The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3190: Technology competition

The soldiers of the first battalion of the 21st Step Corps of Dawan are walking on the snowy ground. Their target is the West, and they don't know where they are going.

"Sir, where do we go in this cold weather? We have been on the move for three days. I can't stand the cold." said a second lieutenant trainee officer. His nasal mucus still kept staying, if it weren't for the warmer weather, he might have frozen his nose.

"I don't know where to go?" the captain said.

"We can only keep advancing with those people. They are all prospectors, and they will detect a lot of new minerals. We must move forward, let's go." The captain said helplessly.

After the main battle in Dawan ended, Dawan dispatched a large number of troops to **** prospectors for exploration in accordance with the requirements of the Qin people. The exploration areas were mainly concentrated in the western regions regained by Dawan and possibly in the future. There, the Qin people Knowing that there may be a large amount of oil resources, Qin's industry is developing at a high speed, and their demand for oil resources is becoming greater and greater. The oil resources in the Hexi Corridor area can no longer meet Qin's needs.

In this regard, Dawan also expressed support. They sent a large number of soldiers to escort, because in the latter part of the war, a large number of resting soldiers escaped and fled, they will still attack the Dawan people. In order to ensure the safety of the people of Qin, more people can only be escorted.

"Sir, look over there." Just then. A sergeant next to him pointed to a rushing black stiff thing not far away.

"Oh. That's the rest, the escaped rest." The captain looked at and shook his head and said. They saw too many people like this along the way. Many of them have encountered such a situation.

Those who were in peace all ran out by themselves, but under such bad weather, they couldn't survive at all. Many of them were frozen to death alive, and their state of death means their final state.

"Sir, the above ordered us to bury them in such a situation. Otherwise, it will cause a larger-scale plague. Such a thing." The ensign on the side reminded.

"Damn, they died outside and we still need to let us do such a thing. They died in a terrible place. If it wasn't for the cold weather, they would be frozen to death alive. Otherwise, they would be left in the wild. The wild wolves were eaten. We did this in the province," the sergeant said.

"Okay. Buried. If it doesn't work, burn it. Really." The captain said angrily.

The prospecting team in front had to stop because of the actions of Dawan soldiers in the rear.

"Let's take a break too." A middle-aged man pointed to a few stools and said. A few students-like people sat down. They are all students of Qin State Minerals Trainees.

"Do you know what kind of minerals the government wants us to look for?" The middle-aged man was called Juventus. He was an expert in mineral research. This time he brought a few students out.

"Is it a gold mine or a copper mine?" a student asked tentatively.

"I don't think it is. What we need to find is oil." Juventus said.

"Oil?" Many students asked curiously. They thought that they were looking for copper and gold mines in the West. After all, Dawan really needed such minerals.

"Yes, it is oil. What we need is oil. A lot of oil. Only more oil is our most important choice." Juventus said.

"The domestic development speed is very fast. Many places need oil, especially some oils, and inorganic compounds. Such demand is very large. For copper mines, it is the demand of Dawan people. Therefore, this time we mainly The types of prospecting in China are focused on oil. It is absolutely impossible to find oil. Do you understand?" Juventus said. Everyone nodded. When he came, he personally received a telegram from the Xianyang Prime Minister's House, asking them to find oil clearly, because the demand for this kind of resource has become greater and greater. If such resources cannot be found, the economic development of Qin will be greatly restricted.

Therefore, oil resources have become their first preferred target, and their demand for gold and copper mines has been ranked at the end.

Qi State, the Presidential Palace.

"Lou Jing's report is correct. Koreans and Zhao Guoren have developed very well in their basic education. Why do workers from Zhao Guo earn five or ten times the salary of our workers? They are skilled and capable. , They can understand what the experts say. I read those numbers. I don't understand them, but people can understand what is going on. How can this warship be launched depends on people." Tian Dan said.

"However, we can't let us donate." One of Tian Dan's son said dissatisfiedly.

"Qi is ours. This future is the competition in technology and talent. The people of Qin State occupy the top of talent, but we can't reach the foot of the mountain. In such a situation, what should we do?" Tian Dan Asked.

"We can't do anything. We can't do such a thing at all, you said, what should we do?" Tian Dan asked.

"Well, since the president said so, we have to obey it, but how much do we donate for such a thing?" a son said.

"Well. You guys. Look at you, looking unwilling at all." Tian Dan said angrily. Both sons looked at the president reluctantly.

"I think you donated all of it." Tian Dan said angrily. Education fee is a long-term investment. However, in terms of long-term investment, it is also a large sum of money, and no one knows the degree of return. Under such circumstances, Qi people are short-sighted and unwilling to invest. In this case. Lou Jing asked the people of Qi to invest and donate, hoping that they can bring out a place where they need it most. Tian Dan needs to take the lead, take the lead in donating money, and express his importance to national education. He was a little disappointed with his two sons, they shouldn't have said such words.

Qi State. Laizhou, street.

"Look, the president and the prime minister have all donated money. We have donated a lot of money. We should also donate some." A civilian read the newspaper and said.

"Yeah. It is true that our Qi country does not have much tax revenue and earns a lot. We should donate a little. Besides, didn’t the government say? If you donate too much, you have to burn your name on this merit monument. Now." said a businessman.

"Well, think about it, the tax is so low, the country has no money, and the country needs to build a lot of places. I heard that the government has already built up a debt. If this continues, there will be no money to build more studies, for all of us. China, I think, this kind of money, we donated. It is more or less, this is our heart. Let's go, I will donate." Said a businessman took the lead to donate. When other people hear this, they also think it makes sense. Their children go to school and study. Only by studying can they change the destiny of their next generation. Otherwise, they will not be able to get rid of such a situation and face such a situation. This situation, they think, should be done. After all, this is their own business, just as Lou Jing said. This is national education.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"Qi has finally seen it. Education plays an important role in the future economy." Shang Wen said with a smile.

"Yeah. But they have only begun to popularize basic education. If they want to enter high-level education, it is difficult for them to develop without ten years. At this point, I think they should understand that Qin has invested in education expenses. The investment of more than 30,000 gold coins is not only that, Qin's investment in scientific research costs is very large, and quite terrible." Meng Yi said.

"Therefore, the development of our Qin State will be so rapid." Shang Wen said.

"However, the king is very worried about technology transfer. He feels that some of the advanced technology of Qin has been spread out." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"Well, such things should not be worried. We should see that it is precisely because of the technical stimulus of various countries that our technology can further increase." Shang Wen said.

"These are all beneficial to Qin, and we should see that it is not only Qin State’s unique ideas, but also various countries’ technical ideas, such as Zhao’s double airship. This is a very good one. For example, we should pay attention to it. Don’t think that if we can develop it by ourselves, we are nothing.” Shang Wen said.

"If there is no technical competition among countries, we don't need to worry about these things. We can do our own things. In that case, we will fall into technical backwardness. Qin's technology should be open. It should be advancing. ." Shang Wen said.

"Well. I see. If there is no such competition, our technology will fall into a self-enclosed state. Right?" Meng Yi asked.

"Yes, that's what it means." Shangwen nodded. He knew how, in the two world wars of the later generations, how the number one power robbed another country of technical resources, if there was no such competition in technical resources. It is difficult for a powerful country like Qin to maintain a strong driving force. He soon has difficulty advancing because of lack of opponents. Maintaining the technological advancement of various countries can stimulate Qin to move forward. After the reunification of Qin, this kind of technical problem will Will quickly retreat because of the lack of technical competition. Although great unification is good, it makes it easy for people to lose their guard and enterprising spirit. This is the place Shangwen is most unwilling to see. Therefore, Shang Wen needs to keep Qin State constantly maintaining such a high level of development.

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