The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3211: Revolutionary tool

"My lord, the development of maritime trade and related naval undertakings requires a considerable amount of funds. At present, Qin is unable to gather such a large amount of military expenditure. If this is done, it will definitely affect Qin's tax exemption policy." Shang Wen Speaking to King Qin.

"But the State of Qin can't watch the rapid development of other countries, and the State of Qin is silent." King Qin said to Shang Wen.

King Qin paid close attention to the development of South Korea and Chu in the newspapers, and the development of Zhao. King Qin was not very worried, because Zhao’s capital, Handan, was attacked by Qin’s airship, starting from Taiyuan or from Starting from the northern part of the Qin State, it is still possible to effectively bomb Handan and other important industrial areas in Zhao State. Moreover, Zhao's development is inseparable from the development of a large number of mineral resources, so on this issue, King Qin is not worried about Zhao's rapid development.

But for the two countries of Chu and South Korea, he believes that these two countries have continued to expand overseas, and they have expanded to peace. It took a long time for Qin to expand here in a region like Persia, but they have been swift and violent. Qin's expansion to the same area as Qin's expansion in the Far West had to make Qin nervous. After all, they were also very nervous when such a thing happened.

"Your Majesty, Chen believes that we should try our best to avoid developing overseas regions like South Korea and Chu." At this time, Meng Yi cleared the siege.

"Oh?" King Qin looked at Meng Yi with a confused look, because he didn't know why Meng Yi said that. King Qin was worried, especially the fierce development of Chu and South Korea. Their overseas colonies seemed to be able to compete with Qin. It's on par. This is what King Qin worried about.

"The king, the development of the two countries is to develop their own markets. Qin's products can also enter these markets. Qin can enter through a series of methods such as hearing about technology and investment. However, Qin currently The main energy of Qin is in the Western Regions, and it is impossible to use the fastest time to mobilize a lot of energy to solve such things. Therefore, Qin should not pay too much attention to matters in Korea. If Qin wants to develop, it should be as much as possible. Avoid mixing with colonies like South Korea's Chu State." Meng Yi said.

"Why?" King Qin asked simply.

"Because the problem of the colony is far more difficult than we thought. Qin has developed into the Western Regions, and at the same time it has to deal with the contradictions of Dawan, Tocharo, and Yuezhi. In contrast, South Korea is also facing the same. The problem of Seth and the riot of Mengla. That’s the case. It can be said that if Qin Guo develops rashly, it will definitely attract a lot of energy from Qin State, which will inevitably increase Qin State’s financial burden. Entering a critical period of development, this is not good for Qin's future development." Meng Yi said.

"My lord, Qin State has the opportunity to develop with low taxes, so that we have the ability to reform and expand the potential for war. However, if the financial burden is increased due to the burden of military expenditure, then the finance will need to increase taxes. It will definitely affect the development of Qin State." Meng Yi said.

"Well, I understand the truth, Qin's economy will suddenly enter a recession, right?" King Qin asked.

"Yes, Lord." Meng Yi said.

"Well, the widow understands. But why avoid development?" Qin Wang asked.

"Because only by avoiding the battle between South Korea and Chu, Qin can have more opportunities. As far as the minister knows, Qi and Zhao have also participated in the expansion of southern and western islands and colonies. In this way, the four countries There will be battles due to colonial issues. If Qin participates in it, it will be difficult to get out. It is better to find a way to avoid this situation. In the north, Qin can solve the problem by investing a small naval force, but in the south If it develops, it will inevitably increase the burden of military expenditures. In that case," Meng Yi said worriedly.

"Well, the widow understands. In this case, it is considered to have lost a bone to a group of mad dogs." King Qin nodded in agreement.

"Yes. King." Meng Yi nodded. And Shang Wen nodded aside. He believes that Meng Yi’s choice is very correct. It can be said that Meng Yi has a strategic vision. At present, Qin really cannot invest too much in a naval force. He can only invest in a small-scale navy on naval issues. The only thing that a navy of such a scale can do is expedition. Ships with only expedition functions are not very useful. Therefore, the only way is to let them develop toward the north that South Korea and Chu State neglect. In this way, unnecessary fights can be avoided. After all, Qin still has a certain amount of military investment in the Far West, and such investment still takes a certain amount of time to solve the problem.

Shangwen was very satisfied with Meng Yi’s explanation. King Qin seemed to agree with Meng Yi’s view. King Qin felt a little bit of pressure when he saw the rapid development of colonies in Korea and Chu, but Meng Yi also explained. A series of problems brought about by the colony, for example, if it is not handled properly, a series of military problems and riots will occur. The local government's counterattack and more things will happen. In that case, the government will need to invest more efforts to solve such problems. For Qin State, this is also a considerable expense. In a low-tax economic environment, it is impossible for Qin to increase military expenditures so much. Therefore, Qin must avoid such a situation.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Our Nanyang Fleet is too weak." Han Shu said, shaking his head. Zhang Liang frowned and looked at the telegram in his hand. This matter was difficult to handle. The Nanyang Fleet sent an urgent telegram.

The navies of Qi and Zhao madly occupied the Southeast Asian islands. They established a series of markings. Such markings are a serious provocation for South Korea, because South Korea has clearly published several versions of sea charts. In the nautical chart, South Korea clearly marked the existence of these islands, because it is impossible for South Korea to erect a large number of inscriptions on a large number of islands. It is absolutely impossible to do so, but within the traditional scope of understanding, All countries generally recognize the boundary markers. After all, this can clearly indicate that those areas are mine, and this is inviolable.

In this regard, South Korea has also taken measures. Their method is to mark the name of the island, latitude and longitude, size and style, and then draw it on the map. In this way, it can be clearly stated that those areas are South Korea. But this approach has not been recognized by countries like Zhao and Qi. As a result, this triggered the island territorial crisis.

"If we strengthen the size of the Nanyang fleet and military strength, I think that the two countries of Zhao and Qi will agree to our territory." Han Shu said.

"But, my lord, the current situation is very bad. We have military forces deployed in Seth and Mengla, and our forces are extremely scattered. Moreover, the navy is mostly concentrated in the Western Ocean. In the South Ocean, our military weapons are updated. The speed is very slow. Zhao Guoqi’s navy is powerful, and they are new-style warships. Under such circumstances, if we rush into war, I am afraid it will be very detrimental to us. I think we should slow down the current situation and at least stabilize it. The other party, in addition, let our shipyard quickly expand the Nanyang fleet." Zhang Liang can only propose such a method.

He must first stabilize the situation before he can slowly increase the military strength of the Nanyang Fleet, but whether this can be done in time depends on the time gap. But there is nothing wrong with buying time.

"Yeah. That's right, but we should talk to Qi Guo and Zhao Guo. We are not against their expansion. But if they continue like this, we can't say anything?" Han Shu said helplessly. Although South Korea’s naval situation seems to be very unfavorable for South Korea, Han Shu believes that South Korea still has an advantage. At least in naval battles, South Korea can maintain considerable initiative and has a wealth of experience in naval operations. If you have a certain amount of time, you can still do this.

However, Zhang Liang believes that if the South Korean navy can avoid this war, it is better to avoid it. After all, their situation is very bad. In that case, they will encounter considerable problems.

Chu State, Huangzhou.

"Such good steel, what are you doing to build such an iron frame?" a local Chu countryman asked curiously. They were very curious about such a thing. After all, it was not the best thing they had ever seen. . But this steel is what they need most.

"Radio is needed," said a Zhao Guo worker. Zhao State and Chu State reached a communication agreement. Zhao State helped Chu State establish wireless communication. Of course, there are a series of market benefits. Zhao State can sell their products in the Chu colony, otherwise the care will not be used. Their radio technology is given to each other.

"What's the electricity? Where is it?" The Chu countryman looked around curiously, and he looked scared.

"Radio, invisible, don't worry. Electricity can't touch people." Worker Zhao explained with a smile. They are here to install the iron frame, because the Zhao Kingdom’s navy is equipped with a radio, which is the best tool for maintaining communication. There is no need to lay submarine cables on a large scale. However, the disadvantage of the radio is that it is not stable enough and requires more power In order to prevent such things from happening, they built more signal towers to forward or strengthen the signal. This is their role, which is a very common thing for them. But enough to affect the future development of the war situation, after all, this is a revolutionary communication tool.

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