"The prime minister's mansion is looking for trouble for us." Wang Jian said very upset.

"However, the East-West exploration plans of the Department of the Army and the Navy have been strengthened. I think that the Prime Minister's Mansion may have done this only when it was forced to do so." Yang Duanhe said kindly.

"Don't persuade you. If the Prime Minister's Mansion really has good intentions, I think he should increase military spending instead of cutting more spending plans. The current situation is that our situation has been greatly weakened. The project has been launched. Under such circumstances, if it is stopped, the impact will be very bad." Wang Jian said.

"The general is worried about the danger to Qin?" Yang Duanhe asked.

"Yes, this is what I am worried about. Although Qin's war potential is great, most of it is concentrated in the Guanzhong area. If there is a loss in Guanzhong, the situation will be extremely unfavorable to Qin. At this time, the prime minister hoped I am really annoyed by our further reduction in expenditure." Wang Jian said. Wang Jian is a soldier of the Qin State in the traditional sense. Therefore, he is very concerned about the national defense security of the State of Qin. The State of Qin has not completely taken the Taihang Mountains, and some of the key passes are controlled by the Zhao Jun. And Zhao Jun has continuously strengthened the defense there in recent years. Especially in recent years, Zhao's industry has developed rapidly. They have new materials to strengthen their defense fortresses, a large number of machine guns, and bunkers built on the main traffic roads. The Qin army wants to open up the passage there. It was very difficult because the fortresses used high-quality cement and steel. Those concrete bunkers may not be able to be destroyed by direct bombardment with heavy artillery. This caused a serious setback for the Qin army's offensive. What worries Wang Jian most is the development of Zhao's aviation force after the emergence of dual airships. The aviation industry of the State of Zhao developed rapidly, but mainly focused on the development of airships. This was closely related to the aviation industry of the State of Qin, because the aviation industry of the State of Qin gave a large number of military orders to the people of the State of Zhao. Their production capacity can indeed do this. Moreover, the cost is low, but this has also greatly promoted the development of the aviation industry of Zhao Guo. The development of their aviation industry has brought about the air threat from the other side in Qin Guoguan. If this kind of threat is not contacted, Qin will be Even more worry, Wang Jian's worry also has its own reasons.

"But now, I need to dismount some projects. I think Wang Ben's Parthian legion needs to be disbanded. At least a part of the army can be retained. After all, Qin cannot keep a large army stationed outside for a long time. They need to reach ours. Strategic purpose." Yang Duanhe said.

"In addition, we need to reduce some aviation forces, and only retain a small number of aviation units. A large number of aviation forces need to be transferred to civilian use, as well as railway troops, engineers, etc.." Yang Duanhe has already begun to think of ways to save money from various places. Up. In this way, after a period of time, the Qin Army, which has been slightly expanded, may be reduced again. The scale may barely be controlled at around 300,000, but the reduction can only be lower than this number. "Yang Duanhe reported to Wang Jian.

"Just do it, we have no other way to do it." Wang Jian nodded and agreed. In this regard, he felt very helpless.

"But if so much military technology is transferred out, is it for the Prime Minister's House to find a way to properly arrange it? After all, we can still solve the survival problem of some people." Wang Jian said.

"Don't worry about these. Their technology is the largest capital. If necessary, they can go to various countries, where they will get greater financial support, and they may have the shares they want." Yang Duanhe canceled Wang Jian was worried. Wang Jian nodded and agreed to arrive.

Ministry of Defense. Wei Liao looked at the report in his hand. The report has been read three times. But Wei Liao didn't give instructions on it for a long time, but just watched. How to solve the next thing. Qin Jun is equivalent to entering a period of disarmament again. Qin is currently entering a period of low taxes. This period may be long-term unless a large number of bonds are issued, but bond sales are not very good. In this way, this way. , Military spending cannot increase and maintain a large-scale army. The military expenditure is too large, and there is not much stimulating support for Qin's economy. On the contrary, it is still a burden. Faced with such a burden, it is impossible for the military to become a means to boost the economy.

"Hey." Wei Liao sighed. The current Qin army has been compressed very strongly under Shang Wen's guidance, and many situations have changed. For example, the most difficult logistics supply before was handed over to the transportation company, the production of weapons was handed over to the military factory, and even the military pay was paid by the bank. The means of the financial service war is really surprising. Qin’s insurance industry thought of the military. They signed military insurance with a large number of soldiers, that is, death and disability, they can get compensation from the insurance industry. Although the government will also grant a certain amount of pensions, it does not give a lot, more of honorary treatment, and the participation of the insurance industry allows soldiers to perform military missions with confidence. However, in this way, a large number of military-related matters are contracted out, and wars are more of a commercial act. As long as the government's fiscal and military expenditures are not increased, it is impossible to fight a large-scale war. But now, it is impossible for Qin Jun to maintain such a scale. They must reduce their own scale to solve more things, which is a test for Qin State.

However, Wei Liao thought about it and decided to follow his own method. There is no way to reduce the scale of Qin State’s only feasible method. However, this time it is Qin State’s large number of low-level military units, such as the Parthians in the Parthian regiment. If possible, the three cavalry divisions will also be revoked. Originally they were temporary, but how these people are arranged, this time there are some military technicians withdrawn. And Qin's purpose is to keep the east-west exploration plan going. This makes Wei Liao very embarrassed.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"I'm calling you this time to show you this. Seth's situation has changed for the better. But one thing makes us have to think about it carefully." Han Shu said to Zhang Liang.

"The railway project built by Seth Country needs funds, and the Port of Seth also needs to be further expanded in scale, because the future trade volume will increase rapidly, so that our financial funds need to be invested in local economic construction. Go, it won't work if you don't do this." Han Shu said to Zhang Liang.

"The king is worried about funding?" Zhang Liang immediately understood Han Shu's thoughts and asked.

"Yes, that's it. I am worried about such a situation. You know this situation. We currently need to do a lot of things. It is difficult to proceed without investing and constructing locally. You should understand this situation. "Han Shu said.

"But most of the local funds are used by us for war expenses. They may not have such a large amount of funds. If they want to carry out infrastructure construction, they have to borrow a lot of funds from the bank. However." Zhang Liang was helpless. Looking at Han Shu. They cannot borrow funds because most of the bank's funds have been lent out, and their funds are also strained. He thinks that Han Shu should know about this situation, because the bank will always report their capital status.

"Our banks are also unable to provide such a large amount of funds. You must know that after the war, the situation of the banks is not very optimistic. Moreover, many places need funds, and most of their funds are diversified. It will take some time to return. Zhang Liang said. This may be an excuse, but it is also a status quo. The Bank of Korea is also expanding rapidly, especially in their colonies, where they are expanding very rapidly. In the face of the rapidly expanding Korean banking industry, the government may lose control of the banks. Although the Korean banking industry also has its own central bank, the control of the Korean central bank is extremely weak in colonial areas, which directly leads to this. The crazy development of Korean commercial banks, for example, in Bangla, they issued local banknotes in Bangla. If the banks were not too greedy, they might not have caused a large-scale devaluation of the banknotes, but it also caused Han Shu’s note. Because at this time she discovered that when she was with the enemy, the internal bank development far exceeded his expectations, which for him. It is simply a huge challenge.

"I don't care about the situation of commercial banks. However, their development is indeed too chaotic. This time, most of the situation in Bangladesh is related to commercial banks. The banknotes issued by them lack gold reserves, and they are both domestically and in Bangladesh. Speculation. This has seriously disrupted our order." Han Shu expressed his dissatisfaction with Korea Commercial Bank because they are too greedy. If it weren't for their greed, it would be impossible for Mengla to break out of such a thing.

"So, I plan to form a Korean federal government in Bangla and all the colonies. Then we will issue and use unified banknotes. In this way, our central bank can control many places, and our situation will be greatly improved. Change." Han Shu said. In fact, this is an important step for Han Shu to regain the bank's right to issue currency, and it is also an important step for the integration of the colonial economy.

"However, we lack funds." Zhang Liang knows that South Korea's treasury, war, and the continuous expansion of the navy have exhausted all financial funds, and even the gold reserves have been sold. How can South Korea have any funds to do such a thing, it is impossible.

"We can borrow or borrow from Qin State Bank. This is our only way at the moment." Han Shu said.

"Master, this. We need to consider this matter carefully. If possible, we should not do this. Because doing so, it means that we will lose more situations. The capital of Qin State Bank has entered. The attack on us is very serious." Zhang Liang persuaded us at this time.

"I know this, but we can't change the funds at all. The only way is the issuance of banknotes. What do we take as collateral? The economy of the colonies has been dilapidated, and we can't get enough economic benefits." Han Shu said.

After successive wars, the colonial economy has been unable to complete the blood transfusion mission to the Korean economy. On the contrary, they need the South Korean government to bear part of the blood transfusion function, which is for the South Korean government. It is absolutely unbearable, because their navy is constantly expanding. They hope to get the hematopoietic function through the navy, but this will take time. In this case, the Korean government and related colonies will enter anemia.

"What we need is fresh blood. At the same time, our banks are our bad blood. Although they are not very fatal, they are a trouble. Our country’s health is under great threat and we need fresh blood. "Han Shu said.

"With these fresh blood supplements, we can restore the hematopoietic function, otherwise, we can't do anything." Han Shu said.

"I understand. King, but, if you do this, I am worried that the fresh blood introduced from Qin is virus-containing. If we can't resist such viruses, what will happen?" Zhang Liang said. For Zhang Liang, Han Shu's approach is absolutely undesirable. The situation of Qin people is too clear. They are eyeing on the sidelines, what they want is such a result, because controlling a country's paper currency issuance rights can bring them great profits, such a thing is absolutely very cost-effective. Once South Korea loses control of the situation, it will turn out to be very troublesome. This is for Koreans. It is definitely an uncontrollable situation. Once such a situation occurs, South Korea will lose everything.

"I know this. The Minister of Finance has explained everything, but we still have to do this. It won't work if we don't. You know the situation." Han Shu said.

“Only when we control the situation can the banking industry develop further in an orderly manner, and we can establish a new order. Once we lose this order, everything in South Korea will not exist.” Han Shu said To.

"Yeah." After listening, Zhang Liang clenched tightly. He was thinking. Is it worthwhile to do so? If not, what kind of situation will South Korea face? Is this situation very beneficial to South Korea? Zhang Liang is thinking about such a situation. If he can, he is unwilling to choose this way.

If South Korea can withstand the invasion of the virus brought by fresh blood, everything will form a healthy and orderly economic development, but this development must first boost the economy. In other words, the economy must be stable and developing. Without this premise, then Qin's capital would completely kill Korea. Everything in South Korea will be attacked by the other side. Eat one last bite. This is what Zhang Liang worries about.

"Okay. We can give it a try." Zhang Liang finally relaxed. he knows. This may be the best choice in Korea right now. If they don't, they won't get anything. But if they don't do this, they will lose everything in the end, and it may be the best possible to fight hard.

"I knew you would agree, let's fight for our South Korea." Han Shu encouraged.

"Yes." Zhang Liang's face was a bit familiar, but he still laughed unnaturally.

South Korea did this because they lost the blood transfusion function of the colony. This is a very horrible matter of opinion. They know how disturbing it is that such a thing happens, because it will hit South Korea the most economically. Because South Korea’s financial funds cannot withstand such a blow, their navy is expanding and they need a lot of military expenditures, but the South Korean government has been emptied of funds by the war, and the colonial economy needs to re-establish a reliable and stable order. A new capital injection is needed. Without such a new capital injection, the situation of the Koreans may be very bad. In order to solve this problem, they decided to restore the hematopoietic function of the colonial economy. But doing so requires fresh blood, that is to say. They need a new fund, and in desperation, they can only rely on the people of Qin to do such a thing.

Seth country. Zhang You is distressed by the large amount of oil that has been pumped out.

"Too much oil is extracted. Our containers are simply not enough, and the oil drums unloaded from the ship are quickly used up. The most important thing is that we have extracted so much oil, we must sell it, or if we You can't get a dollar's hard money at all." said the head of an oil drilling worker. He was covered with oil all over his body. There is no way, they are just like this.

There is a lot of oil here, and they have no difficulty in mining. And the quality of the oil is very good, which makes them very satisfied, but what makes them feel very worried is that their situation is not very good. The main focus is that too much oil is being extracted. Many of them filled up their oil containers all at once. Just those iron barrels.

"We can't stop production, we must sell the oil. But we lack such a container." Toutou solemnly told Zhang You of such a thing.

"Hmm. I know. I will solve this problem. There are too many merchant ships here. They don't want to stay here too long, give me some time. I will solve this problem, okay?" Zhang You I feel like I'm in big trouble. It is one thing to extract oil, but it is also one thing to need a market. At this time, the demand for oil has not yet spread, and at least their understanding of oil overseas is not very high. It is still difficult for them to transport such things, but they need money, but they can only get back so much money. How to do? He can only ask those trade agencies to help. Maybe the other party has such a way.

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