The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3279: Drink poison to quench thirst

In order to respond to the threat from the Zhao State Navy, the South Korean navy department has also adopted technically active countermeasures. For example, they also established their own naval aviation force in accordance with the ideas of the Chu people, but at this time the naval aviation force is still equipped There are airships and airplanes, but the situation of airplanes is really not optimistic.

First of all, the load capacity of the aircraft is too small. Although their speed is fast, the small load capacity can only allow them to do some reconnaissance work. Other actions are very unsuitable. If the load capacity is increased, the size of the aircraft will be reduced. Expansion, then it is not suitable for warships. Regarding this issue, various parties have their own different views.

The first airship can be deflated and installed on the battleship. Although it is very troublesome, it can be disassembled and installed on the battleship. It can take off on the battleship deck. However, the aircraft needs an airport to take off, but the deck is very limited and the aircraft cannot be further arranged. To the battleship.

Second, the distance the aircraft needs to take off is not difficult for naval aviation forces of various countries, because they invented flying buoys, so that they can take off on the surface of the water, but in that case, the ship must stop and put down the aircraft to fly, but In that way, the security of operations and the process of operations will be very troublesome. This is also the reason why countries are unwilling to equip them, because this thing is too troublesome.

Secondly, it is the safety of aircraft. We must know that the internal combustion engine of various countries has developed rapidly. There will be many problems. The engine is extremely unstable and parking in the air is a common thing. This will cause the aircraft to fly out. No return, no return or second, the most important thing is that the mission cannot be completed. Whether it is reconnaissance or bombing, it will cause great losses.

Finally, airplanes are not very mature compared to airships. Although there are problems with airships, there will not be too much difference, but airplanes have continuous problems. The most important thing is that airplanes need to continuously invest a lot of money. When naval expenditures are rising wildly and at the same time a large number of ships have entered the stage of shipbuilding, it is obviously impossible to divide a batch of expenses to naval aviation.

In the final analysis, naval aviation wants to use aircraft, but the technology is still very immature. This requires further advances in technology to accomplish such things.

In the Qingcheng naval base in Jiaozhou, South Korea, a team of five new expedition ships slowly sailed out of the South Korean naval base. These five expedition ships were new warships built by the South Korean naval shipyard, but they were converted into expedition ships. Equipped with limited machine guns and artillery. Most of them are equipped with a variety of materials and equipment. The tall iron frame is in the center of the expedition ship. It is a radio communication tower that can receive various wireless signals in time.

"Those ships were meant to become the new-style warships of the Western Fleet." A young engineer reluctantly watched the five new-style expedition ships leave from there.

"Hehe, we don't suffer, we just built five ships." A middle-aged man said disapprovingly.

"Yeah." The young people just felt it was a pity, but the middle-aged people didn't think that through this cooperation, Qin State had increased its support for South Korea. A large number of new technologies have entered here. Of course, the Qin people will never suffer. Relying on these technologies, they have launched many projects with the Koreans. Among these projects, the Qin people rely on technology to occupy a large share of the shares, but the projects are given to the Koreans. Brings a one-time technical upgrade.

For example, in metallurgy, South Korea can produce gun steel with greater pressure, and new steel can also be used in shipbuilding. They do not suffer at all. In terms of radio, Koreans are organizing a large number of students to learn radio technology. , They have been able to master radio technology. But they still need some equipment to produce radio equipment, which cannot be done all at once.

The five expedition ships are the requirements of the Qin Navy, and the north has entered a period of melting ice and snow. This means that new expeditions will begin further. Naval expedition is the main project of Qin's navy project. They still need to explore new coastal areas and new areas. This is the only thing Qin's navy can do. This time they chose to enter the north from the sea. They need a lot of ships, which can be built by the Qin State, but they need to invest a lot of materials in some areas to build a naval shipyard. At the same time, it takes time. This time will take at least two years. This is something that the Qin State Navy can’t wait. .

Under the circumstance of tight time, the Qin Navy chose to cooperate with the Koreans. The Qin Navy transferred part of the technology, and they obtained new ships. Of course, the price was that the Korean Navy converted some warships into expedition ships, even though they Many of the Navy officials were dissatisfied, but they were able to bring some new technologies that allowed the rapid expansion of South Korea’s technical departments. For this, they had to accept such results. It can be said that there was no relationship with the people of Qin. Military cooperation, they can't achieve cooperation with Zhao Guo's technology.

South Korea also has relevant talents, but their invention system is not suitable. They may have achieved advanced concepts more theoretically. For example, Korea was the first to accept molecular and atomic chemistry knowledge, and they were able to make chemical achievements such as yellow explosives, but if they took it one step further, there would be nothing. They can't make even stronger explosives. This is because South Korea’s education system may be more theoretical.

And Zhao Guo is more inclined to technology, because most of their students come from apprentices, they have a wealth of experience and knowledge, and they can also accept some theories. Then enter the industrial production again, and at the same time, invention and creation, improving the production efficiency of the factory, and excellence are the spirit of the apprentices. Therefore, Zhao Guo's technological progress is the greatest. South Korea cannot catch up further. But with Qin's help, they could do this all at once.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

Korea Banking Union meeting.

"The war of the Seth people is over. All the funds needed over there are provided by us, so we don't have to worry about that. Our government has done a great job." A middle-aged man stood up and said. Many bankers and their directors nodded in agreement.

"Our government has done a very good job. It has not only overwhelmed the other party. The other party has to pay compensation. If there is no money to compensate, we can only find us. Even if our business is opened. But it is not important. It is important. It is the construction of a railway. The railway requires a lot of funds. Without sufficient funds, it is impossible to get it. Only our bank can provide such a large amount of funds. Therefore, the government is equivalent to giving them a chance to do business. "Many bankers explained. The middle-aged man nodded in agreement. After all, the banking alliance is still a loose alliance, and they have not been able to monopolize the entire Korean banking industry on a large scale, but they are almost there. This is not a small improvement for the Bank of Korea, because the emergence of monopoly organizations means that their funds will become more and more. More and more concentrated, the things they can do will become bigger and bigger.

"Let's talk about this later. At present, the most important thing is our Mengla." The middle-aged man returned to the topic. The South Korean government did give commercial banks great opportunities for development. For example, Seth, the post-war situation may be more complicated, because although Seth has completely liberalized trade, it wants to bring it back all at once. It takes a lot of time to do it, and the dying country of Seth is not the kind of situation that South Korea wants to see. They need the other party to boost their own economy. Under such circumstances, the only way is to use A large amount of funds stimulated the other party, and then quickly developed. Bank capital can play such a role. Seth’s post-war reparations came from these bankers, and the bank’s railway funds also came from the other side. In this way, they can develop the economy of Seth, and they can enjoy the growth of Seth's trade. But today they are concerned about the problems of other colonies in South Korea.

"Mengla's situation makes us feel very uneasy. Mengla is a mess. At the same time, the government also feels a headache about this mess." The middle-aged man said.

"As soon as the affairs of Seth are over, the next thing to be resolved is Bangla. But the situation in Bangla is different. We all know. The reason why Bangla riots is largely related to the economy of Bangla. For example, paper money. The government is very dissatisfied with this one, because we have issued too many paper money, tens of thousands of dollars, to buy a little bit of rice, and the salary of a Bangladeshi New Army soldier is not At a few thousand yuan, this gap is too big. This will not satisfy the soldiers at all." The middle-aged man said.

Hearing this, the bankers just shook their heads. They also know that their food looks a bit ugly. But there is no way. They also need to survive. The government keeps deriving greater profits from the local area of ​​Bangla, and most of the various taxes and taxes are borne on these colonies. It's not a problem. The South Korean government has fought several large-scale wars in a row. The military expenditures are very huge, and the banks are naturally willing to start.

"Therefore, the government is very dissatisfied with us, but there is no way. But now that the government has ended the war in Seth, the government has the ability to solve the problem of Bangla. But the problem of Bangla lies in the economy, the bank, and the paper money The currency currently in circulation in Bangla is not the banknotes we issued before, but rice. Rice has become a hard currency. The government is very disinterested in our banknotes and the people in our banknotes. The main reason is the loss of credibility. However, No paper money is no good. The government needs to recover. I don’t know if you guys have any thoughts? Tell me.” The middle-aged man waved his arm at this time.

"This. I think we did something wrong. However, once the credit of this paper currency is lost, it is still very difficult to recover. And those Menggla people have suffered a loss. If they recover, it is still very difficult. Unless, we and the locals Cooperation, relying on some of the local people's role, let them unite. Only in this way, our situation may change a little." A banker said.

"Otherwise, our situation and creditworthiness will be difficult to recover." The banker continued. he knows. If the bank loses its credit, it will lose its maximum credit. Therefore, the first thing the government needs to do is to restore such credit. Without such credit, it would be difficult for them to accomplish such banking things.

"Yeah. However, it seems that locals alone are not enough. We need other things to do this." At this time, a banker stood up and said.

"We still need some hard currency, gold, or silver. Don’t they just have no confidence in our banknotes? We can issue another new banknote, or a process of exchanging it into gold coins, I think, This is good." An old banker said at this time. Despite what he said was very confusing, all the bankers nodded. They knew how to do it, because credit is good, not as good as gold. If gold coins are used as an excessive currency, what kind of kind is it? In fact, people chose to use gold coins, and at the same time, paper money also has a new foundation for establishing credit.

"Yeah. I see. We use gold and silver as a transition, but when this transition phase is completed, we are using paper money, right?" the middle-aged man asked. Other bankers nodded. They are too cunning.

"Yeah. That's right. If Bangla wants to develop the economy, it cannot do without currency. The best currency is gold and silver. We first use gold and silver to restore our banknote credit, and then issue new banknotes. If we do, everything will become logical. But these still need to be done by the government. Otherwise, if we don’t do well, the result will be bad for us. Therefore, we still need to do these things well.” The other party said.

"Yes. Yes, that's what it means." Other bankers said one after another. In this regard, they all agreed. A lot of social resources are in their hands, and they naturally do whatever they want. The situation of the Menglais is nothing to them.

Inside Han Shu's office.

"The situation in Bangla. In fact, it was still an economic situation in the end. Our bank currency system collapsed first. In particular, banknotes lost their due role, which caused great chaos in the development of Bangla." Han Shu told the Minister of Finance. In fact, this is a personal reflection of her. For the reason why the riots occurred in Mengla. Han Shu believes that she has a big fault. First of all, she simply regards Mengla as her personal wealth and the place where her wealth is obtained. The constant demands have caused the further deterioration of Mengla's financial situation. The deterioration has a lot to do with her.

"Therefore, if Bangla wants to recover and develop, we still need the stability of the Bangla currency, but what I know is that the current Bangla people don’t trust our currency anymore. They would rather use a lot of rice for transactions. We are unwilling to use the banknotes in our hands for transactions, which will have a great impact on our economy." Han Shu said.

"My lord, we must warn some banks that they are doing too much. If it weren't for their excessive pursuit of profit and speculation, such a thing might not happen." The Minister of Finance said. In all fairness, the riots were largely due to excessive speculation by these banks.

"No. We still need them, it's not the time yet." Han Shu said. The Minister of Finance also wants to persuade them. After all, if the banks continue to do so, there will be a lot of chaos, and this chaos will make them very crazy.

"Well, you are right, I have already warned them seriously. They will not be messy. But this time the situation has indeed taught us a big lesson. For such things, we can only come in person. Control is in the hands of the government, especially the currency issuance power. Our government must control the issuance of paper money. Otherwise, there will be such things as the Bangla riot again. At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the fact that in each colony, we also need Do this." Han Shu said.

"Yes, my lord, we can't relax like this. Otherwise, there will be a lot of chaos. In that case, we still don't know how chaotic our situation will be." The other party said seriously. .

"That's right. But we still need to rely on the bank, because we can't do such a thing without a bank. Otherwise, it would be difficult to achieve the same effect with our strength alone. For them, just beat and beat." Han Shu said To.

South Korea is inseparable from banks. Without the support of banks, it is difficult for South Korea to control a large number of colonies and government taxation. Financial expenditures, war expenses and so on. All of this series needs to be done by the Korean government itself. If they cannot do such a thing, it will have a great impact on them. So, the situation is for them. Still need the support of the bank.

"But the king, to be able to control and beat the bank, the government must have a large amount of sufficient gold reserves and funds in the hands of the government. At present, our war has exhausted everything. Without these, how can we control each other? In that case, it will become a kind of A joke, this is a disaster for us. I hope that the king can seriously consider this." The Minister of Finance thought for a while and said.

"Yeah. You are right. We have to think about this. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to deal with it." Han Shu thought for a while and wanted to say.

"But where did these funds come from? Without these funds, it would be difficult for us to control them." Han Shu said.

"My lord, there is a way to quench thirst by drinking poison. But for now, it can only be done." The Finance Minister said helplessly.

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