good at it, learned a piece of news from a South Korean businessman, that is, Seth people, or people from other places, are in great demand and the local business is very good, so. Lao Tian thought of a good way, that is, he also went to do this kind of business, and when he did any business, he naturally started the business of elegant films. There were also elegant films in the local area, and some people specially planted them. This thing is not valuable, and some return it. There are wild ones. It's very common here, but if you put it in other places, he feels very excited when he thinks of this.

However, there is still a lot to do. The collection of Yapian is very simple. He can collect some local fruits from the wild, and then refine them. After the manufacturing is successful, he starts to sell such things in large quantities, but if he sells them , He needs a ship, and he must find a ship that can carry goods.

"Big brother, big brother, brother, I really don't have money. When I have money. I will definitely give you the boat money. I will definitely send it this time." Old Tian pleaded with a captain.

"Business?" What kind of business can you do? "The captain looked at each other in a puzzled way. In his opinion, it is impossible for Lao Tian to make a fortune in business. Because his temperament is not that kind of person and his brain is dumb.

"I make elegant films, only a few boxes, and it doesn't take up any space at all," Lao Tian said. What he thinks now is how to transport these things out, as long as they are transported out, everything will be done well.

"I beg you. I have money, and I will pay you back the first one, ten times, one hundred times, so that's it." The other party anxiously pleaded.

"Okay. Anyway, there are only a few boxes of goods, but you are optimistic about your own things, you can't blame me if they fall out." The captain said impatiently. They are not very disgusted with Lao Tian, ​​of course. They also don't have a full favor, seeing the other party begging for themselves in such a low voice, they also feel that things can't be done too much.

that's all. Lao Tian took a few boxes of Yapian and boarded the slave ship bound for Port Seth. The environment of this ship is very poor. If you are in poor health, you may be infected with diseases. No one is going to make such a ship. There is no way for Lao Tian. He can only do this.

In this way, a few boxes of elegant films, with the dream of making a fortune from an old man from Qi, went to Port Seth.

Karachi will transfer a lot of materials, such as small industrial products produced by Wei and Qi, guns, artillery, bullets, and cloth. These are good things they ship to countries to make money. However, no one noticed the significance of Yapian.

Port Seth.

"The domestic meaning is to let the Persians attack the Seth, and then we can get more benefits." Guo Xiang said to his adviser. He had already expected such a thing for a long time. He believed that the local government would definitely do it. After all, the benefits of doing so were very obvious.

"In this way, we will need a lot of supplies, as well as the army." The economic adviser said.

"Yeah." Guo Xiang nodded. The negotiations between the Koreans and the Seths have reached a deadlock, and the Seths have relatively good control over them, especially in the market. It is difficult for the Koreans to open the situation, and the transaction between the two sides is still in a fair deal. And Korean trade is not expanding very quickly, but this makes Korean bankers very dissatisfied. In their opinion, their expansion is not very fast. For them, this kind of trade is a kind of Very annoying thing.

In Qi State and Laizhou Port, a large number of merchant ships are being launched. They have obtained a lot of technology from Zhao State, and some factories have merged. The shipbuilding speed of the factories has increased again, and the quality of the ships has also been greatly improved.

"We built, but the steam ship, the speed of the ship is very fast." Many shipbuilders said excitedly. Although they don't have such a technology yet, they always feel excited to see a new thing. After all, this is a new kind of thing.

A large number of Qi State merchant ships have gone down, and the operating rate of Qi State Factory has also increased positively. After all, they can sell these things to other areas. As for what to sell, they themselves don’t know what kind of special products Qi State has. , They will sell what they want, as long as it is ready. Yes, they don't care about the others. There are so many products in Qi. Opening the market is the first step.

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